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December 01, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-01

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JIv L" AY, DECOVItER 1, !J2,''





Pan-Hellenic ball festivities did chaperoned by Miss Katherine
Y[not end with the final strains of the Noble and Mr. and Mrs. Homer
dance music in the League ballroom Heath.
TO P EV I RIA Friday night, for most of the sor- Futuristic desins were used to
ncamriti capus were hostesses
at breakfasts from 2 until 3 o'clock. decorate the Chi Omega house.
____ Some were rather quiet affair whe~e breakfast. was served to
borGymie orhestrashr piant furs, eighteen couples, with Dr. and Mrs.
while orchestras or pianists fur-' G. R. Maitland of Detroit and Mrs.
Barbour Gymnasium to be Scene nished music for more dancing at Blanche Harley acting as chaper-
of Event Sponsored by League ones. A buffet breakfast was serv-
and Churches Twelve couples returned to the ed to the Kappa Deltas and theirc
adC rhsKappa Alpha Theta house to break- guests. Mrs. Anna Dillingham chap-i
fast and dance, with Mrs. Franklin eroned the affair. Twenty couplest
WILL DECORATE BOOTHS ( Moore acting as chaperone. At the attended the Alpha Epsilon PhiI
Delta Gamma house, there were ten house.I
Women Signed to Sell Will Meet I couples, chaperoned by Mrsl. Phyl- Alpha Omicron Pi also entertain-
Chairman on Wednesday nReydst usic furnished by te ed at a buffet breakfast. -Large
for Instructions. Carson's orchestra. white chrysanthemums and baby
IYellow flowers and white tapersl chrysanthemums decorated the i
Yelow lowrs nd hit taerstables at which fifteen coules t
Gay colors, noise, ctowds, for- were used by Alpha Chi Omega to tes satd Mhic Witeen Buples
tune tellers will all proclaim the decorate the tables which were, set were seated. Mrs. William Burln-
gypsy fair scheme of the Women's for fifteen couples. Mrs. Winifred game was the chaperone.ASixteen
League and Interchurch Bazaar Ferrin was the chaperone. Delta couples returned to he Alpha Xi
which will be held next Friday and Zeta entertained in a private din- Delta he for b r ysafter
Saturday in Barbour gymnasium, ing room in the League building. which they danced. Chrysanthe-
according to the plans announced Sixteen couples and Mrs. Ella B. mums and orange tapers were used
by Dorothy Flynn, '30, general Anderson attended the Gamma Phi in the decorations. Mrs. Wendell
chairman. Beta breakfast. The tables were acted as chaperone.
Alternating strips of yellow and made bright with small chrysan- Sigma Kappa decorated with
red, set off by strips of green and themums and orange tapers. maroon and lavendar for their
black will form the roof of the Small tables arranged in front of breakfast. Phi Sigma used their)
scene of the fair in the gymnasium. the fireplace were set for six sorority colors, blue and gold. Theta
The s i d e - walls couples at the Kappa Kappa Gam- Phi Alpha carried out a lavendar
will be predomin- ma house. Mrs. Kate Mason was and white motif with orchid chry-c
ately yellow with the chaperone. Sixteen members santhemums and white tapers. Pink
{ of Pi Beta Phi and their guests ate and white were the colors used at
1 or r e g u 1 a r at the League building. They were the Alpha Delta Pi breakfast.
splotches of red, ___--__ - -- - - - -
green, and 'black. _______________
e''boa blSmith Assists Married
Mhe booths will be'S ih sissM ridaragd log,: 1 NOTICES c
arranged along -.NTES
the sides and in j Graduates in Business tfo
the Center and Appointmets for Junior Girls'
with their decor Smith college has gone to the as- Play try-outs may be made at a
xtions will height- sistance of its perplexed graduate table in University Hall on Tues-j
.n the color effect who finds herself with a home and day, Wednesday, and Thursday, o
December 3, 4, and 5, between
of the scheme. Dorothy Flynn, with a desire to keep up in the the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock and '
Fortune tellers, a gypsy program profession in which she had spent 1 and 4 o'clock.
which will be managed by Chi three of four years. The Institute Those who did not receive en- F
Omega this year, and the enter- for the Co-ordination of Women's ry blanks for intramural basket- h
tainment planned by the sopho- Interests at Smith has conducted a ball will receive them through f;
more women in their cabaret will novel experiment, providing such the mail and are asked to return
all carry out the effect of the gyp- tie h w them filled out to the office atiI
sy fair. The sellers, who have been tired housewives with a dinner pre- Barbour gymnasium Monday.
drafted from the houses contribut- Ipared for the family, a nursery for Group practice games -will start
ing to the bazaar, will be costumed the small child and a part-time ser- this week and all taking parti
in yellow jackets and skirts. Maude vant-an arrangement that pro- should call Dorothy Birdzell at .
Sargent, '32, is in charge of the ar- vides leisure time for the college 7717e
rangements for the decorations for There will be a meeting of the s
the bazaar. graduate to keep in touch with her Archery club at 4 o'clock tomor-
All of the women who have sign- professional interests. row in the parlors at Barbourt
ed up to sell at the booths will meet Mrs. Ethel -owes, who holds a gymnasium. Frances Merrill,7
with their chairman, Helen Cheever, Ph.D. from Smith, Is the founder '33, wll act as temporary presi-c
'31, at 5 o'clock next Wednesday in of the Institute. She suggests that :lent. The purpose of the meet-F
the Field house, to receive a- few 1the kitchen of a local-woman's club ing is to discuss the organization
instructions on salesmanship from be the club, and everyone who is
the chairman and Dorothy Flynn. be the center of the home diner nterested is invited.
It is necessary that everyone who service for the community and that I
anticipates selling attend the meet- a paid director be engaged. Fam-
ing, and anyone who is interested ilies with one child will be fre------------- ------
and has not signed up may make quently glad to avail themselves of
arrangement for 1 sellings hours the socializing influences of the
then. i nursery school.
Rarona Beauty Shop
Permanent Wave------$5.00

