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December 08, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-08

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7"V TfibtT n TT T 1'1"YvY'P.91t rTl rfTa A . a4ww

1T11 2,-11 T.- 71-1X.E-.1V _" YA . T ' UNA

Y, DECEMBER 8, 1929

Irish, Pitt








Cagle, Army Back, Ag
Place; Three Conf
Players Selecte

PBESS-Purdue to Open Winter
Program This Saturday
T ALAFAYETTE, Ind., Dec. 7-Pur-+
due's winter indoor sports season
will be officially launched here Sat- End
urday, Dec. 14, with a double head- Tackle
am Given er home attraction involving the Guard
erence basketball and wrestling squads. I Center
d. Coach Leslie Beers' wrestlers will Guard
"~ initiate the season when they meet; Tackle
the Cornell (Iowa) grapplers in theTakEn
BERTH afternoon, while the basketball year End
will be inaugurated in the evening Halfback
L. when Piggy Lambert's new model Hfback

France Places

Two at mf 1

++/ Y i \AFi ii pit
I(t s y. a

-. - -%,Wy VV





Fesler (Ohio State)
Nagurski (Minnesota i
Cannon (Notre Dame)
Ticknor (Rarvard)
Schwarj (California)
Sleight (Purdue)
Donchess (Pittsburgh)
Carideo (Notre Dame)
Uansa (Pittsburgh)

T'ippan (So. California)
Tw ome (Notre Dame)
Mentgonery (Pittsburgh)
Riegels (California)
Greene (Yale)
Wakeman (Cornell)
Smith (Georgia)
'Marsters (Dartmouth)
Welch J(Purd ue )

Baker (Northwestern)
Douds (Wash. & Jeff.)
Law (NotreDame)
Siano (Fordiham)
Farris (North Carolina)
Sington (Alabama)
Schoonover (Arkansas)
Booth (Yale)
Banker (tulane)

Head of Tennis Ranks IYII
(yAso&, Press)
PARIS, Dec. 7-The French ten-
nis ranking committee issued a
new list for the 1929 campaign to-
:ight, with Henri Cochet and Rene
Lacoste grouped together in first Manley,
place. Jean - Boussus and Jacques Invite
Brugnon were tied for fourth. toa
In the women's ranking, Madame
Mathieu was first, followed by
Madame Bordes and Madame Clein- HAR
adel in that order. Mesdemoiselles

Northwestern Coach,
s Eleven Westerners
Join Eastern Team.

