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November 02, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-02

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- --- -. - ~ --- --.- . - -- ~ SA'±U J:I


hr ttehBaiti I strictly the business of the spon-
..sors 'and the. guests until the good
F uibl<<he~levry morning except AMoxa nia meo h nvrstIeist
da rng the Universit year by the.Board i ae of the U ersy beginso
Control of Student Publications. be besmirched. Then if the dean
Member of Western Conference Editorial wishes to inflict probation,, he can
Association. find enough evidence to carry the
The.Associated Press is exclusively entitled Senate Committee on Student Af-
to the pse for repiiblicarion of all news dis
patchet credited .to it or not otherwise credited fairs without resorting to a con-
in this paper and the local news published temptable spy system.
herein. , hLmptb
Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor In view of his Saginaw statement
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate that the University should be held
ut postage granted by Third Assistant Post- I very little reSponsible for the mor-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4o; by mail, $.5o" als of its students, we fail to see
card Street. how President Ruthven can coun-
Phones; Editorial, 49-25; Busines, i4. tenance a continuance of this spy
EDITORIAL STAFF system which is alienating the stu-
ET RIAL n 4dents' good will and broadcasting
Telephone 4925 to the world that Michigan is in
MANAGING EDITOft loco parentis up to the hilt.

Editor....................George C. Tilley
City Editor...... ...Pierce Roseiibcrg
te' s Editor..... .........George E. Simons
Sports Editor....:.... Edward B. Warner, Jr.
Women'sEditor........... Marjorie Folirner
tI ie.!raph F. Ntm-............eoreSae
Music and Trama.......William J. Gorman
Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor....-Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank E. Cooper Robert L. :Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
# He6nry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman
Charles A. Askren William Page
H-elen Barc Gustav R. Reich
Louise ]ehymer ohn D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
W. H. Crane Joe Russell
Ledru E. Davis Joseph F. Ruwitch
helen Domine William P. Salzarulo
Margaret Eekels George Stauter
Katherine Ferrin (adwcll Swanson
Carl For,,ythp Tane Thayer
Sheldon C. Fullerton Margaret Thompson
Ruth Geddes Richard L'Tobin
Ginevra Ginn Bleth Valentine
J. Edmund Glavin Harold U.Warren
Jack Goldsmith . Charles S. White
1). B. J-femstead. Jr. G. Lione&l Willens
James C. Hendley Lionel G. Willem
ichard T.iHurley J.l?.rWilloughby
jean H. Levy Barbara Wright
ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
,Lester M. May
Telephone 21214,
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising................iolli'uer Maid y
.Advertisinp.... ....R'aspe'r 1.1. flalvesmn
Advertising................. rwood
Service............orge Spate
Circulations..(...........3 Verrr fivi
Accounts ....Ja z R ose
P u bli at io s .. . . . . . .. .. ..... ...... ... ge flam ilto n


Whether liquor advertisements in
the Harvard "Crimson" and "Lani-
poon" are construed to have been
printed in jest or not is a matter
for the officials there to decide. The
case does, however, indicate that
the student attitude toward prohi-
bition is not one of deep respect,
such as the Constitution of the
United States ordinarIly commands.
These advertisements were in all
probability printed merely as jokes
and nothing more, but the ~stimu-
lus that prompted them was con-
siderably deeper than these exter-
nals show. The law went into ef-
feet ten years ago, when the stu-
dents of average college age today
were too young to appreciate its
full meaning. Yet, the theory that
those who never drank liquor could
be educated not to want it has ap-
parently been shattered, either be-
cause the education on this subject
has been none too good or because
the taste for liquor cannot be de-
stroyed by a law.
In view of the fact that the col-
Tege men of today are being trained
to be the leaders of tomorrow, just
what will happen to the Eighteenth
v amendment in twenty. years is a
matter of conjecture. The fact re-
mains that college students do not
want prohibition.
Thieves in San Francisco stole a
new bungalow and its entire con-
tents. It will not be known wheth-
er the enterprise was a success un-
til they read over the mortgage.
'During a gale, a fish weighing
350 pounds was blown out of the
sea into 'a Florida creek. This was
revealed, we hear, when someone
tried to build a shore bungalow .on
r .o

