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November 16, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-16

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VOL. XL, NO. 42.






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Training on High School Papers
Is Valuable to journalists,
Declares Dean.
Members of Daily Staff Lead
R~ound "TableDiscussions
for Delegates.
Stressing the need for a general,
broadening education as a prime
requi'site or the journalist, Dean
John R. Effinger of the Literary


and Gophers
Possession of

Batl TdI gUnfl n r inLeaders of Industr
Little BronJu Will Meet President ODWL 9C
':TO G1 1 S]50 090 (By Associated Pm &)
enceby Pesid labHovr n ati
TOWARDLOAN FUND week to lay plans for concerted A INST TDU OA
Rnad f vrn aTnannivafec action for business projects.9 IRN S T T m61 M TU

Campaign as Part of that he had been conferring with
Ten Year Program. !suich leaders and believed that in
____case of economic disturbance,
RUTHVN LADS ATIONaction is more effective than the
______ -LA DSACIO repeated issuance of statements of
Execuion f Fud IsEntrstfdconfidence.
Exectio ofFun IsEntustd !The conference will undertake
toSupervision of lbean to lay broad plans for business pro-;,
gress, stimulation of exports, and
of Students. 'business expansion, and to corre-
Anoter lnk as ben orge inlate these in such a way that agri-
t Anthe lik hs ben frge inculture, as well as i'ndustry and
the fast growing chain of projects# labor will be benefitted.!
for the Alumni Ten-Year Program The text of Mr. Hoover's state-#
j with the announcement that the fI'ments in part was: Y-

59,000 Spectators Are Expected to Witness
Homecoming TWilt Between Football
Rivals of Thirty-Seven Years.
By Edwarld fI.. Wcrncr, Sports i'di!or
A P0118S, Nov. i5-With the little Brown jug,. emblem of their 31
years of gridiron rivalry, at stake, Coach Harry J% ipke's up-and-coming
W~ol verines will in vadle the stronghold of M innesota's Thlundering HIerd
when they meet Coach Spears' aggregation this afternoon on .Northrop
field, .1tinnc~apohis. Morc than 59,00() spectators, comprising the H-one-
comning crowd,. are expected to he on hand to see Michigan make its first
appearance in tihe North since that famed (lay in 1926 when the WVolver-

