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November 06, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-06

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',??V.6 ,, 4Z~ciTHE. MICHGAN *DA1LY'~____


.9 - -



.,__ _ ,.. ..., ._._._, _._ .,,......,_._..v,.

Dancc Will be Held in Bllroom
of League Building
for. [irst Time.





Christmas cards may be ordercd
through the Women's League at
the candy booth in University ha]l
every day this week from a cata-
logue containing samples of th(
cards. Names may be printed of
engraved on the cards if desired
There will be a meeting of the
Junior Girls' Play committec al
7:30 'Thursday eight, It the Pi Bcl,
PIhi house.
It is imeprative that the secont
round of the tennis tournament bE


Seweral Orchestras Considered played off this week everybody out!
Before Final Choice Orchesls meets at 7:30 tonlight at'
!s1Is Determined.Barbur gynasiumn. This is the
third regular meeting of the group
The Pan-Hlellenic ball will bc and Miss Sylvia Adams, of the phy-!
lield on Friday, Nov. 29, in the bell- sical education department, who is
room of the League building, thus in general charge of the club, re-
making the ball for the first time ports very satisfactory progress.
Independently a woman- 's funlctionl. Enrollment is still open to all
Catherine S. Wilcox, 31, P.' has who are interested in dancing.
beeni appointed general chairman Participation in the dance drama,
and will lead the ball. Many faimous which Orchesis stages; gives points
orchestras are under consideration, in the Women's Athletic Associa-
but no definit announcement as to tioni. __________
thec final choice will be made until
the end of the week. i
Various committees a;r already
beginning to 'fuincidoi. 'The music t iILiiI[
committee, consisting o. Jeann11ie F9E
Roberts, '32, hicairman and Josselyn t 0 I u, O E
McLean, '131, "are responsible for the
orc'ietra 'ecoatinsare to be
handled by Rachel Flemmning, '32.'°-
chairman, And Mary F. Shields, '32.!Showcr s, Soft Water, Towels,.
Jannet Michael, '31, has chiarge of I roxis and Ironing Boards
the ticket sale. All tickets Will be I Q valbc
$5 as ini previous years. The space !NwAalh '
atti'ege smr iie hn.at the Union and it is therefore ad- !' Attention was celled by the houseI
visable' for each sorority house to Com1mittee of the League building!
request a definite num~ber oif tick- in a meeting yesterday to the fact;
ets. It has bccn announced that that there are showers, shampooing
women, not in organized houses tadludyfciisi h ae
may all issMichel his eekment of the building now available
for tickets. The, committee under
Miss Michael are: Pauline Notna- to women at any time.
gel, '3 , Dorothea E. Schmidt, '30, Soft running water, electric hiair+
Mary Ann Josslyn,, '31, Catherine Idryers, and towels are included il
Semer, 30, Elizabeth R. Sunderland, the equipment of the two rooms o,:
'31, ..Martha R. Cogshail, '30, Louisc the basement floor in each of
Greenberg, '33, and Catherine wichl two. sh*owers are installed.!
Cookk,, '33. There are lockers for which keysI
Floene . ranse, 31 ~may be obtained from the main !
" eice N Frndse, 31is desk by those wishing to leave any
chirmekando the cthaeronemerscof articles in the building. A cot. is
mthis, and ithe othre: meers ofal-placed conveniently in each room.'
this ' omi t a tee. are: An e A. 11- adjacent roo isequipped for
ly,'81 JnetC. oomanee,'3, laundering with two large whiteI
Rh'n. KAleio, '30 ,ndenamel tubs, running water., ast,
Ruth M. llion, 32.clothes dryer which will take care
,Katherine H. Ferrin, '32, is re-I of articles of any size, iron, and!
sponsible of securing the ballroom. i ironing board. The use of any of
Other commnittees will be an-I these rooms is free to any Univer-j
nlounced later. st oa taytm;pri-
leeU IOs not have to be .obtaIned
Michiga n Damnes IHear before in :them.

