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November 16, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-16

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+ H cMLC1 WClN DAILY.___r t 1O1L

~..;htale-bearing, and the use of spies.
W it M.UO I1I*J(1U NaI I;' That such suspicions do readilyj
Publisbed every morning except Motnday; arise is attested by the unfortunate i
during the University year by the Board in'r
Control of Student Puiblications. currency The Daily gave to the nru-
Mlember of Western- Conference Ediitorial mor that the dean's office employed'
Association.I a spy system. We were misled
The Associated Press is, exclusively entitled I along w ith others by the secrecyto th .s fr reulc in of al ew i f 128 n o m t on n ll c C -
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
ini this' paper and the local news published tain disciplinary actions were
een.based, and the fact that the in-
Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor, formation came so obviously from
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Asistant Post-j the "inside" that the good name
master General.1
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. of the informers demanded this se-,
Offices: Arnt Arbor Press Building, May- !Crecy.
hard Stre.

rfn trrnulx/,rn'1 ^.r., ; ! 1n6"r i'

T A MIM f w

M si Arid DramajF

11111[1fl 7191Lfl ill.1111TT I T


The E nglish Singers

STORY A Review by William J. Gorman.
Once upon a time there was a The Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
little boy named Harry C. (Cash just bursted with children yester-
and Carry) Tillotson and he was day afternoon, all eager to offer
a very good little boy so Mr. Yost,; their triumphantly co-operative
the guy who beat Illinois last year, imaginations and their lusty littlej
gave him the jot) of giving out the throats and hands to the efforts of

Flora Mann
Nellie Carson
Lillian Berger

Cuthbert Kelly
Norman Stone
Norman Notley


tickets for the big football gamesr

uaro airrec.

Phkorrs- Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.1
Telephone 4925
Fditor .............eorge C. Tilley
City Editor ..............ierce Rosenberg
N'ewvs Editor.... .....George E. Simons
Sports Esdiior......... Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's J'1itor........... Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor ..........Cassaxn A. Wilson
Mllusic and Dratna........ William J. Glorman
Literary Editor.......... I.awvrence R. Kleip
Assistant City Edimor ... jhert .J. Feldman

Against ohvt desire to force the
voluntary informers into the open.
it will be argued thait we are ob-t


he did it so well that none of
students got any which was
what was wanted.

N "ikgII
Frank E. Cooper
William" C. Gentry
Charles R. Kaufman

Henry J. Mlerry
Robert L. Sloss
Walter W, Wilds

Bertram Askwith Le(Ister Mlay
Helen Bare' I)avid -\1. Nichol
Maxwell Bauter WVilliami Page
Mlary' L. Behymer 11 award li. Peck ham
Benjamin If. ilerentsorillugh Pierce
Allan 11. Berkmnan Victor Rabinowitz
S. Beach Comger John D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie 'Roberts
John H-. Denier Joseph A. Russell
- ,elen Domine IJos eph R mvitch
Margaret E ckels W\illiam 1'. Salzaruilo
Katharine :Perrin Charles R. Sprowl
Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. Fullerton 7l ane 'J'layer
Ruth Geddes _11ai-garet Thlompson
Ginevra Ginn Richard 1.. 'roin
Jack Goldsmnith lizabeth Valentine
Morris Grovertnan Il amold (Y Warren, Jr.
Ross Gustin Charles White
Margaret Harris C. JLionel Willem>
David B. Hemipstead Jlohn F 4t llow~hhy
j-use. Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise1
eanLev y l Brbara Wri zht
tsel .' Mcracken 'Vivian Zimit
Dorothy Magee.
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising .............T. Hiollister Mtahlcy
Advertising ............ K'isper It. [~alverson
Advertising;..........Ferwood A. I. totn
Service.................... Geo ;ge A. Stater
Circulation .. ...............Jl. "e-not- Davis
Ahccounts......... ....John R. Rose

