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November 23, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-23

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VOL XL NO. 48.







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mdli ?~yh~uEI~rnrr~ u-Iai

New York Banker Place
for Stock Marke

s Share of Blame ' French Statesman Is pr
t Plunge on Legislators LUWaging Valiant Fight UVVIIL I i3EEKS
though not a merer, to inquire0PREMIER
into the banker's ideas and the 1
stock market situationI[rD IT 9
St di d l i vr th

v Associated Press)
1 WASHINGTON, 1). C.. Nov. 22.-
Seriators from the coaiitior 'tariff'
T majority partially blamed for the
stock market plunge by Fred I.
Kent, New York banker, challengedI
his declarations through three
hours questioning today; but 4)
When Student Was Daily Editor, stuck to his opinions.
Coiled by the 'Lobby committee ;
on Varsity Baseball Team, because of the attack on the Demo-A
And on Law Review. cratic - Republican independentl
group action, the banker maintain-i
YOST WILL ALSO SPEAK ed it has caused the Senate "toi
cease to function." The tariff de-
manded how he would write the
Truskowski Will Talk; Kipke to contested bill and he advised thai
Present New Captain all Republicans should stay to-
aether and put through a bill sup-1
and Manager. ported by that party regardless of
individual or group opinions.
Clarence E. Eldridge, '11L, of The independently minded com-
Lansing, will :e the principal mittee members were obviously
speaker a the annual football ban- astounded by this reason. And two
quet which will be held at 6:15 or three occasionally hurled ques-
o'clock next Tuesdav ni(ht in the tions at Kent simultaneously.
ball room of the Union, it was an- Senator Borah of Idaho, a leader
nounced by Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30,! of th- Republicans and Senator
president of the organization. Eld- ' Walsh acting Democratic leaver,
ridge is widely known as a Big Ten participated with Chairman Cara-i
football referee and has acted in -way in the severe examination.
this capacity at Michigan many Senator Glass of Virginia, a for-
times. mer Democratic secretary of the
Eldridge, who was managing ed- Treasury, joined the committee, al-
itor of The Daily in 1909, received --.-_
his A.B. degree in that year and hisI
law degree in 1911. le was a menlIr EI w l
ber of the varsity baseball team i iiriiii~uI
anid on the Law Review. At the H - N I
present tinme hq holds a position ;Ali 't(
in the Reo Motor Co. in Lan sing. JIW UT LN D
Eldridge will be followed on the a S91S AWT
program by Prof. Fielding IH. Yost,
director of athletics, who will tell Believes Michigan " Spirit Little'
of the aims of college athletics. T.
Hawley Tapping, general secretary Short of Divine in Inspiring
of the Alumni association will act Players While in Game.
as toastmaster. _,_
At this time all members of the RICH PRAISES CHEERING
University football squad will be
present and Joe Truskowski, '30, re- "s
tiring captain, may say few "Michigan at her best can beat
words. Coach Harry Kipke will then Iowa today, and Michigan will be
introduce the captain--elect for at her best,"' J. Fred Lawton, '11,
next year, who will give a talk. It is composer of 'Varsity and a persis-
believed that Coach Kipke will also tent follower of Maize and Blue{
announce the new student mana- grid teams, told townboys andI
gers townspeople of Ann Arbor and a
nations desiring to purchase tickets limited number of students who
in a block should advise the clerk last night partially filled Hill audi-
of this when they buy their tickets, torium for the final pep-meeting
and tables will accordingly be sit of the 1929 gridiron season.
aside for them. Union committee- "The spirit of Michigan is little
men will also be able to supply short of divine, and moves .men 'to
tickets, Lloyd said. tonreeedented heights," Lawton
--_ -stated, relating several incidents
FUNERAL PLA41NS he had seen, which embodied the
true Wolverine gpirit and the ca-'
A R RiANGED FOR reers of numerous Maize and Blue


committee table, Borah informed
Kent that the coalition had an-
ru iei 110 p n romn n ln ntiir iu uow i i. ,- .. . ..su

nounced no program rot downward
revision of the industrial tariff
"It was not announced," Kent in-
sisted, "in a way that impressed
people that wiy. I know that there
was a fear among industrialists as
to how the tariff was going to de-
Kent persisted that the public
mind was "uncertain" because of
the f ilure of the Senate to pass
the tariff bill, and asked how he
would remedy the situation, he in-
sisted that the independents shouldr
work with the party majority and
seek to convince its own party of
its views and abide by the decision
of the majority of the party.
Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon-
Cana, asked Kent if he thought the
Republican independents should,
have supported the tariff bill "re-'
fynrd Uk A of th ir JW viowO

