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4 >aitj
Big Ten Faculty Group
Long Session at Chica
With Riddle Unsolved
Three Possible OutcomesI
in Hawkeyes' Battle f
Pennsylvanian Fails ! ( (I E Marines Prevent Riots1
god to Gain Senatorship I'LIIUL LIn Hayti Labor Strike
' y INr ariii Law Proclaimed on Island,
W Vhen Americans Are Hti
Atheir streets patrolled by United
Ends I.Patrick Jay Hurley Is Selected States Marines acting with the au-
go to Fill Cabinet Position thority of martial law, were quiet
. as Secretary of War. today after rioting Wednesday in
Deans and Professors to Give
Week of Concentrated
Lectures in June.{
which two Americans and a num-
CHOICE PLEASES SOUTH ber of natives were injured.
Athletic Recognition.
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO. Ill.. Dec.G- The
New Official Endorsed by Large
Number of States Below
Mason-Dixon Line.
BY Associated Pre")
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 6. -
iPatrick Jay Hurlev of Oklahoma.
Stores were open again, and the
American colony was said to feel
no apprehension, although there
was an undercurrent of unrest.
Dispatch of a patrol of 40 marines
to Cayes, where the situation was
reported to be tense, was under-
stood to have quieted that section
Regent Victor M. Gore Attends
Last Meeting; R. P. Shorts
Will Succeed Him.
Approval of plans for the Alumni
University, reaffirmation of the
Alumni 10 year program, and sane-3
.~*.'" ~, Te-proclamation of martial laxv
faculty committee on athletics lawyer soldier, and executive, was was made Wednesday night by Col. tion of the proposed combined cur-
of the Western Conference to- Asociaed Press Pn appointed today by President Hoov- Richard Cutts, brigade commander riculum of the College of Engi-
night adjourned its meeting Wil iam S. Vare. er as Secretary of War, a post in of the U. S. Marine Corps here, neering ar'7 Architecture and the
without having made a decision Philadelphia "boss" who was which he has been acting since the after a strike in the customs house Law School, was the principal bus-
on the petition of the Univer- yesterday reused entrance to the death of James W. Good last which threatened serious conse- iness of the Regents, meeting yes-
Snt.quences, and out o hc h it
sity of Iowa, for reinstatement. _ _enate. _month, of which terday afternoon i the Law School
The gup will reconvene at 9 Thus the chief executive gave ef-i The plans for the Ahomni Univer-
gr~uxp 91,51feet to the wish of the Southern I. sity, which has been preposed by T.
o'clock tomorrow morning.i states for a sainet member and Hawley Tapping, general secretary
of the Alumni association, include
CsiesSubsidizing Charge. uT D S A Es electoialma vote a eaof.he1RAD ES IOLTONIK l st ntepro ewe on
Considers biiz ngPreys) states of the south which gave hi'm a week of concentrated lectures by
CHICAGO, DeccG. -Future ath- Oits electorial vote a year agodeans and professors of the Uni-
letic relations of the University of South Endorses Appointee. mencement exercises and the open-
with other members of' the Senators Hint Appointment of si ultaneoulwin the tappoiteting of the Summer session.
Big Ten, rested tonight with the Grud Would Not be of the nomination to the Senate, MerrieGo-Round' Cast Listed Specialized Topics Planned.
