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November 14, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-14

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J4113..L 1*V V Pr - t-1 1V1 1 + I . 61 " i' L/"$ a. A

wih rwill "Interfere in ayway 10
U~ti ~R4~tp Da~g~ ' O '~ OLL I Music And Drama{
Pubished every morning except Monjay duties of pledges, or which will in- T___________D_
during the Univ ersity year by the Board rdi i I - Q-0
Control of Student Publcations. volve any physical or nervously ex-i
M~ember of Western Conerence Editorial hausting task." TNIGH'T: Louis K. Aspacler,
Association The ruling covers a multitude of 1NW erstwhile American dramatist, gives
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled sins and the greatest problem ii COMRL a lecture in lull auditorium on "Tie
t6 the use for republication o all news .dis en forcing it will bc the differentia- I The Editor: Siri'o oenDaa"a f
jxatches credited to it or not otherwise creditedi
tn this paper and the local news published tion of harmful and harmless! Sir- fort to define and evaluate the nu-
heren, ledg aciviies.Natonalfraer- It has been brought to my at- m nerus and complicatedl trends in
Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor, nities have long been beseeching tnirb ysceaysassat h rsn rmtcrnsc'c
MIichigan, as second class matter. Special ratetn11 yIl ertr' sitnttepeetdaai eSe.C
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- their chapters to abolish the tra - that the late Lark has ceased to act 1 {
master General.
Subscription by Cart ier, $4.0; by mail, $4.50. ditional "hell wee," or at least as editor of the Toasted Rolls co- PUl'P111~lY
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-. modify it toga lesser degree of lice- un.Aoeofyrpar'bet GdnCai,wihtt lzi
card Street.urnAsoeoyorpprbet GroCriitthtma)I
Phones: Editorial, 4925;, Business, 21214. tic existence. In some instancesI friends and severest critics, I should faculty of his for stirring things up.;
EDITORIAL STAFF chapters have altered their pro- like to oiler a few suggestions for is pretty largely responsible for the
gramns to permit noom time for thle purpose of assisting you in se-I recent renascence of' interest in
Telephone 4925 study but have continued to inflict lecting the successor to the retiring{ thcpuppet-show in. the English]
MANAGING EDITOR bodily punishment; in other cases editor. spaineord.al- nhui~
ELLIS B. MERRY t eeptlwyadihnnteeds lae o ms el expressed itself in a magazine en-'
entire period 'was utilized in men- ' izentefrtlcyums by now that the new editor; titled "Marionette," publishing cv-j
Edior...............Gerge~. tally harrassing the future broth- must not have the remotest ideas I rything of interest connected with
City Editur.............. Pietcc Rosenberg es nfwcsshv h w of literary fonn, for, as you un- I puppetry. This enthusiastic en-
News Edlitor .... ........Gerge E. Simons phases of pre-initiation punish- d'bel aeprevd hri uewsssiiul nhroy
Sportns Editr....... ldwar L rl tcr meJr. been atgehraboished. lay the downfall of that talented wt ayo ig te eon-
Telefraph Editor ..........(ssain A. Wilsot Most fraternity mene agree that ayugmn ar.rxs aythathtioniygfdCaes aoteric tI]
Music and Dramai....... William J . Cona on in al.Ti1~ a httUlil ittsaottetia
Literary Editor.......... .awrence R. Klein moderate amount of discomfort and hi.uo a favyhg tn r.Caghdadsrsso b
AssstntCit Eitt.....Ebet J Fldanmental distress brought them, later, ca rd thoQugh not aiw ys without a ac~ r ono h elzto
rak Night Editors ~into closer contact with their fe- taeo h arol rte athatsitsrimporn thewatliatthe
Fran t .Cooper [lity J. Merty taeo h agyeo h n htisiprac a tfig h
William C. (.;entry IRobert 1. h lows; that it knit together the Arbor Daily. But the inomneit that art of senic design il which 1]^ is
Charles It. Kaufman Walter\. Wilds members of their own class; and lie began to interest himself in lit-! supreme. Some of heis most beau-
Beta whReporters that it helped to flatten the ego- ratute, his art declined. So it is; tiful produtions have resulted in
