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flEEB TELL Henr??ty1 Ford Anuc
,n[Bl T [I -U I fter meeting of
--- a
'F i
111111 ItWI1 irSuggests Increase in Salaries anda
* '10 ' '~Lower Prices as Means of s
Improving Business.H
ByJames L. West, :
Noted Scientist Shows Motion A. P. Staff Writer. t
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 21.- J
Pictures of His Latest Henry Ford wrote his own pre- a
Observations. scription today for ihproving busi- ::
ness conditions by announcing an
WAS AWAY THREE YEARS aimnedate general increase in the
WAS WAY HRE YEAS Iwages of many thousands of em- of
-- ployees over the country. :
Lived on Schooner and Used Visiting Washington at the invi- ;
Diving Helmet; ;Calls tation of President hoover, he. sat l
in on a three-hour conference of 1,
Sharks Harmless. industrial leaders at the WhitE p
House, and then issued a previous-
My most jdangerous experience y prepared statement of what he 9
at the bottorh of the sea while ob- "hought ought to be done to coun- ,
serving curious marine creatures," teract the stock market fall. 1
said William Beebe in his lecture Then rushing up town for a hasty >
last :iight, "was when a two-inch unch, he returned to"the White :
fish nibbled at one of my shouders. :-ouse for a brief talk with the 1
It seems that I had stepped on his ?resident. and as he was getting in- n
domicile, which was a crack in to his light overcoat starting bacl- t
coral formation." home, he smilingly made his wagE '
William Beebe, the third speaker increase announcement to a couplc ;
on the Oratorical association pro- of minquiring White House newspa- A
gram, delighted the audience that per reporters. t
paqked Hill auditorium with his "We are going to increase the '
unusual underwater m2on plc- iasic wage scale of our employees,' G,
tares and interesting descriptions Ih e automobile manufacturer
of the strange creatures that in- blandly announced.
habit shallows of the Sargasso Sea I "When?" he was asked, "Imme-
oif the Island of Haiti. liately." L
Says Sharks Are Harmless. "How much?" "Oh, it will be gen-
"Contrary to popular opinion 3ral."
sharks will not attack a man if he "Will it be as much at 10 per
is under water. All the fatal casesgent?"
I have cvcr heard about were those "We know the amount, but it hati I
In-which the victim was floating oi o be worked out in detail, but we I
thrashing about on the surface. But ire increasing the wages. That's
I must admit that when I first >lain enOugh, isn't it?"
tested this theory by going down Mr. Ford had given wage increase
among sharks in my diving helmet---~-----
I 'thought of at least 2,000 paceI
where I would rather have been,' THI RTVSI KL
"Looking at marine life through
a glass bqttbm boat," continuedQ
the noted scientist and naturalist,
"is no more 111w observing it be- (c
neath the sm face than is looki G t Df PS
at an exhibition of paintings fromgpry se;
the ceiling of an exhibition hall. Caused by Gigantic Tidal s
You have to go down and meet Wave, Earthquake. 1o
them as inan-to fish."
Made New Discoveries. 0]
His last expedition, w ich too0 DESTROYS WATERFRONT 1
three years of time, resulted in the ~
Ps Wage Increase ICI lri nI IrINatukalist Deplores
Industrial Leaders I - ,II UUVJI'Distor ted Publicity
£ one remedy in the prepared ANOBeebe Regrets Story of Killings;
tatement which he and his secre-U Tells f ThrillsfS
ary distributed at the White r s o ea
Kouse after the general business Exploration.
onference. He also had some other -.
emedies for the situation. One was "Not only have I killed two men,
hat business brains get back on Inld d but I have killed nine," said Wil-
he job and let the stock ticker Jurisdiction cludes Auditing of liari Beebe, in commenting on an
lone. Another was lower prices of All Money Transactions in article which ran in Time maga-
ommodities. .Student Functions. tine concerning the justice of kill-
"Nealy everything in this coun- Sing men who are ill beyond hope of
,ry is too highly priced," Mr. Ford 1 recovery. "This is all a mater of1
observed. "The only thing that REIF PICKS COMMITTEE the individual's viewpoint and thel
hould be high priced in this coun- circumstances, but I do not regret
ry is the man who works," he ad- Council to Have Full Charge of 1 the publicity I received on this
ed. "Wages must not counc down, !.matter in Time."
