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December 20, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-20

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i e

Air 46P
.itltr4t 0 a U,





Annual Production Has 100



and Comnmittecs.
' Merrie-Go-Rounid' to be Givens
in Detroit Starting
Next Friday.
More than 100 students, membersI
of the cast, choruses, and commit-!
tees of "Morrie-G~o-Round," the
twenty-fourth annual pr6auc ion of
the Union Opera, will entrain this
afternoon for the annual tour of
cities of the East and Middle West.
Four pullmnap coaches have been1
reserved for tlhc company and thae.
scenery and costumens will travel in
a baggage car, ahead of the coi -
Tonight the first performance onI
the road will be given in the Civic
Opera 11oUSe in Ch icago. Dinner
will be served on the special train.
aned the comapanay will go directly
to the theatre for the performanceI
when it, arrives in the windy city.
Plays Kalamiaz.oo Next
From Chicago, the Op era will
move on to Kalamazoo for a per-;
formance tomorrow night. The
company will probaibly make its de-
parture from Chicago e~arly : tofl r-
row morniti .
Sunday, the Opera per,,onnel will
lay over in Grand Rapids and play;
one show there Monday night.

Pies. Ruthvcn Sends Grad Club Invites
Chiistmas Greetings, Students to Lunch
of Iam glad. to take advantage Acm ncie esi th xzuzzzze
ofthe opporttmity so0 kindly triii~~oatn.teCwo
offred by the Michigan Daily A7mi lb a*'+ ~ dhvia
to eten Chistms Geetngs tions to all Michigan students
to the members of our Unliver- from Chcago to be the guests
sity community. May the holi- oftecuatherglrun -r
ity aougtt befartime of familyat eon on Monday, Dec. 30, at 12:30
it aghtto e, tie o faily o'clock. The luncheon, for which
reunions and thc happiness Iivttosh caraybe
that is to be found in being sntaotisthbagvenr atte
{with parents and relatives and Iseto.isobegvnath
friends. For some whose homes Chiicao Enginieer's club, at 314
are far away tais ispas Federal street.
impsilytkidytogt Every undergraduate of the
and affection are not subject Uiest sivtdt ted
to thc bounds of space. Our and Inasmuch as this will be
foreign student~s will find, the first time any such plan has
think, that a special measure of= been attempted by the Chicago
tegoloftheChita club it is expected that guests
scason v yll come to them from I will flid the informal get-to-
the Americans among Whom al. geh. interesting and cnjoy-
they are for the time being able
making their homes.
May I add one word of per-
sonal. appreciation? We have Pvn FO H P
been passing through a rather P 9 S F R '
trying and exacting period in, fl Rhlf
the past few months, and with- 1
out the splendid co-operation of 1 1 ic'OM LT[~
the students, individually' and -
collectively, my own~ task and
that of the other officers of the Henderson and Weems to Bring
University would have been in- i Orchestras to Ann Arbor I c
finitely harder and' more un- !l
pleasant. I am truly grateful in February. 1
for th is.d
Alexander Grant Rut yven. TICKETS STILL ON SALEd
I f ES Ted Weems' Victor Recording or-h
CH9 0I f Bl M I chestra and Fletcher Henderson6
and his originzal Columbia record- is
CITS HA DLLI UL MI'M;orchestra, two nationaly fim-?p
ed"to providee music frte!1
Say Rein;o TerorExitdJ-flop, according to ana an-
Auburn Prison Due to Work Ionemn ae atngtb
~f XJ~Ifr~I Richard A. Furniss, chairmian of the s(

All -A inerif
IDI IF allselctin o ~TTr published the All-,A
liv LVVL L~lLIL ICamp, today macie
Telegraph Lines Broken, Trains star team for 19r
Grantland Rice.
Stopped, Highways Choked Rice's selection,
by 36 Hour Snowstorm. Ideude six from the
four from the East,
COMMU ICATONISCUT!tile southwest, foll
-- Schoonover, Arkan
Eastern and Southern Michigan ; Tackles --- Nagr
Suffer Most Severely; sots.; Sleight Purd
Guards- -Montgci
Many Found Dead. I burgh; Cannon, N4


's 1929
ican Team
Y., Dec. 19._.
ih ch for years
'American mfout-
Ahe late Waiter
epublic an all-
129, picked by
s, which in-
,e Middle West,
tand one from
lows :
i Pittsburgh;
rski, Minne-
nnery, .Pitts-
rotre Dame.