even so-why not put every should- o
er to the wheel in an almighty ef-J Mu A
Ffort to revive victory as a tradi - ij
tion? And after all is it not real o--I -- 0
loyalty that makes one stick, un- HODGE REMAINS SECOND WEEK
I complaining, through victory and
defeat? William Hodge, favorite of thou-
When losing, constructive efforts sands, who has been delighting au-
rather than destructive ranting is I diences at the Shubert-Lafayette
in order. theatre of Detroit for the past week
G. S. E. R., y~ will remain another week at the
- playhouse. ' His new olay is "Hom-
THE MARKING SYSTEM :icide," by. Milton inerert Gropper
I To the editor: and Edna Sherry.
A recent attack on education '"Homicide" . a play for those
concerns the marking system. Ac- who have been looking high and
cording to those who would abolish low for an. universal mystery story.
I it, that system is the cause of much The details are gruesome enough.
that is wrong in modern education. and at the beginning you think
To the present writer the attack you know all about the supncseA
does not seem justified for the rea- murder and that you've got a jump
son that, in one form or another, on the detectives, when at last
I such a system prevails not only in you realize you were not as wic
the United States, but practically as vou thought.
everywhere in Europe and if it had Mr. hodge is superb in his char-
proved valueless, it may reasonably Isper nncar
acterization of Inpector Kennd
be assumed that it would have iI
from detective headquarters. Iilis
yen up the ghost long before now. interpretation of the role is not the
te prps fth akigss stereotyped stage detective with
tem is primarily to ascertain the big black cigar who swag-
whether the student's work comes gers about as if he alone held the!
up to certain academic require- secret of the murder. He is a de-
ments. At the same time, the sys- tective who is actually polite to the
tem indicates, as nearly as possible, ladies and considerate with the
the quality of the student's work.;men,p. distinct human with all h-
Such being its aims, it is hard to man failings among them a weak-
see what there is wrong with the n failingslamothe ae
marking system. It is true, how-;ness
ever, that this system may lend
itself to abuse. Thus for instanceI Mr. Dodge's success is not due to:
any study in schools of dramatics.
when the teacher requires of his j stue m akc-u or amos
students nothing more than to re- Nor is it due to make-up or atmos-
I echo his ideas or the contents of phere. It is brought about by sheer
textbooks and then marks accord- personality and quality, actor's re-
ing to this standard. By doing soI quisites that no school can teach,
he makes a wrong use not only of and i "Homicide" he has oppor-
the marking system but of his call- tunty for the best actmg inhis
career. His Inspector Kennedy is
ing as well. He is not an educator. rK
As regards the importance of the calm, intellectual, and placid. As
marking system. much depends C he goes about solving the death of
upon the attitude of the student IMr. Mortoer, the audience feels
towards it. For convenience sake !superior, picking out the prehnin-
the young people frequenting high-ary false reasoning of this Sher-
lock Holmes, but when the curtain
er institutions of learning may be falls 'it has had a grand surprise
divided into two classes-those who and it loves Mr. Iodge more than
are students and those who are not. it ever did. Our readers will re
The latter class aims at marks andt
diploma something that they member Mr. odgesin, htagt
uitla~ia- soethng tha thy ifrom the Loor"' last season, his first
can turn into cash, knowing as theydt
. ~departure from the roles of "The
do that the average employer has a Man from Home" type and a real
great respect for college degrees. treat is he in his new vehicle.
These young people look upon books i
and study only as a stepping stone In association with Mr. Hodge are
towards some lucrative enploy- Henry Herbert, Valerie Bergere,
rnent. On the other hand, the real Mary Blair, Margaret Mullen. Hugh
student is relatively indifferent to Huntley, Wilford Lytell, Maurice
the marking system. In his case Barrett, Goo Chang, C. Russell
marks and a diploma are inciden- Sage, Charles Hammond, William
tal-academic conventions or, ifi Cullen, M. Tallo Webb. Lawrence f
you will, academic futilities. What SAbott Adas arrol
such a student is aiming at is a' b.
trained intelligence which will en-
able, him to understand, as muchL L
as pssilemenandthigs-the AT THE WILSON: Last two per-
as possible, men and things- the formances by the Stratford-upon-
world in which he is living. Know- Avon Company this afternoon ant
ing how to distinguish between ap- Ievening, offering "Julius Caesar"
pearance and reality, he will be and "MismrNioit's b..aqiv

