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December 08, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-08

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&ALI 111,11,0111

-O L Y umi IT {ir t FALItI n ~l3 their respective debuts n the I~r
FIRIIIST I OneIIA T yFaculty Dinners cmsno n of the most outstanding covery and, is, therefore and is,
Pledge formals and faculty din- beet attempted tht is more events in the realm of art is the therefore, one of the most novel of
__ners have been foremost on the worthy of claiming a permanent annual Salon d'Automne which is the modern crafts.
he'A 2TTWCy Tp A'7L..r AA social calendar of the past week. place among the class traditions now being held in the Grand Palais Many of these decorative artic- Comm
O.lson Names Sackett, 29,ILEADG S BAZAAR Delta Gamma entertained at a than the Sophomore Cabaret. in Paris. Of the two thousand, three les are cleverly used to show the Boa
Moore,'30, Louden, '31, and formal dinner Wednesday night- A successor of the Circus, this hndred and twenty-sn exhib- stringp sibltieso nteB a
Burckhardt, '32 Managers SCORES in honor of Miss Adelaide Adams, year's venture was a far more ts, the greater number are paint- decoratioib. inites an mr g
Professor Bruce Donaldson, Profes- attractive feature of the Bazaar, sure and rugS
~ ~nd It sor A. L. Cross, Dr. Janes Bruce and both in its popular and financial }Sags, but the real feature of the i mI-CO-o
SQUAD SHOWS PROMISE Sale of Articles an eC t Mrs. Bruce, Miss Eunice Wead, Miss aspects than its predecessor was. Salon are the exampls of interior from all over the world are on dis- Co
____From Entertainment Boot i Mrae an n r oet h ohmrshv u os decoration and hand-craft. play in the model rooms arrangediteX
Above Former Years. C gaon. ph r hvpu I Modernism is the keynote of all by the outstanding decorators of andI
Juniors and Seniors to Practice - Carson. their venture with an originality the work for sur-realistic designs the present day.re
at 4 o'clock Tuesday and Success was marked in both at- Kappa Delta entertained person- and a finesse commanding ad- are to be found in nearly all of the Besides all these exhibits, theretreasu
, al guests at dinner Thursday night. miration from all their patrons. beautiful furnishings and textiles is an interesting one hi drawins, are as
S Sophomores at 5 o'clock. tendance and sales, at the Womn s Mrs. Maple of Detroit has spent Mrs. Brl Bacher, adviser to eil ni and il esis an t one g es
I ; ~on ~display. Animal and floral m- designs, and water colos done by bershi
League and Iiterchurch Bazaar several days at the house as the women, who sponsored the un- tifs are the most popular with the pupils in the public schools of Pa- condu
First turnouts last week for inter- when it closed on Friday evening guest of her daughter. Miss Ruth derclasswomen, merits a more majority of designers. iis.
class basketball squads were un- for the first day, according to the Neilson, of Detroit, is a visitor this general appreciation than she re- One unique exhibition is of glass _Dotol
usually large and point to a good report of Dorothy Flynn, '30, gener- week-end. ceived from the sophomore wo- enameled household untensils and '31, a
Season. Last year's freshman, so- al chairman. Door receipts showed Delta Zeta held a pledge formal men, since the enterprise gained vases bearing painted scenes ojCOMPLETE PLANS provid
.Lsnh. r in the Alumnae room of the League much of its success by being Paris. Anotheris of lamps, the bases FOR DUTCH PARTY 'names
phomore, and junior teams appear- an attendance of more than 1,000 building Friday night. The chaper- neither too conservative nor un- of whih are modeled after classic AA.
ed almost in full force, and in addi- up to that time, and sales amount- ones were Professor J. W. Eaton, duly excessive. From the decora- Greek figures. Swiss vases are near- A D;:+cli party, to be given from
tion to these a large number of ing to $500 Miss Bernice Hannan, Professor ions, wvhich were de igned by ly all made of glossy black china, 4 until 6 o'clock on Friday after- them
players new to class work entered The sale of articles alone yielded Clyde Love and Mrs. Love, Profes- Ivalita Galascock and most ef- while French productions are of noon, Dec. 13, is the last of the M
the lists, a return of $300, while the enter- sor J. C. Brier and Mrs. Brier, and fective in creating the desired colored "faience." or metal encrust- League's social functions to take are r
Margaets.A tainetn oot, iludig fortne Professor L. J. Rouse and Mrs. atmosphere, through the Apache ed with silver. Stained glass is be- place before Christmas. Dancing ship v
ofirtelass 'baketbA tein nd te fsh pnd r r Rouse. dance, which showed signs of ing shown in one of lhe most beau- and bridge will be enjoyed in the lOuse
manager o necls.aktblItlln n hefs odrpr e-bigfte
ceipts of $20. Both the attendance Gamma Phi Beta announces the being as good as the Swiss Cook's tiful exhibits of the Salon. This ballroom of the League building, of th
