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November 22, 1929 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-22

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C H 1 G A N

D) A L

MITI D U flS Mostly Law Abiding
TpM,, " "Only two per cent of all the
AR OVL.PEN~crimes and miscemeanostht aeAR MVL
-.s ~committed tn Ann Arbor ndre tom- ;-.:t..-. ...
mitted by University, of Michigan 4
Sophomore Traces History students," declared Judge George-
of Architectural College W. Sample, judge of circuit court,
in Recent 'Technic'. in an interview yesterday.
iThorough examination of court!
records reveals that, although the .
NUMBERS GROW YEARLY student population amounts to 12,
000 and constitutes one-third of the
Tells of Founding of Classes byl city's total population, the number
P f university students that con-t
Professor Lorch Quarter front the circuit court charged with
of Century Ago. an ofhense against the law is ne-
_____ ligible when compared with the f
Tracing the growth of the col- great number of offenders - 8 pers!e~ng yrt<u-
1he ofAchitecture during the past cent-who alsodreside,in ann Ar; ..it
qureg o enuyan eeaigIbor and constitute two-thirds f - 1
"atratsrysand realing the entirepopulation.ts wre.ad. h
numerous facts concerning ther It is this very difTerence in per-- ,..:f
rapid progress that has been made c entage that causes so much un- ,'......
this colege sine ifavorableioncomment:'about the stu-
by tfs n ince s -ici dent body as a whole," Judge Sa - .$>{.
on the campus, is the work of John pe contended. "If a towrns-person
dY. White,'g, in hanrticl , "Thr'does k anydthinyagainst the lawnvery
o g rit little surprise is created and litt
tiie i th Noeiner utrberof comment is heard, but it a studei ,i 'tr"";
or te me nm , does something contrary to law, the
the Technic. smatter is heralded everywhere as ifwiHs , adsryM
"Contrast this present picture of-kr. all the students were bad.Suchnhstd;
a complete school of design in{ cases as that of Fletcher hal kor-a ir;k;
"TerEeEghisno ot. go i he
which many students from other r
tectue asa su-deprtmet ofT thertedis nootercgry op eother Cg oe eo ui orFihs. a m u rm
colleges in addition to the 368arch- wo, J
wnorldcns Jn f iten Th udg minhnhple nluded. yisee reeVrCO dd ra C t"e rmPg )
itectura. studats enrolled, who "that has as low a percentage of Em
study painting, free hand drawhig, wrakng adoenthg unvers,,
modeling, designing and furniture, I ____________________________
decorateass,0mealan bmosa iNatin aistArmies.. n Sir Hubrt Wilkins, explorer, and his party and th factory ship Melville, which is carrying them to Port
handful of students working in the igltC ~ feesSanley in the Falkand islands, are chown in the ab-ivc photographs. Fromi Port Stanley they will start
dingy confines of a single atticr their long trek into the Antarctic wastes. Left to rigt are shown Orvald Proter, ngineer; Parker Cramer,
(ns -Asocinndres)aviator; Sir Hubert Wilkins, . J. Aronsen, captain o the MelvillethAm-Cheeseman, aviator, and Viggo Holt,
room' in the old Engineering build--SAGANv 1--Svr ai xet
ing sahys White. go h t fighting between loyal Nationalist pn-_y--xpr-Wnondag
"In 106 Professor Lorch was I troops and the rebelliousKuomnin-. sk nrhis Pyn
,-tnus {h rOeson ffie, n ic s yciaofls W il Ce ckatng heMahaenwrdmndAdodryce dk1 lot th td thy wer3exteme
called to organize classes in archi- r"epe ry" otne,~f~asWl hc hlnctc ro.raan. e
tecture aas'a sub-department of the1 without decisive victory for either i Detroit Vote Records at All-Camnpus Forum
College of EnginJeering, the firstTe de. hrg hn . ngtahasit gdn."s
enrollment consisting of sixteen- The ubrinchun ,haeneranted s dee(y As cicd Pess) (myCn A Continued from Page 1)
Hupeh province and captured Si- ' vrCrowdd 'e S.
students. For almost a quarter of avacine down Sim DETROIT, Nov. 21-A check of a ton of dramatics or any of the
a century since," writesy andpWhite, r ard un.thet 252,278registered voters whos4 arts, for that matter, gained by one
"Professor Lorchhaswrebd g nH Thko.Mean- '(y AtcintcdPmmess) whsnhwtrpoPkrk.v.possi sparticipated in such an
pasbe- cwhileedhe>centrof ines ha k shwn on pool booaghavin NEW YORK, Nov. 21- Regula- -activity."h
pnnesa fo trhies inumbe t shifted to Caton, where ~the~revo- cast ballots in the municipal, lec- -tiut piit an d pi- sen qesid
ginning the College .of Architecture lutionary "Ironsides" regiment has ion Nov. 5 was being made today tinsced ptromit ngplanesxerat hneistoeso t aydegoit
came into being. Student interest once more invaded Kwangsiprov- bystpiRothrdom.fRyidgng, city offlasesovedilsni ProfessgrtHayden poing
in the profession quickened, and ince. abhd.itytoddialstdesingthesMnhatapr antday W ed out tht - they were extremely
the enrollment steadily increased. A nubrof iothen dinfyebye charge of John W. Smith that he say n wre epane ay desirable if not overdone. "Adnrea-
nlse ntebidig faohrtcumr .Foef oth-earporm dnrvidisayfecdedkedypP-le . C A.issionerG.overstd
The old Engineeringdgbuilding troops have joined them, the r om- wa dekate o the mayor _e ll
Thse became inadequate for the ined force capturingWchowand- rlentes. whc oghssetilforgoodscholasticwork
different branches of study, and in preparing to advance againstCan- e oe c eomaeplae'n West 64th St., near Cen- seeing that one must be in the best
1927 the new Architecture bilding ton. D ii traPark. possible physical condition in order
was completed. No longer was it check will be made through letter CharsRd3y
necessary for architects in their - ~ ____carriers. Police, meanwhile, on re- aaerlo , wasReidl4ledasodhsand int h aid.ig colsi
quest of ichard WTReactCng cits rf W esom -a enFno osin
bright colored smocks to mingle in ed interest a for-year programqeto ihadWpedng iyIaatnerpilobt, waille, 2,adhstndng"hesad
CrseyAlElcr cerad re $4.heckin 12 desssoete rtrnte o ieal
the grime of the machine shops, for art teachers has been developed,lek aechckn h12addreess passenger, aobrtchuaile a ed PoesrHyen ncoig
correction cards whichha b e hims elyapahe lecasWed-pusorediedfaerntsoieally
Tand no longer was it necessary for The instruction is given jointly by returned with the notation thatn d
architectural students to attend the colleges of Education and Archi- against the fourth story setback of ivies in which they were 'not in-
classes in the buildings of another tecture. Five four-year programs Raigpeiul a se o a new Y. M. C.,A. building. h w~d
college..' leading to a degree are also offered [lice to check up on the 3,300 reg-____________________________
This year because of the increcas- inl Architectur~e, Architectural De- srnsi hc oln ot
sign, "Architectural Engineering,I were moved just before the elec-'
and Decorative Design. tion. L N A L T V R
Fo riday and Saturday
- The Chocest of Wholesome FoosI
SCrosley All Eleer Radio $74.50 omplete ~
This is a 7929 Model Cabinet tye set with a Dynamic Speakler anl
°Standard A. C. tube.