faciitycomitte oftheWestrn runy Wold ot e "Lectures on all subject.. which{
ferency Accepted. edrse d h rledin d men to Present Hour Concert might interest alumni returning at
Conference. endorsed by the leading men of fSnshstmewlbegendrgths
The committee, composed of one practically every sta'te in the South. of Songs. ths time will be given during this i
OPPONENT ALSO REFUSED He added that the new member of on the campus who have sesiar
faculty representthe cabinet was a lawyer of long OPERA MUSIC SCHEDULED ized on certain subjects will ex
the institutions, met to decide '(1WaOciated De 6 experience, a distinguished soldier -----pound their theories in this series
whether the Hawkeyes charged W C., DC6 - and an executive of proved ability. "Lawlessness and Its Causes" is of lectures. ,
whit proselyting and subsidizing Senate membership was denied to Selection of Hurley to succeeed the title of the talk to be given by The Alumni 10 year program,
athletes should continue as i mem- William S. Vare today and, while Mr. Good had been expected from Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law which was considered in detail at
br of the Big Ten, or be banished, the Pennsylvanian limped from the the first, as it was known the Pres- . B an earlier meeting of the Regents
effective January 1st. chamber, the Senate also. refused ident desired to give the South a School on tonight's Michigan Night was reaffirmed, and a -detailed
As the committee prepared to. go the scat to his Democratic oppo- eabinet place and also had a high radio program to be broadcast at statement of suggestions for. car-
into sessiOfco Indications were that e nent in the Delection William B. I;regard for the ability, the official 7:30 o'clock through station WJR. rying out plans and a few changes
a stormy meeting was in prospect, Wils 12had shown since his appointment of Detroit. was proposed by the body yester-
wihmc eaeaddiscussion Wison,.! as assistant Secretary. dyatron
with much debate and d With the chair that has been un- Ha rley-President Confer. All the musical numbers of the da ternoon.
on both sides before a decision occupied for two years formally Secretary Hurley was summoned new Union Opera which. are ex- up seve a years ago, includes the
ght beeco beryec'e-a The muptseveraltedyearso agoivincludesalthe
t breatened.oblgpd The meeting vacated by two decisver 'oeall to the White House ar hour before pected to be particuhrly popular development of the present Alumni
hraeetobcm alogpr-Ieyes turned toward Governor, Fish- the appointment was announced wl epeetdb h pr orgnization and plans for many:
tracted affair with the possibility er of Pennsylvania, who now is em- ferpp it the Presint will be presented by the Opera rovemen n the Univeity
that no decision might be reached powered to fill it. advised him definitely of his eleva- symphnoy orchestra, under dire-which are to be carried out by this
tonight and that adjournment Even before Vare was expelled by tion to the higher post As he leftion of Roy Langham, and a pick- which a to bearrid
might be taken, after a thorough 58 to 22, because of expenditures of the executive office, Hurley smiled ed singing chorus of 25 men as the Approve Combined Course.
discussion, until tomorrow. $785,000, and charges of fraud in b y but kept his own council other feature of the one-hour pro Sanction was given by the Re-
There was no inkling as to what his Senatorial primary race, warn- Soon after he returned to the r Enough of the Oe or gents for the adoption of the com-
the fate of the Hawkeyes might be, ing was given in the Senate that Dg gram. Enough of the Opera story ined curriculum of the College of
so far as the committee members Joseph R. Grundy, prominently War Department, he was congratu- will be broadcast to furnish a Engineering and Architecture, and
were concerned. Each of the faculty mentioned as a possible successor, laed bchiefnr the Army genel background for the musical num- the Law School, the complete
representatives had a copy of would not be acceptable. Senator ea, chi otheAm g a .course to requir six years. The
Iowa's 4.500 word plea, in which Nye, Republican, North Dakota, ff and other high officiers with bers i order to give the radio - course t re siuyer Thel
the institution asked to have its gave that notice and the Senate whom he personally is popular. ie teners the impression that a co wo Continued on Page 8, Col.61
banishment set aside. The Iowa waited apprhensively tonght for sages from other friends in W plete show is being broadcast. The;
athletic and faculty chiefs, in mak- Governor Fisyecalledattention that Gover- ington, including Senators and two acts of the Opera will be sepa- STAGG SELECTED
ing their plea for restoration, were nor Fisher was nominated on the Representatives. The new War Ses- 'rated by an intermission during CONFERENCE HEAD
peread to present evidence that Mellon-Pepper ticket in the 1926 retary has attended cabinet meet- which Dean Bates will deliver hisC
there had been a wholesale house- primar y the ticket which opposed ings held since the death of his
cleaning in athletic affairs at Iowa' r n asrpre t h e-Chief and has been carrying o h talk. "Grand Old Man" Will Attend
City, and that the Hawkeye institu #Vare and was reported to the Sen- r; chieheandchasinbeenScarryingmoon the
tion nw ishattemHtwkgyt conduc- ate to have spent $1,804,000 in general work of the office. According to Sylvan Simon, 32, National Meet.