I ~ P E P M '~Followiiv the initiation of its'
1.IJ W 101 1 PIi'I tJ In an interview with Misss Hal-I Miss Halsey went on to say, "The new incenber'5 yesterday, Athena so-
_____sey of the women's physical educa- students expressed their joy in par- ciety was hostess at a banqiuet inI
tion department concerning her ticipating in the matches and iny their honor and in honor of its new
Yearlings Ekc Out 3-2 victory; estimation of the recent W. A. A.'ha t patrons and patronesses. Places
Ovr Scnier paydy h ttd "It is the gen-I aing learned other styles of play$ for 38, each2 decorated in red, were
oral feeling that the Play Day heldI from observing that of the oDpos- laid.
Aggregation. last Saturday by W. A. A. for theI ing teams. The staff, in charge of After a 'cello solo by Lucille Hoff-'
three schools which we entertained; the event all ecpressed the opinion; man, '33., :ccompanied by Frances I
SCRUBS WIN*i OVER BLUES 'was very successful in accomplish- tWhat it was very successful in com-, Peck, Viu'receec Clement, '30, presi-
clsshokisqadgufe- hat , in hangte to acrznins parison with the play days they dent of Attiena, welcomed the new
Junior clsshoky gacsufrthtiilavntefunntt-; had attended In. other .inStitutions." ijlmembers. The response was given
ced a 1-0 defeat at the hands of the tid3fts come together on the basis of The concensus of opinion in re- I by Florcnco Seys. '33.
senior team yesterday afternoon, in! kecmettv rinl; ae.gard to the organization of play Helen Gouill, '30, accompanied by'
Irp 'adro he Teresults of the program taywas that W. A. A. memnbers, Miss Peck-, ?prese nted a group of
the opening til-edro h were discusscd Monde-y iMorning at han dled it in an'efficient and re- 'sandas inl c{> tume~i. The response of
interclass tournament. The fresh- Iah assembly of students a joring sponzsible manner and worked out lech pdi prJ t ,ii. i answe'r to the
mien won a 3-2 victory over the lin physical education, and l tlr ,.;Ci' ;details, anzticlpated emergencies,l greetiii 'f5 of the society, which
,sophiomores., The freshmian second' oral opinion was that the spirit atnd showed they had had very! were presented :by Grace Darling,
teai took the r Motley Blues dlown displayed at the first play:clay wa gonad training in leadership. If we ;'3t1 toashnisatress, followed.
all that could be asked. Tyhe clucs- wvent into it with any doubts or Hery Moser, a patron of the so-
2-0. tian was whether, if made an anl- fears that antagonism instead of ! ciety, concluded the program with
The sophomore contest was close !i nua.l event, future play da~ys wouil M friendship would result through I a. presentat ion of the history of
throughout, both teamis exhibitingt keep the informal and,, friendly3 the competitive atmosphere that i thle national organization of Ath-
carefully worked out plays. In the' character of the recent event, orl was bound to be seen, we certainly ena.
first period of play the freshmen whted hywudbcnia h felt that such fears were unground- ! -------- _----
totaled three goals, first one ytendency is apt to be, more forimal b ed as far as the first play, day was
Jeanl~osfod, he ecod b and highly organized. The only; concerned.
Annette Cummings, then Botsfordwain hk1thsqeto ay' Miss IHalsey further explained
scored eimnE!scrda seconad tm. et H~ settled, however, is by ex , pRen.!Ithat the competitors expressed
puit t,hc bhall over- for thelyc 1Y rtion. 'tlwmnselves as very etu iatc
so pi ionmore scare dutring this half. - Y'~' ''IrT L about play day arid about Our ath-! rt
Thie second lhalf was imarkedlby SOCIET ! TUI~.JlaJ~icicequipip cuxt, particularly about
muiichz better playing ;ona the part o f ISL.AY TECH-NIOC rFi the Barton Hills golf course.



