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November 30, 1929 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-30

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Vublisbe every morning except Monday
dul ing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student riablicatious.
Mlember of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for rtpubli ation of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otberwise credited
in this (taper and the local news published
Entered at the, posto. ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
moaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
tard Street.
Phones: Editoridl, 492,; Business, 21214.

absorbing of anry unemployment
which might result from the pres-
ent disturbed conditions,"
The two announcements may ap.-
pear to be inconsistent but actually
they are the result of the presim

,TUFF, it (',


dential recognition 0ofUthe UilTerence1t Now that all the excitement of
between fundamental and immed-' another Thanksgiving is over and
iate conditions. The discrimina- we've all come back to normal -
tion has a touch of wisdom and or nearly so, anyway--lct's shed a
quite a little common sense. Few tear for the noble bird that made it
have recognized it. al osbe
The Hoover plan designed to ab-i REST IN PIECES
sorb possible unemployment calls:
'frthe speeding up by federal de-
partments and state and municipal
governments of the construction of
their contemplated public works. ItL {
is an excellent plan, theoretically.
Practically, it has its limitations,
which may prevent it from balanc-
ing, fully and at the proper time
the unemployment.

Telephone 4925

Moi-nd~i PRINTINGs
Review by Williamr J. G~orrmn OU.R
Of course there las beecn alto-_ RIE
I gether too mouch hullabaloo aboutn
the forth and technique of O'Neill's AR
strange stage play. The poss'ibility NEVER
sof really judging it has been I HIGH!
smothered by pondet-ous maneuv-
erins abut;the desirability of the
erigsabutTh ps- 30 years knowing how j
' .
sionate yearners for a great .Ameni-
can Drama have seized "strangi THE ATHENS PRESS I
Interlude" with somewhat sus'pie- Down Towin
ions and certainly uncritical ossid-1 Next to 1~ostoffice Dial 21017
uity. It looks to mc more like an-
other "American Tragedy." -
S The question of the success of
the play is ultij-.ately a formal one,
1 think. O'Neill has defiled the Ii.D A N C IN G
conception of the drama tha.t found I -
,its mnaster in lbos 'n and yet hss
used it as the basis of his play. le Is.t till
Yjis con tent to use the rea listic franc Amor
--that is to use life-charflctcrs and
life-situations as symbols -but he
has contrived an idiom for mixing vr
the soliloquy and the aside with di- SturdayNate
alogue for the more complete pre
senltation of character. 11e pre- ________
sents a scene quite in the m~anner
of Ibsen and the ordinary dramta-' Park Plan
tist, using realismr as a frame. But
he wishes to mako all thel phrases Everybody
and implications of tihe scene notj
f&nly intelligible but actually "audi- Welcome
bale;" hene, the new idiom and the
length of the play. But the point
to be made is thaLt in spilling every., ___


This bank would never have gown to its
present size except for its efficient service. for
SERVICE added to safety is about all a bank has
to sell.
Our depositors have gown steadily in nuin-
ber because those who first came here were sat-
isfied with the service and told their friends.
Upon the basis of Service, plus safety, we
invite the accounts of firms anid individuals.

Editor .........,...,..... . George C. Tilley
City Editor ..... .........Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor .....,.... (hw)rge E. Simons
Sports Editor ........ Edwtard L.. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor ....... Marjorie Follmer
T'elegraph Editor ........ Cassami A. Wilson
Alus c and Drama........ William J. Gormnan
Literary Editor......... Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor...... Rubent J. Feldman
Night Editors
Franik E. Cooper lienry J. Merry
,William C. Gentry Robert LS loss
Chardes 'R. Kaufmant Walter W. Wilds
.u..i 'iy 'Williams
Bertram Askwith Lester Mlay
Helen Barc David Al. Nichul
Maxwell Bauier William Page
Mar, L. Behymer Howard 11. Peckhiam
R~n3 arin 11. Pei'entsoriIugh Pierce
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz
S: Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
john H. Denler Joseph A. Russell
Helen Domine Joseph Ruwitch
Margaret Eckels William P. ;-alzarulo
Katharine Ferrin Charles R. Sprowl
Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C..Fullerton larte "'haver
Ruth Geddes largaret Tlhomipsonl
Ginevra Ginn Pb-hard L. "T'obin
Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine
Morris Grovernman Harold 0. Warren. Jr.
Ross Gv~stin Charles White
Margaret H-aris G. Lionel Willens
I)avb'l R, T enjntead lo~hn E. Willoughby
i.Cullen Kennedy Nathani Wise
jeas Lev yy Barbara Wright
ussell E. McCracken Vivian Limit
Jjorodiy Magte
Teiephone 21214.
Assistant Manager