college last night addressed thci reLtl ronJgiUiesiyo ihgnclboho i ave engaged during the ast ines, vastly outplayed, nevertheless triumFl
delegats to te nint annua con- IThe Litle Brwn Jug - UnivrsityweeMicinanuclerousToconweerenceumrwithcnNoneneofwitheNomenf theoenmadema thatatlast
vention of the Michigan Interschol- Emblem of the :rivalry which has existed since 1892 between Michi- redo, as its part in the program ; important business leaders and p 1resent squad 1but Coach Kipke has a group
antic Pressg association at their ban-t gan and Minnesota and the prize at stake in tomorrows battle at North- will present a fund of approx- public officials, with a t iew to the out of their early season slump, and arei
quet i the Union ballroom. rop field.. Although the Wolverines have yet to win a conference game ntey$5,0 ob sdrrlas±codnto fbsns n o-lte
Dean Effinger stated thiat "vr- the win over Harvard has given them an impetus which may upset the aey5,0 to btdnsinalte udcolos conto of buime lagnis inssonced o-vte
tayevr evpp'mf. pre-game dope. Minnesota, on the other hatnd, will battle desperatelyt suenainalchtclegs o formontainenciesin certedINEUvictor'
whom I have conme in contact hasI before a homecoming crowd of 59,000 fans, to retain the jug which t~e hey Enieepibiityato for thntincam-busiess po R" L IEUSItho
wonl in 1927 under the gidanee of the bone-crushing Herb Joesting, niersosbliyfrteer-I ge.minnesota Michigan world
held that training in any field; all-Amerciaii fullb~ack.l' pagn to be conducted among the -----n...E . Tukosi tainl
whatever, aside from that received: 1---_ _---- ______800 alumni living in and near To- AndersonI ..f.fl L.flfl ~koorman down
in the journalism schools wvas finl l'BADGR d D H R IR ledo is being undertaken by Judge CU R BSEEN ake'a the M~
g KIH IH R RStraining toward competent news- 1 iRoy H. Williams, 97 L., chairmanUIIILULLU Pulkrabek ... .LG...... .. Poe jscoin
paper work." De .n Effinger also 1 U ]I~ I~iXBEAT WOLVERINES; of the club's Ten-Year Program Oa.....C... oad{tn
commended the delegates for theirni nrte r committee who, together with jIftJ TO;KklCr...R...... Stineva rtn
work in the high schools of the IJIi iL i (LUSpeial to The Dail)j President Lyman G. Rupp, '18, 20 IN U 6 NlH Rehe
sthen expre ed h oe htON C L0 U Ir U L C I H MADISON Wis. Nov. 15-Foarthe IL,andl the Board of Governors, se- VTO BA D I F akgneor ,RStaelinker nit
theprineanenulia second tinme tnis season, the Uni- i etd the proj ect which the o-AmnsrtoteisLxt Hayden
io ns wouldstdn. assist them as univer- vestIfWicni roscutygtnization will attempt.diitrto ene aiy ii. Tanner ,......RE ..e !t consec
1~ysuet.Fu aut eie oTl team scored a slam, this time the{ Fund is Needed. Present Enforcement of Irownell ..... QB... Wheeler or defeat
rf e Luther Purdonm also s.pokreaige t to Over Detroit Radio in ! thin clads of the University of Coningat this time when an ur- U vestCo .Sirl cudi
Mihgjbigth itm hng nt plea has just been maede for Unierit Cod. Parer .....CIi. .. . . .Siahl cul
th eeae n"rprn oWeekly Broadcas't. icthea undefeatedh Badgerscs romped e to scholarships and loan funds espec- I _--___ kuye .R..Dahieo to ne
Make a Living."
Ate!Dsuso rus a most convincing 54 to 15 triumph !ally from profess±nal students NAMES WILL BE SECRET, Gembis emerg
troughousheiayth Grous -STUDENTS rO PLAY, SI trover a .1 mile course at Madison this work of the Toledo alumni Nagurski .....F1B..... Morrison victor
gTesreu atendingthdicusionn Friday afternoon, !club has been accepted and heart- No inference that the adminis- ; OFFICIALS- Referee, Ecker- the of
grouswupo tn diriou hsusiofnub Prof. Herman. H. Riecker, of the The Badgers cinched the race 1 l approved by President Ruthvenisll Umre Han;Fed nlZ
giaroupsuovr.i hs oing he School of Medicine, will be the first' when five of their men crossed theI and the Board of Regents c the lxt oadefreeto Judge, Hackett; Hevad linesman, 5
.icssos,_ih ee nth {a speaker on the campus radio pro fin~,,.tied, for firs.Uiversity. ,It irs one ,of the Iirinci- auo bieantssmser he Hkt.1-6
_______ kic eeinten gamt ebodcs oigt rn uombl a hi eetris to 'ci ushi
ture of open forums, were as fol- grmt{bbracattngh rm- (x tm ise yteAumi~E ot
lows: headline writing ledl by Wa- ; 7 to 8 o'clock, according to Prof. rn i sociation -in its ten-year venture be derived from the fact that no North!RI
te id,'3;mgznewiigWaldo Abbott of the rhetoric de-UL The choice of a loan fund propo f- announcement of disciplinary ac- THE JEST14 P IUS could
led by Charles S. Monroe, '30; ad-I partmet irector of the 'Morris B T N P R U inapae seilytoteT-Iinhsapae nteDiyOf- Nrh
vetsnldby Kapriavesn hall studio. Professor Riecker will Ledo group because of the lag -rvetsnlefyXserHlesnr, nun ultni a nnucdh
is The TUeaFACEHAINKEYEr numbers of students who attend(fca Blei,9twsano0e
Pr;sotEwadL anr of. J Somh ."Brumn had oetheincluded inom the cltystra teoffie o th den huM AlllTt IC SEASON The
crtclwiig arneR liiprf onL rmha fte;iad the only provision which has of students. hopes