Lion now is attempting toconduct fighting Vare's $785,000 campaign. assistant to Prof. Waldo Abbot, di-
its athletic affairs in accordance "If the Senate is going to damn ISENATE REOPENS rector and announcer of the Mor- (
.h Brone ill-smelling machine," declared ris hall studio, tonight's program CHICAGO, Dec. 6.-Amos Alonzo
Three Possible Outcomes. Nye, "it will have to damn the FIGHT ON TARIFF 'will be totally different in charac-tgU s
The possible outcomes of the fac- other. And I give notice here and ter from any broadcast so far this S o f te U rsit of Ch-
ulty meeting includes: 1. That the now that the appointee of Gover- Special Session's Unfininshed year wastern Conference Football asso-
ruling against Iowa made by the ov from iliation witb he Work Brought Forward. Simon will announce for Profes- ciati-on and reappointed the Con-
faculty committee last May, willI removed from affiliation with the _ rwr. so Abbot who is convalescing in frnesrpeettv nteN-
Mellon-Grundy-Fisher machine be- srAbtwoi ovlsigi ference s representative on the Na-
be made permanent and that the (ll v seahiy Asocatdpes)the University Hospital from an tional Football rules committee to-
nine other institutions will go ahead fore I will vote to seat him. WASHINGTON DC.,Dec. __operation or appendicitis perform- ady
and arrange schedules with Iowa The Republican tariff revision bill ed last Tuesday. This will be the Bert Ingwersen, football coach at
blacklisted. 2. That Iowa will be Petty Theft Baffles laid aside two weeks ago in the;first time in more than five years the University of Iowa, whose rela-
placed 'on probation and be given special session returned temporar- that Professor Abbot has not an- tions with the Big Ten was weigh-
more time to demonstrate it has o Constabularysiltto its legislative groove in the nounced the weekly campus pro- ed by the Conference faculty com-
cleaned house and proposed to live Senate today but little headway gram. It is expected, however, that mittee tonight voted, lending belief
up to Big Ten rules. 3. That Iowa Ann Arbor police at 1:40 o'clock was made with committee amend- he will listen in by means of a re- that his school would be restored to
wil be reintated to good standing.: this morning were searching pre- ments. ceiving set placed at his bedside good standing in the Conference.
The move for reinstatement has sumably for a student who smashed Resuming consideration of the in the hospital. The football coaches recommend-
cme from the Cawkeyes neml a show window of the Murphy controversial wool rate schedule. Becauseof the large number of ed to athletic directors -that no
selves. Dean C. C. Williams, newly - shop in the Nickels Arcade the senate approved increases pro- participants in tonight's program, school should be permitted to have
elected head of the Iowa athletic ndn aposed by Smoot and the duties on visitors will not be allowed to more than two scouts at any one
council, was to make the plea for ;and stole one pair of shoes. raw clothing wool if scoured, on the watch the broadcasting. conference game.
his institution. GEORGE Eskin pr sorted to bring these dut- --_
There was a persistent undercur-GG D. EATON Ies into line with the increases
rent of belief in the Hawkeye dele- W previously voted on the clean con- COMBINED COURSE MA Y BRING END
tof t thawke re- WILL SPEAK HERE tent of raw wool from 31 to 34 TO OLD LAWYERS-ENGINEERS FEUD
stated, and that Professor James Alumnus, tditor of Plain Talk, Will I The scoured wool rate was raised ~. L
Paige, faculty representative from! Address Round Table Club from 31 cents in existing law and Traditional Battle at Swing-Out old days" when tradition was liter-
the University of Minnesota was Thursday Afternoon. 34 in the House bill, to 37 cents a' Will Test New Curriculum as ally rife, it after all is merely an
the key man to the situation. poud'Th etldthGood-Will Custom.