structing the penalizing 0f drunken ' Now one day, as. little H'arry wa s
fraternity parties. Our answer is. wal king through the woods to thct
that as long as informers will no;: Field House he met a great bigl
come into the open, conditions can- bear and sure enough whom should'
not be so nauseating as these same it be but John. R. Whiffleberry, 981
informers will paint thema in confi- -(Editor's note-The author wasr
dence. It is not our intention to; tempted to say Lon Chaney-(Air-
obstruct the penalizing of viciously thor's note-The h--I I was). And
drunken parties: only to correct a so old John Whiffle berry said to
demoralizing evil in the present little Har-ry Tillotson, "Where are
system of penalization, you going my little man?" And
0-- harry was too scared to answer.
I POLITICAL .VANITY but lie pointed to the Field house.
Within a week Legislative Wash- And the big bear said, "Where is:,
ingtoftx will adjourn the extra ses- 'my Harvard ticket?" But little Har-
sion with which it has spasmodic- I ry was too scared to answer and']
ally engaged itself since last April.j he ran away down the path. (E<di-
As an extra session it is unique and torgs note-I thought he was in a
will go down in history as a fore- wood s) (Author's note-My mis-
most exhibition of political vanity,.ak)
The insincerity started with the
extra -Session proposal during the 7
presidential campaign. Farm re-
lief was the excuse but the real ob-
jective of the Republicans was to
draw the western farm country, the ,
k only real doubtful section, into
their fold.
The farm relief bill itself met AND THE BIG BEAR SAID
success. The tariff measure, how- WOOF
ever, though intended to correct Now it happened that there was
existing inequalities especially in; another big bear just down the
farm products, was rammed full ofj road and hie said to little Harry,s
increases by the House Republicans. "Where is my Harvard ticket?" And
Proceeding to the Senate the bill little Harry> got more and more'
was assaulted by a haphazard ma-scrdajutano.Adhe
jority o nugn Republcans and faster he ran the faster the bear
Democrats,/~ The, debate was long i ran until the road was covered with '
T and futile. Republican leader Wat- ds.(dtrsnt- intko
i sno nin broke down under te h ,, arc h. ~crhim 'tAll

Tony Sarg's marionettes. These 11g-
ures were the only inmmortals ac-1
cessible to their as ,yet tender ages. ^
rhey played games-had the cos-I
tumes and sword i and real horses
to play out games-andi they never
forgot they were playing but went:,
right through with it, killing a:-A -
play;!ng the piano and everything!
rhis was a religious experience for:
the young ones,j
Technically the company was a
little disappointing in the ater-_
noon. The, physiognomies in "Tliej
Stolen Princess" were not too ex-'-
pressive; the princess was always
doubled up -. pain and had a weauk
annoying little voice. "BremenI
Land" was, a gawky1 comedy of,{
bounding animals, pleasing of
course.. but a little more amateur-
ish and less ambitious that we ex--
ected from a good company.
In the evening, adults, sophisti-
cated and quite sure of themselves,
came to indulgently watch Wash-
ington Irving's old legend puppet-~
eered. They, too, burst out into ap-
plause during the play, forcing the
little Dutchmen to bow theiri
thanks. It was quite a. trumph.
Handicraft as magical as witchery
itself undoubtedly has fascina-
tion; but it was to be questioned if
it could hold attention for an hour
and a half. The sustained effort, as4
a matter of fact, was far more ef-
fective than the quick little thrusts
of fun on the vaudeville program4
Iin the afternoon.
There was technical excellence in
the evening's program. Settings
and groupings were carefully plan-
!ned. Little ballets to Percy Graing-
er tunes were introduced to prove
the puppet have all motion at. its
nn m .A W' A.LL. - .. ..]. ._

- " t iK
N~ r'N 4r lkm ,O

THE ENTGISH SINGERS gather around a table (thus
reviving the custorns of Quteen Elizabet*'s L~iniand), aind
without the slightest ore!1aratioit or ceremony, mouor from their
troats the gay, light-hearted Folk Songs, Madrigals and
Carols of those llapr'y days that made' z!'.. cotittry fait i
ilirotughtttthe world as "Merrie Ftgland."
Hill Auditorium, Tuesday Evening
November 19, 8:15 o'clock
A limited number of season tickets are still avail.
able at $6.00,,$8.00, $10.00 and $ 12.00. Single Con.
certs at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Oti sale at School of
Music,- Maynard Street.

