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December 20, 1929 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-20

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T H E, C- A N


.HE. T - -AN I.


of Greece

Torn Mooney Case, Pending for Ten Years,
TV D ENT Y,,Will Go"Before California Parwole Board LINS OO eN
rEvidence Compiled for Defense uwa: convicted. In the Grand Jury

Lowry mnd Cook to be Delegates;
-it Lehind Staniford.

Man W\as Fgamed. ilr t.W5dirun' h h
F~or <t period of ten years, the ?two o'elod{ in the a ft en 1 o ,i car ,
Cal'f of Ton Niooney has been one some ph7olt er tph> liiuli were macIllde.

J11or,"praw IdAsociatFolk'

of the nmost dismissed ecases in the from 11the ) top h o[erbuild-
WILURISONPRGR M ountry. Now the case is pending ing, more than fo11u r<<:onsan feet,
1, - rti H .-aiI - I , TI l --I' n JIV DL vU l ., £


Prbini F--erii to atvi

,vitl fil he posi ilif y l ,t.Mooney

ties of the uander gradluate body of will" be [treed.
the Uniive zs ty will be amaong the fie w a wrested followiazg a!a
topics for discussion at thefifth obn hiholieddiia
1treparedness Day parade in San
annual congress of Wlae National IFrnLc nJl 2 96 ih
i Student Federation of America, people w~ere killed and forty-two it
which will convene.,.Jan. 1, 2, 3, 'were injured,.lie wa s charged with t
' ~~and 4 at Leland Stanford universi-i first degree murder aand s entenced!n
ty.Pl Alto, California. tohan- in January, 1917. Later ;I
- ---Williard Lowry, '30, and Eleanor. i etnews2oin e olf
Cooke, '31, representing the Studentiiapisoiinaent;. Since then all the'
Alexander Za mis. ;council and the Women's league,wxitnesse~s have stated that their'
Former premier, who was chosen, respectively, will be the delegates testimony was framed but still i
nex prsidnt f reee a a e-for the Univeristy. They will in- nothing has been dlone about it.s
cet ol otse lcin a-troduce matters relative to the Some of the most interesting f
cen.* oty cntste eecton Za-;student body at the assemablage,; evidence was found after Mooneyr
mis has been active in Greek Poll-' which will be attended by more t - -r____ _____
tical affairs for nearly a decade. than 250 representative college andj
.-__- _ -_J university student leaders from all IliITL
flVUV fl nrrnuvtP oerati onryth w AJT A II T
Iproblems to be presented £or
i cnsieraionby he wodelegates
are the honor system in a largej
D B SE T E E Tuniversity, student government i LfA X E D T R
co-educational institution, publica -___
Sin.FnlFrnhPatWrkd atter deals with a plan for the Interest Burden Causes Curbing,
Sigs FnalFrech actWoredpurchase of books and other scho- of Borrowing; Will Stopy
Ou yCm iso;Ohr lastic supplies through the co-opernevlopea Loans.
OutbyCortnisin;Oter ative efforts of the University of- _____
Countries to Pay. ficials and the student body.
SThe purpose of the federation, 11 WILL ELIMINATE LOSSES
U. S. TO GET 13 MIL LIONS .which was organized four yearT ago;-- l
___at Princeton university, is to (BY A.;z~rwiated PrrsA)
(By Associated Pros achieve a spirit of cooperation STIDNEY, Dec. 19-- The annual
among the students of America for burden of Australian loan interest,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19- Presi- the consideration of questions af -' which has reached $300,000,000, has
dent Hoover laid aside today a task fecting students' interests, to de- caused the Australian Loan coun-
t he began working upon seven years! velope an intelligent opinion on cil to slow dlown the rate of its loant
ago as . member of the World war questions of national and inter- i expenditures.
foregn ebtfuningcomisson, national importance, and to pro- As a new country with vast re-
,,frein dbt undng omassin' mote an understanding in the fur-! sources to develop Australia has!
EIn affixing his signature to the therance of an enduring world; necessarily been a heavy borrower.
Trench debt settlement, the chief; peace. The 1926 Congress was held R oads, railways and other public
'executive had the satisfaction of.I in Ann Arbor. The University has C work~s have had to be unTdertaken
bestowing the formal approval of hada delegate at all of the con- that have placed a tremnendous bur-
tecutyuo thlatstl-gresses.; den on the 6,000,000 inhabitants of
mtecntrthoeporkh l edo ttethe Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secre- the country. The federal and state
men~ ofthoe wrke ou bythei tary of the Interior and president, I governments have been spending
I commission for funding the indebt- of Stanford university, will addres,' annualy about $200,000,000 of loan
edness of 13 nations,.tUnder them, th eeae t4ocok Jn .mny u hsya's exedtr,
the United States will receive 13 theseechtewill be brcoaca by a onhys but tdown to $112,000,000.r
billion dollars. national system, over 52 stations. Such sinks for money as the
That f Prnce ncludd no 1onThis~ will be the first of a series off Queensland state trading concerns,
funds loaned that country during: monthly broadca, s arranged by which had, under the Labor regime,,
T the World war but many millions; the federation. Dr. Wilbur's topic been losing millions of dollars, are,
wereof oldro herpls after ateronlct Will be "The American Students' i being eliminated, and in other di-
a eded.sThetotha trtoeidfby tt Responsibility of Citizenship in thef rections also a severe curb is being
a ned h ttltob pi y htModern World." placed upon loan expenditures.
'country over a 62 year period is,_________- The fact that the commnonwealth
$6,847,674,104, of which $2,822,674,-1I Mississippi State College for M has had to pay better than six per
104 will be paid as interest.- l Women has a grand total of .sixty-E cent for its latest London loan, al-
Just before President Hoover ( one schools represented on its' though the issuq was limited to 121I
w ee madeto mc, rrangmcte. teaching corps. One wonders now months, is a sufficient indication
weremad tocpie h many of the professors are "con-I that the limitation of expenditure
aGreek war debt, funding of which firmed" batchelors!I has been timely.
had not been completed when the l _______________________
i commission expired in 1927.

