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December 07, 1929 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-07

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iTA Il, ri ivcrz 2 h101TI were of the opinion that the Honor


iiScreen Reflections


t tm o Tv « h: LE i _ _ "'" 1 %P r.11:1 4I Ji F. 11U.U 4N 7u W a7 {t
ee ti i Sti 'ifjclr~, a ASysteiml 1s more efficiently managed Chorus Girls and Princes, her sweetheart; but in the mean-
STATES The term Honor Systemis used : when the council is composed ex- Professor Sunderland Attends One of the better song pictures time the neglected boy friend falls
to connote the formal recognition'. lusively of students. However, in dia C nc Me of the year concludes an all too' for another girl. However, the out- f
and adoption by students and fac- some institutions, a mixed commit- rJMeethal too fom clnotreirl Hweveru t r o - of
Director of New York Seminary uity of a system of mutual respon- tee functions successfully. The on Law Procedure day in "Married in Hollywood." As tion among all concerned. Some
Sas Ri Ad sinblty among students for honesty composition of honor councils - - R"o
SasRtasApaesnIbiiyaogsuet frhnsyIn~ston o oo onis-an operetta style of show, the p-, spots are unduly over-earnest. FFT
ys tasApae In in scholastic work and other col- ranges all the.way from those com-'SEEKS COURT REPORTSture is sutta ctedshn, directd' sae nuyoereret FIFTE
Hebraic Tomes. lege activities. However, it has posed entirely of students to those -well. The story concerns a had- Joan Crawford and Anita Page
been said recently by an astute ob- composed entirely of faculty mem- Prof. Edson . Sunderland, of the some prince, as usual very suscep- exhibit fine talent. Perhaps the
DISCUSSES BASIC CREEDS server of students and a keen view- bers. Each institution must work Po.Esn Snelno h oepica sa eyu
Cerr of theutrend of modern student out this poblem foi itself. Law School, was in Lansing on last tible to feminine charms. He falls best shot of the former is the brief ed, but
thought that "the only way in In order to be most effective, the Thursday attending a meeting of in love with an American chorus one showing her leaving home after by the
Dr. F. R. Gavin to Speak Again which the problem of student gov- Honor System should be somewhat the Judicial Council of Michigan, girl, but is taken away from her her marriage. The picture has quest. O
Tonight and Sunday ernment will ever be worked out limited in its scope. It should be of which he is secretary. The stat- by soldiers at the oder of hisound accompaniment, but it seems fyfor
Evenn successfully will be to perfect a made to apply to certain definite ute creating the council gave it the mother. the queen. Soon after that od to read sub-titles agit s e sdy
i° ~Evening. succeonssfullyt, wille !oo gin
joint organization among the stu- phases of student life, and it should power to require from the clerks rvoion eakhs o, .agnd the r-gai a residen
dents and faculty combined." This be thoroughly understood by the and other officers of the courts ofp program are a such wv
Speaking to a large campus audstatement furnishes a challenge to students that, when the system iss the state such reports from time Hollywood. The settings and pho- riotous comedy featuring Clark andsyUnited
fence yesterday in Natural Science American students. Is it correct? violated, punishment will follow to time as the Council should pre- tography are executed exception- McCullough, a mediocre audio re- erlin cc
auditorium, Dr. Frank R. Gavin, ICannot students now govern them- swiftly and certainly. It is not the scribe. The meeting was called pri- ally well. view, and a ditto news rl.
pselves successfully? severity of the punishment that marily to determine what reports
and director of the General Theo- A majority of the students who counts;it is its certainty. The pen- should be required from the courts 'ra--', day mo
discussed the Honor System at the alty should be as severe as the ex- beginning with the first of Janu- Modern Maids and Men.
logical seminary in New York city, Fourth Congress of the N. S. F. A. igencies of the conditions demand, ary, 1930. By casting vivacious Joan Craw- IN NEWED RDthe nan
discussed "The Jewish Background In some colleges the only punish- One of the chief difficulties with ford, the able Fairbanks, Jr., suave FORD hARBOR ships in
of Early Christianity." The lecture ment for the violation of the Honor the organization of the courts has Rod LaRocque, Anita Page, and Jo- NEW BEDFOR of all o
was under the joint auspices of the System is Mpermanent expulsionm in been the almost complete lack of sephine Dunn into "Our Modern The a hD, Mass., Dec. 6.- ing mai
Hillel Foundation and Harris hall.H others, it consists of a deprivation statistics dealing with the work Maidens" at the Michigan, MeTEdsel FordyachtSiagrodowned by various
Discussing the Jewish concepts of college credits; in still others it I they are doing, so that it is im- Gowin Mayer has produced a fea- ,en agound near The
embodied in various creeds of fconsists in a deprivation of social possible to determine how heavy night.Bedfd h.
Christianity, Dr. Gavin declared, privileges or in a simple reprimand. i the load really is in the oarious acted, contains some really drama- 0fd arbor, Thursday night ships a
"Few of the laity grasp exactly how USome institutions publish the nam- counties of the state and whether tic moments, and ends in an un- Seventeen members of the crew, Univers
much Christianity is indebted in its es of the convicted students; how- a readjustment is necessary so as usual manner. That'the action of one of whom was reported to Have years, a
origin to Judaism. Not only the ix-Year Curriculum to Afford ever, a majority of them favor to equalize the load upon the judg- the wealthy younger set is over- been injured, were taken of short- time n
majority of rituals, but the basic 'wex-YerCurmcujmrtA rd withholding the name of the offen- es. This matter is to be taken up drawn does not seem to detract ly after 7 a. m. by coast guards take his
