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November 15, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-15

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' ...

vb a comnm* "tee of the Faculty
SWomen's club for a class in pres-
_.ent-day dancing to be conducted
Secretary- of National Counci _fsketches from last year's Junio by Miss Ethel McCormick of the
to Give Main Speech Girls' Play will be given, or the physical education department.
. delegates may go to the Lydia The lessons will be given from 8
of Meeting. Mendelsohnn theatre and see Tony to 9 o'clock on Monday evenings
Sarg's "Marionettes." either in the Women's Field house
COMMITTEES TO REPORT Saturday morning the sororities or Barbour gymnasium. The class
will serve breakfast for the dede- is open not only to members of the
Mortarboard delegates from the gates and at 9 o'clock the actual Faculty Women's club and their
University of West Virginia, Uni- convention will begin. Margaret husbands but also to alumnaeI and
versity of Kentucky, University of Ohlson, '30, chairman of the con- friends.
Pittsburgh, Ohio State University, vention, will preside at this :Aeet- A number have already enrolled-
Ohio Wesleyan, Carnegie Insti- ing in whicb each delegate will in the class but it will be necessary
tute of Technology and Miami make a speech on some important !) have a few more members be-
University will begin arriving here phase of mortarboard. fore the lessons can begin. Any-
with the Michigan chapter as hos-; 'o Hold Discussion. one who is interested is asked to
tess. From 2 to 5 o'clock Saturday aft- call Mrs. A. F. Shull, 7905.
In most cases the president of ernoon different groups will hold The Nursery section of the Facul-
each chapter is coming as the round table discussions. At 5 o'clock ty Women's club will have its first
delegate. In some cases, however, the Committee on Resolutions will meeting at eight o'clock Wednes-
whole chapters are coming for the give its report. The formal banquet day evening, Nov. 20, in the Alum-.
convention. will be given at 7:30 the same night, nae room of the Michigan League
Secretary Will Speak. In a private dining room of the builing. Dr. Willard Olson, Profes-
The guest of honor of the con- League building. Miss Ohlson, as sor of Educati'on and Director of
vention, Miss Elsie Murray of De- toastmistress, will give the first Research in Child Development,
troit, secretary of the ItAtional speech, "The Pin is Fastened." The will be the speaker. Dr. Olson, who
Council of Mortarboard, is making other speeches in order are: .'Black 8is engaged in making plans for -the
the main speech of the convention and Gold," by Virginia Losee, '30; new elementary school unit of the
on the subject, Personnel .- Its I "The Tassle," by Mary Callicutt of University, will discuss various fea-
Meaning to Mortarboard. Ohio State University and "The tures of this project for next year.
Several Ann Arbor alumae will GoldenLetters," by Miss Lloyd.c- All who are interested are invited
be here. Among them are Hilda A farewell breakfast (the loca-I to attend.
Mary Evans, '29; Elizabeth Well- tion of which is still indefinite), is -
;man, '29;Marie Hartwig, '29; Eliza- scheduled for Sunday morning. Af-
beth Nutt, '27, and Elizabeth Mc- ter breakfast the entire group will NOTICE
Curdy, 29. An invitation has also go to the Convocation services. The regular meeting of the
been extended to members of Mor- - American Association of Univer-
torboard chapters at other schools Women composed of 25 per cent sity Women will be held at 3
who are now on this campus. of the total enrollment at Cornell o'clock Saturday afternoon, in
Other guests of honor who are all University this year, according to! the ball room of the Michigan
honorary members of Mortarboard . League building. Dr. John W.
are: Mrs. N. Mansfield, Miss Alice I a statement of enrollment recent- Eaton, formerly of Trinity Col-
Lloyd, Miss Ruth Hassinger, Mrs. ly issued. Women are found in lege, Dublin, will speak on "The
Ruth Morgan and Miss Katherine every department. of the university Abbey Theatre."
Kuhlman. I except Civil Engineering. The Vet- . 1
Sororities to Entertain. ! erinary College claims two, Me- I Mina Sweetser, '31, of the Uni-
Delegates will be lodged at soror- chanical Engineering, three, while versity of Indiana, won the first
ity houses. Those that arrive Fri- one is enrolled in Electrical En- place in the women's section of the
day evening in time will have din- gineering. Twelve women have recent state Atwater-Kent radio
ner in the cafeteria of the League chosen the Law School and 18 are audition. This entitles her to com-
building. After dinner, either in- students in the Architectural Col- pete in the district contests for en
formal entertainment in the form lege. trance in the finals.

