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November 23, 1929 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-23

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Ti-r MC iiT T4 JP

2-1t, iang

tasy for an individual to assume is
e.enerally dropped at this time ani
Published every morning except Mondaythe real man stands 011 for ,hatI
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student PLblications. . he is worth.
Member of Western Conference Editorial This should not be interpreted,
Association. however, to mean that hell-weeks When death claims a man so in-
The Associated Press is eclusively entitled even nearly approach the ideal in extricably a complement of Michi--
to "the use for repuhli':ation of all news dis-etial oplmn fMei-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited accomplishing their ultimate end, ,|
in this paner and the local news published for many changes can profltably be gan's achievements and traditions
made. Two years ago the Inter- as former Dean Victor Clarence
Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor,'
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate fraternity council compiled a pam- Vaughan, those of his colleagues
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- phlet which it sent to each fra- who "carry on" and even they of
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. ternity on the campus. In it, cer- the younger generation of faculty
aOffictreet.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- tain obvious faults were recoin- iand students engaged in reaping
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. mended to the various organiza- the fruitition of Dr. Vaughan's ear-
EDITORIAL <STAFF tions for correction, among which ly sowing must of necessity feel the
were: a reduced amount of pad- enormity of his spiritual loss - a
Telephone 4925 dling with an increased emphasis loss hitherto only partially perceiv-
placed on the intellectual portion ed through his absence from the
MANAGING EDITOR of the ritual; an inside initiation campus. The passing of great men,
ELLIS B. MERRY which should in no way encroach always brings a sense of futility.!
upon anyone else's personal or Yet, in the case of Dean
City Editor.. . . .. ........Pierce R osenbeig property rights; and a lessening of Vaughan's death, there is little
News Editor......... George -. Simons the physical rigor and consequent need for recourse to the admira-
Sports Editor......... Edward 1. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editora.......... larjorie Foilmer enervation of the week. ble, and usual, declarations on the
11'legraph Editor......... Cassam A. Wilson Tis aroftentain2
Music and raa.......willian J. Gorman This art of the initiation pro- victory of death in the Book of'
Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein gram could well remain intact in Common Prayer. The temper of
Asastant Cuy Eor.......Rahert J Feldman fraternity tradition, if the disa- the man's deeds are indicative of
Night Editors greeable practices alone were abol- i the extent to which his reach and
Frank E. Cooper Henry j. Merry ished. Northwestern and the other his grasp coalesced.
'William C. Gentry Robert 1... S loss hsgapcaecd
Charles R. Kaufn Walte Wilds schools which completely did away Herewith are attached the ex-
i with hell-week would probably pressions, sttyut witnesses of his
Bertram Askwith Lesters have done better by acting sooner stature among the annals of sci-
Helen Bare David Neser 'ichol and less extremely, ence and of the University, made
Maxwell Bauer William Page o
Mary L. Behymer Howard 1. Peckham by a few of his former associateS.
Renjamin if. Berentsot1zugh Pierce MICHIGAN'S VANDENBERG

3..+ x, . 3 4- a 3 41, 4 1.:3.7101.1.-.i1.

MusicA An rarli


- - ---

TONIGHT: In the Mendelssohn
theatre beginning promptly at 8:15
the last performance by Comedy
Club under the direction of Miss
Bertha Creighton of "The Jest" by
SeraI Benelli.
A Review, by Robert XV. Service
The Misses Mildred Todcld and
Jeanette Dale, possessing much of
what. might be termed if some
more up-and-coning critic has not
already coined the term) true
blood of the theatre and providing)
the only feminine touch ;aside
from the third act scene with the
trio of faded violets) in a drastical-
ly masculine, play, merit quite un-
qualifiedly the distinction of first
honors, so far as consistency cf
performance, interpretation of in-
tended character, and unruffled
ease and grace of movement and
manner are concerned. And they
do concern, vitally, in a play like
"'The- Jest."
Miss Todd. in fact, even if her
stage deportment and voice were
not always in the state of congru-
ity they invariably meet, ould byv
dint of her ability to frame herself
within a picture Land at times in
the Thursday performance, partic-
ularly when she placed herself
against the blue drop back of the
doorway in the first act, she re-
sembled one of the madonnas her
frustrated sweetheart painted - a
striking bit of symbolism ) be a
successful actress.
Miss Dale, assuming a role (that
of Cintinia, a servant) much in-
ferior to her quite splendid talents,
did a character bit with a proper
I seasoning 6f spice and charm. She
r()s IWIt~h a s othim lilf tIHd ,ilr~