hey must not even stay on their Printing and Selling of Mr. Beebe said that when he goes
present level; they must go up." Dance Tickets. before an audience to deliver a
"And even that isx uo sufficient speech he never feels the slightest
f itself. We must see to it that. Jurisdiction over all campus ac- excitement or fear, which even the
he increased wages are not taken tivites where student funds are in- most practiced speakers generally
way from our people by increased volved has been placed within the experience. This he attributes .to
rices that do not represent in- !duties of Student council, it was his jungle explorations, because
reased values. The country gains 3 announced yesterday by Ernest C there, as he phrased it, "you never
.o benefit by letting the working Reif, '30, president of the council know what to expect next."
naon earn an extra $100 and then Power to supervise student func- ."Although I have been up in an
aking it away from him again in tions is granted the council by its airplane more than 500 times," Mr.
ncreased rents and a rise in prices !onstitution and the plan of juris- lBeebe went on, "Inever feel the samer
enerally. To make wages better diction adopted is mainly a central- thrills I feel deep under the water.
nd to keep prices down, requires ization of authority it has hereto- In the air you may see an occa-
hat business men come back into Irore exercised. sional bird, but down in the sea
usiness, as many are doing since The jurisdiction, which includes you're just one fish among fishes.
lie stocks came down," he said. 1 ,he auditing of all transactions of The fish show no signs of distur-
-ommittees handling student bance, but seem curious or mildly
' amused.
money, has been approved by the
Uounc'il and concurred in by the In answer to a queslon about
ILiS ate Committee on Student Af- some of his books, Mr. Beebe said
lairs. It was to be exercised by a he could not even say how many
newly approved auditng commit- he had written, nor what were their
r r.! titles. "When I have finished m
The members of this°commnittee writing, that's the end of it," 1;.
- ~ ~v i b e P r e s id e n t R e i f , J e n n in g s M c - s a d . " d n ' b e e v i n r d i g ,
Hoover Appointee to Sail Next Bride, '30; Willard Lowry, '30; Stan my own books, because that's nere-
Month to Assume Post as 'ochran, '30, and Riehard Cole, '30. ly time wasted that can be utilized
To Make Dance 11ludget. in gathering new material."
French Ambassador. The activities which the commit- will check up are for the more'
S PROMINENT.eSENATOR e art the class dances. The commit- I
S PROMINENT.SNATOR t will devise a budget for the s.The
(BY"A,;Wiu1 JmPo lance in co-operation with the I
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 21.- .lance committee, and after giving . [R S L
uickly confirmed today by his its approval will submit the budget
Fred Lawton; '11, Author of 'Varsity,' Will Give
Principal, Address; George L. Rich
Is Master of Cerenoiies.
Thoughts of redeeming thetnselves for the neagrie attemiance at
previous pep-meetings will be foremiost ill themlinids of1 niversity
students when he}y assemble at 7 o'clock this evening in 11 ill auditorimi
to voice their support. to the Michigan football team, which on Saturday
will mieet Iowa in the final game of the year.
Ceisire of the poor support at the I Harvard pep-meetinlg 1v
Alumini speakers has developed i the students a deterniiUatiJon to
have every seat in the auditoriut filled when J. b'red Lawtotl, 't r,
composer of 'Varsity and an ardent supporter of the ,Wolverines,
Idelivers the principle 'pep-talk this evening.
Lawton, who has a manner all his own for raising the students
into a keen fighting pitch, is one of the best known of the uiversity's
Alumni. His popllarity began back in his undergradluate days when
he held caipus positions and honors galore. le was a m;;einber of
The Dailv and the Gargoyle staffs. and of the Board in ('ontrol of
G ;Student Publications. le was likl-
i wise a mt ember of Sphinx, Oruids.