(3;bsns aagmnA ae journalisml department, is second' o!cben made icue nteofrt New Policy Established. Brh riho sDrcigb h
Ion tonight's schedule. His topic will, Boilermakers May Find TartarI the University is that preference The reason that the names of no! rtofFu'lasl~theG
Following a noon-day general as- be "Reading the Newspaper Intelli- iFiltnCoqers be given to Toledo students in the firt f FurPlhsiyx
sembly, at which Prof. John L. gently." Professor Birmm is well- ; !execution of the fund which is to ;4iet aebenpbihdti Comedy Club. 'the eI1
Brumm of the journalism depart- known among ti-i newspapermnen of Gopher Eleven, be under the supervision the 'semester as violators of the auto- f ____1irstc
mci-t spoke to ti-i members of theI of the state and is alvmys an in- Dean of Students. m loile ban is merely that a policy SHOWS BEGIN TUESDAY as t
convention, more round-table di- teresting speaker. IOW BACKFIELD FEARED Interest Will Lc Added. of secre-c:' has been adopted by' ___ ers' do
cussions were conducted. These in- Calton Wells of the rhetoric de- If plans of' the club campaign University offlci::: rgard to the Opnn t'rmtcsao nthe b
George Tilley, '30; make-up, led by eign students, in his talk, "The Fr- CLCG, x. ov 5-PudCfund will be sweled by ainy interest iccvsa~tci a xlie,~ ef~e fSmBn lown
CLTAO l. o.1.-udesiiywsaotd twsepancr-Wesley H1. Mauner of the journal- 1 eign Student---Hi's Contribution to ' accruing from it so that at sonic; prormancesofSe Bnll'silea
ismi department; feature writing, 'Michigan," will point out thie im- Boilernmakers on the threshold of future date it will assume tremen- because University officials be- "Te' ch".~arting Tuesda night'
byDnlH ansas ftepotant contributions the foreign winning the Western Conference dous proportions. Stipulations have Irievedl that official discipline uac-- and (lontinuling' through Satuday' wi~h
journalism department; the wom- students make to the University title, will battle Iowa the wreckers been included in the arrangements com-panied by unfavorable publicity night, in the Lydia "MendcelssohnIcra
e'ssection, MajreFlmr ,n campus lieiC sca., telc of Minnesota's titular hopes, at La- whereby the fund may, be used for was punishment stringent enough theatre. claya
news writing, led by C. H. Beukema, ; ea and general cultural ways. f'ayette Other purposes if, in the future, itsThsitefrtofheer'ou!fld
staff correspondent of the Detroit' Prof. Howard M. Wight, of the TknseodpaeithBgresent purpose becomes obsolete for offender.Thsitefrtofheerfurild
Free Press and the United Press; department of forest zoology, wili Ten spotlight, Illinois will engage or unnecessary. Decisions in this Asafatro at nocmn pa~htteognzto ln ocrat t
mnaking it pay, by John R. Rose, conclude the speakers' list with a, Chicago in their traditional battle matter are to be left to the Board oftr the tombilear ban has been give this year. according to Rob- Hefont.
an h die' rbemb r-Idsusono h atpae ystrict ti yait was officially an- etK dm.'30, president andstr
anhdie' rbemb r-ds~sin ftepr lydb at Champaign, and Indiana fur- of Regents in accordance with the nortce K.nuberofatudnt
essor Brumm. wild-life sanctuaries in the conser- nishing the opposition for North-II established policy of all clubs par nohaved.be nueedor puets po-because of the limited number of Ajr
Tea Dance Given.. vation and reforestation problem o western at Evanston, while Wison- ticipating in the Ten-Year cam- bation in connection with automo- productions an effort is being made{ occur
Atea-dance was given yesterday' the state;." ilbeMichiganite Wildl Life San- sin has a breathing spell with no iPaign to insure against "dead bile ban violations this semester, to make each exceptional. build
afternoon in the ballroom of ticcuaes ilbeihe titlof hs games scheduled. Chicago, and trusts" growing out of overly re- but their names have not been pub- Scenery for "The Jest" is being 1 the fc
League for the delegates and theirI talk. Northwestern games finish up their strioted funds. ile.cosrtdbyCaesHdnAn
guests. Fv uia neiswl epe ofrneshdls oorwsW l Attention is directed by officials; Grad., and the Plav Production oneo
A general assembly, the conven- I sented by two students from the battle tells the tale for Purdue. The , Union WillReceivJe toward certain phases of interpre- 1 class in stagecraft. The productioni Iowa,
tion luncheon at which certificates I School of Music in the form of o- Boilermakers remaining as the only jtation of the automobile ban con- of "Lelia," by Dorothy :Ackerman, t North
of award will be given to prize-~ cal and instrumental solos, undefeated team in the Big Tenj Gopher Gaffe Rep3ort1 cerning which some students still 1 29, as previously announced, wasi gans
winning, publications, and atten- The public is cordially invited to must conquer the Iowans, and a appear in doubt. In the first place, postponed to January 24 and 25 soI vard s
dance at the football game between witness the actual broadcastinig at ' week later, the downtrodden In- - it is to be understood that students Holoden could construct the set forj a ,sim