AN'. - iA I


- 1

=u E: i


a Vt->>~)'f



; :.
. y :.

Cor. S.;
Mint., Re
j ohnsc

rthe strain. Finally, his aide, Sen-
ator Johnson of California admit-
tied1 "We dorlrn't klnow wtxhere twepare."

thor's note-It's none. of your bus-

*..... ..... ......The Dmocras, seeng tht tim So when little Harry was about uumu.±irueisaeaii- Sak
sitnsInsurentDeoreatprofiing most pto e rneemain ob onably suited to the rhythmical de- 12:0 M
Raymond Campbell Lawrence Litcy ;Isret ee rftn otp-jhnso ac oin i' ussilO
mands, of dance motion;ousip's a SF.
James. E. Cartwr-iglit Towas luir litically, instigated a lobby investi- dapart, hendawea little houseienda
Robert Crawford ['eorge Patterson 7gto. t ucescnbejde little clearing just ahead of him daughtradhriteby find Carrot
Hfarry B. Cutlver Chl es Sattfca'd ain tsscescnb ued!koigntngfthierasf! sr.
Thomas 11'. Davis l.ee Slayu y h rmrko hifinetiao down the little roast. And be koignthn'oheietao
by th remrk o chie invstigto'matteran
Norman Eliezer Robert Suttn ntrCrwyo rass knocked at thec door and whorland quite free gravitation-' 6:00 P.
Donald VEwing Roger C. 'SenatornCarawayd hefseekbtsMr.,Camp U.ally, swayed delightfully in space rionlal
Jjtames Yfoffer Joseph1 Van tripers ' kind of like him," regarding super-i hlt esebtMrCapU Carlos
Norris Johnson IRobert illianso .uigte rudol
ChrlsKln \ii~n P oros obys JeGrny.'Stalk. standing in the doorway. uigtegroun" ony to revivify ?is
M~arvin Kohacker! And hie said to him, "Camp, old boy, ;their dance. When Rip falls to the "BY'TE
-- Last week Hoover asked his co- r ou wouldn't ':et that old bear get; ground after the potion given him M r. F
Laura Codling Alier McC,,tly hosts to get busy, but it appears epoor little Harry Tillotson, would: by the sneezing little miountain-
Hernica Glaser S 1iva Mler
> artense Gooding E lek E. Ms wht o ta h tr il s s ea you?" And old man Stalk scowled eers, horrible black and white ____
Annta Goldberg Eleantor \V dkinsltaw ftor Reed, of Pennsylvania, says, "as and replied, "Where are m1y Har- skeletoi'j .float and flutter througth
I______ __ w . _._-;. dead. as a dodo." Whether or not ! yard tickets?" But little Harry sawj the air and in uninterrupteci kale FIRST
NightEditor-ROBERT L. SLOSS ;the tariff should be considered atI the hear coming downthe road be- idoscopic motion with really start- On
SATUDAY NOEM ER 6. 929the regular session beginning in hind him and he begged the man. ling effects. Puppets are peculiarly Rev. R~
SA;DYOE.~E_6 99December open for much~ argu- for mercy, but all the man said was; suited to these effects of motion Howard
ment but it would be needless, forI "Where are my tickets? If they're and they were employed cleverly at'z Students
______ _________the appropriation bill and the huge I behind the :;oat line again I'u eat': periods during the play. 10:30 A
VOUTAYINOMES reduction proposal will fully en- ;vole alive." (Editor's note-The au- The movements of the marionet-! DUG:
Allagrelncudlg resden igag te lgisatrs nti tey e-thor has got his fairy stories mined.! tes for the most part were purpose- 9:45
All gre, icluingPreidet jgin campaigning for fall election. Hie evidently is thinking of Cinder- ly generalized and exaggerated; but rxeets
Ruthven, tha~t the ideal in Univer-' Nor need the country regret its 1 ells..) (Author's note-The editor is i they had a satisfactory fluidity oft; than
sity discipline has not been reach- !death, for there is little need for ax-1)ryh ocopnae hnte 12:00 1
ed. At the present time it is not a tariff' change. Th'ercm lsradtedid strive for the impossible-that te
possible to predict through what; It appears then that the only ac- -old man shut the door on poor~ little is, full realistic effect, their at- congr
channel this ideal will be approach- c omplishment of the extra session Harry and the bear came up and! tempts were fascinating. The heads arl ac
goernmweter through studengef a oda thefr oe otegobbled him, down, Harvard tickets, in "Rip Van Winkle" were cleverly ladies
govrnmntor hrogh aisng heRepublican column. With the and all and that was the end of designed; some of them were styl- frsh
acdeicstndrsorthouh'cunryina a uemlometHarry. Now, boys and girls, the ized, being horribly grotesque; but. N. F3.-
amendments to the present system situation and the stock mar- mloral of this story is don't try to' they camne alive when in motion; Parlo,
of dscilinry ean. Nne f kt mibehvin, te sssin ws ;put anything over on the student the facial expression were softened
these possibilities need be neglect- nothing beneficial economically. It! body or the alumni because there and 'seemingly varied by manipu-k_
ed, but for immediate and practicalE was no political success to the Re- can come no good of it. (~Editor's lation. These are clever effects. Trhe
purposes we feel that efforts to publicans, nor to the Democrats, note-Just the same I'll probably whole illusion and experience is de-
better the situlation should con-; either, for they cannot make anl 'getsasbhn h olpsslghflee otems eemn
centrate on amendments to the issue of what might have happen- next week.) (Author's note-I hope ed cerebralists. There is no need to E VA
