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November 21, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-21

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'rIZSD1,31AY, N(JVEI-'%i;,;,-'1, I92),';

TH.E. M.....GAN..DA..LY

OW An A t dmadingimprovement. Unusual,
advances, of course, may be made;
Published every morning except Monday F but they will likely be well-con-
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Ptblications. sidered adaptions of ideas coming
Mlember of Western Conference Editorial up from the academic ranks or bor-'
Association. rowed from our more daring and
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled inventive contemporaries.
to the use for republi, ation of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited Such a policy will hardly be
hen this paper and the local news published striking. AS Mr. Rutliven admits, it1
mahereiqenlniriain.f h
Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor, m yb feunl riaigi h
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate observer fails to keep in sight the
of postage granted by 'Third Assistant Post-utiiaeg l.
toaster General. utm t ol

'Minnesota's football lineup veri-
fees the old adage that the autumn
sport is the "American National
Pastime," indulged in by the more
virile Amekican citizens. Here is
the lineup:

About Books

" 1 , t


Communication witli pliiishith',
houses this week show That a (1iS;

i r1 ,

isid (sNew 'York Stc a1 ia~
(IidoStock I ;1I.dI ge
Ckcvcl ild stoc,. Itig
New York Cm 1~,,Mir
At-t'mits Carried oni ( i,rvjiv \l tr Viim
201 First Nat'l Bankff oi T4294


Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

Yet in the long run it should be

Telephone 4925

satisfactory. Decadence need be no
Part of this conservatism. Gradual
modification of the existing com-
plex, minimized confusion on each
change, and implacable control of
conditions surrounding experiment
are the hall-marks of a sober-
minded, capable administrator.

Anderson, Left End
K. Kakela, Left Tackle
3Pulkrabek, Left Guard
Oja, Center
It. lKakela, IRighit Guard
Langenberg, Righit Tackle
STanner, Might Enad
Barnlhardt, (quarterback
Teeter, Left halfback

been circulated amotig the llcri-
I en t shops of the country. It i,; ;lit;'
cult often to judge from catchy d 3
scr iptions of lax.,it boob,,, alvc
.stnt out by publislier-wsBih <,,rv
the worth while. But wlcnii hC
a nameCs of old fiind ;are ~ i'
befor'e us, mwe strike tip auO p~y i
tenituon. Iene ire i fewv il t hw
promising inewly cireula"t 0.

Editor------------------George C. 'Til~cey
City Editor-----------------Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor............. George 1i;. Sinmous