Attending Doctors Admit That
Famous Statesman
Is Dying.
Frequent Spells of Intense Pain
Are Weakening Resistance
of eFather Victory'.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Nov. 22.--Physicians at-
tending Georges Clemenceau, the
wartime Premier of France. admi-
ed today he was dying. One of
them, Dr. Degennes, who attended
Marshall Foch in his last illness,
said Clemenceau had been suffer-
ing from a crisis of urernca. that

Jngwersen 'S Men, Conquerors of Wisconsin
and Minnesota, to Play Last Game Before
Suspension From Big Ten.
Pl rf/Girn 1.. l1rr W S r/s I'Vlor .
\larkia t he close of the 2() arl season. wichigan ill play
110s o low s pov 1ul team whel these t wo (onference rival; face
each otherI t 2: 0 o'clock this ( ifterliooninl the new stadium. .\lthough
not a sell-out. the ta;se i e pected ti draw a throng o o60,0o0 people.
\\Veather forecasts point t th(ae most adverse plavitg conditions encoun-
teredl 1y a \\ ohe-rine itean t lhis tall. as frigid temperature is in prospect.
Ho )wever. a tarpaulin over t l ieldI h protected it from the snow of
the Ast week. so the oiig tnderfoot will he improved.
l Peculhar signilicance attaches it-
PROBABLE LINEUPS °'WI to this yaie, as there is a Oos-
PROABLE IoNEUPS sibility that this may be the last
Michigan Iowa Big Ten contest participated in by
Truskowski ..L . . .. ....Rogge Iowa for some time. The suspension
Poorman .LT .. Roests of the Hawkeyes which caused
Poe ....... - .-- . . ...Roberts such a bombshell in Conference
Bovard . C.... Magnussen athletic circles last spring, is due
Steinke . RG .. ..... Myers to effect Jan. 1, 1930, so at present
Draveling. ... RT ..........Ely this is the last official contest
Hewitt . . . . . . . RE . . . . Reedquist scheduled with a Big Ten opponent.
Simall . ... GPigoelI Iowa 's status will be decided at the
mih nnual meeting of the ester
Gmison...R .. . Hagrty Conference in Chicago next month.
Morrson FB ....Haggrty With this in mind, the H~awkeyes
Offiial. Rfere. ichls; are determined to make their pos-
Umpire. Hedges; Field judge, silxdsfo BgTncmei
Pey; Head linesman, Wyatt. tion one to be well remembered,
They are also bent on revenging
MU YSKENS TALKS :he 10-7defealid by Mice-
ON LEO TOLSTOl !iawks from annexing the Big Ten
-. - title. Although defeated by Ohio
Phonetics Professor Discuyes'S tate and Purdue, and tied, by Illi-

ga uFCss ui ueir own views.
"They should have convinced the had continued for 18 hours and
majority of their party that they codd not possibly last anotne:' 24.
were right," Kent replied. "But they Unless an unexpected improve-
couldn't do that," Walsh reminded. ment eccured, Dr. Degennes and
his colleagues thought "the Tiger"
could not survive the crisis. T ley
Asent for oxygen tibes a littlebe--
flHas Indominabic Coy ragr .
T 3t'S8-year-olci S1 . esnlamr'2. re-
nii 0 r sH9 1 istance was wveraheaed t d yby
the intense pain he 'Vas sci erin-.
Broadcast Program Will Include ;;fig,, yexpressjfi' o pain while
Speech by Dr. Alexander, he was conscious L'tu he moaned
tn d - duriU-ng his intermit-
Famous Surgeon. of -n
"I fian -ffering a;;'.mciously in my
ABBOT WILL ANNOUNCE nt 'he t4G Dr. Degennes in
a J haAundoffac sone withto .yt ,
Dr. John Alexander, professor of h~nt of soli-pity. "'hen 11e lapsed


Georges Clemenceau,
French wartime premier, who at-
ten ding' physicians admit has very
slim chances of recovering. A cri-
sis is expected within the next 24
Annual Convention to be Held
at Stanford University
in January.


