T H r Id I C H I C., AIN
. T-TI'MAY, Bron, IMER -1, i;211?
Published c"very morning except Monday
during the Unversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republi,ation of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and, the local news published
Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan; as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
taster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building May-
aard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2f2t4.
Telephone 4925
Editor ................,...George C. Tilley
City Editor ................ Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor. .............George E. Simons
Sports Editor 7......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor ..........Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor......... Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama........ William J. Gorman
Literary Editor.......... Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant (City lEditor .......Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank E. Cooperg henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds
not be carried beyond the fresh-
man year. It stunts the develop-
ment of self-reliance and self-dis-
.cipline, both of which will be of
equal importance with academic
achievement when the student,
finds himself unshielded by his al-
ma mater and at grips with the
world for a living.
To us the new Harvard dormi-!
tories, disguised as "inner colleges" !
that are hardly more than a dig-
nification and moralistic extension'
of the Harvard tutorial system, are
significant only as more paternal-
ism and increased floor space. After
all, Harvard would have been ra-
ther silly in the eyes of the world
to turn down Mr. Edward F. Hark-
ness' proferred eleven millions -
even though he tied up the giftJ
with the requirement that it mustj
be used for student-faculty "hous-
Senator Capper of Kansas has
handed the Senate a mild seda-
tive in the form of a bill designed
to exempt Washington newspaper-
men from the necessity of divulg-
ing the source of confidential in-
formation before any committee of
Congress. This was closely follow-,
ed by the introduction of a fur-
ther measure which, if passed,
would enable the correspondents in
Washington to refuse to appear as
witnesses before any Congressional
investigating body. The former of
these bills would easily prove at
boon to the good estate of news-
papermen generally; the latter,:
however, would serve only to deter
the investigators from an accurate,'
I and sometimes exclusive, avenue ofE
About Books
r !- -
J Usklkdr
PLANS FOR INLANDER film success "Widecomhe Fair," a
Afilm version of the novel by Eden
The Inlander is a problem. The Philpotts at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Board of Control has always found Theatre beginning at 8:15.
it so. At one time, it has receivedTHE LENER STRING QUARTET
the support of the Board, at an-
As is so frequently the case with
other it has been thrown out as a organizations as internationally
decadent proposition. Subscribers known as the Lener String Quar-
have been dissatisfied at times, at tet, the story of the growth proves
others they give it favorable re- a fascinating study in the inter-
view. But comments for the most rity and earnestness of the artistic
part have been of dulled indiffer- 'life Each member of the quartet is a
product of the Budapest Academnv.
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barc David il. Nichol
Maxwell Bauer William Page
Mary L. Behymer )oward It. Peckham
Benjamin fl. l-erentsoilugli Pierce
Allan It. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
ohn 11. Denler Joseph A. Russell
Ilelen Domine ;Josep~h R uwitch
Margaret Ickels William 1. SaTharulo
Katharine Ferrin Charles R. Sprowl
Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. Fullerton lane hayer
Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson
Ginevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin
Tack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine
'[orris Groverman I'arold 0. Warren, Jr.
Ross Gustin Charles White
Margaret I-arris 'G. Ionel Willens
David B. [empstead 'ohn 1I Willoughby
. Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise
ean Levy Barbara Wright
nssel E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
Dorohy Magee
Teliephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising .............. lollister Mabley
Advertsing.............Kasper I. lalverson
Advertising ..............Sherwood A. Upton
Service....................George A. Spater
Circulation..................1. Vernor Davis
Accounts ...................John R. hose
Publications......:..........eorge Iamilton
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kohacker
James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
obert Crawford Thomas Muir
Harry B. Culver George Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
No-man Eliezer Lee Slaytn
ames rioffer boseph Van Riper
orris Johnson Robert Wiliamson
Charles Kline William R. Worboys
Rnsiness Secretary--Mary liase
Laura Codling Alice McCiy
Agnes 'Davis Slvia NI iller
Bernice Glaser IIelen E.. nusselwhite
,ortense Gooding Eleanor4Wlkinshaw
Dnorotliea Water man
Night Editc--C. R. KAUFMAN
Harvard's $11,000,000 experiment
ence, or from simple prejudice. Thet
Inlander has been our black sheep,
we have laughed in its very face,
and have thumbed our noses be-
hind its back.
However, the recent efforts of Mr.
Courlander to cast aside by-gones
and to start afresh with new in-
spiration and new goal in mind'
should attract our attention. We
hope him the best of accomplish-,
ment. It is certain that the in-
definiteness of purpose of the past
is a weakness. Probably the staff
cannot start a critical journal to
begin with, nor for some time es-
tablish a definite critical outlook,
but this should be its goal. The end
will no doubt be accomplished un-I
der the new organization of the!
staff into special departments. The'
fact that the staff will look at the
Inlander as a magazine and notj
merely as a reward for students
who write good themes will in-I
crease, we believe, the vitality of
the organ. We are placing our pre-
judices on the shelf, to wait for the
long renowned for its fostering of
instrumental tradition. Jeno Len-
er, the leader, Joseph Smilovits, se-
cond violin, and Sandor Roth, viola.
were all pupils of the old master
Hubay, while Imre Hartman, cell-
ist, was a student of Popper. Lener
was the child prodigy of Hubay's
"master class". At eleven years of
age, he was one of the first violins
in the Budapest Grand Opera Or-
chestra. All the other menbers
were prize winners and proved their
worth as solo artists.