onteWah uraa*.~1 ~ ~ -- ~. .3~Lyj34JA - - -114. BrirNuen-ad eaa ee M
addsse inta odr Mseoiel
(Associated Press Sports Writer.) -court macine takes Fullback Holm (Alabama) Parkinson (Pittsburgh) Pomeroy (Utah) Barbier, Neufend, and Metaxa wereIM
NEW. YORK, Dec., 6.-The fifth igton University (St. Louis) five. - greeted together in fifth place. avail
annual All-American football team --- -
compiled by The Associated Press SPORTS WRITERS CHOOSE THREE Gopher Ace Pied on IOWA PAPER PLACES CAPTAIN t ac"t
developed a new high vr for co- BIG TEN STARS ON ALL-AGERICAN 1929 All-Star Team
operation in the endeavor. BG T NAl A PDC N -k-Lr JN1~N id'Ien
More than 200 experts-215 in ex- spon
act figures, answered the appeal of Three layersrepresentingnBig woiors Not: '"iissthe ;;;,oa~r -ensflwFran
The Associated Press for pI hslenBTnt Schwrandfwraprfsrna1i5gf hf all-Cnerencegid temhswas salcCed bC6thricevens follow:F L
Tbestowing the game's highest hon- the Middle West, both Notre Dame from the Golden Bear state. Na- Iu , coper etCle newpapers in the Big Ten.. An- First Team. tn alfj
ors.tI stars, are named on the all-Amer- gurski, the colorful Gopher athlete, an early lut. Ends-Fesler (Ohio State) and troit
Sports editors and football writ- can leven as chosen by the As- up on the Canadia border Capt. Joe Truskowski of Michi- Truskowski (Michigan). take
ers of newspapers from every se- sociated Press. Wesley Feser of ' ternational Falls, Mnn. At the gan is named at right end on all Tackles-Sleight (Purdue) and as h
tion of the United States-North, ! Ohio State, end, and both tackles, "Onweard Chrisiatn" Cagle, rednatio- fofrThe Dai Ioan earsRoets and er D
South, East and West-joined with Red Sleight of Purdue and Bronko haired Army captain, residesin for The Daily Iowan by Walter TinGuads-Roberts and Westraiingto
coaches, officials, scouts and staff Nagurski of Minnesota, are the ! y- (Iowa).
wxitersllof LThe and-Ton.Holmpivotaost l o ardlieso nmthcl ener- Erickson (Northwest- W
writers of The Associated Press, in Conference grid stars honored.er fullback of the Crimson Tide,HAsCentr
selecting the outstanding men in No Michigan players were includ- 1 ilako heCisnTd pivot post on the second mythica r) ~-in back
teec iti s hroughoc the mn- i n the M hra pica wee u-, laims Fairfield, Ala., as his home team, while Al Steinke at right has
their positions throughout the na- ed on the three mythical teams se- I A feature of this year's all-Amer- guard and Joe Gembis at fullback de'to n
tion. lected, but Joe Truskowski, HowardI ican is the fact that both the ends, Igar th e e s o on the Halfbaks-Glassgow (Iowa) and tim
As the football players of all the Poe, and Joe Gembis were all given Fesler of Ohio State and Joe Don- are the Wolverines honored on the Welch (Purdue) time
colleges, big and little, played their honorable mention. Ralph Welch, nHhess of Pittsburgh. are residents thead Jim Bill Hewitt, Howarc Fullback--Bergherm (Northwest- f.
games, the eyes of The Associated brilliant Purdue captain, was the of Youngstown Ohio John Poe, and Jim Simral were all given of t
Press were upon them. only Big Ten player picked for the non, Notre Dame, guard, also nIe owarand Puen - Second Team. Coo
Three teams were selected, the second team, being placed at half- I from the Buckeye state, living in Iowa and Purdue head the Daily Ends-Tanner (Minnesota) and Guai
ranking being determined by the hack. Another Conference schoolColumbus. Sleight, of Purdue, hails Iowan's selection with three players Baker (Northwestern) ciGuar
ballots, was represented on the third team from Morris, Ill., while Toby Uansa, 5-apiece on the first team. North- Tackles-Gordon (Illinois) and cei
The first team honors went to with Frank Baker of Northwestern flashy Pitt halfback western secured two places, while a Bobber (Purdue).ago.
Tefrtta hooswntofahPithlbc, lives in Mc-, we-ster Mcho-ns Mines tota nd OioVan BbeCouru)
the Middle West, where rugged foot- getting an end post. Kees Rock, Pa. The smart Irish Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio Guards-Anderson (Northwest- on
ball was the order of a great sea- Home towns of the men given quarterback Frank Carideo, is a State each rated one man. Capt. e nk i n
son, with five places. The East, positions on the first eleven extend favorite son of Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Bill Glassgow Westra, and Roberts enteParks (Wisconsin). rions
frmNwYrxiyt ekly I CI uaterboak- Mic(linis. bl
which had one of it from New York City to Berkeley, ' Nagurski is the heaviest man on . are the Hawkeyes given first team
whc a n fits greatest years, 'Cal. Ben Ticknor, Harvard cap-;tealAmrcnelvnQeghnu-- -~ arteback-arloh (Iioa),a n ct
placed four, with the other two po- taB-elect, kailsk from Gothathe all-Americane leven, weighing 9 consideration.
sitions divided between the South -,1210pRegarding the Maize and Blue Halfbacks-Farroh (Iowa) and lecte
and the Pacific Coast. -- ------ Cagle, who only carries 170 pounds. players, honored, Honson says: Fullback-Yunevich (Purdue).
Two great teams, Notre Dame Sleight and Schwarz also tip the --ron Nagurski "Wingmen found three outstand- Fk-Y(
and Pittsburgh, qualified two play- BIG TEN COACHES WORK Ijscales at over the 200 mark. Sleight Minnesota star who was chosen ing names that left little more to -H
er each for the All-American, the OUT BASKETBALL RULES and Nagurski are the tallest play- on the Associated Press All-Amer be desired in ends, Fesler, Trusko- Army Schedules Three gurs
fi st time in five years that one __ers, each measuring 6 feet, 2 inches, iban team for 1929. Nagersk± has twski and Tanner rank among the New Teams for o9 Ill
team has had two such outstand- I wivvth Carideo the shortest at 5 feet, played tackle and fullback for thebetnthcuny.apinTsk Wam rfIl
temha adto uhouttd- es in the country. Captain Trisk -___
Correct usage anent WesternI7 inches Cagle is the oldest manIGophers during the two seasonscp owski and Wesley Fesleteshould bePN6An e
n trod development threwConference basketball experienced on the team, being 24, while Tick- and is one o the outstanding stars able to stand the test of the re- I t o n e ue
Youngstown, Ohio, into the glare revision Friday afternoon when the nor and Carideo are the youngsters, of the Western Conference. auirements for an all-star team- North Dakota and Kentucky Wes- Sleig
of the sports spotlight, for the two coaches and officials of the Big both 20 years of age. Cagle is also WIowa, Michigan, and Purdue had ;eyan are newcomers to the Army