BenamAkwth dtottpl'ay tism of those afflicted with super- } that you must unquestionably se- ,adsrprin ihtetbe
elnBarelUax id <l. Nichol ipootonwt htbe
Maxwell Batuer William Page, iority complexes. Like the small'lctsom onwhisqteuc-
Miary L. Behyntnr Howard it. Peckham bo who hit himself with a ham- let11 newoI ute .rCn turned. It was q1ute natural for!
Begjamrtin it. Iteretsor Ilugh Piercebo tami1nted by any of the principlesI him to turn to marionettes as the
Allan Ii. Berkuman V ictr Rabinowitz mxer because "it felt so good whenoftelery art or anly of itsidafgue.Hhs inyntr
S. 'Beach Conger John'ID. R ndel f h ltrayIdelfgrs e°a ayitr
Thomas Nl Cooley Jeantie Roberts lie stopped," the pre-initiation per- jm:concpts.1 esting things to sy "Marionettes
John H. Dleier Josephb A. Rnusell iod enables the neophyte to C I p sugestegis.che+
Helen iDomitme lseph Ruow tch Per rmit i11W. therefore, t, o areC men without eOS1. . ., ly
Margaret Eckels 'William 1. Sazarulo elate h1s15 rigts as a full memlbe' fr. te f.Ete olwn:.ae leiw*1ac htt1 e
Katharine Per rin Chat s R .Sp' owl1 rig lffe tefolwig aeevn uaar ha he e
Carl s'. Forsythe . CudmxcllSwtanson Ona the other hand too severe a Peter M. Jack thcm.? a delightful ilocece Cto be
Sheldon C.. iiuiuitt nJam, lhatyer probation period is detrimental andMuican Dam Editor fontohr H tg udb
Puth Geddes Mlatgart Thompson fue ohr i tg ildb
(iiievra Cinn Richard L. Tobin should be avoided. Physical injuryI V.4fadDr aE Any editor of the Inlanderhua....Begeoitmnbt
ck Goldsmith lwb~eth Valetine which is sometimesng permanenten ott-
ilorris Grovermian Ifarol 4el Warrn, Jr. wihi oeie emnn f-staff itepr'et th3eselves; aione tteS
Ross cGustin c hat hs \bite eirslsadvlal tfytm r cnitrrtohr hns el
Margaret iBarris G. Lionel Willeis enrsls'n alal td ie Hoping to see mn Iamne inpritcaineptohrtigsIral
D)avid B. -lfentpstead John I'. Willoughby is lost by indiscriminate hazing-- 1 30011,lv cannot tale dthrem srouly
Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wist.e.
e an Levy Bmlara Wright the type whch Michigan State is Yours faithfully, I enough; if there is a solemn thing
Russell F. McCracken Vivian Zinit attempting to abolish. The real Your best friend & ' in life only a marionette can in-
BorthyNE SS---STAFF _____T difficulty facing the council will be severest critic terpret it.
Teehoe211 judging to what extent the local ^ This is rathler startling news to
Telephone 21211fraternities are pushing thicir ac- UINS MAAE At a recent wedding in Detroit most of us whlo had thought of the
BUSINEJSRMANAGR vte. the audience was deeply moved at activity of a puppeteer as rather
A.3.JODNIJRf they succeed in toning down tihe sight of the sweet, demurelietrnghecakoahnd
.Assistant Manager teruhsufteydevecI yo" # bride. She was led down :organ, with the entertainment die-j
ALEX K. SCHERER Igauain.I they qulcoalt;n aisle by her aged father rived on a somewhat similar level.1
Dearmetzin~esg, twleb terofr amiid a hushed reverence. Upon Puppetry, sophisticated Americans
DeparmentManaers ret.reaching the low platform before1 thought, was child-play to be
Advertising............. iollist letrMsbon--- 0-- the atar, her bril"smaidS were watched with indulgent eyes. But,
Advertistng .............KSmspeiooH. Haperon 1" tifd to see her accidentally up- aesthetically, there is a good deal
Service..................George A. Svater wt h o fo rt I zzrsdcu.Fo
Ciccloun..................Johen Iois C mps pinion set a potted flower wihteteo°ftuh nCagsdcu.Fo
X2icunatso.......... ..... ...JohVen R oreerisliapers a certain view point the puppet
Publications............... Gerge iHamiltoni Contributors are asked to he bif, hrsipr
confinI themseves to les than 3oo0IThere was a moment of suspense I does make a good ideal for the hu-
Assistants words i possible. Anonymous fcOifl during which shie raised timid, I an actor to strive to approximate.
Ryodapbl LarneLeymuications will be disregarded. hd lkeeest tesypthtcItiamehns obyg tte
'r aymndCambel LwrnceLaey ams o cmmuicntswin, owver ,ohid-coeeys unicantstheicItwsilll nislobeyngnotth
James E. Cartwright Thonas Muir be regarded as cofidential, tupon re- e