,:ports Eduor---------rduaru 1 wiiarnr, Jr.
Womn' Eitr--------arjri Flier Intent on maintainling ahigh
vuensEio .....Aar} eFmrgaTclc~raph Editut......... Cassain A. Wilson scholastic record, or at least re-
Mui.and tDramai.......W i liam J.3-Gormnai
Literary Ed(itor.......lawrence l2. Klein maining eigible for certain extra-
Assistant City Editor .....Robert J. Feldmianicriua civte ra a
Night Editors jority of students are inclined to I
Frank E. Cooper II wiy J. Merry ignore a vital part of the four ears
William C. Gentry R<oert I.. Slossy
Charles Ri. Kaufman Waler W. Wilds of life spent in the University -
sr nc}' Viliatsi that of physical development.
Reporters Devotion to the cultivation of the
Bertram Askwith Iester Mayinelcdsrvstehgstfe-
Helen Bare 1)a id Al. Nichol inelcdsrvstehgstoes
Maxwell Bauter W1illianm Page teem, and experience in the many
Mary L. Behyter 1-0Toard I}i. Peckham filsoacvty usiehe ca
Ileni anini . lBeretsoi 11ugh 1iercfed fatvtyotietlaa
Allan H. Ber xnan V ictor Rabinowiz dmiwokl teUvrsyiso
S. Beach Coniger loho ). eindel d~tCWr fteUiest st
Thomas Al. Coolcy 'Jeannie Roberts be commended, but combined with.
ohlnIDeiuerIJoseph A.Russitlh
oflen i.Demner JoSeli A.Rusell this -development there should be
Katharine Fein ( Wllal1'.I2.' Slrol Some attention aid to the eru (rrl .Szolpphysical
Carl S. Forythte s. Cadoecll Swanson well-being of the individual.
sheldon (C. Fullerton Ja ne Thayer
Ruthi Geddes Margaret Thompson TeUiest a upidta
GCinevra Gin Itohard f 1h Uivritohssupleita
ack Goldsnmith 1i-aeth \ denltine opportunity for recreation in the
Morris Grovernian 1latold O.w' rien, Jr. facilities it offers at the Intramural
]oss Gustin C harles White
Margaret Harris C. 1ionl \Willens building. There One mlay indulge in'
D avid B. If emPstead John 1'. W\illoughby eeysotfo h nin r
S-Cullen lKennedy Nathan WVise eeysotfo h nin r
ean Levy Barbara Wrighzt originated on the St. Andrews
cusselll E. McCracken 'Vivian Ziuit
Dorothy Magec course %in Scotland and the English
BUSINESS STAFF past-time of squash to the most
Telephone 21214 American of games, indoor base-
BUSINESS MANAGER ball and basketball. A swimming
A. J. JORDAN, JV. pool, that has a reputation of be-I
ing one of the finest in this plart of
Assistant Manager j the country, a wrestling room, box-
* ALEX K. SCHE9ER! ing ring, tennis courts, handball
courts, and track equipment are all
*Department Managers' combined in the one structure.
Advertising ............ I olliser Mbhy Dressing room's, lockers, and show-I
Advrtising ............Kasper I I-1alerson
Advertising-----------erwood A. t'pton ers are included in the equipment
Service..........George A. Sae and aredegndathmoto-
Acculation----------------.Verno r v isdeindathmoto-
Accounts ... .............Jhn R. Rse ern of athletic plants *~hould be.
Pubictins...........eogehailon The use of such equipment can
" Assistants hardly be other than a pleasure.
Blyrnec M. Iadenocli Marvin Kohacker I The exercise involved, if we may,
Janles E.Cartwright 1Lawrence 1Lmny
Jobert Crawford ''homrnas 'MAuir believe the testimony of those who
Harry B. Culvr (ieorgo. Patterson ! have tried out the plant, tones up
Thomls Al. Davis CaRoles Sanford
Nornan Eliezer Ilee Slay ton one so that the activity mlight well
JAmes -H ofer lose phr \au Riper be classed as an investent which
Norris Johnson Robejrt Williamson
Charles Kline W\riP-r, R W~orboys I pays for itself. With the additional
BusiessScee! ri-~-Ma' t1as I ijioyment of the sport per se and'
Laura Codling Alice Mec'ully !the permanent physical benefits,
Agues D~avis )Ixia MIiller the utilization of this unique build-
Bernice illaser l IIem E. N oss.An ite -
Hiortenise Goudim, 1leanor 'A'ill isaw Ill'ng should recommend itself to an
Uueeteaz1 ientrz i increasing number of male su-
Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER ! dents.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1929 __________
_____________ ____ Campus Opinion
TH1E RIG HT WING SPEAKS.r Contributors ar asked to lie brief,
I confining themselves to less than 300
Those who heard President I -° ords i possible. Anonymous cn-
Imunicaions will be disregarded. The
fluthven's recentt tterances on'the names of commuicants will, however,
'cocepionof he nivrsiy a a be regardl-'( as enotidetital, upon re-
'conceptiones pubthehed hould dyt a
platicinsittio mut avease ' cn~stuettes ublishe oeditotiali
Struck by the deliberate, dispay- opinion of tne Daily.
sionate perspicacity withi which he
viewed the objectives of a univer- To the editor:
sity-objectives that in themselves
were equally acute products of his According to the choicest, and i-
discernment. In order to serve its cidentally, the latest reports, it
gen'eration, the university mlust pro-' would appear that co-eds benlseav pe o hi e
vide knowledge for present and fu- be itda pe nterflo
ture needs of its students; it must students. Their deeds arc diverse.
alsoproidefacliliesforthein-and nefarious; and their position,
crasofrovidedaci.iTeseforithery therefore, is unienviable. But at.
creae o knolede. hesepriarythe same time, these camlpus spiesI
functions may be achieved through d aea xeln datg
two.aveues: by evoltio, aover the normial_ individual. For
plodificatory process which pro-' example-heaving acquired a pettyj
dluced mutations of a large order' grudge against a girl, alid raliziugj
and by evolution through the accu- that they probably will never have
mnulation of slight ortho-genetic +anl opportunity to honestly over-
chanlges. - come the situation by any intlli-
I\I:ore engaging, however, than gentb display of their own, they
these gleaiiiigs, fr as yet they re- choose as a last resort the stpid
main nebulous, is the method feminine meais of gossip and slan-
President Ruthtven employs in deal- 'der.
Ing with remnedial measures for the This veinmous type of the femlae
University. is current message is : species sinks siletdy ilto tenlear-'
tempered almost entirely by the est office anid hisse poisonous
vernacular of science: to writ, the nothings into the ar of the Judi-
use of such phrases as "intrinsic j iary Council. The lattr perforce
variability.Ilik(,. organic beings," mlist listen, because that is its duty.
"ortho-geieic changes," "observa- :However, it cannot know whether
tionl under controlled conditions." or not the self-appointed "spy" is
His consideration of, the istitu - telling the truth.
tion as an organic entity, and ad In other words, .a gi cal be
vocation of experiment as baro- placed onl probation, or shie can kite'
metric of a new idea's worth are suspended-merely by the accusa-
also illustrative of'. this method. t Lon of anl unnamed person
But after this similarity of ap-. The situation is absurd a1nd. ri-

