PAGE FOUR I THE MICHIGAN DAll.,Y 'rIZSD1,31AY, N(JVEI-'%i;,;,-'1, I92),'; TH.E. M.....GAN..DA..LY OW An A t dmadingimprovement. Unusual, advances, of course, may be made; Published every morning except Monday F but they will likely be well-con- during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Ptblications. sidered adaptions of ideas coming Mlember of Western Conference Editorial up from the academic ranks or bor-' Association. rowed from our more daring and The Associated Press is exclusively entitled inventive contemporaries. to the use for republi, ation of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited Such a policy will hardly be hen this paper and the local news published striking. AS Mr. Rutliven admits, it1 mahereiqenlniriain.f h Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor, m yb feunl riaigi h Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate observer fails to keep in sight the of postage granted by 'Third Assistant Post-utiiaeg l. toaster General. utm t ol REDROLL AL MOST A INT I AALRICAN 'Minnesota's football lineup veri- fees the old adage that the autumn sport is the "American National Pastime," indulged in by the more virile Amekican citizens. Here is the lineup: About Books 0 4 f " 1 , t R SOME (CIAT 1AI*,MTT NEW PILIlSHNGSI Communication witli pliiishith', houses this week show That a (1iS; i r1 , isid (sNew 'York Stc a1 ia~ (IidoStock I ;1I.dI ge Ckcvcl ild stoc,. Itig New York Cm 1~,,Mir At-t'mits Carried oni ( i,rvjiv \l tr Viim 201 First Nat'l Bankff oi T4294 I Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. Yet in the long run it should be EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY satisfactory. Decadence need be no Part of this conservatism. Gradual modification of the existing com- plex, minimized confusion on each change, and implacable control of conditions surrounding experiment are the hall-marks of a sober- minded, capable administrator. 0----- BODY AND MIND Anderson, Left End K. Kakela, Left Tackle 3Pulkrabek, Left Guard Oja, Center It. lKakela, IRighit Guard Langenberg, Righit Tackle STanner, Might Enad Barnlhardt, (quarterback Teeter, Left halfback been circulated amotig the llcri- I en t shops of the country. It i,; ;lit;' cult often to judge from catchy d 3 scr iptions of lax.,it boob,,, alvc .stnt out by publislier-wsBih <,,rv the worth while. But wlcnii hC a nameCs of old fiind ;are ~ i' befor'e us, mwe strike tip auO p~y i tenituon. Iene ire i fewv il t hw promising inewly cireula"t 0. Editor------------------George C. 'Til~cey City Editor-----------------Pierce Rosenberg News Editor............. George 1i;. Sinmous ,:ports Eduor---------rduaru 1 wiiarnr, Jr. Womn' Eitr--------arjri Flier Intent on maintainling ahigh vuensEio .....Aar} eFmrgaTclc~raph Editut......... Cassain A. Wilson scholastic record, or at least re- Mui.and tDramai.......W i liam J.3-Gormnai Literary Ed(itor.......lawrence l2. Klein maining eigible for certain extra- Assistant City Editor .....Robert J. Feldmianicriua civte ra a Night Editors jority of students are inclined to I Frank E. Cooper II wiy J. Merry ignore a vital part of the four ears William C. Gentry R right now on the Illinois game, cial award was given to Katheine- and I don't intend to Yale my- Brush's "Him and Her." Among self hoarse over another on. the other authors whose stories are I mi1ght Michigan. included iths voluime are Shor- -Iwood Anderson, Stephen Benet, Louis Bromfield, Mary Johnston, While reading an old etiquette Kathleen Norris. book the other day I discovered ' that a "pun is the lowest- form of* wit, and a punster should not be Michael Arlen calls hzis latesl4 r iecognized." I also. found out that book, "Babes in the Wood," wvhichi young gir-ls should "carry ail am-, is a collection of short stories, monia gun while cycling because relaxation intended for- those dlogs may runi in front of Iwho1 are always traveling buit you and give you a Header." never reach a destination." Mr tI a ( VII" ' Y " '/jt f ' jGr~ Z24&4 ~~~eA01 Long Dist' anc atekAeLJri- 9 "U a Low - at 1)' i Long Distance Rates Are 5'urprisin~ This; ' muiste and dramatics Soilumiw'hich sccin& to have occupied most of the space on page four lately is getting lousy. It says that the comedy club's "Jest," which i5 running at the Lydia Menidelssohn theatre this week, is ".,onicthing different." I hope that crack is jest in fun. This is a picture of one of the better brands of cord tires now on the market (Advt.) but it'll have to do for a snapshot of the~ Michigan stadium as there is only one and it is three columns wide which is muich too wide even for a broad- minded gent Ike 1. t Arlen is happiest when disecting the psychology of the Mayfait-so s-phisticates and these stories c, r1- ter around such people. InI this collection there is Portr-ait o1' a gentlemltn of the old school wvho I dreamed of the ..serenie light ofa beautiful love, and "The Lost:.'ien1- eration" in which the "lost'' is -c- deemed and thle recdentel- "lust,.'' John R. Oliver is best known to readers by his "Victim aind Victor," the novel which caused disruptil! 1 in the Pulitzer Novel Pr-ize CouriiV- tee over the award of thlis year. T He has publishe-d recenitly <), ne-w book, "Foursquare," in whliclheI tells of his experiences as psvt:1t trist and also with univers i~y s a- dents. This latest is 1ilitJ?,'r°rltli' cal in fornm---a fi a n1,- 'or lill", f the author's inth~l rI e it' ; t, "I talk tender-ly tanctd lrtotdI1~to Sapho, I feel writhr Lot's Wife, ton-- i derstanding' the salty ne ,cessity of ller- decision, I h1ld0'vivid clen';', i } with that mischievous da7,zlisg11111),{ Emiily Dickinson, I tell that lovely little child-wife of Edgar Poe we nobody ever thoughit of teblln- hr and I repay La Duse for- a certaini iimomient without which I should have walked the poorer in spirit ! these many years." Thus speaks Joseph Auslander of his new book, "Letters to Women," a collection. of poems to women who have cap- 'tured his imagination. IHis work has recei'ved praise of Edward Ar- lington Robinson, Robert Nathan,r Mark Van. Doren, and John Gals- worthy. The frontispiece and deco- ration of this .new book are by Clare Leighton, the (listiP uj.shlt English artist. fI. L. Mencken in his Iiitrodue- tion to "Essays" by Janmes G. l un2- 1ker, finds "that the youne'g pro 's- sors who write literar-y history for sophomor-es seldom mention Hui,-- ker today, but there was vrestiy Im ore in hi m- than in all their P ilses a d C aleW:ui e P.WinesnanditCal esr Dudley-1 1One of may frat. bros. thought up a joke the oither day which is so sel0doni that I think r will print it as this iry the only place it would ever be accepted. Are you ready? Eye-dropper to eye: "Hlave a few' drop:, old man." Eye to eye-dropper: "Why I'd be dilated." Below is a pictur-e of onp of oor colder co-eds-and no wise cracks-all wrapped lip in her- self. Eveni if she has a muffler I'd like to choker. (Puns are getting pretty scarf so I think I shawl have to change the