to stop Ln
East Wind
Tl:"F 11h ItB-Znd Slic'
rs t o nly v ri .lt . o .(
'l'itey're tvirl- r'oof-wartn.
TI e "Vars my nodei is
f tel-lined, and long eough to
protect your troue-s. '
wide "Staydfast" poclkets, ir
vhicL,01,' can stove your
books easily --ptented "Re-
flex" ed e that keeps water
frot runnirig in at the front.
Corduroy-faced collar with
or witlicut straps. Colors
olive-kaki, black and yellow.
You can buy a Tower's
Fish Brand Slicker for the
price of a couple of theatre
tickets. Stores eervwhere
carry them. A. J. Tower
Comrpany, Boston, Mass.
W Wo



a- -- .-.-------. ----I

Only Four Weeks
PBefore the Holidays!
Make ou r Selection
at the


One Block les{ of Satc

52I F.Jejrw

L. - -
Fi rr Chu rch of Christ, Scient st, Ann Arbor, Mi ci <rn
Announces a
Free Lecture
Christian Science
By Peter V. Ross, C.S.B.; of San Francisco, Californi
Member of the Board of Lectureship of The
Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist
in Boston, Massachusetts
Sunday Afternoon, November 24, 1929
at 3:30 o'clock in the
Masonic Temple
on South Fourth :Avenue
The Public is Cordially invited to Attend



nan rerma V CO aIIW[1Z
S. -Beach Conger John D. Reinder
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
John H Denler Joseph A. Russell
Helen bomine Joseph Rpyvich
Margaret Eckels \william P. salzarulo
Katharine Ferrin Charles R. Sprowl
Carl S. Forsythe S ,'adwcll Swanson
Sheldon C. F'llerton lJane, Thayer
Rutth Geddes \fargyaret Thompson
Ginevra Ginn Richard l,. To"in
Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine
Motrris Groverina n Haroldl 0. Warren, Jr
Ross Gustin Charles White
Margaret Harris (. Lionel Willens
David 1. Keinpstead lnbn EVWillooghby
3Cullen Kennedy Nathan !Vise
Jkan Levy Barbara Wright
Russell E. McCracken Vivian 7.imnit
Dorothy Magee
Telephone 21214

Three newly elected Republican
senators arose in the United States
upper house several days ago to
serve notice - on their senior col-
leagues that there would be no ad-
journment of the special session
until the new tariff bill was passed.
The three were Henry J. Allen, of
Kansas, Daniel O. Hastings, of Del-
aware, and Arthur H. Vandenberg.



Dr. Frederick G. Novy, professor
of bacteriology, and Dr. Vaughan's;
co-worker, said: "It is as an in-
structive and inspiring teacherI
that Dr. Vaughan will be remem-
bered by the thousands of students#
who had the opportunity and priv-
ilege of listening to him.
"Unquestionably the . greatest
service which he rendered to the
University and to thencause of med-
ical education came during his ten-
ure as dean of the Medical school.
"Dr. Vaughan's interest in the
investigations of his colleagues was
not less than that in his own re-
searches. He lived, so to speak, in
the laboratory and was never so
happy as when a new fact or re-
sult rewarded his work. As a sci-
entist and educator he was among
the first. He has left an enduringj
impress iy both fields. As he would
have wished, his work lives after

Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.............. Hollister Mabley
Advertis. ig. .......aKsper it. italversont
Advertising.............Sherwood A. U pton
Service ...................George A. Siater
Circulation.................J. Vernor Davis
Accounts................John R. Rose
PubI k'ation4..........gerge IHIamilton

Grand Rapids publisher and jun-
ior statesman from Michigan. j
Yesterday morning the Senate
adjourned with the tariff still un-E
completed, despite desperate ef-
forts on the part of these three
staunch "freshmen" to swing along
until something definite was ac-
complished. Apparently the efforts
of Vandenberg and his aides have
been futile. But whether or not
this immediate loss means the end

Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker
ta L. (;tGMtvl u Lawrence LUcey
Robert Crawford Thomas Mir
ll'arry, B. Cuiv,-r (eorge Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eliezer L ee Slayton
James Bofter losepli Van ,,Riper-,
Norris Johnson Roaextt V illiaeitson
Charles Kline Willam R. Vworboys
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
Taura Codling Alice McCully
Agnes .Davis Sylvia Mlillet.
Bernice Glaser lelen E. M1tssdlwbite
Irorense Gooding Eleanor Walkinsbaw
booea vvaces wac
Night Editor- WALTER' WILDS
The conviction that Student con-
vocations are beneficial to the eth-
ical and moral life of the under-
graduate body of the University was
long ago clinched. However, the
large attendance by townspeople at
the series which closed last Sun-
day, has proved that the older gen-
eration as well as the younger has
found in the convocations a more
palatable form of religious nour-
ishment than is offered by the or-
ganized institutions of religion in
Ann Arbor.


f i
. i

of this so-called yearling bloc will I '
remain a mystery until the Decem- Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Medical
bresin opens. Int may hvem school, when informed of Dr.'
per session opens. It may have 1Vaughan's death, made the fol-
been just a flurry to gainpublicity, lowing statement:
but it may also mean that the Old ; ng
Guard of the Republican party has "The death of Dr. Victor C.
seen its best days. Vaughan, dean and professor of
Whatever is the outcome of the physiological chemistry emeritus,
"break" between old and new blood ? removes from the world of science
in the Republican Senatorial ros- one who held a very important!
ter there is at least one fact which place for nearly half a century. His
has been firmly established. Michi- contributions were in many fields
gan is represented. for the, first but two in especial.
time in many moons, by a man who I "He was a very large and im-
is fearless enough to talk back to !portant factor in building up pre-
those whom he thinks are wrong, ventive medicine, particularly as
regardless of party connection. Ar- against the great scourges of ty-
thur Vandenberg has caused more phoid fever and malaria. In this
real work to be done in the Senate field he not only contributed im-
during his brief year there than a portant scientific evidence, but by
majority of his predecessors. Back- his teaching, not only to under-
ed by the Michigan press, the Mich- ! graduates, but to physicians, spread
igan citizenry and his own enthus- widely; the essential knowledge of
iasm, the state's "freshman" Sena- the sources of infection and meth-
tor is one of the most prominent ! ods of prevention in these diseases.
men in Washington at the pres- "A not less important contribu-
ent time. tion was to medical education.
The tariff will be decided in the !Through his long service as dean
regular December assembly of Con-'and teacher at the University he
gress. Had there been more Sen- built up tthe school until it was
ators like Vandenberg this unnec- on a par with the older and at that
essary delay might have been time better known schools. He
averted. Michigan's statesman has gathered about him a faculty which
_ " either had or acquired national anl

CUUS oo ngi."..) anlJU., smJ< s1 Ua11 s s
much like an angel must.
To proceed to tne male line; of the
cast, Mr. R. Sterling Cole, playing
the roaring condotierri captain,
bawled his lines a little too much
like an all-American quarterback,
and his portrayal of the idiot, while
better, failed to convince because
his transition from one to the other
was a stolid and almost apathetic
walking from the one character to
the other.
Mr. Kenneth White, who did the'
hero, was lamentably miscast. Mr.
White has taken a severe beating
thus far in campus dramatics, due
only to his casting director. He
himself is a splendid actor. But he,
is not the type to do the tall and
slender, but withal frail, poet: and
his limbs (if the personal touch will
be pardoned) are a trifle knobby
for tights. He all but overcomes
this with an heroic effort, and his
portrayal frequently strikes its true'
tone. If nothing else, he shows
himself worthy of more fitting

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Szs
Iin., Rev. Arthur W. Stalker, D. 'D.
Associate Minister, Rev. Samuel J.
Harrison Student Director. Mr.
Ralpk Johnson. Mrs. Robert Win-
ters, Advisor of Women Students.
10:30 A. i--Morning Worship.
12:00 .--Three Sunday Noon Dis-
cuiss'on Classes. Leaders:: Prof.
S F. Gingerich; Prof. George E.
Carrothers; Mr. Ralph R. John-
6:00 P. IM.--Wesleyan Guild Devo-
tional Meeting in charge of Kappa
Phi Girls.
7:30 P. M.--Evening Worship.
On East ][Piron, west of State
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
110:30 A. Nd--Sermon by Mr. Say-
'es: "Jesus TheSupreme Idealists."