present system. ed, but didn't. 'The Insurgents you get kicked in the teeth) iEdi- intemperately cry up the marion- (E
In a spirit, therefore, of sugges- alone got what they wished- a tor's note-The author means well)' ette as better than humans. In the!
tio, e ofe th fllwin aend god crp.So t ustbesai tat(Author's note-The editor' is pre- i house of the dra~ma there are many; Fourth
ment: that anyone wishing to vol- j the extra session is noteworthy for 'suinptive. mainsions; one of them will always
unteer information about frater-' its political vanity. bthdolsoue
nity parties should do so on the ! b tedllsous.__R
floor of the Senate Committee, on The Mlichiganl Interscholastic --- '-:0
Student Affairs. At the present!j Press association visited the Michi- "JOURNEY'S END" 10:00
time such information is being vol- : Campus Opiifon gan Daily office last night and Comn
unerdt h en'ofc vr Contributors are asked to he brief, caused much merriment therein. It What promises to be the most all- 11:00
the elehoneor y sticty Golfi ofinng themselves to less than 300 'happened like this: The Sigma ;spicious engagement of the Detroit ui
thetelphoe o bystrctl cofv- z ordt' ia possible. Anonymous corn-
denitial word of mouth. The source itutications will be disregarded. The Delta Chi boys, who are always! season is the coming of Gilbert' 5:30
names of comtmutnicants will, however,'
of this testimony is never disclosed, be regarded as confidential, upon re- willing to put up a. good show at; Miler's production of "Journey's S
even in confidence to the Senate quost. Letters publisheds should not be any time and that's about all, de- ! End" to the Shubert-Lafayette The- , P
construted as expressing the editorial sidd todo a. 'iy t te ld tr nxtweek. All te ord of Ja
committee, and we believe that an; opinion of the Daily. ce ooaraiyo c~iCwid~ 7:00 P
unhealthy condition is the result. _________________ papter 'by scooping the world on knows the story of the concep-
The deans' office feels itself re- WE DRAW THE CASH several rather fictitious stories. Thef tion of "Journey's End." It is an'l
quired to follow up all tips on fra-E To the editor: first to be brought in concerned a extremely subtle play depicting the I___
ternity-party drunkenness that ap- The letter of Mr. G. St. Louis in! street-car accident at State and i scenes o fthe great cornage without:
pear to be volunteered in good regard to football ticket distribu- Packard wherein Edward Siwashl, the strain and over-emphasis that
faith. The deans hold that they tLion expresses the opinion of thej of Walla Walla, was seriously in- I 'makes for melodrama and obvious- ZION
would be derelict in their duty and student body-mine in particular. ;jured and the motorman ot the ness. W asil
open to a charge of misprision if: There is no doubt that the students 1Y>psi express alrmady' dead from a, The play has raised an inter-
they overlooked these tips, despite; are dissatisfied with the present !crash which was caused by the ap-; esting comparison: The American E
the distrust and suspicion with! seating arrangement and they have 'pearance of a. good-looking co-ed.Iadte nls otokontewr
(ndditor'sgnose-The envtdentlr
whrlich such undercover evidence is. good cause for their discontent. Th Eio' oeThe writer evdnl In "What Price Glory" there were 9:00
regarded by the campus in general. policy of the athletic department niulst be mistaken. That girl was no bugles, French tarts, men dying,j
No aspersions are hereby cast ons. is to-provide for the cash customersj co-ed.) (Author's note- None of and lots oft profanity; in "Journey's t 10:30f
the integrity arid fairness of the first, and to throw the left-Qvers to your smnar't 'racl..,,;End" there is only tea anid jam 1l0ord's
deans. It is simply that the evi-- the students. They seem to think; Anyway there were other stories I and a very quiet death. Anderson-! 12:00 IN
dence of unknown tale-bearers is that as we get the tickets free, we# about how the Wuerth had caught Stallings, though they decried the
universally regarded with disfavor,' should be contented with what we oil fire due to the carelessness of? glory of it, used other well-worn , :01
and it appears reasonable that one+ get. Either the athletic department Allison Ray Heaps, the operator., war materials-heroism, the bugle 5:30u13
so exercised over fraternity morals does not realize o1' does not care i Editor's note-There could be an= call to duty, freely giving women,
as to wish to play the role of in-I to realize that it is the student andj awful punl on that if the writer was i men dying passionately and lyric 630 [
former should at least be willing; only the student who is responsible; smart enough to catch it) (Au-; ally. It was melodrama, effectively taitnn
to do it before the Senate commn'it- for bringing the cash customers toI thor's note-The writer is smart- glorifying the war's lack of glory, men
tee-. Ann Arbor. True, there are someI enough not to print it). Mr. Sheriff's war' is an English war
Such appearance before a com- people who come to see the game ! x ; fought by men without that lustI
mittee of faculty and students ! for the mere love of the sport. As this is the first Rolls colunmn I I for blood, hardly realizing what!-' --

