WILLI 0 EAJO TUH [Curricula Offer Foreign-Born
St'.I 11 1d UU t iii
Michigan Women Already Chos-
en for Obtaining Lowest #
Scores in Tournament.
Hockey Teams Will be Selected!
f AbilityDisn aved
iuuens a Course in
Seven student teachers, all wo-+
men, receive credit from thEE
School of Education for the workI
which they do in the UniversityI
Hospital School. This school is
now being conducted for the sev-
enth year in all branches of the
University Hospital. According to
study are planned for them by
their teachers, and the students.
send their work back to the hos-
pital for correction and criticism. Appoints Chairmen
Aid Foreign Students. tees; Announcer
For the benefit of foreign-borr Plans Soon Ud
patients who have had no educa- __
tional opportunities in the United! Katherine S. Wile
States, an Americanization course be aappointed chaf
is given by the school. "These chil- Pan-Hellenic ball for
dren, and adults, too," said Mrs. will begin to maker
Notely, "are mentally capable, and important function
eager to learn, that they may com- The chairman of cor
pete with their American friends inIwill work under Mis
both the social and business Jannet Michael, '31, t
VwOrld.!Flemming, '32, decor
The University Hospital School erine M. McMurray,
has just sent an exhibit to Lon- ments; Katherine Fe
don, England, as part of an ex- Florence N. Frandse
hibition of special education! erones; Helen L. Dor
throughout Europe and the United licity; Jeannie M.
States. There are themes, draw- music: Ernestene E.
ings, Latin, German, and French programs. Miriam I
papers, written work in history, has been appointedt
and books from the commercial 1 definite announcemer
students, as well as a tapestry made ball have been made
I rt-'vrc Mrs. Geraldine Notley, who is at
During Practice- the head of the school at the pres-'
ent time, 60 per cent of its studentE
Geraldine Wilkinson, '30, and, are confined to their beds, while
Katherine McMurray, '31, will rep- j the other 40 per cent are either ir.
resent Michigan in the golf tourn- wheel chairs or on crutches.
ament which is part of the Play Last year two thousand student:
Day program to be given Novem- received from two to twelve month
ber 1 and 2 by W. A. A.. At that instruction, their ages ranging
time the Michigan women will en- fioin two and a half to thirty-two
tertain the following schools in ant years. The school is conducted b ,
athletic meet: Michigan State col-Iregular staff of nine workers
lege, the State Normal college at whose requirements are the same
Ypsilanti, and the Battle Creek as those of public and high schoo
Cchool of Physical Education. teachers anywhere in the state.
The two Michigan women were Standard Work Offered.
selected for obtaining the lowest The courses which the students
total scores in the all campus tour- are given, correspond to those re-,
nament held on October 19. The quired for grades one to eight, by
Brto Hills corse wil be t the State of Michigan, and for
scene of the meet, and as usual the high school students, to the
contestants will play 18 holes of courses prescribed by the home
medal play. The lowest total score town schools. In addition to a reg-j
for the two from each school com- tlar curriculum, commercial train-
bzed will determine the places. ing is given to those high school
Program Includes Hockey. students and adults who wish it.
Twho'd hockey teams from each When a pupil leaves the hospital
school will draw for their matches.t eunhma opeerpr
on Friday night at the cabaret din-
nr. The teams will not be divided, of his work, his grades, and any;
ihonors he may have received, is
but will play by schools. Two sent with him and the teachers at,
matches will be played at 9:30 Sat the University Hospital School
urday morning and two at 2:30 in keyp in touch with the home
the afternoon. pgschools of all students. Some pa-
The squads representing Mi hi tients have been in the hospital f
gan will be the two best class teams, for a long> time and are unable to
and will be chosen Thursday after atte nd schiool uno:n their returnz
the regular practice. In case of amte it hough their oret f
rain, the individuals who would he, but: chrol, cthecourtes y o
have played will be given theiri
choice of bowling or playing has
ketbal 1. NOTICES
Expect High-Grade lay.
Regarding the coming games,
Miss Campbell of the physical ed- Tryouts for the Sophomore Ca-
ucation department, who is in baret will be held again from 4. to!
charge of the hockey games for the 6 o'clock Friday afternoon at Bar-
forthcoming event, stated: "We are bour gymnasium. All sophomore
hoping to see an exceptionally good
grade oi hockey played by Battle women who have not tried out for;
Creek because several players took a part in the entertainment are
part in the mid-west touranment at asked to do so Friday afternoon,{
Chicago. Any student interested in especially any one who can do a
hockey should be there because of feature act.
the unusual opportunity to see The results of the first tryouts
such fine playing and to learn more will be made known tomorrow and
of the game." a list of the girls who will be asked
to return for second tryouts will
GIRLS' GLEE CLUB be published.
