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November 22, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-22

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D A T I _J i


~VL~iZ'I AICk-,I" tCAN1 4fl kAlL FIAY OVIME 2,1A


rI i

1'ub~licati ori inthe Bulletin is eonstructiyq. notice to all members I B3rununm, '31, ci iairina iiof tii eco'011-'
of tihecUniversity. 'Copy received by theAstat teI .;,ditFomIdaWilTl mtV' temeis are iizt(z~fldt'(l
dent until 3:30 p. in. tl:30 a. lii. Saturday) on Relations Between to furnish a mecans for frank and
VO.X.FIANVME 2 99 N.4 atand West. liberal dliscussions of implortant
YOL X. FIDY, OVMBE 2, 129 No.47Eas _a problems of the day. The disctus-:,
____________ ______________SionS embracing the topics of lit-
NOTICES HOLD FORUM SUNDAY erature, political economy. oelolo-
Award of Phillips Scholarships: The following persons have beenIi gy, and politics will thus be vari(ed
nwarded Phillips Scholarships for the year 2929-193& as the result of! Foreign students of the Univer-I so that many channels will be op-
competitive examinations held on October 26: Aty, as well as all others who are leued for one to cxpress his owii
Mr. incnt i Paquae, 33.interestecd, will have the op-portun- interests, as well as those of hzis
Mr. Rayner Field, Jr., W~. ity of hearing Shier Quraishi of In- country, on a variety of subjects.
Miss Miriam J. Highley, '32. dia, at the third of a series -of In- For the most part the forurni will
Alexander G. Rutlivn, For the Committee ternational Student Forums spon- I be, led by professors -,,d ;Ludents
cored by the International commit- Iversed in the pa~ticular subjects,
University Loan Comnmittee: The University Loan Committee will: tee of the Student Christian assoc-; and fam iliar with the countries 1un-
meet on Monday, November 25, at 2:00 p. in., in Room 2, University Flall. .ntion, at 4 neo'alclock Sunday after- der consideration.
All applicants for loans should call at the office of the Dean of Stu- i r aeHl.TeItrainlcmitel~
dent~for an appointment wit. the Committee.I Quraishi, who is anr eminent jour- also charge of sending foreign Stu-;
J. A. Biursicy, Chairman naliat and sociologist and who was' dents throughout the state to speak
_____!formerly president of the Interna- before various clubs and organiza-
University Lecture: Professor Charles C. Colby, of the Department toa lbo erihscoe ifs odt ayMcia l
of Geography, University of Chicago, will speak on the subject ",Trans-,a. i ujc NwDvlpet ie aebe iie ytees
.,,. .. , ,. . ?iin Relations Between the East and':dent speakers.

P [1l 3 FLi F P DLL
.rtallyssound ctiustrrr oferieriand:
_____leaders of rgan.Lized labior today i-ectll ons %tr f lirel
Assures House That Questions swered the -call of Presi de nt Hoover ec ton teayicrsr.,a
of Destroyers alad Subs for counsel and co-opera.ltion in his Mr. Hoover resumed the series of,
Will be Treated. campaign for stabiliz. d and stimnu- !Mnr. ne hc a enitr
4___ lated business conditions.; rupted by the death of Secretatry
B' t . ,;<a.t . ) Men whose firms emlioy millionas f War James W.God was l{
LONDN, Nv. 2 -Prme Mnis-of workers all( spokesijnn.of't od the
I_,'' TON, ov.21-rim~ Miis-workers themse.a es .iant nedl to the i ietintg of industrialt leaders, at -
L >> l'iinsa.y MacDonald today had White House 'uO .~nem the chief ex'-!tended by m en bearing_, such fai-
<Assure'd the House of Commons that ecutive in intimuate disussions of m ious names as Henry Ford, Owen
the qluestioni of destroyers and sub- what can be d )ne to prevent the D. Young and Julius Rosenwald.
iniarine tonnage will be taken un- ~.~~r~.~ ~.r,.o.."d"rTV C "1:J1 . ~/ ~,~~
tier consideration atth forthecom- MERRILL, & C ,
c'onference to be called in Janu- NwYokSoc8xcag
ary.Ne YokSokEcag
The quiestions of fixing definitel Chicago Stock Exchange
onnage limits for submarines, if 8 Cleveland Stock Exchange ft
niot thieir total prohibition as an':I etroit Stock Exchange
irn ofwrfe and the total ton- New Yeork Curb Market
iiag 01 fd roe fre, have been 1u1.;'tif.('arted (I ,,,Cutrv. . 'at~iv~ Mrg
t ec'ogixed as amiong the kitis 0 is a' akP oe49
facing the conference. ntis 0 is a' akPoe49


, 1

planting European A ricuh ure to Calornia, December 6, atU oalu p. . ;te est,_ _ --_-___
Natural Science ,Auditoriumn. The lecture is to be illustrated. The pub- 4 Thisc W esous necfPA t;;1 1P
sic is cordially ivited. 'which is held practically every Sun-(i Au dC~ '~
IFrank E. Robbztis I dcay aifternzoonz during the school! SEVILLE, Spain, Nov, 21- Latzrre
Faclty Coleg orLiti'aure Scenc, ad te Ats:Midsems-year, arecbeing conducted for the Borges, Uruguayan aviator today-
t aclr y reotCollege ow biena dsributced, ajthughte:CMpu-senes - purpose of bringing about a better declared his projected trans-Atlan-
tereprt ard Or, nw bingditriute thoug th Capusrue- understanding among the students tic hop to Montevideo awaited only
senger service. Instructors are requested to report not later than No- of many countries attending the favorable weather reports from
vember 30,,the namnes of all students whose, standing is at this time D Unisity. Acrigt JonPis
or E. These grades should not indicate merely the mark received on tihe, niv-seese. According to John Paris.on s ive. orecads
if needed, can be had at my offiice.; MICHIGAN UNION TO OFFER DINNER
These 'cards should be used only for reports of the wo:r of students!I F R F R I N R N T A K G V N
enrolled in this College.a+



