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November 10, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-10

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A MI [ OF [R A to Prof. Emil Lorch, of were enjoined to repair an Inger-
esarchitectural school, much in- soll watch" and pecists the flab- (B y Associated Press)
P W Rterest has been shown in the exhi-begsd sasmn i vrou BADEN-BADEN, Germany, Nov.
L bition of original drawings by stages of fainting..ThBakiIt
' ~Amnerican illustrators o whnin.9.ThhBn n Itentin. St
rr hangs in the lower corridor of the Three more illustrations have tlements provided for in the Young
r architectural building. Since the attracted much attention: one by Plan reparations agreements will be
Senator Moses Hears Reply to exhibit of originals of magazine il- Maurice L. Bower is a study of ex- located at some city in Switzerland,
slustrations was placed there Fri pression of people at a Sunday probably Zurich.
day literally hundreds of students service in a country church ;the. c
Upper House. and townspeople have thronged the second, titled "Speaking of Prohi- The decision, reachod by the com-
I lower gallery where the drawings bition", by Charles Dana Gibson, mittee which is drawing up statutes
ACTION ON BILL IS SEEN are being shown, depicts four elderly financiers for the institution, was made at
There are caricatures by Ra holding cocktails and gravely dis the expense of further- collabora-
Ther arecariaturs byRalp cussin g the merits of prohibition;tonoth Bega dlgti,
Gyrating Crew' in Senate Is Barton, there is the original for the the thirdis a fantastic study of tion of the Belgian delegation,
Scored by Easterner in cover of the Easter number of Life, !.prize-fight, the two grotesquely- which left for Brussels after that
Hthere are two paintings by W. T. shaped boxers in the foreground. city had been rejected as the bank
Hot Debate. I Benda, one entitled '"Hopi In-;wieihebcgondaese ite
amy Associat ret? sSdians Dancing," the other "Japa- row on row of nothing but faces. The designation was agreed upon
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. - CalledThexbihihsciuatdatrhrewk fdadodr-
"Sons of the Wild Jackasses" by Gluyas Williams has done a by the American Federation of after three weeks of deadlock, dur-
Senator George H. Moses, of New drawing for The New Yorker, one Arts, is the third of a series of ing which the claims of Brussels
Hampshire, members of the Repub- of a series called "Industrial such collections being shown at and London had been uppermost,
lican Independent-Democratic coal- Crisis". This articular one has! the architectural school and will be with France and Italy supporting
S wc ofthe caption, "The day Cartier's on display during the entire month. Belgium, and Great Britain, Japan
and Germany upholding London.
power in the tariff struggle, retal- The Americans expessed no pre-
iated Friday in the Senate in pic- I[1 LONDON, Eng.-Workmen en- ferenee


Irving K. Pond, who designed
both the Union and the Women's
League buildings. will give his
views on modern architecture at a
banquet of the Archiitectural so-
ciety to be held Friday night, No-
vember 15, in the Women's League