the sophomores. The ball was kept
in freshman territory the entire "Oetoe."aon-ctPAy.j
period. IHowever, only onie goal A;liceOvertnerg a bee chosen y
thaobrMh.oie ,li-by Portia Literary SodeiV Y.As the t
In ddiionto hos wh scredplay to be given for private presqn- t
In ddiior t thsewhoscoedtation soon. Memberso te a
goals BecttyAberle performed well }fare: Margaret Gray, '31l, Alice
for the freshman squad. She Schleh , '32, Tressa Trudeau. -.13),s
made several long shots and kept I nd.la jreinl,'3.Hd- 4
tebluofthe feha er garde Scheuren, '30, will direct thea
ing acra. Betty Gardner, sopho-1 production. at
more goal keeper, saved several Portia held a program on Dra- tC
scores for her team by her care- ma1,ale naTcnqe tis
u1 gardng f te gal.regular meeting last night in. the -
ThjP junior-senior game wasI Portia clubroom. Eleanor Corcilius,-
much slower. than the preceding I'31, spoke on famous actors and
one, partly because the teams were actresses she had known, and Do- I
necarly equal in strength. In the rothy Runkle, '32, discussed the
!first .half the juniors played Mlmost subject, of "Training for the Legi..
entirely a defensive game, Esther timate Stage." Mary Kent-MXiller,
Koch saving the day for themr i'X25, honorary member of 'the o-
numferable times biy her cleverI ciety, demonstrated the "ar t- of
guarding of the goal. However, in make-up, using three m6dels:
the second period of play Mildred Novel-reading choices ' for' "the
Cassidy managed 'to. come throughI coming Book Review programi were
with -a goal for the seniors, afteri made at this time, and the meeting
she had driven, the ball' down concluded 'with a rehearsal of the
more than half the field, GPlay cast.,
The Motley Blues is a team made_________________
up of seconds from each class.t
Both this group and the freshman i
secoands were more incxperieccd I
and their game much slower. Tie -
two goals'y sqf the freshm an teamn
were.. Scorecd by Rose Blok and Wil- I
ma Clyshie. M
111 1111 1161 111 11 61111111 I 11111 11 11

"As preparation' for the coming
1. C. A. C. W. convention," Miss
Ta isey concluded, "the training i
eadership has been invaluable to
he women who Will partake ini
,hat event. A play day may be ar-
anged for 'the = convention this
>pring; at least, it is being con-S
>idcred. This play day has proved
3very interesting laboratory situ-
itiofl in which to work out the so-
:151. aspects of sports, and we hopeI
,he whole thing can be repeated,
.n the ncw future."


l'rritiaiwnt Waver $5.04
Fituger Wave and Shaipoo. X1.0
Marcel and Shampoo~~.". ..$1.00
Manicure .., .......50
Open Evenings ' Call 21478
625 F.. Liberty Street.
Unstairs over F*lower Shop


Dim ttl s B dut 'I he Parrot Is, Under Us"
,,,,,F 338 South State Street Da


For 11p poininent




Discussioarz on Bo ®ok
Life, of Knut Hansen
Last night the Michigan Dame;
held,- their second meeting of the
year in the Cave room of the
Lea9ue building. After a short busi-
ness session, Mrs. Franklin nitli
presented an extensive biography
°of ;Knute Hansen, and Mrs. Stuart
Stuber, gave a lengthy review of
his book. "Growth of the Soil." Fol-
lowing, the members of the club
played bridge.

1= ll~ l 11S ~ 1 l I ~ illll

'~ *',

Ohar Speil Perilaelilisit .... $6.50 =r
_I r ederic's .Pvriatus'na ..$8.50 .
t 11 tS. U. With Si i ont'i)s .Serice !Whlonps, b



['Ave aH, i'o-._so vesln. Your.~a
flare, ther), ;will j° higher and descend
It flcs!' tattcSr. rcallyI +. tt%
'i1 4r4!4'th1e4'('814orW theC other. fBoth
A"4' S ci' s'i'av., and id 'ther will 4late
_'41 will fi-nd ammnug ostl' excellentt
collection exctly the type of gown
to suit you 'best-to bring out your
rtlost sparkling self-in these most
mI".lortallt hours after sunset.

1fy.SS.Sa, .. ..

r} t-S j rkt
> v !,: dt'
t 7-'

F, -, n

6 1675

to $ l o

Secnd i-f t81-






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