I't Ci cjrj

n a tI

WV. it. Ilujphreys, A s S stan t Dean
Stucicids, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Permission.
to Orop courses without E grade inay not be given after Thanksgiving
Day, The fact that examinations are given in certain courses after this
date does not affect the operation of this rule. Exceptions will be made
only In cases of extended ilinets. or- bcause of simila)rily serious condi-
tions not under the stud ei, is control.
W. R. Humpllhreys, Assistant Dean
Studetnts, Colleges of Eg'ineecran3 and Architecture: The Classi-
fication Comnmittee of these Colleges has placed the limit of time at
Which a course may be dropped without record, excepting in cases of
continued illness or other e.xtenuating cire uimstanccs,, on Saturday,
lqovebe 3, at 12:30 o'clo -k 1p. m.
Lo~uis A. JHopkins, Secretary

Arrangements fOr the seventh

tion. The purpose of the affair is


annual international Thanksgiving 'to foster and promote good feeling,
banquet, whiich will be held Wei- adudrtnig°no h
miany foreign students enrolled in
nesclay, Nov. 27, at the Union, for the University and also to have themn
the foreign students of the Univer-r join in the celebration of one of
sity, are now being completed. this country's great national holi-a
The banquet, which is the sey- days.t
enth annual event of its kind, is be- Letters have been mailed to all
ingsposord uderthejoint - the foreign students onl the caln-
~~:e~ f te WrldFellowship pus, inviting them to ttend as the
committee of the Womecn's League personal guests of members of the
and the International Committee faculty and their wives, anal the
of the Student Christian associa- townspeople in Ann Arbor.
openings on both the literary and business staffs, and all who are inter-
a.nin ither 1 ~'field are ~ nvryed in be.ur i,,ent.t



Exhibitlei of origial .drawivngs -and pintings by Amnerican illu'- lolouija Literary Circle: meets at 7:30 p. mn in Lazne hal Auditorium.
1 rator's, ground.1loor gallery. Architectuoral Buzldling, daily, except Sun-
dtay,' throug hout November. Salesnen : Prog ramns for the Iowa game will be issued at mzaia
/ ,of Ferry Field from 3 to 5 p. in.
Scolo dcto-)h ~lEuainSuet:CussinEthe theory and practice of phy si''al education and athletics scheduled' COMING EVENTS,
for the first half, of :the first semester will end today. Courses sche- An luI~ternational Forum will be held Sunday, Nov. 24, in Lane H(All
dined for the second :half, of the first semester will begin the week of at 4:00 p. ii. Mr. Sher'Quraishi of India and former president of the;
Mody oebr2,wt frt esosmeiga olvs Deri FtrainlCu illa nifra icsino 4lb--M~.rchhig and Mass Athletics. Monday at 8:00, Waterman Developments in Relations between the East and the West".
G'ymnasiumn.'z All are cordially invited to attend.
1043b--Blasketball, Monday at 8:00,. Yost Field H-ouse.- -
____________ ovember 25, at 8:15 p. in., with the following program: Serenade in E-
Change of Lecture: Pr'of. J. Iti Muysken's lecture on Tolstoy's "My Flat, Mozart: Little Irish Suite, Swan Hennessy; Quintet in G Min~u'
CGonfession" in Room 231 Angell Hall at 8:00 p. in., instead of 4:15 as Frank Danzi; Klcine Kam.,,ermiusik, Paul Hindemith; Suite Miniature
originally announced.. Foldowsky.
Faculty Aviatiop The first meeting of members of th~e Faculty who All l~icnz Interested itn Archery will please meet Dr. Lyman a thWe
are interested in flying ill be held at 8:00 p. mn. in room 229 WVest En-; Field House Sunday afternoon at 2:30. An old pair of gloves should be
gncig uiin.brought along. tl4ig..


Barry C. Carver
Inlander: The staff meiets in the Press Building at 4:15 p. r1.
Inlan~der Staf T'Tryouts: All tryouts for the staff of the Inlander
meet at 5:00 p. mn. in the Press Building, Inlander Office. There are

New York Listed
trivate Wixc Connections
with all Markets
Securities bought or sold on
-' commission basis
Telephone 2254 1

Chbildrent's R~hythmn Classes will hereafter meet as follows: Ghil-
dren 4-6 years old at 10 o'clock; those 6-8 years old at 10:30 o'clock;
and those over 8 years old at .11 o'clock as usual. The above hours
are the timews when classes actually participate in activity, so pleatie
be on time.
I _ersonal Chritmas Cards
Printed and Engraved
20 % Discount on all orders placed bef o r
Nov. 30
i Our stock is one-of the best in years
i 314 South Staite Street
'J'he Typewriter And Stationery Stbt't

a-E D C D
Speakinig about WOOL SOCKS; have You seen those
4_ at TINKER'S? They are REAL value at
50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 the pair
Plain and Heather mixtures with and' without clock.
Bie sure of the place.
Tnker & C omp*any-
South State Street at William Street
i i
S _








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First Floor Ann Arbor Tru~st Bldg.

Open Evenings Until Christmas



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