turesque language. gaged in drainage excavations at When it became evident a coin-
Members of the Western Repub- the Tower Bridge Road in the heart promise would have to be made,
lican Independents who'have bolted ,of London, have uncovered human two sites were considered, Amster-
the party regulars on the tarift Iskulls and bones of animals, sev- dam and some Swiss City, the enu-
measure, took the appetation to eral hundred years old. trality of either country being con-
themselves and loosed new attacks It is believed that the relics, sidered guaranteed. Amsterdam fi-!
on the pending Tariff biil. Three-Hour Sessions Scheduled found about 15 feet below the sur- nally was rejected because of evi-'
Trhe New Hampshire Republican, for Trading Throughout face, are what is left of the plague dence of stock speculation there re-
who cmployed the "jackass" char- in London in 1665-66. 'cently.
acterization in a speech last night Coming Week.
before a meeting of New nglandI A"IO tr ,,S P L
the time in his capacity as presi- CURTAILED BY STATE COMMISSIONJ
dent pro tem. He ignored the rules (13V Associated Press) --_- _--
long enough to state from the chair NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-The stock (1q Associated Pressi operate with the state in its efforts
to Senator Burton C. Wheeler, market was closed today after end- LOS ANGELES, Nov. 9. - Comn- to eliminate the evil.
Democrat, "if the senator from ing its week with a session of nor- pletion of a curtailment program
Montana can find a more fitting mal trading which, in the opinion which cut California's daily crude With the completion Friday of
appellation for the gyrating crew of bankers, indicated a return of oil output by 2-2,00 barrels to a the curtailment program which was
that runs the Senate, the senator stability.4 total of 653,000,& was acclaimed in made under 90-day agreements,'
from New Hampshire will be glad The stock exchange and the curb petroleum circles today as mark- the crude oil purchasers summar-
to make use of i." exchange will be open Monday, ing the stabilization of the indus- ily abandoned the low price sched-
Brookhart Satiries Speech. Armistice day, with a two-minute ty and the dawn of a new era in ule and resumed the schedule for-
This word by the presiding cf- suspension of business at noon in whic.. over-production would hav2 mearly in effect, which provides a
,cer brought laughter from boih I recognition of the day. Three-hour no payt. price range of fram 34 cents to
sides. Smiles lighted the faces of session, from 10 a. m. to 1 p. in., At the same time leaders of the $1.65 per barrel, according to its
the participants in the ensuing dis- will be continued next week, with successful m vement turned their gravity, or gasoline content. The
cussion, which attracted leaders of the exc1ange closed Saturday. attenti<n to the natural gas pro- average price approximates $1.10
both the Republicank Independents The sales on the stock exchange duction am* wastage prl-em. ,u- per barrel.
and the Democrats. Senator Fur-! Friday were 3,214,660 shares. The der the prod of the .seccnd in- Dean Henry Moore Bates of the
nifold M. Simmons. of North Caro- turnover for the week was 22,516,- junction -suit filed in an effort tO Law school has of late been engag-
lina, ranking Democrat on the 410 shares. The ticker was 37 min- enforce the state's new gas con- ed in working out with a national
Finance Committee, insisted the utes late at the close. servat'on law. ,!committee the methods whereby!
coalition was the result only of a Readjustments after the frenzied The suit was filed by Attorney crude oil output may be so regu-
"union of minds" and not of any trading of the last two weeks re- General U. S. Webb against all lated as to avoid price fluctuations
agreement. : sulted in an irregular market which producers in the Signal Hill, Long in the oil industry.
Senator Smith W. Brookhart, of i showed the general level of prices ! Beach, Calif., area, and requested__
Iowa, one of the Republican-Inde- lower at the close, although several they be enjoined. from producing- -
pendents who told the $enate tale issues made net gains for the day. more gas than required to lift oil AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF C
other day of the "Wall Street booze The group of bankers who or- from wells, It, stated wastage in the DALCROZE EURYTHMICS
party" to some Republican senators, ganized to stabilize the market at field totaled 100,000,000 cubic feet Modern Education in
observed that "this is not the fist the beginning of the collapse said a day. RHYTHM
eloquent speech of this kirnd the they planned no meetings over the The over-production problemI MOVEMENT
senator from New Hampshire has 'week-end. They pointed to the reached a climax among independ- MUSIC
made" ''orderly character of the trading, ent operators recently when the
"I h days before dry dir iers ! the reduction in volume and the seven major companies, which Solfe e Improvisation, Piano,
became fashionable," continued absence of selling pressure as indi- handle the entire output, slashed I Composition.
Brookhart, "he spoke of the farm cations of improved conditions. their purchase prices on crude oil NORMAL TRAINING
block and he described them as by approximately 50 per cent. Dalcroze Certificate Provides
composed of 17 lawyers, theditor ! The reaesons given for the slais New Profession for College and Music
cmoeof1layrone eio themselves," continued Wheeler, students
and one well-digger. Since dinners "but t:e reIcts upon their fathers were that the stability of the in- Booklet on Request
have become dry, I want to con- and thei mothers." dustry was threatened by continu- PAUL BOEPPLE. Director
gratulate the senator from New Wheeler cniied att,:'iacti that ed over-production, and independ-- 9 East 59th St., New York ,
grtlt h eatrfo e n roueshdfie' -to Volunteer 1357 4
Hampshire for he rises even to a Moses had been selected as chair- ent producers had failed to co-
higher pinnacle of eloquence and man of the 1'".publican Senatorial
determines that we are the sons of Campaign. Ce!r mittee ai noted
wild jackasses." that lie wouid be active therefore
Borah Also is Caustic. .in seeking the re-electioa f some
Senator Wheeler, who first called of the "sons cf wild ja :as.es' in
the attention of the Senate to the the ncrthwe t.
Moses appellation, said he presum- Getting ;ito the discussion, :cen-
ed it applied to the Western Repub- ator George W. norris, of Neeb as-
lican-Independents "and to some ka. another of the lead,,-:s of tbc
of us over here" on the Democratic Independents, tent back to the ta- 6
side. tk bearing all manner of irticles
"Of course, we cannot tell," to be used as e--ibits ,, the tarifl
Wheeler said after Brookhart's re- debate. He r fcxoed to rhi' collec- t
marks, "what he might have seaid tion as "Grundyr Store." Joseph R.
if the dinner had not been dry; he Grndy. president of th.' Penins :-
might have been even more elo- vania Manufactyrers' ,:.sociation,
quent under other circumstances." is ouc of the icacg hig.t tariff ad-} ~
This caused Senator William E. vocates. )
Borah, of Idaho, a leader of the When Norn:-is picked up a salad
Independents, to observe "when we bowl filled with excelsior, Senat' r
think of what the senator of New i Barkley asked }f that was "fodder
Hampshire said and what he might i(r tne a kses?"
have thought, we ought to be well "That's the id:Jd of feoo they are
satisfied with what he said." giving the r :Prican ><:ple ' said ..
Senator J. Thomas Heflin (Dem.), 1Nris. "and tcy turc the bow
Alabama, suggested the Moses .tver to M Grndy to h., keep .
speech was inspired by the "scrip- these jack-sscs out of t:. Senate."jr.. :. . 2«_<.
ture idea that the ox knoweth his _______:'>._..__ :
owner and the ass his master's NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, X
_., _ _ . . x t e _ _ _ . .._ _ . -_ ' ~ t- , T ..,f. T .S . L "T _ i _ _ _ . .~-t ; "f". "{.:9 :SY. .::,7A:N . .:::i":.":b::;.: ":u ::