Willard Lowry, '30. has been se-

surgery and a member of the staff a ani. irto unconse.onsness.. The lected by the Student council as
of the department of surgery of doctors t: ared t, err woild bInsats nfdelegate to the fifth annual
the Aledical School, will be the first te how's aftr minigh Congress of the N ational Student
rado pro- and . Degennes planned to re- ederation of the United States,
speaker on the campus radio pro- main at his bedqdc ali night. J edrado4of t Led Stan-s
gram to be broadcast tonight at Old Enemies Subdued. Jan. 1, 2, 3, and 4, at Leland Stan-
7?:0 o'clock through station WJR, Deputy Georges Iandel, Clemen- ford University. Palo Alto. Califor-
Detroit. He will take for his sub- ceau's right hand man darin the nia. It is an established policy oi
war, called at the hmuse t. the the council to send a member to
jLet a discussion of .A"cess of the Rue Franklin tonight. and le t the annual Congress which has as
' Lungs."; about 9 P. M., a very sad man. its purpose the achieving of a
"The Museum of Antropology" " M. le President is suitering tor- . .p. a h
will be the subject of the second ture," he told the newspaper men, spirit of co-operation among the
h do"I fear the end is not far oft. i students of the country.
speaker, Carl Guthe, director of recognizeci me and tried to smile Lowry was chosen at a recent
the University museum, who will as he said 'adieu,' then he became meeting of the council ard his se-
tell of his experiences while gather- unconscious again. -,

: E .

A JL W- - -- - ---- - - - -


DE.AN VAUGHA N athletes wh o h ve personified ing specimens for the museum Clemenceau's dying agony has,
--b be G gen Rh 3 Lfrom all parts of the world. 'oused the pity of all France. Any
George Rich. 30 L. master of -1political ill-feeling left from the
Interment Will Probably be ceremonies for the affair, told the Prof. Felix W.Pawlowski, Guggen- iger's tempestois career seems
in Detroit Monday. crowd that sideline cheering had heim Professor of Aeronautics at have vanished, and the eyes of h .s
-- - a definite effect on the football the University, has written an countrymen are fixed in complete
Funeral ar'rangements for Dr. players even during play. He plead- article, "Gliders and Gliding atyy ng nr
Victor Clarence Vaughan, dean and ed with the students. to be more Michigan and Elsevhere," which parment of "Pere La Victoire"
of physiological chemis- considerate of players who are will be read by Walter F. Burke, of (Father Victory) in the Rue Frank-,
professor wf physiological chem ithdrawn from the game even if' the aeronautical engineering de- a.i nt.
try erneritu of the Medical school it is for a bad play. "If the stu- partment. Professor Pawlowski was
since his retirement in 1921, who dents give the player a aod cheer the designer of the University'sB
died late Thursday evening, in as he comes out his attitude will be wind tunnel which is used for test- BOARD IN CONTROL
iri w i mbmbly much better when he again goes ing airplane models for manufac- DECLARES TENETS
~'LIii11~iI t, Vi ±i~i~ v' i '~'

?oc,;ion was announces gate xnsrel-

d tay by Ernest C. Reift, '30, presit
dent. At the time of the elec-tion, it It

war decided that a man w th two
years' experience en the council
was best fitted to repressnt t
Lowry was nominated by Jenr.in s
McBride, '30, who has likewise
served the council for Iwo years.
*'t'hnrI xxt ni we n .11 AU 1 " 1 i nt1Jnls.' !YY?"