C969HET HI EHS Mortarboard this week-end is round table discussions will also be
holding nearly all convention meet- held in the League building.
ings in the League building. Sun- At 4 o'clock this afternoon the
Kass Meeting of All,. Second day morning a breakfast for the Sophomore women are holding a
Year Women to be Held out-of-town delegates will be given meeting in the Committee room
This Afternoon, in the Cave. The formal banquet is concerning the Sophomore Caba-
___r . to be given at 7:30 Saturday night ret. The School of Education is
I . .r in a private dining room. On Fri- hai. a l cho n at 5 next
soIt most important that all day evening the cafeteria will be having a luncheon at 12:15 next
sophomore women be present at used for all the delegates that have Monday in a private dining room.
the meeting at 4 o'clock tnis after- arrived. Business meetings and At 7:45 Monday evening the Dra-'
noon in the committee room of the ma Section of the Faculty Women's
League building to discuss they n
plans for the Sophomore Cabaret," Black Quill to Extend club is meeting in the Alumnae
according to Ivalita Glascock, Time for Manuberits room, if that room is available.
chairman of decorations. "Many _fo ___ They will meet to read a play. The
unusual and artistic pluAs have Black Quill, honorary literary so- Women's Club is giving a benefit
been made for the decorations of ciety for women whose interest lies bridge party next Wednesday in
the Sophomore Cabaretand can in the -field of creative writing, is the ball room.
be put into effect with the help of extending the time in which try- Scheduled for 7:30 o'cock next
all sophomore women. This junc- out manuscripts may be submitted Thursday night is a meeting exth
tion belongs to all women in the until Friday, Nov. 22. A stort story, pgrsdh St Grou tNg 2of the
sophomore class and each one has a. play, a sketch, or several poems pre-school Study Group No. 2 of
her share of responsibili,y in mak- are all included in the type of writ the Amerian Association of Uni-
ing it a success." ing in which Black Quill is inter- versity Women in the Alunmnae
At the meeting this afternoon ested. . room if it is available. The Fresh-
the plans that have been made and "Meetings of the society are held oan Girls' Glee Club will also meet
the activities of the various commit- for the purpose of reading and dis- room. The regular monthly meet-
tees will be outlined.Mrs. Beryl Fox cussing original work done by its ing of the Board of Representa-
Beacher, the member of the Advis- members. Intelligent criticism is tives of the League will be held at
ory committee who is taking an offered by the group, which is help- i o Thursay aftenoon.
active interest in the Cabaret, will ,ful to both the writer and the 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon.
explain how each girl inthe soph- critic," Eliiabeth Asset, '30, secre- Iltlltllt1lillillt1!l
omore class has definite. work to tary, states.
do in making this activity a suc- Maupscripts for Black Quill may -
cess. Eliabeth Louden, chairman of be submitted to Elizabeth Asset,
waitresses, will explain the work of room 219, Martha Cook building, or
her committee, and the number of ,may be placed in the Black Quill
girls she has need of to help her, box in Barbour gymnasium.

Position of Business Secretary
to (e Filled by junior or
Senior Student.
A Appointment to the position of
women's business secretary of The
Daily will be made soon, according
to the announcement of A. J. Jor-
dan, business manager. The posi-
tion has just recently been created
following the acceptance of a peti-
tion which was presented to the
Board of Control of Student Publi-
A junior or senior woman will be
appointed by the business mana-
ger, according to the provisions in
the plan submitted for the estab-
lishment of the position. The duties
which will be assumed with the
position will be the supervision of
all women tryouts on the business
staff, and the co-operation with
the department heads in arranging
work for the women, as well as the
responsibility for all such work

I if








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