building, it was announced yester-
day by Donald A. Kimball, 30A.,
chairman of the social committee
or the organization.
Pond, who is one of the most out-
standing architects in America, is
a Michigan graduate, having re-
ceived the degree of Civil Engineer
in '79 and that of A. M. Honorary
in '11. He is a fellow of the Amer-
ican Institute of Architects and a
past president of that organiza-
Arrangements are also being
made to secure speakers, either Al-
fonso Iannelli, famous modernistic
sculptor; or W. E. Knapp, junior
member of the architectural firm
of Smith, Hinchman. and Gryls, of
DENVER, Colo-The students of
the University of Denver have real
football spirit; the men have
sworn not to shave and the women
have decided to forego the use of
cosmetics until their team wins a
One of the thousand thrills its
Warner Bros.' sensational snys-.
tery melodrama.


Miraclaed 1
\ Valeteria Press . .
t - -- -
Miracleaned tf
Valeteria Press
Cash and Carry
IEI- e r


WAkNtR 05, pien
uo'a 'sno'-

III, MOM - . mwv%


club.'" At this point Senator Albin
W. Barkley (Dem.), Kentucky, ask- +
ed: "Does that apply to jackasses
as well as to the ordinary ass?"
S:n tor Wheeler referred him to
Senator Mscs.
"He not f niy goes to the extent
of reflecting upon the Senators

n-The Mens Union at Northwest-
ern University have requested that
all men purchase buttons in order
to show that' they are members of
the Union. The Union of North-
western Men is a new organization,
and next week a membership drive
is planned.

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empire's tallest building and its largest hotel. This in-
mense structur e embodies modern improvements broughl),, t
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provided by seventeen elevators of Otis-Fensorn manufacture.
Ten of these are Otis lignal Control elevators, and the rem

Ppn sna Ipualmandl MpmanuRnnl,.

E: A


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