Ti-r MC iiT T4 JP 2-1t, iang tasy for an individual to assume is e.enerally dropped at this time ani Published every morning except Mondaythe real man stands 011 for ,hatI during the University year by the Board in Control of Student PLblications. . he is worth. VICTOR CLARENCE VAUGhIAN Member of Western Conference Editorial This should not be interpreted, Association. however, to mean that hell-weeks When death claims a man so in- The Associated Press is eclusively entitled even nearly approach the ideal in extricably a complement of Michi-- to "the use for repuhli':ation of all news dis-etial oplmn fMei- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited accomplishing their ultimate end, ,| in this paner and the local news published for many changes can profltably be gan's achievements and traditions herein.f made. Two years ago the Inter- as former Dean Victor Clarence Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor,' Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate fraternity council compiled a pam- Vaughan, those of his colleagues of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- phlet which it sent to each fra- who "carry on" and even they of Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. ternity on the campus. In it, cer- the younger generation of faculty aOffictreet.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- tain obvious faults were recoin- iand students engaged in reaping Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. mended to the various organiza- the fruitition of Dr. Vaughan's ear- EDITORIAL