'T"'FTTTR.qT I A'V° 0t"'1 . i' r..r. q 1" i Oct
the average student, the net gain
ti Ito both school and student would
Publihshed every morning except Monday soon confirm the wisdom of such a
during the University year by the Board in { step.
Control of Student Publications.
Member of western Conference Editorial
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. I ''ion of the Daily.
Lardi Street.
Pa tines: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2121.
Editor, Michigan Daily,
EDITORIAL STAFF Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 49 Dear Sir:
After a 31 year period of forbear-
MANAGING EDITOR ance I feel an irresistable urge to
ELLIS B. MERRY break out. My first suggestion isI
that you let out the Victory March
Editor....................George C. Tilley on a royalty basis for the remainder
City Editor................Perge Rosenuberg of the year to preserve a fine old
Ne" is Editor ... .......George E. Simons
Sports Editor ........Edward H. Warner, Jr. piece of music from corrosion
Women's Editor.............Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor ..,,.........George Stauter through cellar damp. Michigan
Musi an rama ..William J. Gornan certainly cannot use it.
TH M C~c A D I Y mIt a ~ ' ~II ~)OJJAJy p~JJS.
usic and Djrama
King Richard the Second
The Stratford Festival Company's performance of "Richard II" on
Tuesday evening at the Wilson Theatre in Detroit was, first of all, a
personal triumph for the actor George Hayes, who played the title role.
In writing this play Shakespeare apparently indulged his personal artis-
tic interests. Out of the naive narrative conventions of the Chronicle
History he has evoked one of the most subtly conceived of all his
characters. Richard is the victim of his artistic temperament. When
he should be King, he persists in being either an actor or a lyrical poet.
In every one of his scenes he steals the center of the stage and holds
it. Let him but find his role and he will play it to his own satisfaction
and to the amazement of his audience. When Bolingbroke appear.,
before Flint Castle in which the King is immured, Richard appears to
What must the King do now? Must he submit?
The King shall do it.
And forthwith he makes himself the hero of a sentimental drama ,of
j humility and distress. When he gives up the crown, he fixe: t i oge
See S
Right downto, i ! ,loQeto ill
of Detroit's ac't ivitac t it t
S pecial a ts to t.;i' t ~ ue
Rog~er I. Man ) .a1922 .la,.
''You r oit' wf v/F(.Mitt loine
1 ~ ~.~ ~ ~~11 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Bond litsines ,-
its Scope and
Read what
the Old Counsellor
says of the
Assistant City Fditor...--Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank E. Cgoper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
henry J. Merry Wilda
CalsR. Kaufman
IThis suggestion is char~reh1le to
Charles A. Askreu
Helen Bare
Luuise Behymer
Thomas M. Cooley
W. H. Crane
Ledru E. Davis
helen Domnine
Margaret Eckels
Katherine IFerrin
Carl For-,ythe
Sheldon C. Fullerton
Ruth Gedd es
Ginevra Gin
Edmund Glavin
a& Goldsmitb
D. B. Hemnpstead, Jr.
James C. Hendley
Richard T. Hurley
j eans H. Levy
ussell E. McCracken
Lester M. May
William Page
(;ustav R. Reich
John D. Reindel
Jeannie Roberts
Joe Russell
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William 11. Salzri-ulo
Gerrge Staitter
L'advvcll Swanson
)ase 1 Bayer
Mfargaret Thompstni
Highardl L. 'Pobin
Ixah Valentine
Ilarold O. Warreu
Charles S. White
C.. Lionel Willensv
lionel G. Willciiz
Barbara Wrigt~h
Vivian Zimit
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
-*"u --~a vu-------s> - ,A ---'GV witn care for a patnetic tableau which he executes withperfect at>
(I cannot say inspired by) the Illi- tistry.
nois game, and when I brand that titRr
game as the most humiliating exhi- Yet Richard is not always a mere poseur. Now and then a :ce vng
bition nrsincerity peers through his rhetoric and he becomes genuinely pathetic.
axerienydMIcanotamnAll this George Hayes revealed to the audience with a simplicity and
esprienced, I am not casting any directness that quite concealed his astonishing technical skill. This
slurat te oys wo ped they use of situation in a play only for the revelation of character is almost
Sgm.a istinguishing feature of modern dramaturgy. One wonders then
did their best and all that was pos- -
sib t bhelittl that osdowhy this play is so seldom given. The obvious reason is that only rarely
e wi e le they had to do does an actor appear with that right confbination of imagination and
j witljhistrionic talent which was shown throughout the evening by George
The management and the coach- Hayes.v
g ta hav ever, a lot to The other aspects of this play are not of much interest to a
pak, though n o theillnot have modern audience. From our point of view Shakespeare would have
Snegie charges. If they had recruit- improved the work if the character who dominates the last three
egi ares.y d Ift ha prert- acts had been given'more opportunity to reveal himelf in the fir~st
ed any ready-made football player two. The contrast between Bolingbroke and Richard suggested in the
he would have been familiar with .