fromi 1h10 oef0 thin toW', were (4v11 IiUemher)t'. of IItefic e idty of
Pnlarget I a:1~ ,,io wed 1)l isllIyMooney Lt :ithe aw School 1illat (e1dC'h
and hi ,s1:1w ifewR -ein-1 thl- )al'ade meei Iting.oflthe AsIoiltintl1 okf
romIli to 01~l W81 l)~i~ifL. Law Sileolfivl whhvill li eld in
F u rth e r Iene w rrk a n.i ite c e nvo wTd ,'i'-3 0 ,
picture O yo sre t(Kok.tlte>' ienIicnbr2-0
Glyne of tee 1oues ~~ ~~ Those \who .are goring are1'CDean
ten minues before to twieaniy live Iieiiry M. Bates,, 1Prof). PatiI A. I idIy,
ninutes after two. TusiU would Prof. Eason R. Sunderland, Ilrof.
have been a pliyswl -diii losibiity Johnl B. Waite, Prof. Jochn P. Da1w-
for M ooney even o av been otii o ,P o .I t r e l ;,-v , w l"-)f
the scene 01 thie cime rfwureS.r~, tdP
In addition tc, thiS':lI tyre State's CH. F'. Ca rey .
vithnesses lave ;incle definitely? Professor Shartel vill prsie t
saidl that their tist jiinily t a round-table on Jui~riprudenciie aned
framned. Mooney was a n outstanding; Legal history, and atfthie rnme
.adie<al and -had uicurredfiptIce -- mieeting Professor LaZwsoil will iroad
nity lof several large ca uitahi:;tic a paper on Some NEsonLa .,it rss pi cpl rorg w ili , tu)ge B tw n C ie L it o th
were the traction interests of wilhprsetere."ap
wetcos.While in. New Orle.an,,Profess.or
Shortly after the trial, a ditto- ers, one on. "Thie Aimst, Mlethyods,
graph was placed in the District; and Conditions of Legal Research."
Attorney's office. The result was a before the law meeting, and one on.
five month's record of all that was; "Appellate Court Or' ; nizutionl" be-
said in this office, and was directly; fore the American Politk',al Science
responsible for the resignation of i association.
one of the supreme court justices.( Followi'tig the conviet Lioni at New
A thirty-eight column exposure Orleans, ProfessorWat will 'at -
was printed in one of the San tend meetings of the Amierican Bar
Francisco papers, but Mooney is association and the American Law
still, in prison under a life sentence. Institute for the Restatieimnt of
At the present these this case is the Criminal Law in New York City.
pending before the California Par-( Professor Leidy will got to Biloxi to
ole Board and Mooney's fate will the American Law 'Institute Re-.,
soon, be definitely decided. I statement: agency.




The Choicest of Wholesome Food2

'Mrs. Anna Kalmbach1

Four ^other countries have not
completed settlements. Russia di;-'
avowed the debt contracted by the
czaristic regime. Austria was
granted a moratorium until 1943..A
Liberian debt of $30,000 still is on
the treasury books, and the Ar-
men ian government, which owed
this country, Isy no longer in exi t-
enc e.


The RE,





December 27
l0 to 2 Informal

December 28
10 to 3 rormal

The Giant Cog In
The Wheel of Comerce


and the greatest of all cainpu's orchestras. Playing for continuous dancing.
and his Drake' Hotel Orchestra
Orchestra trot ram by specil arrangement with Kennaway incorporated-.
Cover Friday, $1.25 per person.
("over Saturday. $2.50 tier persan.


Farmers and Mechanics Rank

205l -astTf-uron

330 South 'State Street


Upper Michigan, Avenue and
Lake Shore Drive.
Stjperior 2.00.

64'W. llandoI~h Street.
Randolph 0742.





* Rita La Roy and Superb
A. -~ Stage-Screen Cast

To the Student Body and Your'
A pleasant vacation hotse and
safe journey.
Awakened the
Sol of One Mn
. and Sent the
Other's to Perdition

If MemberEFedeealoRe a rve System ~ei
v encewhen L ene Horrdoni'~ q nsm e
' pernsonirtiy arm you from the iae. of
her new est re"Coa d.
' ' Tis xibran t, bi g-ey ed littlc
Thrisienne offer ' ;ou a loyesong from
a Ibig talkic, and a liiim roi 'number
I, - that just sparkles iiiith her amusing
X sophistication.
? xrsl Hear this record toela, andl these
f , , ~others as wcell .. F
ienrd Nib. 202 4) t 10 nc- y 7.
.jLS- 'Aft Ilo un otit 1 vE (from M oiicin Piture Shots of Tovl
ttfii3ne Boroii
Rteord Nnu. 2023-P, 10-inic , is
CrIILAT Dxx (from "Great Day!") Fox.Trrois
W ITHOUT A Soxo G(froin "Great Dacy!"j Paid Whiteman andI His Orchestra


4 F. m i m a ai

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