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Professors' Houses between Febru-- cussion of providing a new house moved in 1914. The house on Southc
ary, 1838. and November, 1840, and the campus of the Universuy taken University Avenue to the east of1
- -- _ _ _ }. [ ~~~~P7'ai~^n'' d ~ ~ e rc lo~~
on the 'tain Building,' i. e. Mason , from a map of Ann Arbor, publish- over to the Dental College in 1877
Hall.rup to August 31, 1841. Miss ed by D. A. Pettibone in 1854, show- and in 1895 was transferred to the
Farrand does not hesitate to say in; it bisected by the road running use of the Engineering College. The
VE ER BL ~1~l~ b Aexndr . avs a- roesor';ouesloatdof ti~ theldEngineeringBuldieg."Th
, ;that the professors' houses were north and south and with the four present generation remembers it as
planned by Alexander J. Davis, al- pofessors' houses located symetri- the "Old Engineering Building." It
hugTi IIas we have seen, evidence cally with respect to this road as was t~rn down to make way for the
t U LW I VIII [ LLfor this in the proceedings of the explained above. The plan itself William L. Clements Library oft
Board of Regents is not completely seems rather to have been a pro- American History, thus being the
-- convincing. Haspier Lum was the .ect than a representation of actu- latest survivor of the four college
The Presidential mansion Onl I for the University buildings, with man who had most to do with their alities, although the professors' houses, with the exception of the
South University avenue, now un- preparing estimates of the cost ofj construction, for on July 13, 1839, houses were certainly erected. President's House itself.
dergoing repairs, is to be occpuied materialy, etc., with making con- the Board voted to annul the con- Used For Hospital. "The records show that in June,
after a period of nearly five months' I tracts unider direction of the Board, tract with Isaac Thompson oa. "The early proceedings of the 1864. appropriations were made for:
vacancy, when Pies lent Alexan- and with the employment of an grounds of economy. The way in Regents contain a number of in- the addition of a one story kitchen
der G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven, architect. which the names 'Davis and teresting references to the profes- wing to the President's House. This
ir the first record of a substantial
and their family move into their "In the records of this same Thomnson' occur in the financial sors' houses. On August 8, 1843, it
new home shortly after Thanksgiv- meeting, that of January 31, 1839, records, and the statement that was voted that lightning rods be alteration to the housesas originally
ing. appears the first reference to what Mr. Thompson acted for Mr. Davis put upon them as well as upon theconstructe.
Ths following staterment, histori- later became the President's House. on at least one important matter of main buildings of the University. Make Alterations.
cal and critical, drafted by Dr. &iild Professors' Houses. business, suggest that possibly on August 8, 1843, the Board gave "The University records contains
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the "When the resolution of Janu- these men were in pai'nership. It permission to the Honorable Alph- notices of repairs and alterations
President, is of particular interest ary 31., 1839. regarding the four is not beyond the bounds of possi- eis Felch to occupy one of the which cost about $1,000 in Novem-
at this time. The narrative of the professors' houses was passed, the bility that Mr. Davis designed these professors' houses, then vacant. The i ber, 1881, and in April, 1891, much
mansion's history follows in part: Regent; were under contract with four houses, though on the whole annual report of 1854-1855 shows more extensive alterations which
"Once more the President's House Mr. Da vis and with Isaac Thomp- it is improbable. It is interesting shows that at that time the ocecu- included the addition of the library
is undergoing repairs and renova son of A nn Arbor, the former being to note that Mr. Lum was capable pants of the four houses were Pres- on the west side of the house. The
tion preparatory to receiving an- the architect and the latter the Su- of drawing 'plans and profiles,' for ident Tappan, who lived in the one late E. W. Arnold of Battle Creek
other occupant. This venerable perintenident *of Building Opera- on October 7, 1840, he was commis- which has throughout the years designed the library. In common
mansion is the oldest of all, the tions. Mr. Davis had been allowed 'sioned to do this kind of work in been known as the President's with all the Campus the President's
University building, older even than $600 for his services. In February, his spare time during the coming hasE0.davProfessors G. RP.Bie about 1 was h gas was first i
Mason Hall-and it has sheltered 1839, these contracts were suspend- winter. From the middle of 1839 In after years the professors' houses troduced into Ann Arbor, until
successively all the Presidents of ed and a new contract was made until the completion of Mason Hall suffered various fates. President 1891, when it was ordered to be
the University of Michigan begin- on February 14 with Mr. Thompson i1841 he was the chief agent of Angell in 1$91 reports that in 1871, wired for electricity. The only
ning with Dr. Henry Philip Tappan, to super tend the building of the the Regents in their building en- when he came to Michigan, the other change made during Presi-
and: except only President Harry B. four pr ofessors' houses already jterprise. four houses were still on the Cam- dent Angell's occupation of the
IHtchins, who always maintained mentione i, 'according to plans ad- fu osswr tl nteCm etAgl~ cuain°o h
Hhiesidnceh a s omaonMn-d opedbyne 'Rgent pMr. Thod- Feasibility Questioned pu's. One was used as a hospital residence, as far as the Regents'!