State and E. Washington Ss.
v. Arthur W. Stalker, D. D.
iate Minister, Rev. Samnel J.
oli Student D.irector Mr.
on1. Mrs. Robert Winters,
or of Women Students.
A. NI-Morning Worshlip.
r's sermo subject.
.-Three Sunday Noon Dis-
n Classes. Leaders:: Prof.
Gingerich; Prof. George E.
thers; Mr. Ralph R. John.
1M.-Wesleyan Guild Devo.
IMeeting. Leader: judge
P. !A.-Evening Worship.
Harrison's sermon subject.
E~ast Huron, west of State
. Edward Sayles, -Minister
IR. Chapman, Minister for
VM.-Rev. Paul E. Alden, of
York, will speak on "INTRO
A. M.-The Student Class:
sat Guild House. Mr. Chap-
in charge.
ti-.The Church School.
. NI.--At a joint meeting of
Guild and members of .the
egation, M1Vr. Alden will give
ddress. After the address, a
Ihour will be held, and the
sof the Cchurch will serve re-
-This meeting held .in Church
ngelical Synod of N. A.)
Ave. between Packad and
ev. Theodore R. Schmtale
A. M.Bible School.
A. M.-Morning Worship.
mmunion Service.
N. M.-Germnan Service. Corn.
ion Service.
P. '9.-Student Fellowship
er. Address by Miss Nakao
apa n.
'M.-Young People's League.
iingtort St. at Fifth Ave.
:C. Stellihoi'n, Paster
A. M.-Bible School.
A. M.-Sermnon topic: "our'
tie.-Student Bible Class.
'M--Sndent Fellowship and
. M.--Men's Night. Enter-
ent to be ptesented by the
of the club.