the "B"" team and the Western ] the studio, Professor Abbott states, iana crew to win their first Bigj Two special radios have been ir - who have been granted special per-I Comedy Club. - Wolve
State Teachers College of Kala- Cal-d a special invitation is extend- ! Ten grid iron championship in the stalled in the Union for the recep- mission to use an automobile for( Bertha Creighton is directing the is a p
mazoo are the' concluding agenda ed to the M I. P. A. delegates to history of the Western Conference. tion of the play-by-play results of limited purposes are not alloed production of the play. Miss place.
for the three-day session of the1 hear Professor Brumm. The pro-; The result appears to be a toss- the Minnesota game this afternoon. to give rides to other students as , Creighton was formerly leading la- start z
convention, gram is sent to Detroit via tele-I up. The contest will be a test ofI Women students with escorts are an accommodation to the latter.I dy for Richard Mansfield and has rail.
____________;phone, broadcast from station W the forward walls. Iowa's victory! invited to hear the reports which About the only case in which an had considerable experience on thelI on c
PRINCIPALS WILL JR, and picked up back at the Mor-{ over Minnesota indicates that BurtI will be received in the Ballroom, ! auto-driving student has the right( NewYork stage: Amy Loomis, di- line u
ris hall studio where it is reproduc-'Ingwerson, the Hawkeye coach, has according to Leonard S. Wilson, 31, to carry another in his car is theI rector of the Lydia Mendelssobxl IHiet
VISIT UNIVERSITY ed by a receiving' set for the bene-;whipped his squad into shape toI chairman of the house committee.i situation of an Ann Arbor student l theatre activities, is assisting Miss xvwiliti
fit of the listeners, give Purdue a very rough afternoon. I The other radio set will be locat- pefrig!nern frhsfi Creighton. - Drae
Smith Asks High School Heads MU SbroaN IA.A1V i ~G I dcain the apiroom. uring thiiy which involves the transporta-I The cast of appoximtely 40 ored
broadcast of the IllinoiAVgameIthisof tion of another student, characters for the production in-%tackle
toConfer With Freshmen. O T LA E P E A S M N O roomil was filled to capacty, and as j MariedL Students Included. idcude K~enneth White, '30. Richard1 forme
- _ __much nnth samaseenta Again , graduate students as a class1 Cole, '0, Mildred Todd, '32, Eugenie{ rena
Irra . Sith reistarannrecgistra'r, annoTi'uj';n c- do not.Manonhelivestuheesioriisfouegiethastdiu. Te ue (u nthhveeherivlegofdJi-sCaphi'2, RsehiniRnkn'33,0,enI
ed yesterday that letters of invita- a se, fie te vicw ith fauty n I able. Evidence of fascist strength, doof the radiose isenthrough ti-icankcour rr.Nnns'31,Ricard Hun-i- th
tir had been sent to high school Irn leaing toic~s of clmenhIi tory.) was stated to have been shownq intsYf tf es'rdosopphc nr natmoie vn fte re y '31tlShoer 31 alnt d
has also gone to considerable ex-nariemd, they muist obtain ermis- Woprkmas, '3, PtR Soer ls,31, elen
pincipas ° throughout the statej "Fascism, as the outstanding x- ;the recent Fascist demonstrations pein h ntlaio fter-!ion to drive from the dean's office. JeWrannteD, '3, RoberaWlsrv'3"' In
asking them to visit Ann Arbor any ;ample of centralized government- in France and the Balkans. How-eIes A third point about which someanet ae 3.svrlsrat all wv
day from December 13 to December in Europe today, has become more! ever, the opinion of the history in-, __________doubt exists is explained in the and a mnob. die t-
19 to confer with their graduates1 than a form of government in It- structor, "although Fascism has :following statement issued at the( Seats for the five performances I is sla
who are freshmen at the university.I aly; it has becom-i a religion toI been astonishingly successful from ( -beginini-g of the semestei by Wal- 'srepacostoeale yestedayoa Danit
It has been the custom of the Iti-i Italian people, w~ith Mu~ssolini I a material point of view, it is e-:i 011r Wea. hcr an, I re B. Ra, assistant to the-ic n office of tie Lydia M~endelsohnI at rig
university during the past years to I as chief diety. We may expect ati coming increasingly doubtfulincagofutmbl legislation:I theatre Seats for all performances'oe"p
arrange for individual conferences( any time to hear of the Italians whether the system is for the ultPi - Pe rmlission will be granted stu- aree
of the freshmen with the principals 'erecting altars to Mussolini, much'j mate social good of the nation." ., rents to operate certain cas for' rcda ' et.Morr.
of their former high schools to as -he ancient Romans worshipped In concluding, Mr. Manyon gave' -T definite and necessary purposes. ___ _--ont
enable the high schools to obtain 'their emperors," Leonard ManyonI a brief comment on Mussolini's re- ? Any departure from such arrange- - SENIOR PICTURES. on
enunelrstanins' ofthe difficuli-I of the deartment of history yes-;j cent decree that all former Italians, , rments will be termed a violation of ' he ic'hiannsian BThmness Gv