(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Mich., Dec. 19.--Low-t
er Michigan tonight was engagedj
in the task of repairing the havoc'
wrought by a 36 hour blizzard
w'hich choked highways with snow,
carried away telephone and tele-
graph lines, crippled railroads, and
caused deaths and the suspension
of normal activities in more than
score of cities.



Sections of the state were totally
cut off from communication until
late today while connections from
other quarters were only being
manintained with dilliculty. In. many
districts, buses and interurban
cars had not operated for nearly
10 hours. While no figures regard-j
ng the damage were available, re-
ports from various parts of the
state indicate that the cost of re-
pairing disabledc wires and clearing
away the snow would reach impos-
ng totals.s
Gale Sweeps Lake.
.The bulk of the snow apparentlya
fall in the central, easternl and!
southern portions of the lower


Center-Ben Ticknor, Harvard.
Quarterback-Carideo, Notre
Halfbacks -- Cagle, Army;
Glassgow, Iowa.
Fullback-Welsh, Purdue.
New York Friend of Hoover
Says He Had no 'P'art' in
Late Sugar Lobbyings.
( By Assouciated Press)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. J!_.
Whatever the reason for his cma

'Normi Daniels, Sophomore Star, Leads Scoringi
t With Ten Baskets; Michigan Leads
27 to 1 at Half.
t winlging tlzrough lb lioui's (de.fensIi55 ea Csy fashion,. Oach Xecii-
1 ke' sho~ck troop lls clh.d the Methodists tunder a 51-9 lbarra,--v ui tlie
I final~e of the pre-Coitferejnce season last nzighzt oum tie Y'ost l iclh(. Ilo uise
floor biefore a crowd of 2500. iDisplaying flashy otici isive powers altig
with a defense which iliitedl the Albion scoring attempts to long shuts
the~ NVOlverine reserves at Ito timle were threatened and the regular teaim,
heli iln case of emzergency. was not calid up~on ill thle course of the 1~v
NNith ' orm i Datmiels inl the high scoring role the second str ir1g
Michiganz per toruner s exhibited a smooth working mlacline wvhich cxpecr-
ienzced only a few erratic mtomentts.Of ball hanzdlinzg. Th'le former 1. ciroit
Soul heastertn star tossedi in ten baskets, five inl each half, and dlisplay ed
Sa polished floor galuie.
Albioiu, oni the other haned, showed sign s of stage frigt iciei liii
earln iliotilents of the g iamcid with the exception of tile first fecw
mzomxents of the second half, whens three of the four Methodist goals Nere-
Iregistered, seemred in a qiuanidary, unlable to solve Ml-ichiganis fast niurni
-______ -short pass attack.
Methodists Outclassed,.
R[[~ UTO RU ELLimited to a single point, a sc
H119X 9UTO UI[ cessful misdemeanor attem pt by
Till D Huff, in the first half, the Albion
ATt opportunitTO of a cerbcl
at the basket and were helts to ot
studenits to be Allowed to Drive balance shots, the majority frt
behind the foul circle. Withi the c>:-
Fars During Holidays; Will ception of the oipening momenats o~f
Replace Ban Jan. 6. the second half when the Methzod-
ists suddenly came to life ofnily to
1930 PER ISERMITS AVAILABL show a relapse: as quickly an td the
renmainder of the game cwus ia r(-
autmoile Ipetition of the tinitial sta o ..
Studenzts may drilve uooie Sol Hudson, opened the cor .ng
for both pleasure and business uses wihaiotso ne h akt
after 12 o'clock thi morning, when I wichel was closely followed by Wte-
the automnobile bani will be relax-l ketts' successful :foul attemipt,. Au
ed for the holiday period, it is an- , Albion scoring thrust was blati:. n
up in n-idfioor and Daniell; caged i
nounced by W. B. Rca, assistant to c bautiful "dog" shot. .A amon t
the clean of students.; later he added anothier and then
t'f,.,.vmn of . 1 i,n wl e- st the Wolverines into a 9-0 l aIl


