_ TP*P MIC141CIAN D A T I _J i FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1929 ~VL~iZ'I AICk-,I" tCAN1 4fl kAlL FIAY OVIME 2,1A -- nll~rILI QURAJSHJ WILL SP.AK T THIRD CDAIL OFCA L 6UVL L EII' OFJNTERNATIONAL FORUM SEL rI i 1'ub~licati ori inthe Bulletin is eonstructiyq. notice to all members I B3rununm, '31, ci iairina iiof tii eco'011-' of tihecUniversity. 'Copy received by theAstat teI .;,ditFomIdaWilTl mtV' temeis are iizt(z~fldt'(l dent until 3:30 p. in. tl:30 a. lii. Saturday) on Relations Between to furnish a mecans for frank and VO.X.FIANVME 2 99 N.4 atand West. liberal dliscussions of implortant YOL X. FIDY, OVMBE 2, 129 No.47Eas _a problems of the day. The disctus-:, ____________ ______________SionS embracing the topics of lit- NOTICES HOLD FORUM SUNDAY erature, political economy. oelolo- Award of Phillips Scholarships: The following persons have beenIi gy, and politics will thus be vari(ed nwarded Phillips Scholarships for the year 2929-193& as the result of! Foreign students of the Univer-I so that many channels will be op- competitive examinations held on October 26: Aty, as well as all others who are leued for one to cxpress his owii Mr. incnt i Paquae, 33.interestecd, will have the op-portun- interests, as well as those of hzis Mr. Rayner Field, Jr., W~. ity of hearing Shier Quraishi of In- country, on a variety of subjects. Miss Miriam J. Highley, '32. dia, at the third of a series -of In- For the most part the forurni will Alexander G. Rutlivn, For the Committee ternational Student Forums spon- I be, led by professors -,,d ;Ludents cored by the International commit- Iversed in the pa~ticular subjects, University Loan Comnmittee: The University Loan Committee will: tee of the Student Christian assoc-; and fam iliar with the countries 1un- meet on Monday, November 25, at 2:00 p. in., in Room 2, University Flall. .ntion, at 4 neo'alclock Sunday after- der consideration. All applicants for loans should call at the office of the Dean of Stu- i r aeHl.TeItrainlcmitel~ dent~for an appointment wit. the Committee.I Quraishi, who is anr eminent jour- also charge of sending foreign Stu-; J. A. Biursicy, Chairman naliat and sociologist and who was' dents throughout the state to speak _____!formerly president of the Interna- before various clubs and organiza- University Lecture: Professor Charles C. Colby, of the Department toa lbo erihscoe ifs odt ayMcia l of Geography, University of Chicago, will speak on the subject ",Trans-,a. i ujc NwDvlpet ie aebe iie ytees .,,. .. , ,. . ?iin Relations Between the East and':dent speakers. in i HC LABOR LEADERS MEET TO DISCUSS PROSPERITY DRIVE WITH HOQVER, P [1l 3 FLi F P DLL .rtallyssound ctiustrrr oferieriand: _____leaders of rgan.Lized labior today i-ectll ons %tr f lirel Assures House That Questions swered the -call of Presi de nt Hoover ec ton teayicrsr.,a of Destroyers alad Subs for counsel and co-opera.ltion in his Mr. Hoover resumed the series of, Will be Treated. campaign for stabiliz. d and stimnu- !Mnr. ne hc a enitr 4___ lated business conditions.; rupted by the death of Secretatry B' t . ,;> l'iinsa.y MacDonald today had White House 'uO .~nem the chief ex'-!tended by m en bearing_, such fai-