At the outbieak of the revolu-
tion in Hungary and the period of
communism in Budapest which be-
'gan in 1919, Lener and his three as-
sociates in the Grand Opera Or-
chestra with characteristic polit-
ical indifference retired to a remote
Hungarian village and devoted
their energies to chamber music.
Two years later they made their de-
but in Vienna as an ensemble group
before a distinguished international
gathering. Their reputation was at
once establishedtandgR -
vi~cc aaan~ieu uu avel per-1
The necessity for a Congressional outcome. sonally invited them to Paris the
act in this situation arises from following autumn. Their annual
the fact that citations for contempt FLASHES tours to England have become an
because of refusal to disclose infor-. FROM WEEK'S BQOKS important, feature of the musical
mation, as in the case of the three season there.
Washngtn unortnate beore News from the hub of literary
Washington unfortunates before life, Fifth Avenue in New York, i This year marks their first visit
the inquiry investigating Brook- ' to America. Whether from an in-
hart's liquor charges, and of Harry states that the book about its wn tuitive grasp of the first principles
life, Hudson River Bracketed,- by
F.inclair, aie ered in ' pursu- Edith Wharton, is leading through- of publicity or merely from a nat-
ance of a law reading "Every per-out the country as the best seller ural zest for a controversial life,
son who having been summoned for the week. But Farewell to Jeno Lener has managed to usurp
as witness by the authority of'. et
as w sArms, which has topped the list much valuable space in the Metro-
either House of Congress to give since its appearance two months politanp
Sinc it apearnce wO ~nt3 9 anpro|ss and musical jour-
testimony. . . . upon any matter 1
ago and which is now in some far nals with discussion of the work
under inquiry before. . any corn- d i
under inquir beou re - advanced edition, is playing a close and principles of his organization.
mittee of either House. . re- second. The Dido of Gertrude Ath- With a frankness verging on bold-
fuses to answer any pertinent ques-dB ness he has made public statements 1
tion under the inquiry shall be egto the effect that he n1 longer be-
Ever La Forge are also in the run- eeetthtenoogrb-
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor." ,a lieves that myth about chamber
(U. S. Rev. Stat. sec. 102) In ad- ning. A stern sounding book,
( .S. Re . S a .s c 02 n a - 'Tw elve A gainst the G ods, by W , - m usic being strictly "l'art intim e." i n t h s s a u o y c n e p ,W l i m B lt o s a e d f r t e n n i t t m n u s P r o al
dition to this statutory contempt, TwleAans'hos byWl Hi sttmn-us:Proal
' ham Bolitho, is ahead for the non- stae ntrn.PsnayI
the Supreme Court has minimized, fiction books. do not feel that chamber music
through its decision handed down should be restricted to the salon.
in Sinclair's case, the chances for * * * If you want to study the construe-
any appeal from the citation ins a During the past week, Bitter tion of the piece, to hear the piece
lesser court upon recommendation Water, the novel which was award- as counterpoint and not as music, a
of the inquiry held in contempt. ed the Gerhard Hauptmann prize small place is better, but if you are
The immediate effect of Senator for 1928, has been circulated in an interested in the spirit of the mu-
Capper's bill upon the journalism i English translation made by Cedar sic rather than the letter I cannot
profession would be to elevate the 'and Eden Paul. This novel, writ- see that the size of the hall makes
newspapermen to an equal status ten by Heinrich Hauser, was sold in any difference. Art is art in large
with the time-honored occupa- Germany under the title of Brack- or small spaces. As a matter of
tions. The relations between a wasser. The author is only twen- fact, some of our most successful
correspondent and a powerful fig- ! ty-eight. He was born in Berlin London concerts have been in Royal
ure in government and. industry are and served in the navy during the Albert Hall which seats about ten
not a whit less vital than those war and after the German revolu- thousand." These remarks have
rnrtr,4~rrr . rr
In small-unit education, to be in- between a lawyer and client, the
augurated next fall with 522 Stu doctor and patient, husband and.
dents in the new Dunster and Low-I wife, or priest and penitent. In
ell houses, is holding the attention; fact, the immensity and ramifica-$
of those who think about educa- tions of contemporary administra-
tional progress. The New York I tive offices demands that the re-
times and the Christian Science! porter and official be on terms of
Monitor have already viewed the candor and fair dealing. The i
project favorably: they see desir- vIwriting ofanews containing whole;
ability in splitting the huge masses' truths stated in their relative im-
of students at our great universi- portance presupposes a vast and in-
ties into more wieldy groups, at thez timate knowledge of their entirej
same time retaining the skilled in- background. This information, us-!