Front tlv,."e the shlow will mzove :i music committee. &Lii~~J1 ileUl elensc
all o fo a C11..istalas ve!tion. along Lake Michigan -reportedf
on to Lansing for a Christmas evc . This will be the first time hl that a0ml aewswipn
pe'rformanace., tof,,)1lit tfor Christml-as REPO RT. BAD CONDITIONS Itofatthly eoiedbnsaothX1-mle reaulnt a hi upeing
night, Saginaw for tihe night after 1)j
Christmas, and thenz to D etroit for (3yAssociated Press) braye ever played together at a J-, sionz of all winter shipping. zin scv-
four performanctes. ALL1a3AlNY, N. "Y., Dec. 19.---Col- Hop. Ted Weem1s, who is no{w play- ' ral cities. school sessionis were
o nel CGeorge, F. Chandler, In his re- j ing ,At the Grnada cafe im Chicago, postponed because of the inability
"Merrie-Go-Rouncl" will be give port made public tonight on the hias one of thie most popular or- of students to reach their class-
in Orchestra Ball in Detroit Friday Auburn riot of last week, says that ehelstras in the country and has ; roorils, Ira practically every city
and Saturday nighlts of next week < "a veritable reign of terror has ob- gained a wide acclaim during the south of Granad Rapids and Bay
and Monday and Tuesday nights of tamned in this prison through the last several years by his radio dance f City workers were forced to walk
the following week. machinations o h rmnl nporm. t hi os
N'ew Year's night the ,show will o h rmnl iporm.It hi os
plyi icnat. .control of the (mutual welfare) Fletcher Henderson anid his or- . Report] camne during the day
play in Cialcaalnatti. Lecgue.r,, perhaps tile best knon ~ro t from numiero~us pvinatrs telling of
Show Will Close i"Tn 'eO. Lau.
Buffalo will be the next stop. Tie has recommended to C-over- 1 colored bands, have been received literally hundreds of automobiles
After one performance there or nor Roosevelt the abolishment of, with enlthusiasmn at their appeCar- I and trucks abandoned along thei
Jaur ,th hwwllmv othat orgranization. , !auaccs in Nell York City where they higbways by divers who dispab.red
Cleelnd ora erfrnauie Te report also i'coiieided{ are playinl; regularly. Theiy havel of. ett em out of the drifts.
ar .adwl ls nTld. .the "employmnt of at least 50 more, iiade seea .or;o h M iddle t Cities Suffer,.
January 4.'cil f'leo oi guards. Immediate relief of over- West aiild.L' sitd to par(senlt, a su ~~o vrure eehn
A the fEial tl p'fo~rni.anct'e tie,; "crowding, segregation of incorrig- ;prlor tyije of danzce ~e t. .tnJlidtelegraph 1poles, were reported
iutl Aborible prisoners, withdrawal of prlv-I All arramigeune ts for the Jiloup Iinl Wayne, Oakland. Monroe, and
compainyso illarestrn t deAsN ii ileves, increase of allowance for have been coimpleted,. according to adjaicent couniffes, cutting off corl-,
return to their hocii~s for tile week-1 prison food and the employment of Francis Beebe. '31E, general chair- h11unicatiau between cities, townls
endbefre lasesarcresmedin suficentcivilian staff to handle raan. The large gymn1asium in the and. farmhlouses in these sections.
teniefrs iy.sar rsued ines of communication from the intramural building will be used, le t entire# Thumb district was
A iia eera a edi h pris on to outside world. The report; again this year as the ballroom elotd u fffomtereto
Mime thetre ast.nigh. Ro was based on an extensive investi- to provide ampile apace for tihe larger, tie state as far as transpotto
Royer, of the "'leas ure Bound" gatio'i. by the organizer of the State ;crowd. which is expected. I was* concerned. Cities in which
company. returnedth first, of this P 1olice Into all circumstances at-I Sale of tickets has been progres- street cars and buses gave upl the
week and attendetImte rehearsal+ tending the outbreak at the .Au- ;sip,~ rapidly anid it is probable that unequal battle against time blizzard
last nitMloyer trtiinedi the chanc- burn institution, at the request of all bids will be disposed of long be- incuding Lansing, Ann) Arbor, Bay
11mg choruses for several wee(ks be- I Governor Roosevelt. fore February' 14, the date for the CtSgnw ako.Btl
forethe how ave ts iitia per Cells at Auburn were described i dance, according to Albert F. Donlo- Cre,FlnoticadPrtfu
formanlce in Ann Arbor last week. by the Colonel as "antiquated, hue, '31, ticket chairman. The tic- ron.
I d.. camp, dark and cold," and as; kets now remaining will be lplaced 1"smpyilihih______bigsonsaethsdedeknh
1 RCU D;are stored away." Union immediately upon time open- ;Tasotto ie
FROM STEAMSHIP Prisoners there, lie asserted, "are 1ing of school, January 0. SilFgtn Smr
RAMM D IN MISTpoorly and inadequately clothed." Although the favors have been tl ihtn tr
RAMM D I IST "Since the riot in July there has chosen and will be available for ILate last evening thee trauispor-
-- - been a great feeling of unzrest in distribution by the first of February, titian outlook for thle vacation
Bermuda Shi p Is Caught in New I the prison, and some desperate I110i announcement as to their nature exodus today was fairly favorable.
AdIcharacters have control of the wel- ? has as yet been made. A new plan, Railroad, bus and air :service were !
gYork Harbor; Tugs GiveAi fare league."i inaugurated this year, has succeed- all making headway against they
by Response to Signals. -_____________________ ed in the procurinmg of exceptionallyI diatrusnwtomofhept
_jAIYSUSPENDS attractive and valuablec favors at a { dosso trs fteps
PUBLICATION. Yoainal cost. i Stout Air Lines announced the
yE OK e.1.-cce heNtoa lgadDcrtn resumption of Detroit - Cleveland
when their ship was rammed and WihtiissuTeDiy comnpany of Detroit has been se- srieysedyatron hl
p ilssedpbc~inutlisrieysedyatrlowiesunk at the fog-hidden entrance xiissedpbiainutllected to provide time decorationslolbuliewreunngcse
ofe N-wYrkssBay.m50dasstengeship The next issue will appear on 11motif, which is said to be of <a novel ,uns-eiuaatrteCrsmsvctofrtegmaim eal ftet ceuels l~l o])tot
th sranhi Irucsda onng aur 7 ..uewl anucdlater, ac- lMFint, Toleda, and Jackson. Inter-
Fort Victoria were safe ashoare to- dymorninttJanuarY wernature, wihiibc announce
day. Includimng the crew, 415, per-, cording to Neil Warrn, 1Awhoals t Olis ndwere maita leg'ssed
1,sons wresaved withoutloss of life __________-has charge of thels ideOcoardataionutse.
or injry y oth time state highway depart-