led b~y a 7-6 mnargin.
orthern inlvasion ae on the
f players who have nappMd
wdetermined to make the
if of the year a success wit.
sover Minnesota and owa.
;h they diud not look like
seaters, the Wolverines er-
showed potentialities ii
SHarvard. For the fist time
ize and Blue exibited a
punch, a factor that may
ahem in good stead in the
nnesota Defeated Once.
sota, title-bound 'with five
tive victories and no de-
met an obstacle that it
t surmount when Iowa rose
heights last Saturday and
I with a well-earned 9-7
Previous to that setback
hers had trampled on Co
)on, and downed Vanderbilt,
an intersectional clash. A
g last period drive defeated
estern, 26-14, while Indiana
ot match the power of the
,en, am-d succumbed, 19-7.
-7 Hawkeye victory that.
lMinnesota's championship
as no fluke. This is proved
tatistics, which reveal that
phers were outgaining in
205 to 130 yards, and that
wks also had the edge in
wns, i1 to five. Oran Pape
chief reason for the Goph-
nfall, carrying the brunt of
den in Iowa's last period at-
t netted the winning' touch-
ni Arrives in Ninneapolis.
'gan's squad of 29 players,
et a Gopher" as, their war
ived in Minneapolis yestr-
d worked out at Northrop
'oach Kipke has made' sev-
inges in his lineup in an f-
stampede the Thundering;
)raveling or Hayden will
tright tackle insteadi of
tile a slight shakeup may
n the backfield in order to
n adequate defense against
ward pass.
Hugh they failed to complete
their eight passes against
oach Kipke fears that the
ten may profit from Michi-
helplessness against" Har -
aerial offense, and unleash
ar attack tWay against the
nes. With this in mind, there
sibility that Daniels may re-
lom-bis, and Wheeler may
quarterback instead of Sm-
fense the Maize and lue will
with Captain Truskowski and
at the end berths. Poormant
to care of left tackle, while
ng, shifted from fend, is fav-
re Ed Hayden to play right
The center trio that per-
so well against Harvard will
intact, with Bovard at en-
I Poe teaming with Steinke
guard posts.
eler or Sinrall to Rick.
Le backfield Wheeler or Sim-
1 act as qu rterback and an-
kicking assignment. Dahlein
d to start at left half, while
sor Gembis will get the call
t half. The former is better
;s defense, but "Dynamite
is the offensive punch. "Do"
n is assured .of the fullback
defense Kipke will call his
an backfield into play, with


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