roe street. Now President Ruthven, son was to 'eceive $1,000 a year forp The first Board of Regents has and one by the President, while proceedings record it, is the plac-
Its sixth occupant, is planning to , his services and the contractor for been criticized for building these the other two were rented to pro- ing of a hood over the west door
move soonh o aftr Tshpanksing ohssrsad the acuaontrdig a t Hapir four houses. They were looked up- ifessors. The easternmost house in September, 1893. After Presi-
move soon after Thanksgiving the actual building was Haspieru o as an embarrassment and are facing North University Avenue be- dent Angell's death on April 4, 1916,
at the rate of d t$7,450 apiece for two, saidnever to have gi'ven an ade- came the University Hospital in the Presidential. mansion remained
HistoricallyInteresting.itr an t60 feoreach oapte oer , quate return for the investment, 1868, was taken over by the Dental unoccupied for four years. The
"The President's House is linter- and $6,000 for each of the other ven ough all four were erected College in 1891, and finally removed Red Cross used the house urmg
estfug - bu al- two. They were to be finished by .vntog l fu eeeed , in 1"08. Its neighbor to the westI the war.
esting, y historically July, 1840. Miss Farrand says that at a price which would hardly pay was set aside for the Homeopathic When President Burton came to
so architecturally, in spite of the they were in fant completed in the for one of them at the presen time.dwas set in for the Has he Pesit urtow ame to
many alterations that it has un- year 1840 and ;that in September, They were located two on the south Medical School in 1875 and was re- j the University there was some dis-
dergone since it aas first erected. 1841, with the mpetion of what side of the campus and two on the
The characterization appeto is now Mason Hall, there were five north, and on either sile of a roa
n the Regents' report of 1840, that buildi'ngs on the University grounds. which was designed to cut com- FOUR SHOWS jj LAST
it was "of a substantial, appro- "The records of payments to Mr. pletely across the campus. In the 2, 3:30, 7, 9 TIMES TODAY
priate, and classical model" still Lum confirm this statement. Sums Michigan Alumnus for April 19,23
holdsstrue. rrwere 'aid him on account of the 1923, there is reproduced a plan of A
On the historical side there arei____' l ___MMARI
off the Campus for the President. grounds of the President'§ House,
Dr. Burton's final decision, however which came into existence during
was to occupy the historic home of Dr. Angell's time, *as removed in
his predecessors. But it was neces- ; the course of President Burton's oc-
sary to give the house a thorough cupancy of the place. The Presi-
overhauling and to make certain dent's House of the University of
changes, particularly since more Michigan has entertained a great
space was needed by President Bur- many distinguished visitors and has
ton. It was at this time that the 'been the home of at least one of
addition on the east side of the the most famous of all American
building was built, which consists University Presidents. While it
of a sun parlor with a room and makes very little pretense to mag-
sleeping porch above it, At the nificence the classic simplicity
same time the back porch was made 'which was given it by its first arch-
into an enclosed dining porch and itect has invested it with a dignity
a garage was added at the rear. quite in keeping with its purpose
The iron fence surrounding the and surroundings.
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questions connected with its ori- ---i
gin and erection which are very
difficult to answer at this date, if
indeed the correct answer can be &
ascertained. Who, for example, was
its architect? A certain amount of
information is furnished by the ?.T
proceedings of the Board of Re- .:
gents, and the histories of the Uni-
versity by Professor Andrew Ten-
Brook, Miss Elizabeth M. Farrand,
Professor B. A. Hinsdale, and Mr.
W. B. Shaw contain references toI
traditions which are not easy to!
track down to their source. Profes-
sor HIinsdale, for example, says that
the Regents employed "an archi-
tect from New Haven" to draw up
a plan for the first buildings of they
University. One cannot fail to be
impressed by the likeness in style
between many old houses in the
neighborhood of New lHaven and ' -
the portico of the President'sHouse PLEASE
on the campus at Ann Arbor, but, Ha oSkeBlyuthe0r
nevertheless, the documents avail- of Bur
able seem to contain no reference
to an architect from New Haven.
Although there is among the rec-
ords of the Regents a letter com-PL
mending the method of rough coat- POLICY
2:00 The Smash-
ing and stuccoing the exterior of 3 50
houses as practiced by Mr. Gill of ! 35"BU
New Haven. 00 .n the AL
Regents Appoint Conmmittee.: HLSLY
"When the University had een 35C HAL SKELLY
located in Ann Arbor in 1837, the COMING--x.vNALD COLMAN I
Regents proceeded to consider the
question of buildings and appoint-
ed a building committee. On March
3, 1838, Lieutenant Governor Ed-
ward Mundy, Chief Justice William
A Fletcher, and Chancellor Elon
Farnsworth were designated to
compose this committee and wereI l
charged with recommending a plan
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