The effectiveness of the proposal,
however, is not highly significant.t
If it does not work }properly and ad-
equately, other plans, no doubt, will
be devised. All, though, will bei
stimulants effecting present con-
The extreme conservatism, ap-
proaching over-pessimism, that hasj
followed the stock market crashes
is such as to warrant stinmulant~s,
even if they be only a psychological
nature. They are at thiis time
necessary to the continuance of
prosperity. They should, however,
be served with caution. Inevitable
danger lies ahead if the: country I
is worked into an over-optimistic
state. Excessive stimulants will re-
sult in an economically inflated na-
tion, a condition that leads to col-
lapses in values, and possibly fi-
nancial panics.

And now a tear for the "turkey'
that was found in a good many
local restaurants.

Farmers and Mechanics Dank



205 East Huron

330 South State Street



Member Federal Reserve System


verted the. particular fascination
and the peculiar appeal of the dra-
ma as an art-form-.---which is that
of suggestion and invitation to the
audience to exercise intelligence in
grasping the iniplicatio g of situ-

Department Managers
Advertising ............].tamer 1-i. IHalverson
Advertising ..........S hervood A. Upton
Ser'vice ..................George A. S )ater
Circulation ................ J. Ver'nor Davis
Accounts ... ............. .. J01111 . Rose
Publications :. Ge.....~ iorge ilainiori
Byrne M. Badenocli Marvin Kobacker
James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
Robert Crawford Thomas Muir
Harry B. Culve~r George Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton
J ames Hoffer .loseph \Van Toper ;
Norris Johnson IPobert Wii'.iamison
Charles Kline Willirin 17. XXorboys
Business Secretary --Mary Ghase
Laura Codling :Aline MvCully
Aknes Davis s) x ja Miller
llternic'e Glaser lfcIlen E. Musselwhite
Hortense Goodinig hlatior A%%ikinushaw
D~orothea N\ateinan
Night Editor-Williai C. Gentry
,ATURJ-AY, NOVEMBE4~ 30, 1929
The question of whether or not
the mlerit system. is to be estab-I
lished in tihe selection of officers of
the Union lhas been previously dis-
cussed pro''and conl from almost
every angle. All students who are
interested in seeing the Union rte-c
moved from the hands of an incom-i
peteni and uninformed electorate
are well acquainted with the sub-
ject. Their memories need no stim-
The real problem which will arise
In passing an amendment effecting
the selection of officers lies not in
changing negative votes to positive,
,for the opposition to such a worthy
and necessary measure is negligi-
ble, but in arousing in those num-
erous apathetic and disinterested
persons somne definite opinions,
which will be powerful and con-
vincing enough to bring out the
This is not the first time the
merit system in the Unton has
come before the campus for a vote.
Yet, each time it has been defeated
because of lack of interest. No one
will deny the value of the merit
System, but on the other hand, no
one will do anything to remedy the
existing situation, except for a!
small and vitally interested group.
No definite proposals have as yet
been formulated to place before the
members of the Union, but such a
tplan is expected to be forthcoming=
In the .near future. When- it does,1
Its fate will 'est in the none-too-
* gentle hands of the voters; its suc-
cess - will depend on the interest of
the student body.
The Union should be a real nmen's
club in fact as well as in name, but
until a spirit of warmth and a tra-
dition grow up around it, it will
remain nothing more than a build-
ing where one can waste a few idle
moments. This situation is indic-