appointed a veteran to manage each and the sales receipts are above engaigement of Ruth Mary Pittel- dance in last year's Junior Play, art is just in the p5rocess of redis- and refreshments will be served. ern
squad until the tourney shall open those of previous bazaars for the co, '30, to Dr. Vernon Lewis Hart, the sophomores realized the fllPlans for the Leaguetaa's
February. They are Frances first day reports. '24M, who is a member of the Uni- i possibilities of the cabaret idea. stop-off in the land of windmills
Coffee Shop serv- versity Hospital staff. The sorority In its dcing and costuming anwind
Sackett, senior, Helen Moore, Jn- The Chi Omega eneraiedafdnnr hrsay asecsptistyeofeneti OPERETTA G YVENlsand ice-skating are well under j _
ed both dinner and luncheon to entertained at dinner Thursday I aspects, this ype oen ofah- - CHO AL . way. According to Jane Thayer, '31, enilI
nio; liabeh ouensohoore mretha 20 hoper ad sllrsnight in honor of Dean Jlohn Effin-! meat warrants an ending of the !BY CHORAL CLUB eneral chairman, some new and1C
and Barbara Burkhardt, freshman, imore than 200 shoppers and sellers nightugeneraltchairmanasomeinewsandg
any Baareus E rece, at the bazaar, while the Sophomore ger and Mrs. Effinger, Mr. Freder-. Circus tradition, because it is a original fetures will be offered, in
Many Have Previos Experience. Cabaret attracted an equal number ick Jordan and Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. better training school for play Following a dinner given in their the line of entertainment. All
Though only 15 began pract in the afternoon and evening Beryl Bacher, Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss talent preliminary to the Junior 1 honor on Friday evening at the League members are cordially in-
with the senior squad last Tuesday, The central committee wisies to Grace Richards, Dr. Margaret Bell, Girls' Play. Alice Uhlnann, Henry Ford school of Nursing and vited to drop in any time durin
most of thsi number have had pre-., Miss Ethel McCormick, and Dean Lynn Adams, and Dorothy Felske Hygiene in Detroit, the members oft aai
vious experience, and to indications express its appreciation to Slater's Wilber R. Humphreys. all contributed outstanding the Choral club of Couzens Hail _theaair._
this group has the best prospects ;Book store for the tags which were
for a g inning team. Margaret sgiven at the door upon receipt of Thetas hold Their Pledge Formal. numbers on the specialty pro- presented a two part program. First
fo inn em agrtgram. To everyone connected a group of glee club songs was pre- i
Ohlson is back at her central posi- 'the admission fee, and to the busi-; Kappa Alpha Theta also held a grm oeeyn once ru fge lbsnswspe
tion wih D h ahcras si he aness hoses which donated space pledge formal this week-end, their's .with the sophomore triumph and sented, then a short operetta. 7College Beauty
Lion, with Dorothy Marshieck as side I i'n particular to the central cm- A cast of 30 nurses presented the !
center. Mildred Cassidy and Mar- for advertising, namely: Wenzel's, being last evening. President Alex- i tiua, he enrl com- "Nifty Shop," a modern operetta ih p
ion Geib are working at the forward Geo. Bischoff, the Florist, Sped- ander G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruth- I gtateesaed byE "Nift opaden soaert
pot;FacsScetpoie oding's, the Varsity Laundry; Good-' en and Mr. and Mrs. Stowe Neal !congratulations are due. which takes place in a fashionable ShAp
posts; Frances Sackett promises to dn ,te rMyLunr;Go-vnadM. n r.SoeNa V. E. F. ! modiste shop in Paris. Georgia Hs- dir
continue at guard. Frances Beilby I year's, Hutzel's, Murphy's Boot chaperoned. This afternodc1 the les n aris Gerion, 30i r d
and Margaret Stahl have showed Shop, Mack & Co., Jacobson's, sorority is holding a faculty tea for _SN, Eugenia Tegeler, '30sN, Mar- Shampoo and Fingeresu
up well in practice, and may place Wihrs, and Haller bs.out eighty guests, Mrs. Franklin Moore at a formal dinner given gre-t Grllis, 30SN, Eunice McMul- Wave $100 pr
on first team. Moore wi po. M g en r'30SN, Margaret CunonghMe W
The center positions on the ju- FACULTY FETED Kappa Kappa Gamma, on Wed- Thursday. Mrs. Arthur E. Wood is len, 'ONd EMagre L ningam tok or m
nior team will be filled again by I nesday evening, were hostesses at 'enteraiig3emesOSN, cap heland, rlmew ish prduitookhav
Helen Wilsonand HielengMoore. AT DORMITORIES a faculty dinner. The guests were: " "i"n members oh e chap- th leadin roles in t, p .ct I Shampoo and Marcel
With Elizabeth Whitney 'at guard' Dr. Carl LaRue and Mrs. LaRue, Dr.,tra e om hsatrno. Ms1di..Osn Se.S~~00 = mo
these constitute the veterans, but During the lull in activities be- John W. Scholl and Mrs. Scholl, Mrs. M. Holt will preside at the tea director of the Choral club and tro
theseconsitut the eterns, ut 1 Miss Margaret Peck, social direc- -w
most of the new material has show- tween Thanksgiving and Christmas Professor M. S. Pargment and Mrs. table. tMis Marthgretdenck asocia jrec I .wl