Now that the Student council, in not, however, yet. -begun to rignt. ----------
its special Convocation committee Washington may expect to hear international reputations. His
has effected a consistent and con- much more from him in the near courage in insisting that a great
medical school could be built up
tinuous system of management, and future. e ofal larg citydwas bioneep
has made the future of convoca- outside of a large city was pioneer
ions less problematical, it shoultdt-work. Few agreed at that time and
takes nothetepforard iTshed yet today few would have the te-
take another step forward. The Campus Opinion merity to doubt that the great
onext objective would be maaingotheb i medical schools at Ann Arbor, Mad-
fall. and spring series fixed events ing themselves to e than 300 ison, and Iowa City have settled
in the life of the University and of -or& ii possible. Anonymous corn-
nltinicatrnns will he disregarded. Th the question for all time.
Ann Arbor. names of communicants will, however, "Not only Michigan but the
be regarded as confidential. anon r-
Holding the convocations on cor- quest, Letters published shouldot 1- country at large owes Dr. Vaughan
respoding Sundaysteach year, construed as expressing the editorial a debt for outstanding service."
would lend; solidarity to the insti-' ___opinion___of __t__e___ail__.__
tution. Also, it would allow the President Alexander G. Ruthven
Ann Arbor churches to harmonize; WOMEN DO NOT SPY issued the following expression:
their undertakings with the con- j To the editor: "In the passing of Dr. Vaughan
vocations. These and other results It is my wish to clarify, if possi- the medical profession and science
would be further aids in the solv- ble, aq situation 'which has been in general have lost a distinguish-
ing of religious problems, which is, grossly distorted and given publici- ed figure. On the campus we knew
amidst the complexities of organ- ty entirely out of proportion to its him as a genial colleague, an in-
ization, the ultimate goal of both ! importance. spiring teacher, and an able sci-
the churches and the convocations. There is not, nor has there been, entist. Ever keen to develop the
- o-any group of undergraduate wo- Medical school, he was at the same
NOT ABOLITION men in the University who make time always interested in the gen-
Fashlons in traditians change it their, business to act as spies and! eral good of the University and at-,
%,just as do fashions in clothes. The report certain situations to the tempted to realize this by advanc-
particular style among our con- proper authorities. Such a group ing creative scholarship.
temporary universities and colleges obviously could not, and would not "Those of us who knew Doctor
at the present seems to lean to- function, and it is time to put a Vaughan personally recognized in
ward the abolition of hell-weeks stop to the fund of misinformation him a faithful friend, a loyal mem-
from the programs of fraternity which has apparently been given ber of the faculty, and an able ad-
initiation, with the result that each out by uninformed persons. ministrator, teacher and investi-
week brings the report that another Judiciary Council acts in its gator."
instituion has taken such action. proper capacity upon cases which * *
This trend, at least, indicates are referred to it, and any action "Dr. Vaughan," said Dean John
that men at Northwestern, Michi- that it takes must necessarily be R. Effinger of the Literary college,
gan State, and other universities based upon very definite, authentic "was long one of the most notable
taking these measures realize the information. Judiciary Council is ; figures upon our campus. His sci-
-.,---------------------Ua.riinvorino, to frthectidirmtn onv_ I entifie accomnlishments his zeal