RiCh~mond, Virgini i pumut
be held in Detroit, where the body
is being brought for interment. A

Into action," the 1928 grid captain

Four violin solos and four piane
solos will be played by members of


memorial service for members of- the School of Music to complete
Bertha C. Flo Is First theprrm
the University and townspeople isth program.
being planned for atydate early Co-ed to Fly Airplane The time of the weekly hour has I
_ p d r t ybeen changed from 7-8 o'clock to
next weekBertha C. Flo, '31, of Ann Arbor, 7:30-8:30 o'clock, according to Prof.
Dr. John Walter Vaughan, a has the distinction of being the Waldo Abbot of the rhetoric de-'
practicing surgeon in Detroit, had first co-ed in the country to make partment, director of the Morri
left for Richmond wtien it was a solo flight, and the first student' hall studio, in order that the Mich-t
learned that Dean Vaughan's con- to solo at the local airport. igan Night program may fit inte
ditiodthtDen hadbcom alaft an Miss Flo stated last night that the National Broadcasting com-7
dition had became critical after a she did not intend to take up fly- i pany's new schedule which involv-t
heart attack Thursday morning. ing as a career, but said that it is : ed many nation-wide prograir
He, with Mrs. Vaughan, Mr. and "a lot of fun." changes.
Mrs. Warren Vaughan, and Mrs.UNIVERSIT Y E EAUBI
V. C. Vaughan, Jr., will make up UNIVERSITY EXTENDS AUTOMOBILE
the funeral party, which will ar- BAN TO INCLUDESTUDENT FLYERS1
rive in Detroit Sunday.
To few men has it been given to University students, beware of hs airplaneuling will be enforced,
achieve such eminence as a teach- airplanes! This warning, published if aviation stocks continue the
er, investigwtor, and writer as has at behest of the office of the dean rapid climb they have begun since1
belongedsto Dr. Vaughan. 1is long of students, is printed not to save the recent Wall street crash, hasl
you from anticipatii.Y crack-ups not been officially explained. It is?
and active career began with his but from the embarrassment of be-: to be anticipated that Andy Gump
entry as graduate student of the ing disciplined as a violator of the and his coterie of motorcycle art-
University in 1874; he was one of automobile ban. ists will take up flying, and patrol
the first to receive, in course, the It doesn't seem rational, but it the air to prevent students from
degree of Ph. D. In 1876 he gradu- ;happens to be a fact. The ruling of enjoying a "pleasure" trip or party
ated in medicine and began the the Regents which restricts student in the clouds.
teaching of physiological chemistry operation of motor vehicles applies To date, at least two students
'which, with the later addition of Ito airplanes as well as to automo- have, been granted licenses to fly
hygiene, he continued for a period biles. airplanes. Others must stick to
f 4; vn rnil his retiremnt in M n T, -Ar - A ,o- street-cars. since these are prac-

Policies for the conduct of stu-
dent publications, tacitly recognized
heretofore in custom and usage,
were declared by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications at its
recent meeting.
Four tenets were ex pressedl by
the board as follows: 'i11s To keep
in mind the best interests and good
name of the University; t2) To do'.
the utmost possible to obtain facts
and all the facts, and avoid mis-
interpretation from partial infor-
mation; (3) To avoid an obviously
partisan attitude, but with free-
dom of fair criticism and com-
ment; (4> To maintain proper,
standards of good taste and good
These statements will be incor-
porated in a revision of the style
book for The Daily, 'it was an-
nounced by Ellis B. Merry, manag-
ing editor.
- - <-%
drae T

There were no ot er c
and Lowry was unanimously chos-t
The Congress will be attended by
approximately 250 undergraduaies
who are heads of student govern-t
ing bodies, class presidents, or edi-r
tors of college publications, ac-
cording to word received fromi theE
national headquarters of th Fe-
erat ion.;T
The Federation has been in ex-~
istence- for nearly five years, being;
founded at the intercollegiate{
World Court Congress at Princeton;
in 1925, The Congress the following
year met in Ann Arbor and in prst
two years at Nebraska and is-