ed up well on the floor. Of these the dormitories have been enter- Pargment, and Professor Bruce Alpha Delta Pi announces the tor Do the c ouey HSpecial
Elizabeth Hatch, Evelyn Sharp, tamning the faculty at dinnes. Donaldson. pledging of Gertrude Benson, '32, Choral club Beautiful Permanent Waves
Marion Lamb, and Florence SeysBetsy Barbour honored several fac- Delta Delta Delta commemorated Caspian; Margaret Hawley, '31, and - -u-Bai. . es
have exhibited the most outstand- ulty members at an informal din- yesterday National Founders' day Dorothy Hawley, '32, both of Ann with Ringlet Ends
ing performance up to date. ner Thursday. - with initiation in the morning, fol- : Arbor. Installation of patronesse
Have Good Turn- Out. The residents of Helen Newberry lowed by a luncheon. The initiated 'will take place at 3 o'clock this Chrismas$6.0C
Freshmen and sophomores have entertained Wednesday night at were: Janet Howell, '30, Detroit; afternoon at the chapter house. 'i OPEN °ViRY EVENING
broken all previous records in the the dinner hour in honor of the Charlotte Mathauer, 31, Detroit; Mrs. F. Cross, Mrs. P. James, Mrs. C
size of their squads. Twenty-seven faculty. Catherine Crossman, '32, Gregory; T. Diamond, Mrs. J. Shepard, Mrs. JAMES FOSTER Phone 22813
second year women-are out, and Professor Michael S. Pargment Helen Happamaki, '32, Negaunee. C. Smith, and Mrs. T. Dillman will House of Art
forty-six frosh. Elizabeth Louden, and Mrs. Pargment, Prof. Robert C. Phi Sigma Sigma announces the be installed. Corner State and Liberty
Emily Bates, Dorothy Birdsell Dor- Angell and Mrs. Angell, Mr. Edward initiation of Josephine Convisser, Initiations and Dinner hold Sway. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Over the Buttery OP
othy Fleske, Esther LaRowe, Mary B. Green and Dr. Katherine B. 1 '32, New York City; Sylvia Miller, Alpha Epsilon Phi are iitiating
Lou Hershey, and Marjorie Smith Greene, and Professor Peter M. 32, Wheeling, W. Va.; and Evelyn Louise Greenberg, 31, Charleroi,
swelled the sophomore list of old Jack were the guests of honor at Sharff, '31, Canton, Ohio. On Wed- Pa., and Janet Davis, '32, Union-
players; Elizabeth Louden says her an informal dinner on Thursday nesday evening the members enter- town, Pa., at noon today and will
new material looks unusually good, evening at Martha Cook dormitory. ; tamed Mr. Hirsch Hootkins and - give a tea in their honor this after-
and that season's prospects are en- The women of the Martha Cook Mrs. Hootkins, and Mr. Roy Gear- noon.
couraging. also entertained last evening at a hart and Mrs. Gearhart at a facul- Alpha Phi has as a house guest
charming informal dance given in Ity dinner. Last night the pledges this week-end, Miss Lucia Helen
Many freshmen who proved their themg Bu Rorm Mis Mrgret were honored at an informal dance Muir of Detroit. -
abilities on the hockey field have teBu om isMrae at the chapter house. Collegiate Sorosis gave w rushing
I m ke ho ri I £
entered basketball competition. The Smith, social director, and Miss Ftshe cer houe. E Coleg os g t. rus
saosh Medic Women Entetained. dinner on Wednesday night. Mrs. iT
most outstanding thus far are Doro- Alta Atkinson were the chaperones. Alpha Epsilon Iota entertained ,Henry Bates, Mrs. Jesse Reeves, and
thea Boger, Audrey Callqndar, Lelia chaperones. the freshmen medical women at a Mrs. Rene Talamon are presiding at
Hendricks, Fay Adams, Lenore - bridge-tea yesterday afternoon. Dr. a faculty tea being given this after-
Gratin, and Laura Sommer. With HUMPHRE Y MADE Margaret Armstrong, staff member noon at the chapter house. - PAJAMAS so swag- HOSE of sheer go
concentrated coaching to whip CIL MEMBER of St. Joseph's Hospital was a din- Alpha Xi Delta takes great pleas- ger with their gay cl- met chiffon in eve
h mp h hncr guest on Thursday evening and ure in announcing the pledging of
should work up a unit which will Dr. Elizabeth Crosby was honored Ruth E. Gallmeyer, '32, Grand Rap- ors and debonair ease. new shade are alwa
provide a threat to the Seniors. - Margaret Bush, '30, president of!D.EiaehCob a ooe Rt .Glmyr 3,GadRp
pridn tra otrodedr. the Women's Lue annoues the at dinner Friday evening. Iids. Personal guests were enter- 121 1dn .c5eptabie
New Coaching Plan Introduced.nappointment of Helen Humphrey, Sigma Kappa honored Miss Ellen tamed at dinner, Wednesday nght, 50 d )acceptable.
Next week a new plan of coachig '31, as a Junior member of the Ju- 1- - -
will be employed. Juniors and se- diciary Council in place of Eliza-'
niors will practice at 4 o'clock Tues- sbeth Sunderland, '31, who recentlyEG
day; sophomores at 5 o'clock. TheI resigned the position. MULES & PAJAMA GLOVES fin light at
entire period from 4 to 6 o'clock Miss Humphery accepted the posi- - BOOTS that complete dark shades make
Thursday afternoon will be devoted tion officially when she sat as a i
to the freshmen. member of the Board of Directorsj the lounging ensem- thoughtful gratio
Margaret Ohlson has asked that at one of the regular meetings e- gift.
more juniors and seniors make ap- which was held yesterday. if - 2.45 "+ ad ii