Women may in the long run lose in; purses and w arin; apparel
BY CLlJBimore of their possessions than do seem to vanish the most easily
_men, but they do not exhibit such then. _
Faculty Women's Club to Hold a well-developed ability for the ualucal occrfre uentl Intramural Tournaments Will Be
Dance and Reception at misplacement of the unusual as last year was from a girl who had Held in Minor Sports After
League Thursday.does the masculine element, if re- lest one brown oxford. A gold foot- Swimmin Meet
ports from the Lost and Found' ball. engraved with the owner's
Members of the Faculty Women's bureau in the Secretary's office name, the word "Captain," and the PLAN DANCING CLASSES
club and their husbands and es- speak true. year 1U24, is still waiting io be
corts will be entertained at an eve- Men frequently leave their poc- claimed, ;) atempts to ind th W n'n Athletic A iation
ing reception and dance which is ket watches in the classrooms in owner having been futile.
to be held n Thursday evening,!which they take their examinations sponsoring intramural tournaments
to be hel o ThurLayevending, during that nerve-wracking period CMasksin minor sports following the swim-
Dec. 5, at the League building.. ilclf o fclee xec.Dring the
President Alexander G. Ruthven of college existence. During the. ing meet to be run off December
and Mrs. Ruthven and Regent Jun- summer, calls for vanished hats and Costume Plates 12. The first of these will be a
ius E. Beal and Mrs. Beal will be constitute a large part of the busi- Exhibited y Ttournament, in which one
uest o honor at the receptioi Books are more easily traced rn exhibit of de orative masks representative from each house and
until 9:30. than most lost articles, for, as a ntdormitory and any independent
Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock rule, they contain the name of the nwomen may be entered.
he l ble owner, to whom a notification card are now on view in the Lydia Men-
ill be provided forathose who wish is sent. Men excell in losing their; delssohn theatre in connection with in. eet t iclude a
to play bridge. The affair is the books. Numerous requests for note- the policy of using the lobby for ;,d
third of the monthly galherings of 1 books also reach the department, exhibition purposes. golf, riflery, and bowling competi-
the club. but it is seldom that any are turn- tion. Each organization is entitled
ein. I lie masks, which are the work of
__________ed in'm ,1~iC to enter one member to participate
Gloves, those hard-to-keep ar- Mr. Nastfogel of the Detroit Civi in eah onthe evbent
Thanksgiving Causes tcles, usually reach the office thder, are to be used for walt in ea ch of these events.
Decyease in Social singly, if they are men's, and in d aAnother W. A. As project which
.ee pairs, if they belong to women. Only ithe with success last season, social
Acivites i W casionally is a pair of gloves be- ; & lein classes will be resumed
-- longing to a man found. For someI ii ta id.A be reached at,881,.
With the Pan-Hellenic ball the reason or other, those' who lose The c ostumv. plates were made b ywith the first class to be held De-
center of the social activities this gloves seldom seem to miss them, Mis. Pauline Hatfield Bittenger fo rcember 3 at Barbour gymnag-
week-end, most of the houses on for few calls are made for then, " r m ., d e ,' These classestunder the manage-
nntandncampus have not been very busy and thebreaiypresenwell
cmuhaentbnvryb s ippilied in that line, Mr . i iener is hea1 01 the ..ut sweal Education club are given for
socially during the rest of the week. Pencils, pens, scarfs, and all Sruii depdr!tht iih the Smxead schl1 irI any men and women who wish to
The holiday on Thanksivin also loose articles constitute the major- toleio, and (id much of ir woI attend. They will be held regularly
cut into the regular programs of ity of lost possessions. Glasses, too, in costurne design in the workshop from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock Tuesday
are frequently misplaced. Those at Harvard. and Thursday evenings.
the women.
Sigma Kappa announces the which are not called for are sent to ! During December there will be an --
Sigm Kapp a annones th the Health Service at the end of the exhibit of choice modern books on I French archaeologists are of the
pledging of Virginia Boskirk '32, year, where the frames are used forI the theatre and also a collection I opinion that the remains of the
of Birmingham. 'those who cannot afford new ones. of ussian jewelry. There is a pos- I beautiful Cleopatra are not en-
Thanksgiving Day guests at the When pocketbooks are found, the sibility that further exhibitions tombed on the banks of the Nile,
Sigma Sigma house were the Misses department looks through them, will include the Gordon Craig;I but rest in the gardens of the
Evelyn Croll, Windsor, Ontario; and if a name is found, notifies the sketches for Macbeth. - French National library.
I;owner. . -The report is that Napoleon
Farcelle Koralk, ClevelandRaids; i Especially after concerts and lee, -c 1,10, STATE UNIVERSITY.- brought back the tomb as part of
arcel e KraSh , Devld;ai. Lures in hill auditorium is the office Eleven fraternities have already his Egyptian plunder and that of-
he Melen SceerDetroitm o'busy, for a large number of scarfs, pledged their support to a $5,5001 ficials buried it without making the
The Misses Helen Hlartman of
Detroit and Pauline White of Glen- gloves, pieces of jewelry, and drive, which is being launched by fact public for fear of international
' buckles are lost at that time. Even- the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. complications.
cop, Illinois are guests at the Alpha____

