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November 06, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-06

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W11~Th7W~ThAV 'NW~V A I~I~


4,Cl4w7.l '[1 d 3 JL V e xsrcrv


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all member,
of the Unriversity. Olopy received by the Asistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p, M.-(11:30 a. in. Saturday)

UyneyUiversity Lecturer Talks
t on Relations of States






Henry fl. Mussey, nnghgedi-
tor of the Natioii, will be the pi-
ciple speaker at a Nation .Thnlei' to
be held Novcmbcr 16, at 6: 30'
o'clock in the Turn Verein c iub-
house at 8731 East Jefferson ave-
nue, .Detroit. Mr. Miussey was pro-
fessor of economics at WelieslX
college for seven years, leaving that
institution last .Tune. lie hai beei
a Washington correspondent, arid

EVENTS TODAY ni Commonwealth,
Organ Itceltal by Margaret MacGregor at 4:15 p. in., Mill Auditor--___
Art Exhibition illustrating New Ways of Art Education in Geranx- - - -
PuicSc~hools from the Prague International Congrress of ,Arts, in third Te Pnan~ci ii relations be'tween


floor exhibit room, Architectural Buiidiing, from 9 to J daily, except Sun- the various stMates in the dominion has also taught economics at Bryn
dathh November 9. and the commnonwealth itself way~ Mawr and Columbia.
day tio e' topic most stressed in an ad- The first Nation __'11ner was held'
Chemistry. Colloquium mneets at 4:00 p). n. Dr. W. L. Bachinan dress on "Thle Australian Common- in Detrolt last year arid attractcd
will talk on "Plant Coloring Matters." wealth," which was delivered yes- a large number of newspaper men.
trlay afternoon in Angell Hall by, Oswald Garrison Willard was the
Aeronautical kcicty meets at 7:30 1). in., in reom 343 West E i- 'F., A. Bland, lecturer in Public Ad- speaker then.
miistration at the University of_
giniecring Duilding. ;Sydney, Auastrialia. M dclM nA tv
Junior Enginaeers: T, i rc> willtwa cd Ti. ieat 4:30)p. iin.,IMi' 381( xlie eycr-NldclM nA tv
on Field 2, South Ferry Ficeld. riiy and pro("iscly how the coinstk nO tsd erie
The World Fellowship +C('oa.trgil.4 xeof the 13.iti,':w " _:>at 4:00 l-} Iiu . I lt) iaiC-Ui1Q tbeing, how it ha
lNQIl ~fiou. :i11'eit' C1.iU1121 ,t~i Throughout
in 'the Cave room of thea me Nr c utsleit osmmto Coun trty
111 J 901. and what, to him, seem
Orchesis inect;' at d7:1.5jp. in. Tiw c'hauarawl tr dajnccc l~as will liwct t o bC thean zticipsated development ±ctlty i :Rbrsc>teAelcaa
tG l3l; flie constitution. School, a1d staff members of thel
The object was to create a dig-J University hospital are becoming
Black Quill mnc .ts in roc a 21111~ s ~i: Cook Bui~iiln at 7:30) p. 111 nified lfederal governmixent, to be en- increasingly active in extra-mural! oe ihwd oes oeemdcl
dowd ithwie owes.Howve, edical services throughout the
Eta Sigina 1'JJI i itiation in Uniiversity hlig h School Library, at 81:00 at the present time, the federal1 the country. Acting as follow-up'
g.ii.Iovernment of Australia enjoys J speaker to Dr. Hugh1 Cabot, dean of1
on11Y specific powers, the remainder the "Medical School, who spoke last1
I~I Tau Pi Sigman ilTer(:, will be ;i doiner iii the T ap gt~a t~! ., r,:"0; of ''thle powers of government being week at a meeting of the Interna-'
la t1.i.j allotted to the states. Along the tionla1 Medical Aluni Association
am~e linies as the United States at Detroit. Dr. A. C. Curtis, assis tant1
AMiatllicutdics Detpartmntz: Tea will 1e served L. t,:aerbcrs3 of thec Supremae Count, Australia hzas her- dean of the Medical School, is re-!
staff at 4:00 p. mn., in Roomn 320.1 Ailgl H all. (-High 'court, servin~g the function of 1presentinlg the University Hospital
being the guardian and sole iter- 3 at a national convention of hlospi-t
E uHGEVN~ reter of the constitution.; tal research men. The convention !I
Uuiversiity Leture November 7, at 4:15 p. in., Lydia Miendelssohn! Mr. Bland, in his lecture stated is undertaking a survey of recent,