that branch of the game known as + first part of the play is not well developed. The former, particular y
offensive play and he wonld haveI as played by Wilfred Walter downright warrior, remains a type figur -
shown up on the lneup like a a bold downright warrior, able to hurl defiance when occasion demandei.
mustache on a co-ed. Kenneth Wicksteed as John of Gaunt was properly impressive in his
How are they going to explain the death scene. Even the famous tirade in praise of England.
utter lack of offensive coachi ? This royal throne of Kings, this sceptered isle" seemed to heloni
g to him and to his situation.
Not a ball carrier developed from. .
the wealth of material on .hand, The simple set with its easy variations served the actors just a:ts
and with the apparent possibility it should. It made them living presences without either crushing
! of gaining ground with the forward them with realistic detail or expressing equivalents of the emotions ex-
pass only, how do they explain their pressed in the speeches. As in Elizabethan times, the audience was
failure to use it? It was the only given its chance to let its imagination cooperate with tha t of the pro-
department in which they seemed ducer.
to have the edge on Illinois. : Finally to the Director must go much of the credit for the b(attful
It seems to me that it's time for way in which almost everyone read his lines. The actors made their
a housecleaning and a new deal. enunciation a work of art. And they never lost even the subtleties of
Paid professional management hus rhythm and imagination in the verse while making Shakespeare's lines
.t lvucnigan a lot in the loss of serve as expression of their own distinctive characters. They made
'prestige and loyalty. We did not "Richard II" a progressive revelation of interesting drama and great
have million dollar gates in the old poetry.
days-you have dollars where we,
had cents-but the old 4thletic as- Ossip Gabrilowitsch
sociation ran everything from fi-
E CENTLY, on the Halsey, Stuart
& Co. radio program, the Old
Counsellor answered a question from a
young man just out of college, wonder-
ing whether he should enter the bond
business-whether he was fitted for it
and what opportunities it presented.
T[his same question may be perplexing
many men now in college-freshmen
as well as seniors-who are thinking
seriously of their future. The Old
Counsellor's talk has been reprinted
under the title, The Bond Business-Its
Scope and Requirements. A copy will be
supplied to any college student who
would like to read it.
This talk is typical of those-which
have been given on the Halsey, Stuart
&z Co. program in the past year and a
half. Tliey cover a wide field. 'Alnost
every investor has been confronted with
some of the problems discussed. Invest-
ment Trusts, Convertible Bonds, Bid
and Asked Prices,the Meaning and Im-
portance of Call Features-these are
some of the more technical subjects
which have been treated in the Old
Counsellor's interesting and under-
standable way.
These programs may help you decide
whether you wish to enter the invest-
ment field upon graduation and will be
valuable preparation, if you do. Or, if
you are training for business or the pro-
fessions, these weekly talks will prove
helpful when you later take up the
handling of your funds or those en-
trusted to you. It will pay you to listen
to the Halsey, Stuart & Co. radio pro-
gram, every Thursday evening.
Opportunities in the Investment Business
Department Managers
Advertising................. Hollister Mabl y
Advertisi . . asper I1. , alve ts'
Adveitisin .~ . . Shejwvwod (:pon
5ervjce,:;................eoi' ° pare
C-Irculaio(n......... ..,fV " i,mrIr
" Accounts............... fJi~k los '
Publical1is...... ..; ge llamilton
Raymond Campbell. Law rence l.ucey
James E. Cadtwriiit Thomas Ni oar
Robert Crawford Uceorge Patterson
Harry B. Culver E hirles Sanloto
Thomas M. Davis lee Slayton
Norman Eliezer Robert Sutton
Donald Ewing Roger C. o,-'rpe
ames Hoffer oseph Van Riper
orris John son 1<oher: ithi ~ari,o,
Charles Kline Wiliam R. WVrboys
Marvin Koacker
CHICAGO, Sor4h La Salle Street ' NEW YORK, 35 PMall Street
THE PROGRAM -LLB Tune in the Halsey, Stuart & Co. Program every Thursday eve-
ning. Hear what the Old Counsellor has to say. , ,This program
TH AT -DOES MOR E is broadcast over a Coast to Coast network of 37 stations associated
THAN ENTERTAIN with the National Broadcasting Company.
io P. tot Eastern Standard Time Q P. m. CentralStandard Time t P M. Mountain Standard Titm ' 7 P. . Pacific Standard Time
nances to schedules. They did not WILLIAM L GJ R MV N.
