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November 16, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-16

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1~HT Mtrr~XN: h~(L~Y____ ___ __w




AEROAUTCS CUB]Dean Denounces
Tentative Program Is Sketched i..........


F 0FlM9 A 69BNOUUIE Interviews in New York State 'mIve no empoyment, the "-soietY' c<essaris: was Professor 11.g eelEooi tts W e PLAN ON CA8BET
RvaEcnmcSau ve, the same condition is tru(,. satement concerning this class._
National Convention Entertained of Married Women. "In 95 per cent of cases invesigatec, "Only one husband decides alone Emily Bates Chairman. Mrs.

by Bertha Flo, '31, k; Last Night at League Build- or---7 threcc ad ~ wife had a private income. Ap- about important expenditures rith Bah
NewPrsdn.igPuptSo Fetr.\hter. MOiael 65 per cent throw their the result that this group is thle
Prsdet_,_n__ueho eaue ernlings which women ontribute incomes into the general family mos sharing of any." Since -one-
PNNINGSIS ON t©ARI'1Delegates from the East an the to the domne are in accord with the budget,. and in. about 35 per' rent! tbiiid0ofti. class of wvonien haveIN
aFNN SI N BAD. .,'.".. South to the Mortarboard conven- aw w cas a question which campris- of the ceases the wife shares i de- Aid hey, endthe husband he NiIF1
Officers of the Women's Aeronau-. .i.. 2%... (tion which is being held here this 2,ad a !rt of a much large]' poect :.'<"' " te itointio i' the n nyoherk grp, teen
tical Association were elected ek'dbgaariiglt yes- ±which Prof. Robert C. Angelt, of; btPofeso Angel. "For those who' little cause or dissatisfacti aon g far th
Thrdyngh ttethr ettUca fenon 'edeeae :r the department of sociology, uiv s-, o no house work, over 15 hours a that line OpI
Ing' held in the Committee room of f being' lodged t the sorority hcu,es, o 'e uigte cu'e (Jf a
ye tar's research gin assoaiati o i.n ''loh t u.i dis tsatisfact1ionl was found ':. i
the Women's League building. '( w; 'icording to Margaret hson. '30, r..c. SCof outsideldserviceiwould seem
:hairman of the convention. T' (i,~:.2I enugh, and for those whodo y ihg t: )IPwwve h
Bertha Flo, '31, was unanimously'rs etigoftedleae the Columbia Law school.nly. nthi ubadsbs-abf
chosen president of the society. yatnih t hnrrnue a The investigation was arriied 0]ChuewrvrLi hlIta.'ano"
Others electedtwerentreasurercafeteria , . c? eem Pnot too much ito e- e-Sta n ther. The chie ob
OthetheeLeagee beieding.aAfter-din{ on in New York city, Ithaca, and W~~ hsi ht h iede or
,Em~y Grimes, '31; vice-president threnterainmentilingterform- ;several small villages of New Yorrk1 1 yt Only13 of01the k80 who n t uftisi httewiede or
B.ois Benson, '31; and secretary. : ketchies from last years Junior fiests or.I 1o '6css ate through the medium of inrter- e'ec rteegop ' z u eciehul ae;scnlteI
Beth Valentine, '31. The newly'Grl'9la wregienan sm views," Professor Angel said. "Of much community work. wr.In4 6Bacie
~eecedofier cos En Me ~'"'idelegates attended Tony 's ; approximately 1,200 married wom- . urinmg to those women who are hnow.ever, the wie does receive towed
i enMario30nesthetiftsmebe en, about 900 were actually inter- 'gaifully employed, boh nan ; e money, with the understand- !ar l
of the board of directors. Aow'crad ress Photo IviweMhierioneaiinettestid.tei hme, wosorcfrIelas
The program of the convention veewietermiignm usd hi oetosue ing that it is compensation for her
Be'rta o sthedar tenaive Dean Virginia C Gildersleeve for today is as follows: At 9 o'clock rwr;uetoe ymal"Wr- fdsaifatoeom vd wo k. The dissatisfaction actually iwith1
'lprogram befor tyarlwhch n.- Who told the geneal assembly of there will be a business meeting in ing with Professor Angell were One of these is the fact that the therefore, where the wife i h
eldsanme ftlsby <women wvsuul aet oteronli h
famous in the aviation field, talksI girl students that she believed dry, which e ach delegate ~ll maktera Prof. C. Jacobs, of Columbia, r. wieus ually ihadtono other iv, sano money at all; she is sat- is the
bytemmeso h a unenforceable' in east and Spec on some phase oMrtr'Richard C. Fuller of the sociology;huewri diio o0h stIs long as she receives it.no11t
boy ren the genesoftera izsubjc re tae epritIit e board. From 2 to 5 o'clock there will! department of Michigan, and two ; ork, Professor Angell 's investiga- + matter how it is vnIth
of aviation. ide question. Dean Gildersleeve is; be round table discussions. At 5:00 others.sAr Radedme hveh rhelypdTheseod- cents
A tl onte g nrlhsoy dean of women at Barnard College, o'clock the Committee on Resolu- AlCassA'Std .m n hv(hrd hl. T e seo d A'cul
'New York City. tin(ilgv tsrpr.Tefr Surprising and interesting recae fo distfcin exts r ccyM et tag
aerontc witl be given by Marian' _m__ ___1ra banquet will be given at 7:30 ,s muts were revealed by the figures ; wen the mo'wife ad e anns o i- etAtat
Templeton at the next meeting, to '-- o'clock in a private dining room.! cornpiled in this study. Ranging Ticcomnpusbtkeevee .thed
be held the first Thursday of Eye-;0 H0E L! __frm ht rop fwoenPEi aeno share in the decisions. She does MIChiga ayes the a
cois .6 mber. This will be the first of the ali l! r [1 gainfully employed in their own irnotsemydissatisettatuneve
aeraes.adling, cbUre regst, itpI Te lSuvndtatmorning covoait isalhoms t ionthenwhosre tai ams ,h r nyif shAe hasaeaeinaityo MThriwomn from theynivte-tblso
A N N U N E A TrP B I [ 5 p n r~ aves bn h e lpfl iti s a d irc tio . hi c edjo i t h of c ial egwifeter , , "I p r cthan l ly a lly f ic igaaa eesy n g on th e by
