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November 15, 1929 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-15

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1 H t v ii7 C f i s-, 1

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Willktvu oy as a yecarefree ;JU
i~o (to d'ssome :Luifmirawe Cactin, ini
"'iw iv ling Fool," Wtieiii is cuvra
Iu it talkie. In lhis d:!ree evil ace
role, his ethics concerning the op -
poS e ex lire oil the "findI 'vii, too".
,eml, forget 'ern" order. When his

?L.[ti' ih i13tumbr calf' Fe wsp
Procurable for Studerns-
to Study Abroad.

Ftiitiie& sResearch Fouindation
Urged by Prof. A. E. White,
Bureau Director.

Met~hods of Diati'l~( *

N E.-,-' ,.; :. <:' ": . : a ,{ C o n.t i i u e l " r u li a' e I
N i. MO! FACILITIE7S '. "and not because he was siritual ly,
F f ,zovrned by an ideal. That is what'
R~eport Indicates Large Increase f..ImenwenIsy htmehnc
in Volume of Work Over F are a thing of the past in real,
Las Yer. Inthe old days w could easily t
.>4 z < : nd early discriminatebctvee th
Work on 134 projects for indus-f ;4 hero and thvae villain in any ly
trial concerns involving expendi- Inormdstehowa vie,
tures of $186,017.51, further urging adtevlinbak sso h
of the prjce'nierigR-. '..Villain made his entrance we knew
search foundation for fundamental . . ..'. along the canal. But now we scarce-
research, a plea for better facili- ; r>::'.:: :. know when to applaud ad when to
ties, particularly in the automotive hiss. The hero and villain are bothi
engieerig an mecanic labra=a sort of 'gray and- we rran no long-i
tories, and a statement that there e ucl itnus ewe
is a real need for more fundarnen- '! {.," :<;... :.;'<::;? j"Shawt's Candida' is an examulpe
tally trained research workers, of:::. t: .",.' .<:his. There is no conformity to
were the outstandling features of an abstract ideal in it. The hero5~a
the annual report of the ;depart- . is apparently a model of matial
ment of engineering research of fdlt n e h un u o
the engineering college just made be far from that.''
pubic y rof A.E.Whie, irc- heTrain robbers derailed a Southern Pacific passen oer tran nea Saugus Calif by sreading the rails of Modernists, maintaind Mr. As-
torli ofthdPrtmA.En t ,drc h tracks. As the train was wrecked, the bandits rushed in and held up the passengers, obtaining lootpchrbeivtatvrydg.
fo fthe figu r m nti e. i he a -amounting to less than $1,000. None of the persons ab o alrd the tin wee killed't ainace, bitseth ae dvirydalismad,
nual report show an increase in the Crtten en- Thre'' Y e#C eDiA but at the same time these uod-
volume of work and number ofCittndeAReort DEBATES ..1~ ekLrO ernists add a whole chain of pndi-
LEAGtUsEopae'it hoe+o vidual responsibilities that. ain-
prjcsa oprdwt hs~f Unusual Growth ofI TO 0 P E' N SERIES of Incubation ShowsI tain a proper balance.
last year, w hen the figure w a s," . " "Today's dram atist e mnploy si14 ,5 .6 n in r a e o 4 , ; t t ' hc o d i h s h o st r u h u h t t e l n f E1 ~ 1 C 1c e e i l g e t a r n s t r l Ff6 .J f r t e y a il t d v n p i t e ntti i~ pn