i f

ployimient to work against a high
sugar tariff, Edwin T. Shattuck, of
Newv York, a personal friend of
President Hoover, testified today
before the Sentate lobby commit-
tee that he Imad never discussed
the sugar lei es with the President.
Called because of testiimotiy that
he was retainmed by sugair interests
partially because of his close rela-
tion with .Hoover, tile attorney said
it was nopt fair for tihe name of time
chief executive to be "bandied
about" in the lobby hearing.
HT. C. Larkin, president of the

t uuu uuiH JLaIy Uteain-in uuuuanLJ~II
sugar production and opposing an
inicreased tariff oni that p~roduct,
enmployed Shattuck. lie had been
fexaminedi closely by the lobby com-
mittee for several days,.spcj)(ially
in relation to Shattuck's work.
IShiattack: testified today that, al-
thoughi he had not talked With tme
President about sugar lie had con-
ferredi several timier concerning
the matter wvith Walter Newton, a
secretary to Hoover.
A plan to send Senators to Cuba
also was disclosed today by time
conmnmittee. It came to light in a
letter Gladys Moon Jones of the
United S tate Sugar Association,
wrote to George B. Francis, law
partner of Shattuck. Thec letter
said: "I suggest thmat you hold
your plans -for sending Senators to
Cuba, until I submit today's devel-
opments on that situation."
Questioned about the letter, Shat-
tuck explained thmat Mrs. Jones had
tsuggested that if some of the Sen-
ators "could be induced to go to
1Cuba anid see the situation there, it
would be advisable to do so.
iIe added that it "was a very
embryonic plan," and hie did not
think "it got very far." He said he
did not know what Senators were
to gro to Cuba.

4 rjIijA V (,1l'11b U 1 JL 1 PJl.ZU w IV;
conmmence at 83 o'clock Monday
morning, Janm. 0, with time reopen-
ig of school. No students will be
.permitted to op~erate automobiles
after that time unless their cars
bear 1930 Ui versity permit tags.
> Students who have University
driving permits but Imave not yet
I filed applications at the office of
the dean, of students for renewal
of the permits must turn in their
l applications today if they are to
receive their 1930 license permits
on the day that school reopens, it
'-dis announced.
d puers of 19:30 state licemnse
l plates must be known before out-
lof -state students who have had am
SIopportunity to -buy licenses nmay
)obtaini blamnk applications from his
office and fill them out and mail
Sthmem back to thme office from their
-'homes during Christmas vacation,
Sas soon as they have purchased
their state licenses.
Michigan Will Debate Illinois
and Iowa on Prohibition.