Martha Cook building ehmmniat -
"Why can one be quite willing to regarding their product, the com-
praise a book, and sign one's name pany "wished" to send her a check
to the praise, but still be unwilling for five hundred dollars. The en- Assignment Of Ariics Will Be
of Cormmit- to endorse cosmetics, pickles, hos- lOsure set forth: "Finding myself; Ade By omtee To o e
ments and iery. yeast, remedies or confec-dm Made By Committee To Houses
Wati.ns? queries Zona Gale. well much run down after completing' By End Of Week.
fer Way'" ;knoWn writer, in an article in the my last book, I turn gratefully to
November - December issue of - . After a month's use, Hermine Soukup, '31, has been
ir an31o hseBookchat. I found myself restored and in- appointed chairman of articles for
risyran t It can not be merely because of vigorated, so much so that I un- the League and Inter-church
this year and the curious method used by an oc-
plans for this casional manufacturer, for such hesitatingly recommend it to all." Bazaar to be hell December 6 and
immediately. methods must be the exceptions,"} In reply Zona Gale informed the 7 in Barbour gymnasium, as an-
,mmittees who she writes. For example Miss Gale' , one yDroh ln,'3
s Wilcox art: recently received a letter which company that she had never used nounced by Dorothy Flynn, '30,
ickets; Rachel stated that, in return for his sig- their product. "At once these wide- 'general chairman of the Bazaar.
ations; Kath- nature on an enclosed statement awake men replied that they would She will fill the position from
'31, refresh- send me all of their specific that which Louisa Soukup was forced to
rrin '32 hall: I would use, for as long as I wished,
n '31, chap- rfor a fair trial, if I would sign the resign on account of illness.
mine, '31, pub- 1I enclosed statement," writes Miss Lists of the articles which are
Roberts, '32 Gale, to be sold at the Bazaar will be or-
Wagner, '31 'r"We are building up a compre- ganized and assignments made .to
. Kellum, '31 h (ensive body of affirmative con-|the women's houses by the end of
treasurer. N!jeerning cigarettes, bedroom furni- the week in order that work may
nts about the ture, and facial preparations, and ,,be begun on them at oncq. Every
as yet. Dancing classes, preliminary to endorsing these statements with all house will have charge of furnish-
tryouts for the Junior Girl's Play, the trickery of authentic apprais- Eing one article, either made by the
are now being plan-ned and will be I al," observes Miss Gale, "with hy- i women themselves or ready-made.
ROOMS scheduled in the near future. These perbole, extravagance, delicate Five churches give up their indi-
classes are in charge of Clara !phrases. (blurb). Already the ad- vidual bazarrs every year to co-
NBLEAU Parkinson, '31, and are for the pur- Iviertisements say 'regard' instead of operate with the Women's League
)NHEUR ose of providing exercises for lim- (listen here.' Already we spell per- , in . giving one large one. The
oering up prospective junior play fume differently. churhes which are represented are
f the chateau dancers. "At any day, the word 'musician- the Congregational, Episcopalian,
recently been There will be classes two days a ly' may appear. For years the wo- Methodist, Presbyterian, and Uni-
eum to Rosa week, held at two different hours man-in -th-street has been offer-;trian. Each church has charg
+:i t ehedatodiern ilif niint-s ethsbe fe tra. ahchrhhshrge of'
on each of these days in order :ng, I always read the advert ime- It booth at the bazaar, usually sell-
n's- tlt vervJyone will be included. meti.s as iuch as I do the fie- ing consistently the same class of
by the combined efforts of 48 sick j
children. This came from the spe- I
cial education group, which con- DEDICATE
sists of the arts and crafts work. AT FONTAB
and is part of the school.
Craft-Work Is Studied. TO ROSA BC
In making this tapestry, which
portrayed a typically American Two great rooms of
sceo oi an Indian before his tepee, at Fontainbleau have
and a border of various American dedicated as a. mus
animais, the children first made Bonheur. Until now
linoleum block prints, mountedonit tionable tribute has
the design on linen. Thus, the in the form of the sta
hospital school concerns not only an enlargement of a
purely academic work, but teaches stands between Font
the children use of materials, and ithe station to the ch
gives them a means for recreation. stasionhtuh ch
"The children are the same as' Miss Boniheur first
children anywhere," stated Miss paintings at the agec
Dorothy Ketcham, head of the so- elusive devotion to an
ciaL service department of the hos- her truth to nature, e
) jL ,e"except that their illness hair cut were all sig
u okes them more or less apathetic. centricity. She was re
l- onjee, ai attempt is made to de- permission from the
velop the children and teach them{ement to wear trot
to meet their difficulties in the best fame soon spread
p ow sible manner." decorated by the Emp
possblemaner.Miss Bonheur was 1.
