1 H t v ii7 C f i s-, 1 t-,. 7i. lY._ Y L4..l 47 l "It-,4 , . ;z - . - "..fi i - i v ii 'a - il ,.:CLAi 7 +'_ _ _L H ESEARCI HPORRBSPRVEADING RAILS ON TRACK; GET SMALL LOOT' IOSEN ii QiiIN I W O FOR FUTURE WORK~ IWF s r SREFENTON Willktvu oy as a yecarefree ;JU i~o (to d'ssome :Luifmirawe Cactin, ini "'iw iv ling Fool," Wtieiii is cuvra Iu it talkie. In lhis d:!ree evil ace role, his ethics concerning the op - poS e ex lire oil the "findI 'vii, too". ,eml, forget 'ern" order. When his EXCHANGES TO GIVE. GRNTS FOR STUDY ?L.[ti' ih i13tumbr calf' Fe wsp Procurable for Studerns- to Study Abroad. 6 NATIONS MAKE OFFER Ftiitiie& sResearch Fouindation Urged by Prof. A. E. White, Bureau Director. Met~hods of Diati'l~( * CITES MANY CiA M11.11S N E.-,-' ,.; :. <:' ": . : a ,{ C o n.t i i u e l " r u li a' e I N i. MO! FACILITIE7S '. "and not because he was siritual ly, F f ,zovrned by an ideal. That is what' R~eport Indicates Large Increase f..ImenwenIsy htmehnc in Volume of Work Over F are a thing of the past in real, drama Las Yer. Inthe old days w could easily t .>4 z < : nd early discriminatebctvee th Work on 134 projects for indus-f ;4 hero and thvae villain in any ly trial concerns involving expendi- Inormdstehowa vie, tures of $186,017.51, further urging adtevlinbak sso h of the prjce'nierigR-. '..Villain made his entrance we knew search foundation for fundamental . . ..'. along the canal. But now we scarce- research, a plea for better facili- ; r>::'.:: :. know when to applaud ad when to ties, particularly in the automotive hiss. The hero and villain are bothi engieerig an mecanic labra=a sort of 'gray and- we rran no long-i tories, and a statement that there e ucl itnus ewe is a real need for more fundarnen- '! {.," :<;... :.;'<::;? j"Shawt's Candida' is an examulpe tally trained research workers, of:::. t: .",.' .<:his. There is no conformity to were the outstandling features of an abstract ideal in it. The hero5~a the annual report of the ;depart- . is apparently a model of matial ment of engineering research of fdlt n e h un u o the engineering college just made be far from that.'' pubic y rof A.E.Whie, irc- heTrain robbers derailed a Southern Pacific passen oer tran nea Saugus Calif by sreading the rails of Modernists, maintaind Mr. As- torli ofthdPrtmA.En t ,drc h tracks. As the train was wrecked, the bandits rushed in and held up the passengers, obtaining lootpchrbeivtatvrydg. fo fthe figu r m nti e. i he a -amounting to less than $1,000. None of the persons ab o alrd the tin wee killed't ainace, bitseth ae dvirydalismad, nual report show an increase in the Crtten en- Thre'' Y e#C eDiA but at the same time these uod- volume of work and number ofCittndeAReort DEBATES ..1~ ekLrO ernists add a whole chain of pndi- LEAGtUsEopae'it hoe+o vidual responsibilities that. ain- prjcsa oprdwt hs~f Unusual Growth ofI TO 0 P E' N SERIES of Incubation ShowsI tain a proper balance. last year, w hen the figure w a s," . " "Today's dram atist e mnploy si14 ,5 .6 n in r a e o 4 , ; t t ' hc o d i h s h o st r u h u h t t e l n f E1 ~ 1 C 1c e e i l g e t a r n s t r l Ff6 .J f r t e y a il t d v n p i t e ntti i~ pn Foreian study fellowshiD.9 and fe'r the fair female (Marie Pre- scolarships are offered under the Brost) 1, viator Bill in trying to dis- international student exchanges of ~ttehimi, is himself captivated, the Institute of International Ed- Tlhe photoplay, especially in ease! ucation to American students wvho of some stunt flying shots, is un- wish to study abroad, it is an- usual~y good and, entertaining,( nounced by officials of the organi- cl<a T. Off. lteeor'41No. 191?)-l), 10 itteh, 75e. WIAi x' 'Woi I A' 1 1)" I'D O ii THAA' AN! ~a A~li-ix ug the Amiea'ic r;iil")i 'IVI' N ON 'THE I '.A'I' (fro iai Motiua ie.~~ tir Stimni5 sidetUp,' ) Rcrt'd Nip. 1984-17), 10 Inch, 7The CAJ1I'US C':iiES (frn i'sll\ctr0-GCJdw~n- ed Wali~ict M~Ia ( i" i)'I't s sL (o)lge'),V . T'rat Cat A.it (C DI AYS (front lMetro-Goldwyn- uiid 'l 1yer' s'1'h i " sCollege"') 1Fox r''rot HisCiunpus flnyi ILE'l ra~inI,-wind oroi cill swe epl) tefield-you're dry fand, W atkn zoIIN, t t'"r t l~d~t , loo! 1xpe =tIy styled m. a wide range oi i. !Asir tis tt'°l!'.i"Oieft1Uc d i u om[en, ~.50) to ,25 g kil. .it;VP1'OR COINPAkNY, St. I1.6iis v ./c A LIIGATOR STEP S Ic' t I I :er'f g -'ii l Iieors try m tc Itall eoaiVi. $2 iaud $3.50 it pair Ask to see t]hen t' r K E E ,P I) T F ~ RO(MA H EAD T 0 FOOT ' - - - -- -- - T-O