creeds are duplicated in Hebraic Technical, Legal Training der. by the Judicial council and infor- from one's interest in these firstof the Woods Hole base, according Winn
tomes dated at the time when ca- _IEstablihed- mation of this nature will be ob- four individual characters. to a radio report received by the tion wi
tholicism was first conceived." The I a Ann Arbor Ma Ope tained from all parts of the State. The plot concerns a young lady base, in Octo
eastern theologian then gave ac- 1 May pen The Council will also obtain sta- who plays up to an influential man
tual examples, gleaned from his Continued from Page 1i Skating Rinks Todaytistics dealing with the use of jur- in order to gain an appointment for 1
original research works, to show gineering college must maintain a jTies in both civil and criminal cases, -~ -STARTING
that "the Messiah concept, the idea scholastic average of 2.5 or better, If favorable weather prevails, to determine to what extent they TODAYU
of unity between body and soul, the being between a B and C average.; there will be ice skating this after-are being waived and how muchoYU ER T
custom of baptism, and even the The new curriculum becomes ef-' noon and evening on each, of Ann duplication of the work of tryingtT
holy communion, or eucharist sup fective at once for all students who Arbor's three municipal skating cases results from disagreements of A
pes, all originate from Hebrew cus- can meet the requirements. rinks, announced E. .A. Gllup, the juries and the ordering of new tri-
books. It is commonly unknown Dean Bates of the Law Cchool Superintendent of Parks. als when errors have occurred in "Journey's End" I TALKING SINGIN
okis.elivedhatthemmord'y'snkra pointed out that not only do many The rinks are located in Burns the course of the proceedings be- Nights: 50c to $2.50
erand Jesus' philosophy of love pre practicing lawyers feel the lack of Park at Wells and Lincoln streets, fore the jury which render verdicts Sat. Mat.: 50c to $2.00 jS NRA
n a technical background in many where five tennis courts will be unsatisfactory. Thurs. Mat.: 50c to $1.50 SONG ROMA
both duplicated by the great phi- hases of their work, but where a flooded; West Park, west of Chapin Telephone Cadillac 3705
Dr. Gavin also discussed his find-practical knowledge of engineer- street and north of West Huron LONESOME RICH WIDOW___RR ED n HOL
Dr. in al early hisin street, where an artificial lake is ADOPTS COLLEGE STUDENT 11
lngs in original early Christian icepsroblems atermainologyis used; and Island Park, are the river toy Asociated P.ress A STHE TE
manuscripts, on the translation of necessary to the habit of dealing usd;adBslnSPrTnHhErvrA'T'ERoiacdJrcs
which he spent the whole of last accurately with facts, which i flat north of the University hos- NEW YORK, Dec. 6.-Because she'"CASSFTHA TERS"
summer. Since his graduation fr art of the engineering trainingpital where the rink occupies a is lonely and. feels the need of a ITHE FOUR MARX BROTHERS" At last! An original Viennese roman
the University of Cincinnati, fo- will be of greatest value to the portion of the Municipal golf protector in her old age, a 69year "ANIMAL CRACKERS"IBroadway's greatest singing star
ioe ypsgaut ok tIpatcn ayr course. old widow who has $750,000 in' Nights $1.00 to 4.00 addnes
lowed by postgraduate work at practicing lawyer. If the temperature is low enough property and a yearly income of Thursday and Saturdaydancers!
Harvard, he has devoted a great Dean Sadler of the engineering MrpryTuati n S a0tu$300ay
pon of his time tresearch work cole also pointedtthe ft -about 20 degrees- Burns Park $25,000 has adopted a 27-year-old Matinees $1.00 to $3.o
on early religious manuscripts, and, that in cases where for one reason: rn w lbetr made availl ka-or ---n-a-h-s-.-_--_
since little work has been done in or another a student is unable to ters and electric lights will afford----s at
some of these fields, has obtained complete the course, his experi- the other two rinks, from dusk to
remarkable results, as evidenced by ence in both engineering and law, 10 o'clock.1Todays
his manuscript proofs of the sim- particularly after receiving the Skating has been going on at
ilarities in Judaism and Christian- first degree, will form an effective West Park for the last week and 60c Luncheon
ity.h ewtraining for a business career. last night a few persons enjoyed 'RRK T
' Through his New York theolagi- I -- the winter sport at Burns Park. MARBRUCK TEA * ~
cal seminary, Dr. Gavin is using Freshmen Architects The Department of Parks has re-
these research discoveries in an at- OP
tempt toward conciliating various Name Representatives playing games thates iendanger 63F O
theological factions throughout the hpai aet h m igh h endanr o
country. The ecelesiast is further In addition to the officers electedteayo mlcdn
making his beliefs known through Thursday to serve for the freshman Cream of Celery Soup A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD
his ability as an author. Among architectural class, the following C*riStmasChilcken a la King
the best' known of his latest works Iwere elected as class representativ- Pres as
are "The Jewish Antecedents of the es to the council of the Architec- Presents French Fried Potatoes YO UR CE TIL WANTE
Christian Sacrement." "Ideas of the tural society: Benton Dales andr aB
Old Testament,' and "Some Aspects Edwaid Duffield JAMES FOSTER IThere is nothing listed in this adverti
of Contemporary Greek Thought." -Fudge Cake or Mince Pie
Before returning to New York, House of Art Tea or Cofee in our store that is not of superior quality.
Dr. Gavin will speak again tonight 213 S. State Street you to see this furniture and not judge it
n atural Science auditorium and ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN than reasonable prices even without the 20
Sunday night in Harris hall, the prices____________________
lectures to be sponsored respective- We sell large volumes of furniture for cas
ly by th Hille Foundation and n sell you better furniture for less. Our ov
Harris hall. et-ornrou o big
Hr.Twenty-fourthAnnual Production condition rings ,you this pre-holiday saving