DANGEROUS DASHES j ation presented. This device o1
Yes, nd wll b foun' i 1the 'Neill's of probing secrets of the;
Students who rely onl the Wash- for'm of croquettes, soup, and hash mind and then blurtin~g thiem~ all
tenaw buses to get them home dui- until gosh kno' lx ., out is the legitMax~te pruperty cal
ing the noon rush have been chaf-j the novelist; in fact, it~s use con-
ing-and rightly so-at the recent stitutes the novel's reason for ex-
police order which prohibits theI Judging fi'omn all reports there istence and its claim to a real art-
buesfrm icin u pssngrswas plenty of turkey to go around- proe In claiming the whole-
at their former ,stop---the west side and down - last Thursday, and sale 'Omniscience of the niovelit.
of State street, just a heavy stonie's thos'e who wveren't aible to get hoine ! O'Neill is not bein a drainaitist,
thro fro the compratie Iexperien-ced the taxl(Jermist Fen- whlose. particular Wnide it has al--
warmth and shelter of the store sait nyway. ~ !Y ways been thait hl , foriinalbsationas
entrances at that point, have been so subtle that they sug-
By the police order the buses now Statistically speaking, several.. gested "all" without iieedini to
tur dwnSothunierit ae- thousand turkeys were laid end state it. O'Neill has robbed in, of
nue and stop at the wide open l o end in Ann Arbor, anid after tihe pleasure of independenit peer-
space representing the winadblown1 thanks lead beent rendered seao ception--which, I think, is pretty
triu ofte daoa wak wer:e the turkeys. nearly the aesthetic experience of
where students who do not relish a iuto-rm fti ot
the dash across State street from I Those who owned cars had cau-se Of course, swnome ewill con-
their old shelter to the new pick-i to give thanks on Thursday---es- plain: "But his miaterial d'emandled!
up point stand and shiver. Those peemally if the cars were closed. It this open -hearted; bluzrting-u
whorefse husto wai thirwas reported to be the coldest treatmenlt becausc of it's (complex-
tranporatin a ths figi le i Tanksg:4iving clay in fifty 'years. ity"" If he believes that, then hie
tion are forced to run across State iThat may be true, but as far as I ear thin k "Strange~ Interlude" a
I sree attheappoac ofthebuswe're concerned it was time coldest great drama. I dion't. Undoubted-
and thereby incur an excellent risk Thianksgiving in our entire life-! ly, the suppressions of opinion ne-
of being run down. timie. cessitated b~y the demands of po-I
The police are to be commended lite social intercourse make ordi-{
Anyway, the sudden appearance' nary conversation quite unr4Nveal-
for making an effort to clear uap; of all iimanner of motor-driven ve- goflltesultiso th
th taficcogetin t hi pin hicles WrVednesday night caused' Y reudian underworld of consciJous-
but in changing the bus stop they i service station men to rub their i iiess. But it seems to mie that it is
havte dousbltes aedsoewts hands in glee, and tihousanid' of PC- tile job of the di'amatist to miake
to! i the possibingtieyofac eeingtso- des4trians to rush home and hide this modern reticence dramatically
the erythin thy ar sekingtoinder beds. Time oppressed student sufficient (that is suffictly re-
abolish--and have, caused not a i was on the rampage and didn't care velatory) by the ingenious use of
small amount of hrumian discomfort. who knew it. hints and silenices, by clever sclec-
A brush, some white paint, and a! But at 8 o'clock yesterday morn- tion of miaterial, and by calling onl
"No Parking" stencil are all the ing the spell was broken and the the art of the actor. Othmers have
necessary inlgredienlts to nlake cv- Gialloping Gas Gimmicks went back ! done it.{
ery body happy- except perhaps into storage, and the .drivers, to In "Tile Sun Also r2ises," ahnovel,
tihe one or two motorists whO ork. Ernest Ilecifl'iiway, who is cssen-
would be precluded from parking { tially a diramaritist, handles hnde.anlin-a