ends, Fesler of Ohio State and Ten ggme went into their an- the only player on the first team FRATERNITY WRESTLERS the outstanding forward walls in football schedule, the 1930 list of die
DoFchess of Pittsburgh, are fellow Tnag ge n inog the a o n a o e yAssociated WILL MEET THiS WEEK the Conference, and from this games, announced today, showed. I
Do~ches o Pttsurg, re ellwHua huddle in Chocago's Hotel Press al-American last year. Iw_
townsmen.ndFgroup guards and tackles are in the Harvard, Yale, Illinois and Notre I Ch
Th atotubrdteohrSherman and argued on uniform Fesler, Ticknor, and Carideo each gra. s numbers-Bovard of Mich- Dame will supply major com eti- thre
The East outnumbered the other have one more year of competition The inter-fraternity wrestling raetnmesBvr fMch aew upymjr opet-tr
sections in the makeup of the interpretations for the games whichthe onerg more cmition- t l inen elin g igan ran Erickson a close race by tion. No long trip will be taken. self)
squad of 33 named, placing 12, to are to be played this winter. luded their colleg e ridiron ca- his effective work. Ten games, one less than this year, Mon
nine for the Middle West, six for The double referee system, which reud. Fher ollee gdron ea-nomral Sports buildng, Tuesday and lThe Daily Iowan's all-star el- are carded. Dale
ThI obereee ytewihreers. Four of the first team nom- I___
the South, five for the Far West has proved so popular will again inees played against Michigan this Wednesday evenings of this week, -
and one for the South West. e be in vogue, with the powers of the ; fall. Ticknor, Sleight, Nagurski, and beginning at 7:00 P. M. Weighing
There was no doubt as to the se- :Fesler were all effective against the in for the bouts will be held at the
lection of the quarterback when the referee and umpire equally distrib- Wolverines.
balloting hit full stride. uted and each official working one -3Intramural building and at Water-
Frank Carideo, "the brains of side of the court. mdr NaaoBtanTguema imroret .c.a
NteDame," moved out in front - htteplyr agrNaaos B a n u aDc 1.Amnmr
tha theepounds overweight c'
on the early returns and was never I was decided that the player earling Team in Meet hinto the next division.pur hg
threatened. He ran up an impres- might tip the ball against the Pinnsi
sive total of 123, with Alton Mar- backboard and return it to play Spial no Ia rtmi Preliminary bouts while hbc five
sters, the injured Dartmouth star, by dribbling, this ruling being in MADISON, Wis., Dec. 7. - Varsity bouts will have a duration of eight
second with 46 and little Albie conformity with the rule which al- swimmers of the University of Wis- minutes. In case of a draw at the
Booth, Yale's spark plug, 20 points lows the player a second dribble consin made their season's first of- end of a bout there will be two
behind the big green quarter.r he has dribbled and hit the ficial splash of the current season two-minute extension periods call-
Joe Donchess, Pittsburgh's stal- after he hsdibe n i h na ulme ihteBde
tart end, was almost as onvincing. bockboard. One step will be allow- in a dual meet with the Badger ed to decide the winner. An advan-
He was credited with 121a on ts ed on the start of the dribble, as I freshmen Wednesday afternoon, tage of 30 seconds in all prelimin-
with Wesley Fesler of Ohi' State has previously been the case, but I winning the meet handily. ary bouts is sufficent for a decis-
taking the other ank positon more leniency will be granted the Jacobson, a first year flash, how- ion, but 45 seconds advantage will
wlfh 9hN other enk menaced player catching the ball on the ever, won the 40-yard sprint in 19 be required in the finals. Two men
Wh p99. No other ends menaced run or in motion. 4-5 seconds, defeating such Varsity are required for entrance points.
Frank Tappaah, Southern Call- The ball will be allowed to be veterans as Tad Tanaka and Cap- Varsity letter men will referee all
Fo , qualified for thersecond tapped repeatedly in the circle or tain Bud Lange. The youngster also bouts.
team with 61, along with Vernon in a corresponding position as long I gave Lange a reat fight in the 100- Men eligible to compete in this
m i . ng thn as the ball is not retained in theyard free style, forcing the varsity meet must have had some practice
(Catsmith) Smith of Georgia, who air. The umpire was assigned the captain to swim the century in 59 in wrestling under the direction of
-an -pker ' , responsibility of watching for fouls 2-5 seconds to eke out a slender vic- Coach Keen, which assures that all .i4sa dvertised ia color
Frank Baker of Northwesten on the jump balls at center or else- tory, men competing will be in excellent in the December 7th
and Wear Schoonover of ArkansasI
were supported by e7 and 16 re- where on the court for the ref- I Anong the veterans who showed condition. Last year's meet was SaturdayEveningPost
pectie toed completeande1three eree's eyes were usually on the boll.good speed was Art Thomson, who very closely contested with Phi
spectily to complete the three Under the 1930 code it will no Ithrashed his way .through a good; Bet'a Delta barely defeating Delta
teams.er (d lglonger be possible to score five relay and then won his favorite Sigma Phi. There's a great deal of
Elmer (Red) Sleight, 200 pound points on a play in which thejevent-the back stroke handily. interest in the year' meet and
streak of Purdue, led all the tack- shooter is fouled in the act of Joe Steinauer, coach of the Bad- most of the bouts are e'pected to I
leas ofthe country with 82 choicesshooting, the ball now coming back er swim team, is endeavoring to be close contests.
and another fast big man, Bronko to center, whether the second of arrange preliminary - dual meets---s----------- --- - ° W1 i '
Nagurskt of Minnesota took the the free throws is made or not. with teams of the ChicagO(Athletic LAFAYETTE-"Red" Sleight, Pur-
other tackle positin with 65. N50 Markings will be placed along the association and the MilwaukeeIdue's all-American tackle, is also
gurski, however, was favored by f free throw lanes which will remedy Athletic club. 1an exceptionally good shot-putter-
other close observers for fullback. tedfiut fhvn h ly
the difficulty of having the play- - _ - - -- - - - - - -
He has also played end and guard ers scrambling for places under the
at odd times.'basket on a free throw.
Ted Twomey of Notre Dame and Confernce coacites went on nec- LEADER OF A GREAT FLEET OF
Sam al~manCorellrannec ord as condemning the "stalling
and neck and landed together on tactics" which have sohapparently VACATION EXPRESSES
the second team, Twomey with 561
(Continued on Page 7) (Continued on Page 7)