Theatre, Mr. George Youn^, zdiplomiatist .andc author: "Freedom and ( that, "The most difficult problem advancements in surgical research.{I
Commn~and of the Seas". confronting the people was the set- Dr. John Alexander, director of I
fling of the financial relations be-j surgical research at the University;R
Engtalish 300: The Enli"sh sniinary will mnee t as 1u.ualon Thurs- tentesae ndtecmo- opital, is also now active out-of-
daNovember 7, at 0ti00 ill Room 408 Library. Mr. Rusmell Tlhomlasi wealth." Three mnethods for the tatec. The associated university
dayrpa t nWi srci fhp11v~ it "~1 olultion of the problem have been medical schools thlroughout the !
t ried. The first, was for the fed-i country have appointed him11x chair-
Ghieinical "lnginleers: Tlicz ill ill be a joi~it meetilug or the A. l4 c ral. government to return to the manl of the commiittee for scholastic
Cli E ad he . . . . i ti~Sc in 'Rom f te as Elgheeihg tates three-quarters of the federal ' examination of internes.;
Buildini on Thursday, November 7, at 3 p. in. Mr. H. W. McQuaid of the !I'CYeiIUC. T his was to be done to
TimkJca Detroit -axle Company will spear on "Nitridinig of Steels". eoai pensatc the states for their loa S i VENEZULAN REFUGE~ES JIAL~ruD,}
_____________made by r elinquishing state cus-____
- Women's Educational Club: The first meeting will be held Thurs- i tsmns. to the federal governmixent.. I, fla Associated Press)
day, Nov. 7 1929,5at 4 o'clock in the lounge ro{,m of the Women's Athletic 11910, a second method was pro-
Building. All Women interested in education are cordially invited. I posed to settle the question of fl- j WILLEMSTAD, Curacao, Nov. 4.
nanrcial relations. J -The Curacao authorities are r,-
Sigmua Dlta Clii: Meectina1;t,4:,30 o'clock Thursday in thle 1Press I Ti proposalWacledteSr ported- to have taken prau tiions
building. Ac tive memb1lers iaaai,- , preset. - = itPus eve nue Act raid was a pay-! to 'prevent the landiang of recfug ees
m(.1 t by the governinent of a per; fromri a ru'tn ored revvolniinr ot
Board of Directors of thol e iaply Ivgmali's 01111 will ilwet al, olicedlapta tax of 25 shillings per licad brca~k i Venezuela.I
o'cockThuda~, ov.7, t te eage Bildng to the state. The third method and ____
o'clck htwday No. 7 at hc eage Bildng.the one tilat is now in vogue pro-
Vhinese tudents' Club: Each memiber is earne~stly requested , to ~a h ovrmn a vr BY(rpigaci i lt ns
iattenad a social mneetinlg unldr th fe auspice of the Ilinldustan Club to I a 1pe-ro of 511 years to the states} sengers at London railway stationsI
!the aujoiii't that the government procure fresh fruits from a- cabinet;
be held at Larne hall, on Sunday, Nov. 1.0, at 2 p. nm. paid in 1926-1927 for thme per cap- that keeps the contents clea n.
Fr ril fUnn n- itat paymnents. ----'-- *_
arsof Cgrem ony o uilo nn w
Soldier Will be Repeated Armistice Day vOwvwu1)ER AMB11(ASSA)OR NAMED,
ter.Ascae rs) aced in the services, on Nov. 11. i t OSRAINBAW . D ance
(B jtcdr 1 1. 921.. Dr. Morris S., Lazaroni. 1abb i ( Assoiatd ,4.ss
WA4SING'TON, Nov. ,a.--Parts of, of thle Blatiiorie Ilebrew 'Col gee i ALB.UQUERf~QUE. N. At., Nov. 4-,". "
tile Samie s'olewiJ ceremionial that vation, :a World War chlaplai1 i :and;i oriicr U-uI11L0 States.8 eliator U3
marked the hiterrnewmt eightChai
, boy years Co. ohn 'l". Axfocii, . whi fearr eight I '. l3u1rxsum~, of New t1Mexico, sg ftlhaoyot Tonight.yasw~scifo ct~al.i~icFIIl;e~:'('~daa ii1 ~~cl fNeldn o ih
Soldiher at Ali ngton will be repeat- A r- ny, will presenit lpor1t1is of tlic ( Iloovvr and Secret,,ary Wilbur of!
cad Armistice Day by 'some of thef original ceremioni1al1s. Taps 41aa h1 he departmenIt of iterior to be-
principals who conducted the orig-J will be sounded by Staff Sergeant: come as member of the comminissionl GRANGERS
inal° servlces. Frank Witchiey on the bugle 1r of conx ervationl and administrationACEM
'Toof the chaplains who omaci- used in the burial service. ! of the public domiain. OR H ST{