Take SoC
Discount Plan
It will he of little inconvenience to you, and
the saving is in more ways than one. Your garments
receive the hest of laundering methods, and there is
always that pleasant self-assured feeling that you are
geatig the very best.
Soy SateSre 1
Dial 949
-7~r t Y~ a....s.r .e-.airn .i+fa.ba

Raymond Camph
ames E. Cartwr
Robert Crawfor
Thomas M. Dav
N.,oriman Eliezer
Tamws Ifofer
Norris Johnson
Sharles Kline
Marvin Kobacke
L.aura Coding
Aernice Glaser
F-irtense Good ipf
Anna Goldberg

ell Lawrence Lucey
ri'ift Thomas Nn-ir
George Pattersou
Charles Sanford
is Lee Slayton
Robert Sutton
Roger C. Thorne
Joseph Van Riper
Robert WVlliansou
WilliamR Worboys
. Avia NMiller
s Illen . M ustlwhite
I1 anor W,-lkinshaw
D~orothea Watet watn.

Night Editor-ROBEFT L. SLOSS

With no small measure of cha
grin and disappointment The Dail
takes this cognizance of a vicious,
reactionary, and intolerable prac
tice recently instituted by the
dean's office: to wit, the sending o
spies to fraternity dances to snoop
for traces of liquor. This under-
cover, underhandedrmethod of try
ing to make discipline 100 per cen
efficient we hold to be an utter sub
version of the principles of fairnes
and honesty that heretofore have
actuated the disciplinary forces o
the University. We hold no brie
for the fraternities that have al
ready been disciplined through es.
pionage, but we will not sit by, si-
lently consenting, while a childish
spy-system, made notorious by
Dean Clark of Illinois, is used to
frighten men and women into be-
ing .good.
A decent party has been defined
by the dean's office as one at which
there is notia trace of liquor. By
that definition we do not recall in
three years more than two or three
decent parties, nor do we hereby
admit that the student body is
caught in the toils of' moral turpi-
tude. To us there is a vast dif-
ference between objectionable
drunken conduct and the traces of
liquor which the dean has made
criteria of indecency, and there is
an aura of fanaticism and intoler-
ance about a University disciplin-
arian who will not accept this dif,
ference as the rest of the country
has accepted it.
There will arise, of course, bor-
der-line cases in which traces of
liquor are noticeable,the standard
of conduct jubilant but not obscene.
It is not our position to define how
much of this Is proper and where
the bounds of decency are over-
stepped, but we cannot feel that
student tools of the dean's office,
looking for the worst and whisper-
ing their evidence in the dean's ear,
are in any better position to judge.
When the sponsors of a party let
f get out of control and should

A late development in the field
- of iceless refrigerators (hotel size)
is that Newfoundland is offering
Labrador to the highest bidder.


able to see through the numerous..