Dean Williams expressed confi- G. D. Eaton, editor of Plain Talk, pou Tesresn aw nd the indication that two major compon-
dence in Professor Paige's support ! though better known to this cam- between the rates on raw and With the announcement of the ents of the education system are
of Iowa, provided he has not de- pus as an insurgent par excellence, scoured wool, so under the 37 cent Engineering-Law combined curri- coming to realize of what great as-
cided in advance, what his vote on will speak next Thursday afternoon duty scourers of wool would be giv- culum, there is recalled to many on sistance the school a' either end
the petition should be. Paige is a under the auspices of the Round en compensatory protection for the the campus, the traditional rivalry of the Diagonal can be to the other.
professor of Law and Hawkeye lead- Table club. His topic will be "What first time in many years. of those two schools located at the Lawyers, however, after gradua-
ers were, confident there evidence, You Get for a Magazine." opposite ends of the diagonal. tion have found that in practicing
if properly made would be suffi- Eaton, who was graduated in i Swing-Out was scarcely ever con- in many fields, the two branches of
cient argument for reinstatement. 1923, climaxed his exploits at Mich- 'sidered complete without sam education are not so far removed.
igan by turning down Phi Beta manifestations of the lawyer-en- The public utility lawyer, the pat-
Sale of Hop Tickets Kappa. As an undergraduate, he 'gineer feud. Law students have al- ent lawyer, and others may be of-
was editor of the Sunday feature j ways staged their Crease Dance ten embarrased by his inability to
Susnended for W eek Isection of The Daily, and associated VV ' «U!with th excention of some belli- inteligently understand or cross
First Three Years in Engineering College Will
be Followed by Regular Law
School Routine
I Istablishn ,t ntire xy nitewphase in the ,iel f el( lucation. the
E Regent, approved th coraization of a six -near I !tincerin'- Iaw com-
hbiled curricutlun at a meetin uhel \esterda afternoon. Te new
course will lead to degrees in both engineering and law. with the
first three -eats devoted to technical' studies and the last three to the
sttudy of law. :\t the end of the fourth rear. or the first rear in
Ithe I.Sa\ School, the degree ofbachelor ot Science in 'ngmineerig n will
he given, to he followed by :the de'ree ofb achelor o at the
comiletion of the six years' Coursc.
This in ioilationli the c rricu miwas prepared by emibers of
the faculties of both schools. those on the Committee hieing VDean H erhert
C. Sadler. Prof. lenrvy C. \nderson. ;mid Prof. George W. Patterson.
associate dean, of the eiineerimg college and Dean hl enrr .\l. lates,
Prof. John b. \\'aitc, and Prof. I. Pklvthe Stason of the Law School.
- 'That there is a demand for a
combined curriculum in these
HO EEL TION fields has been shown by the fact
that a good number of students
have taken up the study of law af-
ter completing their four yearsof
engineering. It is recognized, how-
-- T99 athat practiin awyer,, aa
- --ticularly those who make a special-
Rhodes Award of $2,000 Listed ty of patent law, corporation law,
and public utilities, need a firm
for Candidate Victorious foundation in engineering and
in Today's Meeting. technology, but that they do not
require the highly specialized sub-
FIFTEEN MEN COMPtTE jects of the fourth year in the eng-
ineering curriculum. For this rea-
Sscholar will be madet it is son the six-year program seemed
today, desirable, according to the report
announced by Dean John R. Effin- made by the committee.
ger, of the literary school and head Course Much in Demand.