Foreian study fellowshiD.9


fe'r the fair female (Marie Pre- scolarships are offered under the
Brost) 1, viator Bill in trying to dis- international student exchanges of
~ttehimi, is himself captivated, the Institute of International Ed-
Tlhe photoplay, especially in ease! ucation to American students wvho
of some stunt flying shots, is un- wish to study abroad, it is an-
usual~y good and, entertaining,( nounced by officials of the organi-
cl<<ssin "The Flying Fool" above zation.
te ave l rage air epic. Russell Gica-; The fellowships have been estab-
snin the kid brother part is an lished as an international ex-
ex-,cellent juvenile, reminding one, change in appreciation of those of-
ol Glenin Hunter. Tom O'Brien was fered by American colleges and
comical as the hard-boiled one, universities to the educational in-
while Miss Prevost was only fair in stitutions of the countries concern-
a p.,erformance not nearly as good ed. The countries offering there
as she has previously done for the, a r e: Austria, Czecho-Slovakia,
talking films. -France, Germany, Hungary, Italy,
"Thie Spy," a talking slapstick and Switzerlana.
eff'ort, is unusually funny. The All candidates applying for onw
newsreels round out the program, of these fellowships must fulfill the
which was well received, following requirements: Citizenship
in the United States or one of its
"Sunny Side Up,'" an am using jpossessions; university or college
talking musical, opens today at theI training; a good moral character
Fox with DeSylva, Brown, and Hen- and intellictual ability; suitable

u"su songsIi~~ou utie screen.'

personal qualities; good personal

EmhEzsEeerh the Michigan High School Debtae
Renewed emphasis is laid by Pro-1I Representing the University de-Legebstrighefstoth Danger of a mumps' epidemic
fessor White on the proposed insti- partment of high school inspection, ;series of four preliminary debates theratically approaches now, ac-1
tute of fundamental research: "NoPrfsoAletRCrtednofwihwldeemnth64tascodgtoD.WE.Fsye'edl
more inspiring task could be under- Prfso!letR rtedn fwihwl eemnete6 em odn oD.W .Fryhha
takn b te Uivrsiy o te po-the Latin and Greek department, to enter the elimination debates of the Health Service, this being1
ple of the state than the establish-! y~esterday _ completed a touir of whcei era' 4adwl the conclusion of the three-week
Mihgnhg col.Teise-last through April 11, culminating
ment of such an institute," says thlesMciahghcolsTe np- in the championship debate which period of incubation allowed for theI
report. "The institue wil consti-f tion centered chriefly around hih will be held in Hill auditorium, spread and development, of an epi-
'Lute a center unique of its kind ininDtotndPrHuo Api25deicThotlkisoefi-
the world. Its facilities will be fully j5.chools TheDesubject the teamsApril2aredeamic. h es t operid hoseem ,in -a
constant with the importance of1 suburbs. bh ujc h em r e smc stepro emnl a
th.e work carried on within its The chief result df the investi'ga- i ating this year is: Resolved that a not hatched out a great many new I
wails,' xjudge or board of judges be sub-
wal.Lion~, according to Professor Crit- siue o h uyi l tt cases since the initial outbreak of
Profsso Whie rcommndsthetenden, will be a comi-mittee reportI and municipal courts in the State ! the sickness a short time ago. Stu-
establishment of graduate fellow-onuuulgotan imrv-oMihgndesaewred nd diedo
ship as a means of developingonuuulgotan imrv-oMihgn detaewrednd disdo
properly trained research workers, (ment of smaller high schools in Prof. Gail E. Densmore of the consult a physician in case of the
and in addition for the purpose of( Michigan, explaining this improv-! speech department, and director' slightest indication of sore throat
further aiding the graduate school.i ed conditiion as due to the large i of the League, announced yesterday 'or swelling of the jaws, since lack
ProbemsImprtat. numer o contr stdens wo athat the schedule for the second
Prbes,.rat ubr fcutysuet h of the series of debates has been, of attention might lead to more
"Many problems brought to the 1 can now afford to attend state high;
University by the larger industrial schools because of -the. Michigan copetd srou opliaios
interests," he states, "are of a fun- "free tuition" law. -- _-
damental character with a resul- Professor Crittenden gays that' -
tant increasing need for workersj the purpose of the quarter-yearly .
with a baskc fundamental training. inspections is maintenance of cor-!
Such persons are difficult to find in dial relations between the Univei'- -' E '
'sufficient numbers, and at this time sity and the state high schools. Be-
the department could use from five cause of this, all faculty men on
to tell such men, were they avail- the commi'ttee must have had some
able.1 high school teaching experience. A
'At OJr" Fouuntain
For Everything Musical Bowey' - Arctic Way
Pianos You Waint. We Have itHtChcl ndd Snde
Radios r =ug
Chocolate Sodas
Phonographs $
RecordsDelicious Malted Milks
'efietiruy-Violins _~ ~ Toastwich Toasted Sandwiches
To Shit! I Sheet Mui Or Money Back : W F
Play While You PayMuij Lowest Rates RUiTR
____________Music Books PnsRne
Opposite Law Building on State
601 East Willam Street Phone 75115