Robert Crawford Cwurge Patterson us aeo h~mnse eoehr e ciet fpyilgcadpy
H-arry B. Culver Charles Sanford qus. Letters published should nt eoftemnsrbfreh. racinsofpyooicnds-
Thomas M. Davis Lee S})tt construed as expressing' th editorialI ruby lips parted and she said in cholog ic diturbanes that often
Norman Elieer 12birt. Sttonopnnofteaiy a low, Clear voice, upset the careful plans of a diec-
Donald lEwing ,Roger C.Thiorpe "Wha a hll o lc opt!frbttewl fteoecetr
James Hoffer Jseph \Vant Riper t AMERIAN ' ataN f llaetopt orbt h wl o heoe ratr
~un.Johnson Robert Wvilliamsoan a"' lily," the 'puppeteeCr. Tt cerrtainily has no
Charles Kline Williamn R. Worboys To the PEditor: :afetiosnoeevecl p-
L ara din g Kohacker "The 13f1 a m l e orc n l lustrat r . . .Ic dhe original them e so g m akes Isouaity to bubble for an audience.
Larieaserhitglite r ~iiy hm ayIe urhoeitssc nd appearance about ths timne of The self -consciousness that plays
Bftence Goasern FllcjaI illerht Da~aClun o.12 rc
H~tneGu~g !theyearbeingof a erhite Drama Column, Nov.aural n12.
Anna Goldberg 'Pil oonr it lkinshaw Art and illustration are two ti-th1e y, bteingrmof a ereniaomlsnsav elwithnaturlgrcdi.u
Lootea Waterman I t ametrn.ctheloropofaslongsowhman.is.eliinated
Night___ditor -ilim . etyaetiayopsshre. Pait- I wa:il from the f~eshmlen over de- BuFit more seriously, there is the
on.f h fedso atcn-linquttencies concerning rhetoric I fat that the life of the puppet is
TUSANOVEMBER 14, 1929 tm ideas, designs, color, and e-paes in acting; life for the puppet isa
THRDAIpression; which if handled by anf! function of acting. In the aesthetic
arti'st, result in an aesthetic Exper- STATI~STICAL.NOTI experience of a puppet-show the
_____________________________fence for the observer. Illustra- if all the automobiles in the concept of acting is taken for
_ pYOUNGER FRESHMEN tion is an institution con trolled by world were placed end to end it {gatdadw ocnrt i h
Said Harvard's Lowell recently, business and money, where no ideas would be Sunday. life that these mechanisms manage
"The younger boys are at collegej of any consequence are had, thus I* to project, and are fascinated by
the better behaved and bettr I'fitting itself for the "great public." Football Minded Mother Goose life-expression. In the aesthetic
scholars are they." I-I was re-( The profession of an illustrator, be- Little Joe Gaul experience of a play with humans,
marking hopefully on the tendency* cause of its nature, makes it impos- Has fumbled the bal. the concept of life, because it is an
for freshmen to conme to college at sible for him to produce a work of I We don't know why we signed I inevitable asset of the actor, is
tendereir and tenderer ages. are. He would no longer sta yat the him. taken for granted and we look for
-In one way this tendency is un- 1iack work if he did. But leave him alone, acting with its trade-tricks and
questionably a good thing. If the A person calling American illus-1 And he'll come home judge the performance largely wit
secondary schools arc increasing tration our hope, shows a complete Dragging soic gains behind the concept of acting in mind. Th
their eficiency so that they cani lack of knowledge of Ameican arit, hIim. puppet's achievement is that of
m~ore quickly prepare students for Iandaciia ugetwihcn -excerpt from Iliving by means of acting; that is
college, it naturally follows that the not distinguish photography from I Om1ar Tent, a Poem. the fusino ietocnet
students canl graduate, support painting. Coiparntg the "cream~ of I*NWih81ol etil ete1.n
themselves, and get married earl- ; Amnerican illustration" with tim (ine of the month's prize nws j of al hunl CL-rasyb lwa
ier in life. Biologically the ideal best in American paintin g is like items~ is the obituary of a, Ulan,{ In. 1928, seven books aboutI wkr
age at which to miarry is between comparing O'Neill with h-onorabe11 aged twenty-five, whose "greatest oettes ppeared i l e wUitA
18 and 2. It is thne crimec of the George M. Cohen, Dreisr with Ei- i comll:)hshiert in life was writing States, cal-loluenit bi of eviene,.