ACT _ ;' at -

Cor. S. State antd 1. W ash itgton Sis.
Mini., Rev. Arthur WV. Stalker, D. D.
Associate Minister, Rev.' Samuel J.
H1-arrison Student Director, Mr.
R~alph Johnson. Mrs. Robert Win.
tern, Advisor of Women Students.
1O:,;o A. M.---Morning 'Worship.
(""I uion Serv'ice. ''SOM1
MO"lIVE.S," D~r. Stalkc's subject.
m2:00 M.-'l'hree Discussion Groups.
LeadeLrs: Professor S. F. G ingerich,
Prof. Gcor'ge 13. Carrothbers, and
Mr. 16lph I?. Johnson.
0:00 P. M.--Weseyan Guild Devo-
tiona~l Meeting. Lecadcr':FHoward
Wahre~nbrock,(11;raduate Student.
7:30 P. M.---Evening Worship.
Samuel J. H'-arrison's sermon sub-
k ject.



On East H uron, west of State
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Msinister
Howard It. Chapman, 'Minister for
10:30 A. 14.--Morning Worship.
uMr. Sayles will preach. . Topic:
"'The Cross a Social Principle."
12:00 N,-.---Churchi School.
9:15 A. 141. -'--Students' Class meets
ait.Guild h ouse.
):-0;o.V. --Meet at Guild House
for Friendship Hour.
6:30 P. MI.---Devotienal Meetig.
John E. Webster, '30, President of
the S. C. A. will be the speaker.

L luro-r- and Divisioni Sts.
M~erle -4. Anderson- ,Xinister
-Mrs. Nellie B. Caddell, Secretary for
Mrs. Nellie B. Caadivell, Counsellor
for University Women.
110:45 A. M.-Morning - Worship.
Sermon: ".Is the 0. T. Obsolete?"
12:00 N.-Student glass.- Teacher:.
Prof. H. U. McClusky.
5:30 1'. M.--Social [-lour for Young;
6:30 P. M.---Young people's Meet-
ing. Leader: Rev. H. R. Chap'
man, D.D., Student Pastor of the
Baptist Church.
Radio UNITY Serices
The Detroit Civic T1heatre
V. P. RANDALL will speak on
'This isa Dat 1 te regular Unity sert-ie
which beginsi et 11.09A. M, nod which 18
conducted b--
4108 'Woodward Ave.
WJ iR Detroit 11:30 a, im.
East" 'rnSadard Timxe

(Pl'eas. note chanty.ge of locatiton and'l
diffrenit hour of service).
7:30 P. M.-Sunday Services at the
Chapel of the Michigan League.
8:30 P. t--Open House at thie'

State aiid Williaw
Allison Ray Heaps, Minter
9:30 A. M.-Church School.
10.15 A. M.-'-Morning Worsip.'
Seti'io' by the nliinistc'r, Subjct.:
uWlwcla and Vt't55.''y4,
5..10' P . ,-Studet tellolwslhw and
supper followed by a lecture by
Prof. P . Jac , "Religion in
Literatur e.

615 T{. Univergity Dia 3779

in the space necessary for a bus
0 -
Now that Thanksgiving is over,I
belts can be moved up to the pro-
per ' notch, at least until Chlrist-
Carpus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
-confining themselves to less than 300
'-'ords it possible. Anonymous corn- j
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however, I
be- regar'ded as confidential, upon re-
qu st. betters published should not be 1
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of tiie Daily.
To the editor:
I am greatly surprised to find in
your columns the adverse opinionI
on Thomas Mann, the Germn
writer, as expressed by Prof. J. A. C.
Hildner. I enclose, among others,
tile estimate on said writer as found
more especially in Tihe New Re-
public of November 27, page 3. I
refer you also to an article .in The
Nation of November 27,- page 616.1
"Ideally, the Nobel Prize wouldj
be given, not as an encouragemlenlt
to a young writer or as a vindica-
tion of a popular writer, but rather,
as a tribute to a manl of high tal-
ent, worthy of international an-d
permanent recognition, who has de-
voted a lifetime to the art of let-