the true soul 0oftthe charactei'," he
said. " 'Zaza' is full of such dia-
logue, and O'Neill's Desire Under
the Elms' opens with a good exam-I1
ple of it. A man and woman stand
before a house. 'What is home
without a woman?' saiy the mam.
'What is a woman without a home?'
replies the woman--and they are
Mr.Anspacher has appeared sev -
eral times on other Oratorical as-
sociation programs and his lectureI
last night was well received by an
appreciative audience.

-11..1. . helth
Mrs. Anna Kalmbach


_ .

slickers andsteppers

~Jor MIen C .Sinee 146

-- 1





_._ _

a -. -::

We believe~ that being pleasant is just
as much a part of banking service and prac-
tice as being efficient and sound. The best
service is surely the niost courteous and
The chief diff'ere nce between this batik and
the ordinary is within the fact that we would rthber
say "YlS" than "NO." We strive to give each,
customer all that hie is entitled to-all consistent
with safe and sane banking. Because we are in-
terested always ins hearing the other fellow's point
Of view, younger business men say this is "a fire
bank to deal with."

3 jutI's anwC ohatV ulilhia i1;iiitt Yr t rtIat'a packed tight
wIri r'.al 1W-licklitt' irleodly tunhoth sides. The Charles.
to.ljl haser ha~ve, litulltt- i tiirallle tties in snappy
tvel llat iY 1.1tuit taI'5 llu Wiihcout sever' 1o'eakitiginto
i' "ii fi liil ip
Bi Y all2Im-az lls Noria, al i~f tl lll'41 iefi t1"-the''t? ilie
m)lt ui ~ii.~ynJk

In aniy event
weal* an

tt F.C. U.S. f>a T. Off.

lteeor'41No. 191?)-l), 10 itteh, 75e.
WIAi x' 'Woi I A' 1 1)" I'D O ii THAA' AN!
~a A~li-ix ug the Amiea'ic r;iil")i
'IVI' N ON 'THE I '.A'I' (fro iai Motiua ie.~~
tir Stimni5 sidetUp,' )
Rcrt'd Nip. 1984-17), 10 Inch, 7The
CAJ1I'US C':iiES (frn i'sll\ctr0-GCJdw~n- ed Wali~ict
M~Ia ( i" i)'I't s sL (o)lge'),V . T'rat
Cat A.it (C DI AYS (front lMetro-Goldwyn- uiid
'l 1yer' s'1'h i " sCollege"') 1Fox r''rot HisCiunpus flnyi

ILE'l ra~inI,-wind oroi cill swe epl) tefield-you're dry fand,
W atkn zoIIN, t t'"r t l~d~t , loo! 1xpe =tIy styled m. a wide range
oi i. !Asir tis tt'°l!'.i"Oieft1Uc d i u om[en, ~.50) to ,25
g kil. .it;VP1'OR COINPAkNY, St. I1.6iis
Ic' t I I :er'f g -'ii l Iieors try m tc Itall eoaiVi.
$2 iaud $3.50 it pair
Ask to see t]hen


K E E ,P

I) T



T 0


- - - -- -- - T-O

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