re definite information is now
able regarding the makeup of
roster of the East gridiron
d which will entrain for the
fic Coast to engage the allstar
team in the annual New Years
ft for the Crippled children,
sored by the Shriners of San
oyd Brazil, captain and star
back of the University of De-
has accepted the invitation to
part in this annual feature
ave the star wingmen Booma
artmouth and Secrist of Wash-
n and Jefferson.
Harvard Star Declines.
ally Harper, hard hitting full-
of this year's Harvard team,
decided that he will be unable
cake the trip in view of the
required away from his stud-
Harper, who is considered one
ie outstanding scholars on the
bridge campus, in so doing, is
wing in the footsteps of Dave
anaccia, Crimson star, who re-
d a similar invitation a year
ach Dick Hanley of Northwes-
University has issued invita-
to eleven mid-Western foot-
stars who, if they accept, will
with a like number to be se-
d by Coach Andy Kerr of Col-
to play against the Far West.
Big Ten Players Asked.
nley has invited Bronko Na-
ki and Bob Tanner of Minne-
Lou Gordon and Frosty Peters
linois, who incidently have ac-
d; Henry Anderson and Milton
rson of Northwestern, Elmer
ht and Ralph Welch of Pur-
Jack Cannon of Notre Dame,
s Glassgow of Iowa, and Ray
ards of Nebraska.
icago-Art Shires, the great
e sport man (he says so him-
will begin his ring career here
day night when lie tackles Dan
y, of Cleveland.



In the Winter SKATING is the sport.
Now is the time to got your
We }ave in stock now the best
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Special All-Stccl Semi-Puliman Moto ess
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