1"Y UO IL I I1II' WS l .,'jt c# reh)rela"tionz' with 111" N vy. /At'n1
i 1Capt. Lawrcnce M. (Biff) Jo#e#tesswt heNvcntsst>
AE xssdrto Get ' head coach of Army football, hopest-tswt heNvtailc 1 laaf
xzz >:c~si~fl" t Gret B i th fat Army-N.?.Vy athletic relations will go down in the history of foot-
; amd Wife Guests at 1 will be resumed with the proviso ball. But they should be games
White Ho:'-se. I thatI it be under the Army's own ; between the two government serv-
code of eligibility, ice schools, a game in which amVy
WILLSTA TH EE AYS In a radio addre s last night:,! cadet or midshipman who is not
Capt. Jones urged that the Army-1 deficient in his studies can partici-
i Navy contests be resumed "with I pate, Both should be striving for
( 1y Associated Press) I any cadet or any mzidshiipmnan not 1oetig omk etrofcr
WAHIGTN Nv.5-Vsi-deficient in his studies" ' eligible to fo their country.,"
I ing Washington for the first time I par.tici pate.--
since he assumed his duties as am- The Armzy-Navy break of 1928 .ARMY TRUCKS WIL HELP
bassador to Great Britain, Charles' m hnteNv nitdta ADECRSMSMI
G. Dawes brought to President Aca owhenthe tNaveyearnsistdihabHNDECl-SMA M
Hoover today an intimate account Am dp h he-ereiii-~
of the recent naval arms limitation ity rule. The Army was equallyr (By Associated P'ress')
negotiations with the London gov, determined to preserve its own WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.--The
ernment.eligibility code, which does not bar Army is going to lend a hand to the
-from competition cadets who have I Post Office Department in hanld-
SWithx Mrs. Dawes, the ambassaz- played in. college gamnes before ling the Christmas mail. Secreta#ry
(bor is to be a White (louse guest coming to West Point.. I James W. Good has instructed Vicl
fore thienextutreeTuday nibe- I ley (Armny and Navy) shlouldi commanders of corps areas to place
[or hi dlparureThusda nihtengage again in) athletics," said all available motor trucks at the
it, is confidently expected that he Capt. Jones, who quits his post as disposal of the Post Office Depart-
aznd Mr. Hoover will go thoroughlyf coach this} ,f teuoal hssftenvlcn- j year. "It is but natural nient during the Christmas rush,
intoal]phaes of te nvalcoi that they set examples for the National Guard motor vehicleis also
feene obehedatLodo n thrYouth of the land. may be used if Maj.-Gen. William
January; at which Dawes will be "Army wants to renew athletic G. Everson sees fit to lend them,
one of the American delegates. __________ ______________
There will be conferences, too, ../-rI / .-.*..1.r ~." Wd + r " .1#
with Secretary Stimsonz, who will MERRILL, LYNCH & CO.
head the American delegation, and'" i
possibly with Senators Reed, Re-Mebr
publican, Pennsylvania, and Robin- N'mew York Stock Exchange
son, Democrat, Arkansas, who will! hcaoSoc xcag
hold places onl the American tariff ChcgMok xha e
commission.; Cleveland Stock Exchange
In the light of the naval linilta- Detroit Stock Exchange
tion situation, considerable interest NwYr ubMre
is being manifested in the adrs Accounts Carried on Conservative Margin
which the president will deliver on
Armistice day at a gath~ering spon- 201 First Nat'l Bank Phone 4294
sored by the Americain I o.


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--- -



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