committee to Meet
for Definite Action
9onSewage Disposal CL M S
Planning to take definite ait ion on i
he erection of a sewage disposal Fifteen Instructors Show Desire
plant for Ann Arbor. a joint om- to Become Members of Newly
mittee composed of University and Formed Organization.
city representatives willmeet some-
time within the next two weeks. Prof. Hf. C. Carver, of the mathe-
The question of sewage disposal matics department, announced the
plant for Ann Arbor has been pend- first meeting of a faculty flying
ing for some time. Last.-summer. club, to be held at 8,o'clock tonight
members of the departnment of pub- in room 229 of the Engineering
lie works looked over several sites, building. Professor Carver has for
but took no definite action on the the past few months been taking
matter. About a month ago, the flying lessons at the Flo Flying
council received a communication 'school, locatedl at the airport, and
from President Alexander G. Ruth- 'believes, that the faculty club will
yen, who urged that some action be C fill a definite desire among the f e-
taken immediately. Board members ulty men.
have now obtained the full sanction; "About fifteen instructors have
of the state and are ready to make signified their intentions of joining
a final decision on the matter. the club," said Professor Carver,
The communication from Presi- i "and we plan to purchase a plane
dent Ruthven was presented to the and take flying lessons as a group,
meeting of the board of public -robably under the instruction of
works, Nov. 2, at which time a con- Lieut. Leonard S. Flo. By owning
Unittee was appointed t confor with the plane we will be able to take
university offi-ials and t~o take (ICf--'fuill advantage of our acquired
imiite action on the question. Rep-, knowledge with comparatively lit-
resenting the University at the Itie expense."
conference were President Ruthiven, Professor Carver stated that any
Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the; faculty man interested in flying,
University, and E. C. Pardon, su- -whether he intends to take lessons
perintendent of buildings and or not, is cordially invited to at-
grounds. tend the meeting tonight.

Screens First Operetta

The supreme achievement of the motion picture art presented
with boundless magnificence and unparalleled beauty-a staggering
succession of bewitching song extravaganza held together by the most
beautiful story ever told!


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