HAYDEN LECTUR chigamua, besides holding am
enviable record in camilus pyltwtS.
! f 0lflhU M "Fill the Auditorium and Beat
Iowa" has been officially adopted
C j as the war cry for the students at
<T7hich Offers Most to Students
-Campus or Classroom?'
the pep-meeting tonight. The s-
gan, announced yesterday by the
Student council is a reaction to the
remarks made by 'Aluni sp ,akcr.s
othe Senate Commite nSu-___
olleagues as Ambassador to France, enth Afeas o i tion.
enatoi Walter E. Edge of New Jer- All bids for contracts to be let V5 Invitations Will be Sold at
ey will sail early next month to as- ?y the dance committee must be Union and by Members
ume the posh" vacated by the death submitted to the auditing commit- of Committee.
f Myron T. Herrick of Ohio. ee for discussion and confirmation,
and no contract will be valid unless
President Hoover determined up- ! so considered and countersigned byTO HOLD DANCE DEC. 14
in Senator Edge for this high dip- t-le chairman of the Student Coun-
matic office several weeks ago. cit Finance committee, according o Tickets for the Sophomore prom
Tcket for he oh mir pr m
Subject of Talk. at the Harvard pep-meeting who
were highly discouraged to find the
LAUDS BOTH ACTIVITIES empty seats in the' auditorium.
Back in what they termed "the good
Declaring that four years of aca- old days," the University had half
as many students and not a seat
dmic work a college gives one wasempty when a Ppmetwa
a clearer concept of life, prof. J. held, they said, One of the speak-
R. Hayden of the political science ers hinted that the poor attendanc
"department spoke at the fourth of was because the campus cnt sre
11 ais interest ab~out "dinner Jg c lt;
a series of All-Campus Forums yes- and not supporting the team.
terday afternoon in Alumni Me- ; Asks Student Support.
moria tHall e Campus leaders are of the opin-
mFor the sake of clarifying the ion that the students toda' are as
many opinions held by the under, anxious to get behind the Wolver-
graduates on the respective worth Inc eleven as the undergraduates
of extra-curricular and curricular ud:gaats
were 1(1 nr 15 eanrs a~r 'Thi .#A
discovery of many weird and
hitherto unknown species of un-
derwater life. On the four-masted
schooner which served as his head-
quarters these specimens were clas-
sified and photographed, to be
brought back for use in connectior
with. his work as director of tropi-
can research of the New York Zoo-
logical Society, and to acquaint the
general public with the wonders o
,the "third world."
"Wei pitched tents on the deckE
of the schooner," Mr. Beebe said
"and hunted our fislhs with al'
manner of strange apparatus. I
shot many fish with an ordinar3
pop-gun. equipped with three barb,,
-laced in the cork.
'Slows Motion Pictures.
"Some of the underwater worm.
much resembled beautiful flowers
and our table was usually, as you
might say, tastefully decorate6
twith worms."
V Three reels of motion picture:
were shown, together with a num-
'ber of colored slides which vividl3
killustrated the fascinating lecture
According to Henry Moser of the
,speech departmient, business mana-
ger of the Oratorical association
,Mr. I3eebe' drew the largest audi-
'ence thiat as attended an Oratori-
cal offering so :far this year.
Physicians Dedare Clenccau
Dying of Heart Trouble.
(By As 'o 0aled Press)
PARIS, France, Nov. 21.-The Ti-
ger of France tonight was fighting
anothcr battle for life with char-
acteristic courage and unshaken
Although Dr. Degennes and Dr.