struction and superior facilities of ually acquired confidentially for
a large institution. purposes of background for stories,
To us it is not clear just wherein constitutes the reporter's stock in!
lies the advantage of having the trade; it is not a professional se-.
groups more wieldy, better organ- cret to be guarded, but rather a I
ized. There will, perhaps, be more confidence to be specifically em-
opportunity for the students to ployed.
mingle with the faculty - to have - -
the lamp of truth in the very midst NOT JUST SPECTACULAR,
of their lives instead of only on Commander Richard E. Byrd has!
the classroom fringe-for the so- flown over the South Pole, adding
called "inner-college" plan provides another to his list of heroic deeds.j
professors' rooms in the dormitor- Byrd has now conquered the North
les. This may prove a valuable Pole, the Atlantic and the South
stimulus to that class of students i Pole, any one of which tasks would
inherently brilliant, but also lazy, ! bring him world renown.
who would like to know some. pro- His achievements, spectacular ast
fessors better if it weren't so much they are, have not been undertaken!
bother to find them. in the spirit of adventure alone.
It is probable, also, that well or- The search for scientific data has
ganized groups under the direction been a prime motive in all his en-
of an adviser-tutor will make the deavors. The South Pole flight
administration more efficient in comes simply as the most spec-
Imposing its ideas, its will, and its tacular incident of a two year geo-
regulations on the student body. logical and geographical expedi-
It seems to be a principle in the tion in the polar regions.
minds of today's higher educators The world may take off its hats
that they, as well as the secondary to those, in a spirit of recklessness,
educators, should have an outfit of succeed in some hazardous task, but
morals and a standard of behavior to Commander Byrd who accom-
to impart rather rigidly to their plishes his unprecedented feats,
charges. Regimenting the stu- i'through thorough preparation and
dents into a routine of dormitory ! for the purpose of enhancing man's
living and eating seems to be as knowledge, it should extend its sin-
convenient a way as any of propa- cerest thanks.
gating the doctrine of the straightt I~
tion followed the sea for another:
year. Much of the atmosphere of
this novel is reminiscent of, the
years spent in Imperial service. The+
book has 'received the hearty re-
commendation by Thomas Mann,
recent winner of the Nobel prize for
Robert Bridges, the poet laure-
lar-ate of England, now in his eighty-+
sixth year, is to publish sometime
this month, "The Testament of;
Beauty," a long philosophical poem.:
, , *
W. E. Woodward, the author of
George Washington and Meet Gen-
eral Granrt, is now at work on an-
other birgranhv which is to by
peculiar relevancy to their mid-
western debut here Tuesday for the
vasty, heaven-stretchy spaces Of
our own auditorium will provide
this confident organization with no
meantest. On theireAnn Arbor
concert they offer. the following
program, an interesting one though
one of the many Beethoven quar-
tets that they have recorded for
Columbia would have appealed
more than the Schubert:
Quartet in B Flat Major . . Mozart
Quartet in G Minor, Opus 10
Quartet in D Minor, Opus
M - - ----V
Oratorical AssociationPrah'
" 1f vL
calll~l }.Jled, A Enem incn, th The contrast in subject matter
called, An Enemy of Lindoln, the j of these. two announcements may
Life of Thadeus Stephens, which is b etw pa n u e ns a
to be published sometime in the bextoo ainful bt it appears that
spring. The subject of this biog- Texas Guinan, the Queen of the
raphy was one of the most mis- Night Clubs. and her gang of Hun-
understood men of his generation dred Entertainers are coming to
and during the dark days of the the Shubert-DetroitOperas ouse.
closing period of, the Civil War and The show is advertised as "ideal
the Reconstruction period after, he I entertainment to attend with your
mae asmnyrteneid asftermn, friends" which doesn't sound very
made promising to those many who have
because of his implacable attitude
towards the South and his opposi-been enjoying their secret desire to
tion to the great Emancipator. Nev-sthis lusty Amaois"ationy
ertheless, he was an astute and But proadway Nigts actualln
honest stateman, a fearless andj does present a novel form of en-
brilliant orator, and a sincereifn tertainment that was well-received
violent politician, in New York by the most austere.
The effort is made to turn the the-
* * * atre into a Night Club with Texas
Speaking of the reason why she meeting the eager audience at the
has returned to writing the his- door, and participating with them
torical novel, Gertrude Athei'ton in a grand frolic.
says: "In the first place I should It is an elaborate production with
never have written anything else a cast of 100 offering some thirty
but historical novels had other sub- scenes, including a striking novelty
jects occurred to me after I pub- of "The Mechanical Jazz Band.' a
lished The Conqueror, but with the German mechanical effect present-
exception of Rezanov, nothing did ed in America for the first time.
until I wrote The Immortal Mar- * n *
riage and The Jealous Gods rb o va- (OTHER DIETRIT SHOWSAJ'