nois, the Iowans are not a foe to be
Riotous Life of Novelist, taken lightly. With the incentive
---®-of keeping above the .500 mark in.
"Young people of America have thekConference standings the
10 conception of the struggle Tol- IHawkeyes will be especially dan-
;toi went through in his search for gerous.
he purpose of life," said Prof. J. H. Iowa Has Shown Strength.
vluyskens of the Phonetics depart- To start the season, Coach Burt
nent in his lecture on Tolstoi's "My Ingwetsen's boys scored topheavy
Confession" last night in Angeil victories over Carroll and Mon-
Smouth. Although outplaying their
b sall. opponents, Iowa fell before Ohio
Professor Muyskens went on to State. 7-6, when a goal after touch-
;how the many doubts and ques- down was missed. Illinois battled
tionings that arose in the mind of the Hawks to a 7-7 tie but the next
Tolstoi throughout the various per- we icni a etn 40
ods of his life. He showed that, week Wisconsin was beaten, 140.
ifter living the typical riotous life Aamnst ainnesota the Iowa elevenr
>f the times of disobedience to the demonstrated marked superiority
teachings of his religion and train- over the Gophers, but only man-
ng, the author found that he wes aged to eke ont a 9-7 victory. Pur-
more admired and sought after d he cinched the Conference title
than he was while trying to ad- at the Hawkeyes expense last week,
here to his principles. triumphing, 7-0, although the
"There is no such thing as biog- Hawks twice threatened to score.
raphy-it is all autobiography," To Michigan, the Iowa struggle
was the statement that Professor will mark the culmination of an-
Muyskens made in characterizing other late seasontgridiron come-
the book. He pointed out that the back, parelleling that of the 1923
biography was not so miuch a mir- team-but whether that comeback
ror of life as a picture of a view will be a successful conclusion or
on life. This statement lie went on an ante-climax hinges upon the
to demonstrate from "My Confes- outcome of the battle this after-
sion." le showed that the facts noon in the new stadium. Iowa
were inexact, the dates often con- again occupies the position of de-
fused, and fihe .sequence disarrang-; terminining whether the Wolver-
ed, but stated that the book was as ines will terminate their up-hill
true a biography as those that are fight for recognition with a victory.
made with great exactitude as to After their discouraging series of
time and facts. early season reverses, Coach
Professor Muyskens demonstrat- Kipke's men have finally found
ed by excerpts from the text of the themselves, a fact which is evi-
book that the ultimate return to dent by the close but nevertheless
religion from the wild life that he well-earned triumphs over Harvard
had taken up were the evidernces and Minnesota.
that Tolstoi was weakening physi- The Maize and Blue eleven will
cally at the time. He pointed out also be seeking a higher place in
that it was only as the great nov- the Big Ten standings at Iowa's ex-
elist grew order and worn out that pense. Deadlocked with Wisconsin,
he began to revert to the princi- and Chicago for last place, a Mich-
ples instilled into him at early igan victory will boost the Wolver-
youth. ines into a tie with Iowa for sixth
position, provided the Hot iers lose
to Purdue and Minnesota downs
VI ASSOCIA TION the Badgers. The best the Hawk-
UNIVERSIT Y CLUBS eyes can hope for is a tie with
;Northwestern for fourth place.
kee on Dec. 13 and at Duluth on Michigan Reserves Strong.
Dec. 14. After the first of 'the "year, Handicapped by the snow and
an intensive personal contact cold weather this week, Coach
move ntnt throughout the state of Kipke has been compelled to con-
Michigan will be started in an at- fine the Varsity's workouts to dum-
tempt to secure co-operation and my scrimages in the field house
participation of more alumni in the and short signal drills. Hudson is
state in the project ofuniversity definitely out, but the rest of
betterment which the Alumni asso- ; the squad has rounded into shape
ciation is sponsoring and which has after the fray at Minnesota. Hew-
already stirred up responses in nu- itt, Poorman, Dahlem, and Sim-
meroils groups throughout the rall are all expected to play against
coutry gthe Hawkeyes.
country. ''lncotn inr vl nfi

In accordance with the plan of
publicity for the Alumni Ten Year
program which was followed last
year, E. J. Ottoway, president of the
Alumni association, Dean G. Carl
Huber of the graduate school, and
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the alumni body, will visit
at least six University of Michigan
clubs between now and the first of
next year.
According to the itinerary an-
nounced yesterday, Mr. Ottoway,

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