Monday night the Chamber Mu-
sic Society of Ann Arbor opens its
series of concerts with the presen-
tation of the Barrere Ensemble,j
firmly established for long years as
a brilliant organization. The pres-
ent group is the child of the fam-
ous Societe Moderne d'Instruments
a Vent founded in Paris in 1895 by
Georges Barrere immediately after;
his brilliant graduation as first
prize winner from the Paris Con-
servatory. Mr. 3arrere scw aj
splendid opportunity to demon-
strate the unusual and rare beauty
of color in the wind choir in a re-
vival of the music which Bach,!
Haydn, Handel, and Mozart had
written for this quaint combination
of instruments. Appreciation of
the enthusiasm and scholarship
that went into Barrere's unique ef-
forts has been sufficiently keen; for
his former organization in Paris
and his present one in America
have fiourished gloriously. The
mere fact of hi, organization's ex-
istence in Europe considerably
stimulated interest in creative writ-
ing for a wood-wind combination..
One of the most consistently suc-
cessful composers of this type of
chamber music is Paul Hindemith
whose "Kleine Klammermusik" is
the feature number on Monday
night's program, which also in-
cludes two classic suites by Mozart
and Danzi, and two modern suites
by Swan Hennessey and Poldowsky.
It cannot be too earnestly reit-
erated that the faculty wives who
make up the Chamber Music so-
ciety are making an earnest and
consistent effort to fill a notable!
vacancy in Ann Arbor's musical life
that deserves promnpt support. Ann
Arbor, when noting the infrequen-;
cy of chamber music performance
in allhother American cities ex-
cept the metropolitan, should be
grateful to the Chamber Music So-e
ciety for their series of four con-
certs of invariably high calibre. The

j{ f , 0 Y ' T E I'.1 y;Ir
.. k ' ,, . - t 1 { -;," f~f t 1 il4Y ' . N'y ° t+ ^'< - E i c:.



Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Secretary for
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Gnats and Camels."
12:00 Noon-Studenc Class. Teach-
er Prof. H. Y. McClusky.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
ig. Leader: Herbert Ricard.
PAMD "1 ___ y
Radio UNITY Servicesi
The Detroit Civic Theatre
V. P. RANDALL will speak on.
This isa part of the regular Unity Service
which bgins at 11:00 A. AT. and which is
conducted by-
4108 Woodward Ave.
Broadcast by'
W J R Detroit 11:30 a. m.
Eastern Siandare lTime
C l _i I

615 E. University

Dial 3779

4:00 P. NM.-Sunday Services. Mr.
Fred Aernstein, prominent Chicago
attorney, will speak.

7:,0-Oratorical Contes at
8:30---"OPEN HOUSE



Siao'(e and Wiliam
Allliko n R:y I i-aps, MiisruS
9:30 A. M-Church School.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Warship.
Sermon by the minister. Subject:
"The Cynics Thanksgiing."
5:30 P. NI--Student Fellowship and
Supp-t- followed by a lecture by
Prof. Brumm. "Religion and

9:45 A.
meets at
man inc

.-The Student
Guild House. Mr.

Chap. 1



5:30 P. NI-Friendship Hour.
6:30 P. M.-Four Students will
speak, givi<g reasons for their
choice of a special vocation.

_- i



(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
I [oiurth Ave. between Packard and
Rev. Theodore R. Sclhmale
?900A. M.-Bible School.
10:00 A. M.-Sermon: "Meaning of
our Tears."
11:00 A. M.---German Service.t
5:30 P. M.--Student Fellowship1
Supper. Mr. Theodore Tost will
speak on the United States and
American statesmanship.
7:00 P. N.-Young People's League.
Miss Marian Stoll conducting.
Topic: "Thanksgiving Through

409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. Nd-Regular Morning Serv-
ice..Sermon topic: 'Soul and
1 1:45 A. 1I.-Sutnday Scoolh follow- I

D)ivision and Carherine Sts.
'Rev. H-enry Lewis, Rector
Rev. T. L. Harris, Assistant
8:0) A. M.--Holy Communion.
9:30 A. M.-Holy Communion.
(Student chapel in Harris Hall.)
9:30 A. M.-Church School. (Kin-
dergartcn meets at 11 o'ciock.)
11:00 A. M. Morning Prayer; ser-
mon by Mr. Lewis "The New
Prayer Book."
6:30 P. M.-Student supper in
Harris Hal:. address by Mr. Har-
7:45 Evening Prayer; ad-
Idress ('y i\'r. Lewis,
thanksgiving' Day there will be a
specia Community Service at 10:30
a. m. in the Baptist Church on East
1 Huron street.



Washington St. at Fifth Ave._
E. C. Stellihorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M--Bible School.
10:30 A. N'l-Seimon topic:. 'Te


(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty Stn.
C. A. Brauer,. Pastor
9:00 A. M.-German.






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