Iwithm an easy basket after lae hadv
slipped away from the MethoditlI
d efenise forces.
Huff opeimed the scori for Ar.l-
blon by dropping in a foul sho't
which wias promptly otl'set when
'Ilfiudson~ broke through to s(.rc#retwo
slxrt s osi 1aiIrDaniels flipped in an overhead bal-
{ ket bringing the score to iI- I.
Downing took a pass from uDanils
Son an offside play and adde'l ai -
o tmer goal from under time btvsket.
Daniels tipped in a follow up shot
which was closely followed by a .pa-r.
'of shots by Weiss under the basket.
:Ricketts made gooq on the only
Welverino attempt from bhmnd the
'Efoul line and Jones added another'
ton a long pass from Wteiss to close
{ the half at a 27-I scor'e.
Albion Makes Spurt.
' Albion took possession of the ball
shartly after the 'opening of the
second half and after :finding
themselves unable todrive through
E the Wolverine's closely knit de-y
fense opened up a barrage of long;
~shots which proved temporarily
1 ieffective. Huff dropped one from
Imidfloor to open the second half
scoring. Neller dribbled to the out -
er edge of the foul circle and then
"flipped in the second Albion goal
of the evening. Huff added anothet'
from inidfloor a moment later to


amnidshzips by the Clyde liner Al- laitvcsue ec vsu wsue kac
gonquin at 4 p. mi. Wednesday as!hBemd-on siptpedFp g
Upo Congress Roster After Short Rie
off Ambrose lightship to drop her !___-
pilot. The Algonquin was outward- Richard Hopkins Is Confirmed any action during time renuc
bound for Miam.-and Galveston
with 189, passengers. by Senate as Candidate of the w eek.
The pilot boats Sandy Hook amid for Federal Bench. After two days of debatc
New Yorker, the first vessels to re-i _____nominationl of Richard J. He
spond to the 1430 S signals of the ([3v Associatd Tress) to be Federal District judg.
two ships, picked up the lifeboats WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 19.- Kansas 'was cu tirilld 491
of the fort Victoria with 1hcr pas- Once more pledging the long pen- Senators l3laine. Republican,
stingers and most of her crew of ding tariff bill an undisputed right consin, and 'y'dings, Den

mena~nathe ure.~'CyiiouiiULinies
plows were, bard at work on time
!Cess Chicago route last night fighting
snow drifts near Klinger Lake.
ainder (--
e, the
to 22. 1
Wis- I
nocrat, I .

Adejodc Michigan will meet teams repre- rigthe~
Dr.Ade to Codut senting the universities of Iowa and; Daniels
Clinic, Lecture W-ere Illinois in the conference debates team out
Alfrednext semester, Floyd K. Riley, of~ and scorE
Dr. dler noed pycimlo-tihe speech departmlent, coach of Istccessicl
gist fron Vientn, is to be brought to time team anmnouned yesterday. entire lee
the 'University to conduct a lecture The question for discussion will be let .whmic
Rand demonstration clinic in the "Resolved: that the At ericau msy,,- Daiels'c
INatural Science Auditorium on Sat- te"I of lprohiibitioit should bec so i o an of
u rday. January 10, fromim 2 to 4 modified as to permit time several I basket a.
o'cloc;k. states to adopt liquor control sitmi-j shot to:c
3 ~lar to that of the Canadian. provin- ing
Cowie Reports Recentce'pMcig
I Tryouts for thme debating squad
Operation on Van Tyne for next semester will be held Weiss r
shortly after the semester starts. Dowling
'In answer to persisting rumnors I Present memnbers of the team will Hudson+
pervadiing the campus concerning; be eligible for competition nexctI Daniels
the condition of Prof. Claude Hal- ! year, as the conference ruling lienm- Ricketts
stead Van Tyne, bead of thme de-', ting a debater to one semester of:{ Jones 1.
partinent of history, who has been activity has been dropped. Jeanette
undergoing an illness conteening - ___________
whichlittl hasbeen disclosed t
whic little ;. hs ,. Lter Badgr Car f

.eMethodtist total to7
Is led the Veenker coached
tof their apparent lethergy
red two follow ub shots in
)n. Ricketts dribbled the-
Mgth of the floor for a heas-
ch :was followed closely by
eighth goal of tihi evenmg
7verhead shot uinder ti1v
and tossed an over hecad
close the Methodists scur-

i. f. ...
c. ...'<
r. g. .,
1. g. ..
f. ....,
c. ...

..2 3
..5 0
..3 0
.10 0
..2 1
..1 1
..0 0
22 5
fl 1



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