present edtucationial-economiic sys-I nor Glynn, GynCabrilowitsch wiw th the a bookl, Old Age--1ow to .Avoid It, that a lively revivil i sat h~and
temn that the college graduate must; Maestro Paul Whiteman, Kt. John I which ;sold three edilns." !There are .t leatst fi Itcen ptofe,i
postpone his miiatrimioniy until he is the Divine withl St. Patick bth * sontal traveling~ companies it.
nearer 24 or 25.; of New York), or Respighi withi one IAndc thent the omee nuisanice Anmerica. Tony Sirg;'S is one of thi
"Youinger freshmen, however, will of the hundreds of# jazz scr ibes. ca-alI around just now with the one (more important Aloes. All the play,
present a problem to th~e un~ivers4- Illustration is as self-evident as abcout the Scotclunani who got slap- i that he uses wvere written or re-
ties that miust be handled tactful- a photography, only pliotograpbyly ped because hie was so close-which written spec ifically for his coin
ly. Bel ig less mature and less rc- lhas the advanitage of tieing rmoie 1shlows that in~ spite of everything, pally.Il lie hs confinied hiin1. cof ;c:
sponsible, they will require more exact and does not feigni at Is~j this cohuni still has the lead onl far almost.! to Rmaio vv ith
+ disciplinary surveillance and more tletyJ" or fool itself by sJ,_ a'-iii" i's J thel Gargoyl~e, editorial policies of ,strong appeal toi chlctldreii to b,),m
p.aternallim on the pant of the ad-- art.' Art! Bahi! what sol10ointi tith latter to thle contrary. teudteri nds the lilarlolletteF isa
iintistrative authorities. At tm osne rsmditheeib o **divine. Hehasno atempedMae
same time the universities must desligns adjaceint to flee illustra i The following news Item is here terlinek' and Shakespeare as t-e
continue to graduate men and tionis in thme Architectural lobby is reprinted fromi the Surprise Valley Continental companiies have. li~u
and women whose mnoral comipe- a mnuci higher "star forytii (Calif.) Record. he has relined away all the gawky
yo~iteiice anmd independence is as high architects t~o set them' t ciiici"'I,"Marion........... mlad~e a trip comedy of tihe old Plunch and Jtid
or hghertha tha oftoda. Ineye upo." to Fort who hays beent seriously ill shows.
ii hlie hntato oa.i ee pi. itli ulcer of Bidwell this morn~iig'Ith J, (J"
other wocrdis, freshmiien will leave to It would be well to spend a few _ .-g
be distiniguished from tseniiors, and hor ihe AtLirr to visit her father the stomach. 14isiy
seniors from graduate students, Ini (thiank Carimegie!) i A. M. H.an condition is steadily improving,"." ORGAN RECITAL~
thesureilanc tmatis xerise hve "peasmitshck oi~eye*' And from a Maryville (Tenn.) ' A R-ev'iew by fU. iobe°t IReich'