,; -J

Chi Omega house. v
Guests of the Delta Zeta house
are Miss Elizabeth Torongo of Bat-
tle Creek and Miss Mary Dunning-
an of Detroit.
Miss Josephine McCausey of De-
troit, a student at Bradford, and
Miss Marjory Eimon of Marion,
Ohio, are guests at the Gamma
Phi Beta house.
Virginia Cooper, '29, of Carmel,
Indiana, is a guest at the Kappa
Delta house this week-end. Miss
Louise Squibb of Cincinnati is vis-
iting at the Pi Beta Phi house.


tom' KI f j/

Shampoo and Finger Wave 1.00
Shampoo and Marcel.1.00
Manicure 50c
Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00

, /l /

.r,, ,.- ,,F'

Openi Even n

Call 21478
Upstairs over Flower Shop

625 E. Liberty Street

Women's League


fFSthat reflect the. good taste of
their donors-as well as compli-
tnenting the good taste of their foriti-
nate recipients.
Hundreds of them-are here-ini
goodly array-splendid displays so comt-
plete you'll find choosing a pleasure.
Dainty lingerie-frivolous or tailored depending
upon the taste of the giver and the receiver. Silk and
sport hosiery from the finest makers in the country.
Gloves in styles and colors that will find favor with the
feminine element. Scarfs of smart triangles or clinging
chiffon that follow the mode. Handbags that re-
flect the leading fashion trends. Jewelry designed in
the spirit of the modern costume and countless other

A great assortment of

gifts with

the gift of 6 fts

the mark of personal

Nothing could be

appreciated more than 'a fur coat
for Christmas.

We are showing the na tionally

known dine of


Fridav Dec.

Saturday Dec.



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