Laubry reported Clemenceau's con-
Sdition as improved after consulta-
tion this evening, they appeared to
consider the present crisis the most
serious the war-time premier has
yet encountred. The 88-year old
s5tatsnMria ha revelled suessive
(iy associated Press) te forwarded the nomination to the plan adopted. will be placed on sale today from 2 1 activities, Professor Hayden used as dents could attend th pOp-meet-
ST ONNwonlnNvthe Senate today on the eve of '.et cudatedtepe-et
ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland, Nov. pci ssio WillControl Tickets. o'clock until 5 at the main desk of the subject for discussion, "Which
1.-A gigantic tidal wave caused and the Senate dispensed with its n functions involving the sale of Of Union. Fred Buchan '32E, Ofers Most to the Student - the should redeem themselves tonight
by the earthquake of last Monday rules to give immediate confirma ickets the conl will be charge airman of the dance, also anpus or the Classroom by leaving not a single sat -
(t tsfgof the printing and the distribution hIProfessor Hayden stated that if filled-when the activities began.
lil the isolated section ofesou no the proper committee, and will Iounced that the members of the he had to choose between the two, George Rich, '30L, captain of twe
oast of the Burin Peninsula, New- Senator Edge w28 nurspresene ' carefully checK the number so dis- eickct committee would have tick- he would chose the class work see- 1928 gridiron squad will be mastr
hapng de parted 24 h earlier tributed, and demand in return 's ava ible. The sale of the bids ing that the opportunity for work of ceremonies tonight Rich has
:oundland, and took a toll of 36 to make a farewell call upon a son ! hefaevaueofechtike will be at $5, and will continue un- 'along academic lines is only g~ive ist-hand knowledgeoftefec
ives and caused property damage in school in New Mexico. He will the fac value oi each tICKCL or, theu le re dsoe o--n-aae- lnsi ol ie fPr thn nold of the effect
>fes ndicaued propertyds.a e rncool N Mxic.ew hCxtticket itself, according to Reif. tithey are disposed of. to an individual while in college of student support on the football
Af unestimated proportions., return to the Capitol next week Thils ,omlmetry ic-iThe Senate committee on student whereas one continues, to some de-'paesndwlprblygea
First news of the disaster which and return at once for France.' The list o comyplimienaary tick- affairs at its meeting etra hra n otnet oed~pacsadwl rbbygv
Fistnes fth dsate hih an rtrnatone o Fane. Iets for the dances must be submit- ffis tit! eig yesterday gree, a form of extra-curicular short speech regarding this inside
lestroyed several little fishing vil- Chairman Borah of the Senate ed to the committee and no com- voted permission to the sophomores activity afterm graduation-dope.
ages along the yemote southern Foreign relations committee pro-imdtar ticket is valid unlessto to hold their party on Friday De- TotheiqystirngrWdatoes o pe
ages on the prisl he dy oe medaecnimto oplimentary tikti ai nescember 14, in the ballroom ofthe To the question "What does one Cheerleaders, Baud, to Attend.
,ide of the Peninsula three daysiposed immediate confirmation of cones e yteauii o-cme 4 i h alometeget out of the classroom?" Professor SatnTd,',wlhvhi
igo, reached here from steamers Senator Edge when the nomination ountersigned by the auditing com- Union. Dancing will begin at 9 and Hayden answered that one should crew anonTodd',lmastrs oil have ts
which put into the inlet nt Burin. was received at the outset of the will last until 2. receive a set of intellectual inter- lead the crowd in several Michigan
'and communication with the sec- day's meeting and quick assent was According to Buchan, the follow- i ests that he would carry throughcheers and in the football songs,
;ion had been severed since Mon- given. Edge was a member of the THE W EATHER ing men,.who are members of the life. "The ines ar og v l "e a Victrh"and"Varsity."
lay when the storm preceded the foreign relations committee. _1sub-committee on tickets, will have nature-one should be able to meet Michigan's "fighting band" which
luake and tidal wave swept across Approaching the end of his sec- tickets available for purchase, and and converse intelligently with the has been present on every occasion
the island. ond term, Senator Edge was a mem- For Lower Michigan; Gener- 'will also supervise the distribution leaders of industry who are re- of student tribute to the Wolver-
Burin, the most important of the ber also of the important finance ally fair Friday and Saturday, of the bids among the houses: sponsible for the larger portion of sines including all e-meetin
ittle coast town and having a pop- committee and ranked high in the somewa unsettled in north por- James Page, '32 E, Dale DeWitt, '32, th cie develomenpt of he , eIinoiudsng andpep-terecegs,
ilation of 120, reported nine Republican party council. He is a tion Saturday. Continued cold Fri- Alfred Palmer, '32, and Lyle Zisler, presentatime. College can teach a tionloilowing the Minnesota game,
frowned when the huge wall of former governor of New Jersey. day, rising temperature Saturday. '32 A man to do things and also to under- will again be one of the features
water struck, carrying 16 buildings WREA EL I 'Q' HE JEST, stand life from a broader point of t of the pep-meeting.