piroch~e to consideration of uniiver- diculous, but it is at the samne time
shtyprophylactics, President Ruth- regrettable. It is unbelievable that
yen abandons the Little tradition, volnein who have reached the ma-
and 'the consequent dive:-gence is ture age requisite for college at--
becoming' extreme. Dr. Little's ideas tendance can allow themnselves to
were the quintessence ofimus indulge in such a low, unprincipled
incessant ch~ange, speimpuse, activity as that of spyinig, of dn-
fromaboe ifSuprimpsedliberately lying to the authorities
fraz ;abve ifnecessary, and aboveI1
all, of high, even thereal, idealism, in regard to the character of a fel-
President Ruthven's vi-ews, on the low student. It is incredible.
otherA hand, are the acme of juli-I I believe that I speak for the ini-
cious conservation; he is a self- Itolligent women of the University
stulecl n'tira-.Unt;I ,. of Michigan when I ask, first, that

Rtiebetlh, llightIlalfback Aldous H-uxley, famnous iEng:ilsi
Nagurski, Ftullback novelist and essayist, offers in is,
"Do What You Will," a s- ies o.
personal comments,; ipon Ili- c"
rent scene, a study of the foible,
j f and i'anners of man p erfornvmiv2
the comedies an~l tr,4ge(djos o
a ~twentieth century existce. Am-v o.;
Sthe essays encluded in t h ..zv. ,-
- ~'~1 ume are ones with attractive t 1,-e.
such as, "Swift," "Fashions in Love,.
"Silence is Golden," and "Baude-k
laire." This author, who ii t i'
grandson of Thomas IHuxley, it:
probably bost knowil to us or heis
novels, "Those Barren Leaves," an id
"Point Counter Point," though lie
The picture shows Dr. Spears, the; is the writer of numerous shor-t
great Gopher *oach, cutting off ai stories, essays, and some poet-y.
mouthful of one of his protege's *
names. I-low he does Gopher
swedes! "The. 0. Henry Memor-ial Awar'd;
* Prize Stories of 1929" is also in prio-
Whl paigo otal t cess of circulation this week. It~
mitie seak1g tfo toba t1contains the three prize-winning
migh be he to enton St- sh'ort stories selected by the Me-
urchay's game with Iowa. Every- moilAadCmitea h
b~ody seems to be getting excit- oilAadCm teesth
ed about bu best published in American n'aga-
it hreint!el zines during the year and foprteen
ly any reason for it. Iowa can't I others which were selected as rank-
possibly win the conference title w'ghgetfo oeta ~0
and neither can Michigan, and singhestsubmite orethacnte2.00
there isn't any little brown jug sois-umtedt h cnet
r The story which received, the first
to fight over, and we'll all prob-I
'ab'y pitbehindc the -goal posts prize of $500 in gold is "Big Blonde"
anjyh~ow, and it may be- snowing I by Dorothy Parker. The second of
or it may be slush by Satut- $250 was awarded to Sidney How-
clay. Io-wia buck to the editor ad h playwright; while the sp e->
right now on the Illinois game, cial award was given to Katheine-
and I don't intend to Yale my- Brush's "Him and Her." Among
self hoarse over another on. the other authors whose stories are
I mi1ght Michigan. included iths voluime are Shor-
-Iwood Anderson, Stephen Benet,
Louis Bromfield, Mary Johnston,
While reading an old etiquette Kathleen Norris.
book the other day I discovered '
that a "pun is the lowest- form of*
wit, and a punster should not be Michael Arlen calls hzis latesl4
r iecognized." I also. found out that book, "Babes in the Wood," wvhichi
young gir-ls should "carry ail am-, is a collection of short stories,
monia gun while cycling because relaxation intended for- those
bar..ing dlogs may runi in front of Iwho1 are always traveling buit
you and give you a Header." never reach a destination." Mr