humbugs. hypocricies, swindles and "ROMEO AND JULIET"
Campus Opinion shams which face him almost ev- "ROMEO AND
Contributors are ashedt to be brie erywhere. Such a student will not A Review by Prof. H. T. Price
conl'ilg theiselves t o ,ess )thi" 3"" I be taken in by the .rapacity dis-
wtordi iposibf-. Anonymous cor The Stratford-upon-Avon com-
, mlications will be disregarded. The played by most of the advertisingipany's perfornance of Romeo and
I names of commtnicns wil hower, in newspapers and magazines nor Jleyserdaymas f o ad
e le re ,rded a, w.ilohedftedriaicvpererm-r Juliet yesterday Was full of tragedy.
I quo-st. ,etter!, ptiblisho-d sb.'utld nio be twill he fail to discover the moralTh copn difuljscet
f uoai l' pin edi" turpitude that goes by the name ofthe company did full justice to
P politics in the capital and else- said.the scarcely needs to be
IN ANSWER TO IASTY I+where. more tragic than the performers.
t To the editor:,i In short and above all, the real I It is really incredible that actors
Sbut wei student wants to learn to think un- should interpret Shakespeare with
- We abhor generalization, bu w der the guidance of thinkers. Whatsuhitmeunrtadguc
sj do "feel an irresistible urge" to sug- drtegiac ftikr.Wa such intimate understanding, such
d fe l h han.irresis e urge" t s are marks and a diploma to such intensity and such brilliance as the
f "Victory March," commonly known a student and, besides, who ever Stratford players, and yet should
f "VictoryMarch," comondlyknown aremembers marks and diplomas a I draw only a handful of people to
- "31 year period of forehearanc year or two after graduation? All see them. If they act like this to
- s"3 d yea pe f reen rae goes into the dust heap of oblivion 'empty benches, what gods they
- should have been extended to at as it should. What remains in must be when the house is full!
- least 55-if such forebearance had the mind, i.e., the power to think Crtcs isa unaeflas
J to be terminated by such an out- for on, is wha cow ts tin Criticism is an ungrateful task
y burst as was hurled through this mr or ainskithe face of such achievement
o coumnThurdaymornng.The attack might have been more
column Thursday morning.G
- We challenge "Rasty" to show However, in order, to understand aggresive, the first part of the play
callrenge"asty"osnhpowy why the marking system cannot be might have moved quickly in order
just case fore cein iny play- discarded at present, it is necessary to stress the rash and inconsiderate
ing "The Victors" when only last to turn back to something more haste out of which the tragedy
iyear Michigan Won as many Con- fundamental, namely to our dlem-j arises. The second part, however,
ference championships as all of the a idea ae 'd g hWdmIle Th eodpral dv
oternsechomolsip togetherfandeocratic ieaacoding to whichi ev- 'was swift enough and allowed the
i thersoglcutthe ryan- ery young man and woman can hammer-blows of fate to beat upon
Iing the two strengest teams in the become almost anything he or she us in almost breathless succession.
Conference at the close of the foot- may desire-a great painter, a It was a mistake, also, to bowdler-
sConfesn.athecoeftefooptgreat musician, a great poet, etc. ise the Nurse because the chief re-
- I ball season. Has it come to pass Similarly, every youngproros uto ha st iiihJl~.
that the loyalty to Michigan which ii aleeyyug person go- salt of that is to diminish Juliet.
that thred oyal thichignwhh ing to a university thinks that he Without this effective contrast she
has carried her on through years I or she is a student. It is unques-beosunalndacclt-
fof victory will, after three defeats, I se asuet.I suqu- becomes unreal and a chocolate -
of toryugl aftethre dft- tionably true that we have gone too cream heroine. For the rest, the
pass thoughpr a mam ic saro- 'far in our democratic attitude, the play was a pure joy. Fine elocu-
nge toapperss avcious, T r- proof of which is found in the fact tion is the especial distinction of
-tig, groundless attack? The de-
feats are facts, we admit, but it hat according to reliable investi- this company; to hear them speak
Sfats are factwe ditt Mit -gation only one out of every four is to discover Shakespeare anew,
cannot be admitted that a Michi- young people in our universities is but they never forget that the
gan team has been sent on the a student-all the remaining ones play's the thing and they are al-
field to be sacrificed to "indifference only hangers-on. ways acting while they speak. Hayes
and sloppy coaching." Nor can it Far better would it be for them to R showed us the gradations in the
be dmtte tat iciga hs fil Ibe working on farms or in shops development of Romeo's character
ed. to secure the best coach and for the greater good both of them- from boy to man with his usual
the best trainer available, any more selves and society. Now if it were 'subtlety, at the same time declaim-
than we can say that the players possible to eliminate all the unde- ing his lines as if they were pure
are out to keep a ean slate of sirables, our whole educational gold. Joyce Bland was delightful-i
- system might undergo a great 1 ly girlish as Juliet but the later
It is simple to harp on the past, change and with it the marking stages of the character she tended
using that unsound criterion as a system. But until then, nothing to overact. Of the minor parts
reason to censor the present. It is better hag as yet been devised. Mercutio died with a gallant grace
simple to criticize, but we doubt if When Socrates practiced his fa- and the Nurse was in most capa-
even "Rasty, '98," could find among mous, well-known method with the ble hands. She was coarse, sullen,
the 10,000 at Michigan a ball-car- Athenians, the latter did not get greedy, tender, concerned, vile by
rier who could tear with ease Inrs n a f ' .'..---

i x ,<




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