iOF R N E It n e i a sf nth e rem p usan d o a t ep a r i ty cse s w tih e cocwif ie s hn p rctica l yeall ina us i-th e st H ockey to u rn am en t w h ich is ' lita be i vGht t e a e a s s e s a m s o s s e t y t u h t nE r i g r e a n d e e a t a t t e a n a i -A c
FOR ONFE ENC - tne f th capus. a art n dcisins hichcon ern s hanPrefempoy edainbco- being conducted today at Winnetka, ration
H E NE TSays College Convocations Raise In concluding, Rev. Lewis ex- important family expenditures. "Of essadpoesin ea' o-
HERE EXT F AR :pressed the wish that the speakers the 244 laboring class wives who, tro of their earnings. Usually, they Illinois, near Chicago. Frances Will h
HE E N X E R Religious and Moral Tone 'might even have some opportunity are not employed outside their' purchase other things besides ne- Bielby, '30; Dorothy Felske, '32, andI doorc
on Campus. to exert their influence upon thc homes, 25 per cent decile how the' -_- -- '- Betty Healy, '32, all members' of Ihensc
April 24, 25, and 26 have been an-- student iuotiy by closer contact with money shall be spent," Prtessor THETA SG AP I 1theiri respective class hockey tams h o
,pounced as the specific dates for "Rev. Chamberlin is a quiet inn; them, "My only regret is that ar- Angell stated. "In 60 per cent moe HA TEA DANCE 'lpayoonoftewoECe-iov
the Athletic Conference of Ame ri- but a powerful speaker", stateda ranlgements have not been made of the cases, both husband and HA .ilpa noeo h w tCt noi
can College Women, which is to be Rev. Henry Lewis of the Episcopal' where-by the speakers might stay wife have an equal decis on. In only lO E E AentY teams, which are made up of jbecau,
'held at the University of Michigan ichurch, who is acquainted with''longer, and thus come into more a few cases does the husband die-F R E EG T S ofentheoicar e. ~yn noeci SI
in, 1930. Acaording to Louise Cody, ;Rev. Roy B. Chamberlin, the speak- 'personal contact with the stui- tat." Thea igmfPinatonl oissElaeHsey ndisset
we30 0 carand of0 th e nereexe or for the student convocation to- ,dents." Likewise Professor Angell point-ory journalistic sorority, held a L aurie Campbell from the physical resses
twee 300and400 ome arecx-morrow on the subject of "What Miss Alice Lloyd, adviser of won I ed out that of 272 middle and upper- tea dance in honor o h eeae uaindprmnaeatn-mn
pted to attend. Shall We Do With Our Parents?" men, also expressed her opinion on {class wives not employed; over 90 attending the Michigan Interscho- 'rotetunmnas.Gmsay0
Thus far, only the central coe- Rev. Lewis highly recommended ithe student convocations, "I am I1per cent had some share in familyatcPesasoito ovn Ingwllhe tplae als od ayebyacy
,mitee for the conference has been ;atcPesa.scaincnetoIwl epae l a oa ypct
k appolnted, but a great many pea- Rev. Chamberlin oan his merits as a very much in favor of the 'programI decisions. The greatest. disstisfac- which has been convening here for hockey clubs from various cities of Betty
ple will be needed later to assist ;cman who would appreciate student for student convocations which Lion among these women existed ;the last two days, from 3:45 to 5:30hMdWetIrse
problems. He declared, "ev.i has been carried out this year, where the husband made the great- o'clock yesterday afternoon, in the iKhLidWs. ess
'inclyigeu tepas whichake Chamberlin, who for years has been and encourage the cooperations of est decisions, and the wife had ballroom of the League building.
this re nceSilae.3,isasitnt it Dartmouth, knows the studen', the students in attenditg them," money only for necessaries. "Of the About 150 guests attended the af-
chairmran, and in this capacity will ' iid, and is one of the outstanding 'she declared, large groups, the greatest satsfac- fair.
be responsible for the housing of figures of religious work among stu-' "The program has been ar- t'ion exist when the wives have al-' Helen Dancer, '30, president of the1
all the delegates. Betty Kahn, '30. dents in the'east." 'ranged with the greatest care by I lowances for other things and also society, had co-operated with the (
as secretary, is in charge of the 'in a more general appraisal of! the student committee on convoca- share in' decisions about important! committees of Sigma Delta Chi in I
correspondence and publicity to the student convocations which ( ions-in the effort to appeal to thej matters. Either this or a joint ac- managing the convention program. n
other shos n ti e uyt have been carried on this fall, Rev, greatest majority of people, but count are most satisfactory to the. Betty Heminger, '30, and Margaret .;
see they are appraised of what the Lewis said, "Anything which has in especially to those students who wife," he concluded.. Eckels, '31. assisted with providing
central committee is planning. it the possibility of inspiration ,,.has ,have no particular church atlia- Many Have Own Incomes. ;housing accommodations for the
LauraIaeall Chipman, '30, treasurer, "a place on a, universty -campus. tion."- Of the last class o women who high school students.
wilbeiicageoltealoace in charge______________________ ______of________the__________al__lowan____________ces__ ______ ____
made , the conferences by the Na
tional organization of the A. C. A.--
C. W., and the local funds as well..
"Haying the conference at the
University of Michigan should be
considtered a great honor," says
Miss Cody, "and the Women's Ath-
letic association cannot swing it}
alone. We shall want the help ofI;
all Michigan's women before thej
conference can be wsuccessfully ac- s
con-plishied. The members of the
central committee have a huge re-'
spnibilitoy, andi will need a great
deal o ooeain
I Co i iinllv FundP eII