iittee Appointed to Assist
rd of Women's Athletic
perating with the Board of
'omen's Athlctic\ Association,
Elizabeth Whitney, '31 Ed.,
rer of W. A. A., four women
sisting in the vnnual mem-
p. drive which is now being
eted. Myrtle Khischinski '30,
uy Briggs, '30, Helen Moore,
id Helen Schneider, '31, are
ed with lists containing
of women eligibo to be W.
members, and are calling
nbers of the W A. A. Board
esponsible foru le member-
' women in their iespective
s, hus decreasing the lengtn
cther lists. Eligibility to
Cs lip i n W. A. A consists of
ig five poin S through parti-
on in itramuua, Interclass,
zi. dual sports
liillliM 11lillil illl ililill
of al
JAV.AYS my imprts, bought
ect, from all ovr the world,
priced lower than stores, who
ally buy from New York im-
ters, price them.
ast year a client who bought
ich of me said, "Never before
rc I beenl able to give Sich nice
s, and never 'beore has n
Mey gone so far." If this is
ie of my regular prices think,-
at beautiful things and at what
aving you can now buy when
fes from All Over Europe.-
Ire Now Being Cleared
Out at Cost or Less
[inese articles always priced
orne while selection is good.
'These thtings won't last.
-en Evenings. 928 Church St.
i Il iitiiiiiiilliiiiuiiiiiiiicb

pearance next week. Two tourna
ments, for A and B teams will b
run off and more players are needei
at once. Many players who perform
well on. the floor in intramura
competition have not turned ou
for class teams. It is the hope o
managers that these people wil
show up next week for class prac

e Mrs. Lisa W, Sandford, a de-
d scendant of an old New Yorq farn-
nicy, said the adoption, of Baronig
.l Baron, an Armenian, had the full
t approval of her daughter, now on
f I her way home from abroad. She
11 explained the daughter would con-
- tinue to be the principal beneficiaro
at her death.


Ramona Beauty Shop
Is giving a hot oil treatment FREE
with a shampoo and finger wave
$1.00 or shampoo and marcel $1.00.
Open Evenings Call 21478 625 E. Liberty Street
Upstairs over Flower Shop


200 CHAiRS


I' - XWT1P= PTT41P AR ZT 11



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