The University Hospital School Mis Bordeaux and died in
supported partly by the State, and ihrdexandspen
partly by private donations. Es- her life was spent n
pecially the work with children of bleau which explains
pre--school age. and the arts and j of the museum. Amo
crafts work of the special educa- tin are to be found
tion group' is taken care of by other personal souve
been paid her
tute of a bull,
sketch, which
tai nbleau and
exhibited her
of 19. Her ex-
imal subjects,;
ven her short l
ns of her ec-
quireI to get
Trenchli ov.-
users. But her
and she was
ress Eugenie.
Zorn in 1822 atJ
1899. Most of
near Fontain-1
the situation'
ng the collee-
the hair she!
a watch, and'
Nine class periods will be held be-
fore the tryouts.
Before any junior woman can try
out for the play she must have re-
ceived a receipt showing that she
he paid her dues of onedollar. This
is payable at the table in Univer-
sity Hall between 9 and 12 o'clock
and 1 and 3 o'clock beginning
Monday, Nov. 4.
Stock-Broker Donates
Club House for Women
A $150,000 women's club house, to
be the finest in Canada, will soon
be erected at Toronto by F. G.
"Teddy" Oke, stock broker-sports-
man. The building will house a
swimming pool with galleries, gym-
nasium, showers, bowling alleys,
cafeteria, lounge, bed rooms, care-
takers' quarters and offices.
tion.' Now we shall be saying, 'I articles ever year. Nothing is sold
read the advertisements instead of on a commission basis. Mrs. Harriet
literary and musical news'-and it's G. Loveland, of the Episcopalian
easy to see whv," predicts the au- church, is general chairman of the
thor of "Lul Lett." churches for the Bazaar.
Fitting the Narrow Heel
Ten Dollars
__ __
Coutour Hair
uttngand Finger
A walking shoe o
and superbqualit
workmanship. Sot
black and brown,
The Freshman Girl's' Glee Club ed Sigma Kappa 1-0 in the hockey
will hold its first meeting at 4 game Monday afternoon rather
o'clock 'on Tuesday, Nov. 5, under than Sigma Kappa defeated the
the direction of Miss Odina Olson, !dormitory as was stated in Tues-
the acting head of the Department! day's Daily.
of Music the University High
School. The place of meeting will There will be a try-out for Mum-
be annpounced later. Mary Evans, !imers from 4:00 to 5:30 o'clock to- I
30, the president of the Glee club, day on the fourth floor of Angell
will help organize the 40 members]Hall
who were chosen from the 60 girls,
-who tried out.
or The old Glee club will broadcast
on the Woman's Night program on I College Beauty
_Dec. 14. On Wednesday of thishpp
week the officers met at a lunch .S p e
eon to make plans for out-or-
town trips. Shainnno and .inger
_________________Wave $1.00
At Ohio State the Fraternity rowjor
has declared war on wall flowers i Shampoo and Marcel
and now beginners' social dancing $1.00I
classes are filled with dutiful men. Beautiful Marcel Efect
- -----Permanent Waves
with Ringlet Ends
Furs and Fur Coats OPEN EVRY EVENING
Makeup,. Repaired, Re- Phone 22813
modelled and Relined Corner State and Liberty
!snOver the Butterfy
- ~Pricer Reasonable ________________
of Paris, Ro-ne and Budapest
For Appointment
Dial 3083
iJ. + dur lTg 3 ant l o}
Last Call For
Favors and Novelties, Costumes
and Masks for your parties.
Don't forget' we got the largest
and fnest line of personal and
Chinisiras Card"; il l the city.
art asudGift, Shop
218 Smuth Sthate ,street
Fountain Service
Toasted Sandwiches
When You Wear
1217 Prospect St.
Your Neighborlood Druggist
r _ _. .
Be Sure Your
E. L. Greenbauni
448 Spring Street
Phone 9625j
_. --
_ _ __ _
_ {
Felt Soleil-Velvet and Metal
Hats made to order
McKinsey Hat Shop
227 South State Street
- -
Special Selling
Consisting of Velvets, Satins, Crepes
Formerly $25.00-$19.75
at $100
1 _ t
11 1
. + rrr r. .r.r r .r . ., . rr r . r
-'* 4
';', 4
- I
; .
Expert Manicuringt
Ladies' and
two and three piece
Formerly $16:75-$12.75
Groups consisting of crepe and satin, all sizes and
in various colors
Crepes, Tweeds-
month end saleI
9:00 to 1:00 only
Remarkable quality at this price
Cunning pouch bags, large enough to carry
the most pretentious make-up and a hanky besides,
lavishly encrusted with pearls in lovely designs
some of the pearls are slightly tinted
and the fittings and linings are perfect.