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November 15, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-15

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Coach Couroright Dril!,s Squa~d
on 'r, , l ing 11imd Blocking
h W V(/eStCrn State.
Twenty-nine Wolverine gridders I
left Ann Arbor at 4:15 yesterday
arfternoon in quest 'of a "LittleI
I11rown Jug" which is being held byI
the Gophers in Minneapolis until
a Michigan team can win it on the
gridiron. A Maize and Blue teami
last won this coveted emblem of
victory in 1926, but the Northmen,
led by Herb Joesting, retaliated in
1927, and the "Thundering Hierdi"
took the traditional ,jug back home
with them.
For the first time since [thins 1927
defeat the Wolves will have a
chance to regain possession of the
jug, and if they win will have the
the added satisfaction of knocking
Minnesota out of a possible tie for
the Big Ten championship. Determ-
ination to accomplish this double
purpose prevailed in the Michigan
camp yesterday in the final home
practice before the game, with the
whole squad of players and coaches
bending every effort toward upset-
ting Coach Spears and his powerful
;quad of Vikings.
Finishing touches were put on
both the offense and defense, es-
pecially against passes, with Coach
Ripke adding as drill on some new
passes which may prove trouble-
some to the opposing defense.i
Hudson Is Out.
The Michigan squad will arrive
in Minneapolis sometime this
morning and will go through a
limbering up drill on. Northrop'
field 'this afternoon to get rid of
the kinks which follow a long trip
on the train. Rov Hudson, who wn,.
Injured in the 11arvard garne w1
make the trip, although Li er is ~
likelihood of his getting into the
game at any time.. Hudson, however,
is the only man on the entire squad
who is not in condition to play.
Coach Kipke announced the list
of players 1who were taken a.? Cape-
tain Truskowski, Auer, Bovard,
Brown, Bauier, Corn well, Daniels,
DOravelin, 1 ahlemn, Gembis, Hay-
del; I IudO<)n, HestLon, Holland,
hlewi It, La.J twnesse, Morrison, Pgoe
PoOrman, P riest, Parker, Roach,f
S teinke, Smnith,' Simnrall,, Sorenson,
Sa..cnuels, Wilson, and Wheeler.
Laast nighlt the team which lined
(Contilne(i on Page 7?) !

('Ytti tJ ' flfet'i ti ikC;<t l NeThi~ S I lh1ii inta I a-! hle al-ea-insr4i'at ..ka1n;ionsfilpII F N S(
icn inn .frEONB y C ad ~tvellS w a uintry Ia ri e(ltrailiVed yOsI.r iy ers Another wit! appear in an early issae. !ill the 115 pound weight cass.
Minnesota's gridiron aspiratitons, lastettId ir iinces for nitv £f so-fii Ia iel Ilsto I,-usln er 1i ~.S~~ kr M~i~i
o.Wciii aiirheeti formers o the middle west is At sr~iales t lflO pouds Stinke has Attck; ( llr I ( Ji
challenged Conference championship honoar, hill be liii a (kcerl IiPCd 1ate~l~rnon l 1VY1ietli 'et t lk' a1@ieuiaQbena4iiY°e fnthshstp AgintVasiy
drive tomorrow afternoon in Northrup fld for anitunblemis~hed recoil I hee la t week whiCh was won 1by A is a product of western Mich > pear nee on ferry field as a tlOt-
ovrthe renalndler oIlshe Rio Tll season itord er tin lclai(murs f£4 one !Oio Styal, but it. satins improbable Ig gdironshaving won 'three:- w rdkigcanidate. honlingdown Mneot' hoeoe, ero
+ieo osbei o oifruelues lt~di-IAnoIothat t he Wolvrines will be abile to,
sidofanssbe tiefo ofrene lrire th ciis i.nloistle eea i-i -ane*~~iir-letter in football at Benton Harbor 'a reglar guard position 1hi9 fresh-'the Wlverines ittack was furth
Ioasusthe Boilermakers fPu hs Sitlrday ill j crtn~etiie Badgers tonkoro. IMidih school. Rounding of his ex- main yer Steinke steped into the idiciatd when Dr. Spears sent
at Lafayette the Minlnesotans would go into a three wv tv ie for thle lend Michi gant ha:; never dlefeated helperieice on the gridiron, Steinke' Varsity right guard ber, atte Ipete Somers to the freshman sual
Willi Purdue and Northwestern. All of which leads to the IprpVsitionu;Wisconsin hill and calers in a run,; won a fourth beginning or last season, lisp tacintiorer to strengthen the year-
t hat M~ichigan must be beaten. Such is in effect the task which faces j lthong the two teamis have !ten letter at Ben- lg the veteran Squire, and hia.ks inter mtaon fth
i he Spars-coched cmbinaton, meting edi othr quit regulton Harbor in'}eld this position ever since.usi hi iiaino h
tfoateeas.Sh ears.coThed ombnatin. track. With the injury to the veteran'Michigan passing attack. The Go-
have one of t he bst teams in thei In his fresh-1 Poe in early season practice, Stein- pers will be all primed to stop am
That the Gophths'areconr~ceded 1/ie ('d9flo o onedenlie's. istcry of tlier cross eunuy an ea nu. ke has more than made p for the avalanch of Michigan passes, an
! On the other /if,-nd there are fe folloWers of the Conje"rrnec teams, being considered infer ior' ""era awards Ininiltofhsrnng ae thajncwihhsfiedom-
grdrnhsoywh ilf ;or atafgtn 4 ciu emonliy to the Indianai squad. ';hisfoo0t ball anV' a caibe of play which surly, ue to anything approaching old
grdionhitoy hotridll/fail towa decalnt atfigeffectivly in iwrestlingmwereshould establish him as an all-con-sage so far this season.
athich =i undwefeated, urntiIJhe. imonth ,t / ,O'Wt) (1a ratheir meet with Iowa this season in wn by the us- ferene possibility. His showing; The injuries to Munn's let,80see1
igo' despite the gloomiest of early season rosrpees. !Pitlh a 'which eight Badgers finished ky Bntr lar- against the highly touted Crane to be healing rapidly and the Go-
stairling upset wnover a jocruHrar treaaray ;ahead of the first Iaky runner r bor first ya and Gordon of Illinois was one 'her tackle managed to do some
win owerul hrvar et'v~' alrady iayeyar which will long cause Ilini fans to liht work esterday. Should he be
IThe men who will run for Mich- man. In win-gy
writtenl into tihe If'olverine books in theff only ;NovmbrBattle, {Iigan tomorrow are: Captain "Red" airg his wrest- remember a Maze "3" lead a stub forced to stay on the sidelines Sat-
there are nny ollowvers of the gridiron g ame who -(ohld not Benson,Fizbbnusn.oleiing umrl born forward wall defense which turday, it is likely that either Berry
Be surprised to see the men of Krp gk e emer re o the niegotiabhle (Continued n Page 7) STINKSE :m inke w o-ff' proved unproductive of the expect- or 'West gaard will fill his place, a-