a (
' Y " '/jt f '
jGr~ Z24&4
Long Dist' anc atekAeLJri-


Low -




Long Distance Rates Are 5'urprisin~

This; ' muiste and dramatics
Soilumiw'hich sccin& to have
occupied most of the space on
page four lately is getting lousy.
It says that the comedy club's
"Jest," which i5 running at the
Lydia Menidelssohn theatre this
week, is ".,onicthing different."
I hope that crack is jest in fun.

This is a picture of one of
the better brands of cord tires
now on the market (Advt.) but
it'll have to do for a snapshot
of the~ Michigan stadium as
there is only one and it is three
columns wide which is muich
too wide even for a broad-
minded gent Ike 1.


Arlen is happiest when disecting
the psychology of the Mayfait-so
s-phisticates and these stories c, r1-
ter around such people. InI this
collection there is Portr-ait o1' a
gentlemltn of the old school wvho
I dreamed of the ..serenie light ofa
beautiful love, and "The Lost:.'ien1-
eration" in which the "lost'' is -c-
deemed and thle recdentel- "lust,.''
John R. Oliver is best known to
readers by his "Victim aind Victor,"
the novel which caused disruptil!
1 in the Pulitzer Novel Pr-ize CouriiV-
tee over the award of thlis year. T
He has publishe-d recenitly <), ne-w
book, "Foursquare," in whliclheI
tells of his experiences as psvt:1t
trist and also with univers i~y s a-
dents. This latest is 1ilitJ?,'r°rltli'
cal in fornm---a fi a n1,- 'or lill", f
the author's inth~l rI e it' ; t,
"I talk tender-ly tanctd lrtotdI1~to
Sapho, I feel writhr Lot's Wife, ton--
i derstanding' the salty ne ,cessity of
ller- decision, I h1ld0'vivid clen';', i }
with that mischievous da7,zlisg11111),{
Emiily Dickinson, I tell that lovely
little child-wife of Edgar Poe we
nobody ever thoughit of teblln- hr
and I repay La Duse for- a certaini
iimomient without which I should
have walked the poorer in spirit !
these many years." Thus speaks
Joseph Auslander of his new book,
"Letters to Women," a collection.
of poems to women who have cap-
'tured his imagination. IHis work
has recei'ved praise of Edward Ar-
lington Robinson, Robert Nathan,r
Mark Van. Doren, and John Gals-
worthy. The frontispiece and deco-
ration of this .new book are by
Clare Leighton, the (listiP uj.shlt
English artist.
fI. L. Mencken in his Iiitrodue-
tion to "Essays" by Janmes G. l un2-
1ker, finds "that the youne'g pro 's-
sors who write literar-y history for
sophomor-es seldom mention Hui,--
ker today, but there was vrestiy
Im ore in hi m- than in all their P ilses a d C aleW:ui e
P.WinesnanditCal esr Dudley-1

1One of may frat. bros. thought up
a joke the oither day which is so
sel0doni that I think r will print it
as this iry the only place it would
ever be accepted. Are you ready?
Eye-dropper to eye: "Hlave a
few' drop:, old man."
Eye to eye-dropper: "Why I'd
be dilated."
Below is a pictur-e of onp of
oor colder co-eds-and no wise
cracks-all wrapped lip in her-
self. Eveni if she has a muffler
I'd like to choker. (Puns are
getting pretty scarf so I think
I shawl have to change the

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