her, Spcak Before Sophlo.
Irore Class Meeting.
are holding this nmeeting
e purpose of selling you the
)more Cabaret", sated Fpmi-q
general chairman of the
et in aduresshig a mneting of
more women yesterey in the
!of Representatives room ait
eague building. Mrs. Bytl
Ir advisor of the Cabaret, fol-
miss Bates by saying, ",We
11 here to sell the sophomor
to the Uiversity. Last year,
,shmen, you accomplished th'..
the Pageant. Ahead of you
Junior Girls' Play. This year
crucial one.-
as been decided tihat admis-
to the Cabaret shall be 25
per person, or 50 cents a
Besides this, there will be a
e of five cents a dance.
s will be sold in blocks for
nces, and not singly, in order
Did confusion. There will be
and food, just as in any
et,,and entertainment put on
homore women.
ording to the report of Iva-
alascock, chairman of dec- '
s, Sarah Caswell Angell hal
)e transformed into an out-
ourt, and a great many wo-
will be needed to help paint
onery. "Ali the drawing will
ne, and a coor chart will be.
led, so no one need stay away
se she Is not artistically in-
t", ,said Miss' Glascock.
ty-four women will be need-
act as waitresses, head wait-
*and, candy girls. A great
have already signed up, but
ne wishing to 'act in this ca-
i should -get in touch with
Louden, chairman of wait-

;\ .: "f


a %UU'g


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