'Now you tell one.
"Hello, Hello. .- Who is this?
.rOh, a pledge, eh? Well, are
anly of the students there."
We're glad to see that Joe Park-
er's is in operating order again.
INow if we cane get an Orient work-
igwe'll be able to keep one of
Michigan's old songs from getting
too old to sing.
{We're also glad to see that there's
going to be a convention of math
instructors here today and tomor-
row. Perhaps we can bust i on a
meeting and get 'em1 to figure out
how we're going to buy all our
Xmas presents with $1.34 plus any
amount we may find in the street
between now and December 24.
a* 4
Surely, i f tb ey can diswcuss things
like "The Adler Planetaria" and
"Discontinuous Solutions in the
Calculus of Var'ations" they cer-
I tainly ouglita. be able to figume out
a simple budget for us'.
If wc don't seed Aunt Min-
1ide a little something she'll
likely fail to seed us a pair of
knitted socks to keep our laun-
dry in,

tricate psychological -ituatioyn
throughout tile pages of a novel!
!w\ith-oult e Pl¢loymn ly but the'
tricks of_ the _d r a iati t. All the!
words his characters speak are
mere rubble onl the side of a vol-
cano; we get our excitemnlmt by
picturing the volcano 'from reacding
time rubble. Jake, the main char-
actor, who is painfully aware of tilej
fact that his line will always be -in-
complete, keeps sayinDg with reti-
cence: "I feel pretty bad"; our real- !
izationi of how _rnuch more' than
t "pret-ty bad", he does feel affords
intense pleasure, O'Neill would
have converted the line into: "I I
I feel pretty bad (God!?5I feel like
h-eill---mny life will never be eomn- I
plete-therefore 1 feel like Hrell) "
Alnd our comment is: "slow pene-
trating Mr. O'Neill iS', but howr in-
Mr. O'Neill's situation is nmo more
intricate thanIl: emigway's and
cerltainly than Ibsen's uay. Un-
doubtedly he thought- it. 'was; for I
his main virtue has as been
'honesty. But we don't have to I
agree with lbinm.tl'm=J he W of a I
'tr'inity of miilemuit;; cotf"tring, up
all their life-:food to provide an
emotional banquet for t-he viciousl.y
' hungry Nina is a tremenduiis one.
It is bound to iimpres no matter {
what its forim. But I spay t i7 t O'=
Neill has made a mistake in-tl1inl_=
ing that i.t demnded the po npous
recuscitation of the "aside." W6s
± - - ' _ . _ e a .. _ _ .. ..... ._ _

(Evangel'cal Synod of IN. A.)
Fourth Ave. betwveen Packard and
9:00 A. M.-Bible Sch±ool.
10:00 A.,NM.-Morn+ittg Worship.
Sermon: "Show Great Advent
Hlymns and the Magnificant or
Song of Mary."
11:00 _1.,NM.---Gerrnlan Service.
.00P. l.'--\oug eoJPl's League.
Vopic: c\XIA , is Christianity =a
1_ lission ary R eligiorl;?"
Washington fit. at, iftrh Aye.
U C Stel1ihornd Pastor
9:0AI~ ~ f~beSho

Div-iso and Catharine Sts,
Rer-a Henry Lewieco
Re. ,- !. LHarris, A lstai-it
4:00 A. l-cy Communion.


9:30U !.. >---l1coly C oT!iniunmn.
(student chapel iny Harris Hail.)
9:130 A. M.---Chuzn~i School. (Ki -
dergeartc!n mc ts at 11 o'clock).)
11:00 A. M. ---l'loly Communion;
sermon by Mr. ln'_ris.
6:3 V0 . M.- --'Sudetit Supper In
1 far ris 1I l.l.
,5 V i'.IN. - ettg Prayer; ad-
drtas by Min. Iarris.
(Mlssouri Synod)
Ithird and W est Liberty Swa
C, A. Brauer, PE-astor
9:001 A. M.-Gerinan.

10:30 A. - .--Regular Morning Ser-v-
ice. Scrinon topic: "Ancient and
Modern Necromlanscy, Alias Mes.

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