into the sea. Most of th~ose killed TW M REPE F RM NC S FB11LI I E JEST I view A fell balanced curricula I________
were women and children. TO BE PRESENTED IN LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE gives one the ability to sense va-ITHREE STUDENTS
Some reports rsth aide that the wave, u__ ________ es, to tell right from wrong and
rwedntth ine byhigh ! '30, andl Palmer Ballinger '31, are more fully to obtain -a critical I, RECEI1VE A W., AR
'ocky clfs, reached a height of 401 ( the two brothers. Mildred Todd I ese."1
eet in Burin and swept away all I '32, plays the part of the ~loren: I Although he places campus acti- Field, Highley, and Pasquale
ropetity along the waterfront. tine lady. I Vties subordiate to those of aca- ie 5 coasis
The ea Lanaline, ilage the sets for "The Jest" were con- ,lBenie natuire, Professor Hayden
'f 426 souls, and Lawrence Cove, estructed in lavish style by the cOmoefted on the important role
rith 293 inhabitants, numbered 18. stagecraft class of the Play Pro- played by them in the life of the Announcement of the three stu-
Port-Aux-Bras, with 294 ;popula- duction course under the supervi- ,undergraduate. "Easily the most dents who will receive the Phillips
o", reported seven killed when **.sion of Charles Holden. Lighting is 1 beneicial phase of extra-curricu-. scholarships award for 1929 was
>uildings were demolished by thel handled by Dean Currie of the Play lar work consists in the fellowship made yesterday by Prof, Campbell
all of water. Production course, gained. In competing against in- 'Bonner of the Latin and Greek de-
Mrs. Thomas Judge and her three The directing of the play was dividuals, a close relationship with paitment. Three aiTards, of fifty
:hildren were lost when their house done by Miss Bertha Creighton, a students is obtained. Other advan- dollars each, will go to -Vincent di
was swept away, and Mr. William well known actress and director, tages of participation in campus Pasquale '33, Rayner Fiel, Jr., '3,
3llen and Mrs. S. Bennett, were who for many years played oppo- affairs are the cultural background and Mariam Jane Highley '32. Al-
among the other casualties. site Richard Mansfield, and also obtained, and the keener appreci-I though awards are usually imited
played Shakespearean repertoire on (Continued on Page 2. Col. 5) to first ycar students, Miss Hngh-
, abor Leaders Deride Broadway for several seasons. Miss -eys scholarship has been reewed
LrbJ Lde Deid "G'hton has worked lteSivly Rush Hou Explosionfrom last year, due to seholast
to Uphold Wage Scale frte past two weeks with the merit In second yar Lti ' aid
1 members of the organization for-I Kills Five Persons Greek.
(By Associated Preeis) mulating the production. ' The scholarships, established in
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21-A gen- Three scenes are used in the four ;; :se 1'j 189 by Henry Phillips, Jr, arc oppn
eral maintenance of existing wage acts and all are c'onstructed simi- WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.-An ex- each year to freshman students in
schedules was agreed upon today Above is pictured a scene in Act Italian Renaissance, and is con- larly to the original production and plosion in the basement of a ten- I the literary college whe can quali-
by industrialists and labor leaders the Robert Edmund Jones designs. cent store during the rush hour to- I fy for examination in four uni of
who conferred separately with one of "The Jest," by Sem Benelli corned with the sruggles o- a 'The original production was given k Lati,who are amng the three
President Hoover. Italian poet and dramatist. From Florentine poet and two ltlUSttr'inlg by the Barrymore brothers in New dlay killd five persons, dangerously Iiahst in the Nnvgmhb -w net