ena o tyreco unt inorr U How aj tee II o'uiI
Iowa's wiin over the AMinnesotans last Saturday on the. Iowva Cityl
turf may be more or less discounted in judging the strength of the 1
Gopher bonecrushers., It is a known fact-that the mnh of [ours annually
poit for the annual game cWith their norihleri ineighhors. ['or threeO
consecutive years the Iowans have turned ire a wvin over the Gophers
jwhich ha been decidedly of a scratchy variety. TIhis year certainly wvat
no exception, the Hawks winning- by a b)are two point margin.

best whnen going is hardiest, Steinke that Naguruski will be silueuuLO
seems to improve with every game. the line. e
I 'i l iil ii llli l i liiijii' ''ii iiiii i~il~lllllllilil ill' '






Tomorroi's gauze will see a reversal of MuinMesotas typ e of
attack if the men from the 'nortlh rely on east Mlichigan defenasi' r
attributes in framing their offenrsive plans. Michigan boasts
a powerful heavy line wuhich has shovwn itsel f decidedly' to the
best advantage againast the straight typfe o f foo1tal which hars
been tile main forte of Gopher elevens in otlher years. Onu the
other haund the perennial IVok'erin~e passinu1 gaome m7x0111robabl Y
be taken up against t/e men of Kipke wLho have shown arzdeint
inability, to cope defensively .wit/h this st 110 of I'tay. Coach
Spears' scouts sawerplenty of this apparent weaknress in'1/1- cos-
ing mninutes of last Saturdays cgame wi/t lararv- rand the
weapon 'with wlhich tihe comtbinration of Friedmart andiQoster-
baan ran -the northerners to the g1Jolt)d ilzil be ursed in art
eff'ort to ina.ke it two straight zbins for the At'orsem'a fiter
suffering 8 consecutive reverses at the hand of the 111 i 'f° cund
Plug bet ween the years i()20o (111(1 1927.

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Only on one occasion hasM icliiigan's di g er,,ilied at tack b eeii heldi
to less than six points in the t wenty tit-ties tin which the (Soplueis anld
the \Volverine forces have (lashed since the icept ioni of this rivatr\i
in 1992. hI1020 the \V olv'iiies eked out ;t ;0 rwin over Ow il' I un
sotains following the 31-7 drubbhingwh ich ithec (oph tens 4Iwii istcI ed
Mlichigan's 1919 Gridiron warriors. All 611n1c coMPeL ItI ii usu reV is far
and away to the credit of the 1laizc anid Blue. Tlhe WVolver-ines h ve
registered i15 wins and 1 tie over ihe me cif 11the iortIt Whtile ti uclati-
have been forced to b-e contetit withIi]httl winis.


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Please compare them with clothes
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Onaccount of their retirement from business, we have
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