ttee Will Choose Winner
$2,000 Scholarship
After Examination.
ontinued from Page 1
their names are withheld
pommittee at their own re-
)ther candidates, who quali-
consideration by virtue of
ce in the state, come from
idely varied points as the
States Naval academy, Ob-
llege, and Western college,
name of the winning candi-
ill be announced in Tues-
rning's Daily, together with
nes of other Rhodes scholar-
other states. The selection
f this year's winners is be-
de on the same day in the
states of the Union.
stipend of Rhodes scholar-
£400 per year. The scholar-
re tenable only at Oxford
ity, and may be held for two
ccording to the amount of
ecessary for the scholar 'to
degree there.
ers of this year's competi-
11 begin their studies abroad
ber, 1930.
ice in song and story.
and 200 singers
sement or
We urge
the more
h and we











. Desks
Solid MahoganyColo Style Spinet Desk. Regular price $62.50.
Sale price .%50.
Governor Winthrop Desk. Mahogany veneered. Large size and
a beauty. Regular price $62.50. Sale price $50.
Mahogany Secretary. The finest quality and construction. All
drawers are dove-tailed and mortised. With solid mahogany bottom.
Glass door panels are overlaid witt richly carved mahogany. Reg-
ular price $85.50. Sale price $68.40.
Smaller Sized Wall Desks. Regularly priced from $23.50 to $37.50.
Sale prices range from $18.80 to $29.
We have at least thirty desks on the floor giving you a wide sclec-
tion of styles and woods and finishes.
We have a large stock of occasional, console and end tables, beds
and beddings, mirrors, card tables, tapestries, and other small pieces
that are ideal for presents-all at 20% off.

At the Union Desk
2 o'clock to 5 o'clock


ii A }; lt ;A :

I ll

Prices: 75 cents to $3.00
Michigan Theater, December 12, 13, 14


Matinee: December 14

Cabinet smoker in attractive walnut finish with turned legs and shelf below.
Regular price $4.25. -Sale price $3.40.
Solid Mahogany Smoker. Large size with roomy drawer and magazine shelf
below. Regular price $15.00. Sale price $12.40.
Mahogany or walnut finish Smoking Cabinet. With maple overlay. Copper
lined humidor and brass top tray. Regular price $18. Sale price $14.60.
Large Walnut Finish Smoker. With copper lined humidor and brass top tray.
Regular price $9.50. Sale price $7.60.
Walnut Smoking Cabinet with two detachable pedestal smokers. Copper lined
humidors and brass top trays. A beauty at $17.25. Sale price $13.80.
Metal Smoking Cabinets. Wrought, iron in brass or silver finish. Attractively
decorated price $9.50. Sale price $7.60.
Dozens of others equally as attractive. Priced from $4.25 to $25. Sale prices
from $3.40 to $20.
Metal Smokers in a wide variety of shapes, styles and colors. Ranging in
price from 89c to $15. Sale price 71c to $12.





1 Stars
joy Month
Brings Morgan
and Mack Week to
Ann Arbor
"Why Bring That Up
Ay7;#- 1, T T i 'NtTIDPlfl r ''A VTl NiiAr

? r u J


1 (h 1 1l


Cogswell Chairs
In a wide variety of styles and coverings; combinations of mohair,
moquette, frieze, velour and tapestry. Excellently constructed with
Rest-Well and Nachman spring units. Sturdy frames and moss
and cotton fillings. Regularly priced from $42.50 to $67.50. Sale
prices from $34 to ,$54.
We have a very complete stock of bridge, junior, table, boudoir and
bed lamps. Shades range in price from $1 to $19.50. With the
discount the price range is 8Oc to $16.50. Bases range in price from
$3.50 to $12.50. With the discount $2.80 to $10. You will find
ita pleasure to buy lamps here. We can show you over 200 lamps
and shades, ranging from the most inexpensive to the very best.



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