ovrten.bleaeiia "plesw sork ont.eyed" apr:Palmier Christian, University or
Ifbytseisgis not done, thfe dismal you -"For Sale--Walniut bedroom tsuite ganiist, gave excellent accolult o
wan simiplicity s:ee what Rodin. ftr a aiyb rgotctdRni rlralo iei e consisting of china closet, table and himself in ye-;erday's recital at IHil
futun rent ndeaibeponst icti Rni rMalo ie nafwfour chairs: one 100 pound refrig- Autditoriumi. The ouitstaniding nuni"
fo prsncodtosaMih-strokes in time nSiie Galleries ii
gaim. Here ,: slight lessening of the Deri o myb orator; I Washington heater, one ber onlthe program was the Badc~
avrae atrtyan rspnibliy etot.Yo my ejarred though -alo opr ete""P'ascaglia in {C Minor." Mr. Chrcis
aeaemtrtanrepniiiyby the beauty and aesthetic exper- *M*x ftani has played "TrheliC ass aglia'
hasreslte inthewhoe sudet inceifyou are ssestve to it, A fewcdays ago a stranger knock- on several important previous oc
body beig deprived of automobiles, See what Cezannie can geve 'il icn- Iewnordor nopnn t ec b..adcneuetyyse
frie hen and gradte stents ae cif, or Degas in crayons, or VTlain- vwere indeed delighted, for there 'day's performance evidenced re=
alk. Wn f the averagetageodymics Inrwaer coor.-e s me o stood good old Bill looking just markablle deftne~s ill erecutlol
of he tudnt odyis urter e-Renoir's work, and notice his treat- about the samec as lie had two Manipulation of stops and piedal
duced by a year or two, it is easy nenit of a ',rhapsodicosehatecrepndgd- young ladly months before. He was rather im- was precise. hinterpretation of th+
prtoos see h nd atthrespninide at a piano," or Mlaliet's handling of I paitient and out of breath, we ask- theme variations was well contrast
privaions ban, andpatenahins "
rediynm~beom ntlralet xea'~~culctnproblem" ellSehinm to sit down for a few min- ed. In this series of variation
extinction. "xctono a ila. e utes. -but hie declined. Instead, he every dlevice of couinterpoint is enmi

S. 'il r M
This is the Band you want to make G' pu. j3Q
y'our party a big success. * ' ,,t, j zi)
Ben's Blue Blowers
"'We Satisfy",:
41,0 Phonecs 619 W'
Want Ads Pay __

i I

Flora Mann Cuthbert Kelly
Nellie Carson Norman Stone
~ -::Lillian Berger Norman Noly
{::::::::" :"::... NGLISIH SINGERS gather around a table (thus
i q tt1 O l st'A rr~ eviving the customs of Queen Eliz'abeth's England), and
I «"itlhut tile Slightest "renarationi or ceremny, pour froui their
throats the gay, light-hearted Folk Songs, Madrigals and
~.*Carols of those harpy days that. made the country fanmiots
": : ::. ;".thzroughout the world as !!Merrie England."

A14 wM$~ "SW l
11 00 r iii 1* 1

_ r mm

r- r I'

I1T1Tt'~ Mi it11111illlli I-l




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