Huron and Division Sts.
Merle' H. Anderson, NMinister
Mlrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Secretary for
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. I
Sermon: :The Place of Prayer in
a World of Science:."
12:00 Noon-Student Class. Teach-
er Prof. H. Y. McClusky.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Y'oung
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet.
ing. Leader: Paul NI. Cuncannon,
Professor in Poiitical Science. Sub-
ject: 'The Place of the Church in'
a College Community."
RaioUN ITY Serwce
The ]Detroit Civic Theatre
V. P. RANDALL, Will Speak on
"THE 23rd Psalm-
An "Interpretation"
That is a part of the regular Unity Service
'which begins at 11:86 A. A1. and which is
conduacted by-
4188 Woodward Ave.
Broadcast by
W JR Detroit 11:30 a.m.
Eastern Standiard Time

615 5E. Uniivers.ity Uia1 :779
4:03 r'. Mt'. -r-.uncty Services. Rai'ybi
Solomon Landrman Director of the
HKihtI Foundation at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin will speak on.
7:311- 0OlPlN IHOUSE
State and William
Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
9:30 A. M'.---Church School.
0:43 A. M. '----Mornintg Worli'p.,
S(.rrnon by the minister
Professor Bruce Donaldson will.+
give an illustrated lecture onf "TheI
Significance of Religion in Art,"
D~ivision and Catherine Sts.
Rev. Henry Lewis,' Rector
Rev. 'T. L. Harris, Assistant
8:09 A. M,-Holy Communion.
9:30 A. M.-Holy Communion.
(Student chapel in Harris Hall.)
9:30 A. M.--Church School. (Kin-
dergarten meets at I1 o'clock,)
11:03 A. M.-Morning Prayer; ser-
coon by Mr. Harris.
6:30 'P. M.-Student supper in
Harris Hall, followed by three
study groups, led by Mr. Harris,
Miss Gan-mack and Prof. Angell.
7:95 P. M.--Evening Prayer. (Mr.
Lewis will give a series of short
addresses at these services on "The
Parables of Jesus.'"
(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty Sts,
C. A. Bratier, Pastor







409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.-regular M'orning Serv-
ice. Sermon tonic: k "Mortals and
11:45 A. M.-Sunday Scoolh follow-
in;~ the morning service.
7:)0 P. MI-Wednesday Evening
testImronizal meeting.

9:00 A. M.--German Service.
mon topic: "Lead Us Not


The Reading Room, 1 0 a
State Saving d~ank building,i
,aily frou 1 2 to S o'clock,
'Sundays and legal holidays.

an'd 1
is open

10:00 A. M'.-Bible School.
11:00 A. M.-English Service.
6:00 P. M.-Student Supper.
6:30 P. M.-Discussion.
7:30 P. M.-Holy Communion Ser1
Sermon: "God's 'Yes.' '



!, 11


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