of the state cornvnittee ii (,large of Many types of lawyers are con-
awarding the scholarship. pelled every day to deal with high-
The committee in charge, com- : ly technical subjects--preparation
posed, besides Dean Effinger, chair- of specifications, the consideration
man; of James K. Watkins of De- of rate schedules and contracts,
troit, secretary; W. R. Burwell ofr and other instruments for indu-
Cleveland, and the Rev. WeldonI strial and public service corpora-
W. Crossland of Pontiac, is schedul- tons. These all demand a high de-
ed to meet this morning to go over gree of technical knowledge and
the credentials of the 15 candi- preparation, which most lawyers
dates. :lack and have to acquire in some
Most of the morning will prob- way. It is in answer to the needs of
ably be devoted to this task. Dean this new type of lawyer which is
Effinger said, since the number of being demanded more and more by
candidates is unusually large this the industrial world that this
year. The increasing number of course is designed.
candidates, according to Dean Ef- Course Will be Varied.
finger, is an indication of the grow- In general the first three years
ing interest shown in the award of the course will include the fun-
by University students. damentals which underlie all
The candidates and members of phases of engineering--mathema-
the committee will be Dean Efing- 'tics, drawing, surveying, shop,
er's guests at luncheon at the Un- chemistry, physics; and applied me-
lon, and the afternoon will be de- chanics, as well as the fundamen-
voted to investigating the candi- tas of mechanical, chemical,,elec-
dates separately, in an alphabetical trical and civil engineering. In ad-
order. dition, the student will b required
Award of the scholarship to a to elect English, modern languages,
large extent will be made on basis 'political science, and economics as
of these interviews, Dean Effingtr well as be given the opportunity of
said, which are designed to meas- electing certain studies in fields in
Sure the candidates according to which he is particularly interested.
the following qualities prescribed With the permission of the com-
by Cecil Rhodes, the donor: (1) lit- mittee in charge, minor changes in
erary and scholastic ability and at- the orescribed curriculum may be
tainments: (2) qualities of man- made in special cases. In order to
hood, truth, courage. devotion to complete the last three years of the
duty, sympathy, kindliness. unsel- course, the student while in the en-
I fishness. and fellowship: (3) exhi- (4Continued on Page 2, Col. 2)
bition of moral force of character _Cnnue__n__ge_,_C_._ 2
and of instincts to lead the way
and to take an interest in his H AGEN DEFEATED
schoolmates; and (4) physical vig- AT LOS ANGELES
our, as shown by an interest in out-
door sports or in other ways. Diegel Eliminates Favorite Over
Three of the 15 candidates are Hard Los Angeles Fairways
University students, it is announe- Farrell Trims Watrous.
(Continued on Page 2, Col. 7)_ -
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 6. --
Astronomy Professor Championship hopes of Walter Ha-
T aa,,a ..jai nrJ ly jjj 5tT11 enm ashed t n the fairwas of
a kten eriousiy 11c sesguvs ~ s ssay
Hillcrest today when the colorful
Prof. Ralph G. Curtiss of the As- wanderer of golfdom bowed to the
tionomv denartment is confined to superior play of Leo Diegel, de-
the University hospital as a result fending title-holder, 3 and 2, in
of a general breakdown in his the semi-finals of the National
health. No definite diagnosis of the Professional Golfers Association
case has been made, but according championship.
to a statement made today by Dr. While Diegel met and matched
Carl H. Fortune, his condition is the challenge of Hagen, Johnny
not at all serious. It will be neces- Farrell of New York cruized
sary, however, that he remain in through his test to eliminate Al
'the care of the hospital for several Watrous, of Detroit, by an over-
days where he can be kept under Cwhelming 6 and 5 victory. Smiling
close observation by the doctors inm ;Johnny fought his way back from
charge. "Professor Curtiss has done 'the brink of defeat yesterday when
notable work in furthering the le came from behind to nose out
work of the astronomy departmentCri Wood, Bloofield, N. Y., on
and his temporary absence will be Craiodhb o n.uY, od
8" 4 a u t ar. the 37th but his conquest today