Laura Codi AliE McCully always have cash enough to take No one will ever accuse Mr. Gabrilwitsch of being a "virtuoaso"
Bernice Glaser Sylvia Miller I the band to the games, and we se-F conductor. le has neither the virtues nor the faults of the many gen-
Hartense Goading -' leor W, i Musshavite y
Anna Goldberg leean.or Walkinsaw dm carried more substitutes than tlenen who bear that questionable title. Forms which require merely
DootheWaterman __the game required, but we always the expression of a diffuse sensuality (like the last two. compositions on
Night Editor-Walter Wilds. had the best coach and the best last night's program) came. as well-rounded and as brilliant and in-
-- trainer to be found. Any potential vigorating from his hands as from any other conductor's. But in his
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929- player not in uniform was about as - treatment of the larger symphonic works he very seldom attempts so-
--popular as the proverbial skunk at called creative interpretation of the music. It is true occasionally that
a lawn party. before a performance can approximate the radiance and vitality of the
LOOKING SKYWARD We :ad fighting teams, too. musical idea at its birth it must be infused with the white heat of a
Sometimes they lost, but when they temperament and a vitalizing will to create. When these fiery creative
By appropriating $2,500 for air- did they went down battling, and gifts are placed at the disposal of a consistently profound musical in-
port improvements the city council the winners knew they had been in sight and unmistakable artistic sincerity they make a conductor that
has assured for Ann Arbor the nu- a game. They were cheered in de- is close to genius. But too often these gifts-the gifts of the precious
cleus of what promises to be a mod- feat as in victory but they were self-are made to serve a desire to thrill grandly no matter what the
el terminal. Eventually it will bring never sent in to be sacrificed 'o merit of the music performed. The result then is a perversion of
a far greater return than the indifference and sloppy coaching musical taste.
amount given over to improve- Some of us are said to be rear-
ment in vr to ioe omeos- aesa to be rea- . The more frequent type of conductor is the sincere musician-
ments, since' fistclass flying fields tionaies-slaves to the old order-- zealous, skilled and respectful to the written commands-who presents
are destined to become even moreE and maybe I am one. However. I not a subjective picture of a composition but the composition itself.
important as commercial centers am convinced that under the old Ga r sctis tiste. o betepoo of t coupdsetforded
thanthe ar toay.Andwhe orer e culdhav du upfro Gabrilowitsch2 is this type. No better proof of. it could be affordedj
than they are today. And whenE order we could have dug up from ' than his treatment of the Franck symphony last night. He had no
that time comes Ann Arbor will be 10j000-available men at Michigan a ihsnsat the Fransm head n o temdt
among the leaders in this new stim- quarterback who could have been illusions about the symphonys greatness and he made no attempt to
ulus to big business. quadrntdgnerbackwhoo l he ben force an illusion upon is. His interpretation was no more and no less
mad ino afied gnerl wth hethan a recapture of the forms and masses as they came to Franck's
The novelty of flying is rapidly proper training and a fullback who pen
wearing off and those who take to could boot the ball. If it were pos-pen A reading vibrant with temperament can make Frank out a ro-
the air these days are those who sible to permit me to, fill in those Ammp
something important to do. two positions from the old boys of found mystic. But the spirituality of Franck is factitious and sterile
have s hdn'iat toydo .so yqtii my heaord atysroe -uite unfertilized with experience. What we make for spiritual ardor
Those who don't actually fly are; my timee-Jimmy Baird at quarter .
nmd intensity is the result of musical intoxication, over-indulgence in
more and more depending on air-. and Eloomingston at full-I could orosachlTisperslalynanntlincncetou
craft to do their business for them. Isafely guarantee a reversal of that norous alcohol. This appears clearly in an intelligent, conscientious
.ag For this reason it is inevitable that score last Saturday from 14-0 to eading like that of Gabriowitsch. He gave a lucid exposition of the
writing. Ile refused to induce attention by giving the themes a
sir training will become an impor- 1 0-14. reoia retn
tat item in the curricula of col- It cannot be thatiam all wrong. rhetorical, arresting quality. Phrases he molded hardly with avoid-
leges and . universities throughout I have heard the sentiments of ance of over-nuance of tempo and intensity. He seldom relied on
the country within the next few manv old grads and some are not monentary transport never giving in to moments that would linger
years. So deeply is air commerce so mild mannered as others. How- and eternalize themselves. His reading was calm and correct.
entrenched in the American busi- ever, all seem to agree that the Thus the symphony appeared more or less as it was written. Franck
ness mind that it cannot much good old Michigan spirit is becom- appeared a spirit neither profound nor fecund, however refined and
longer be ignored by institutions of ing conspicuous by its absence, and ' noble. His hypersensitive unworldly feelings and his cloistral moods
higher learning. Certainly the that it can be radically improved proved superficial. The reason for Franck's gift for architecture,
adoption of air education in all its! by getting back to student control so often spoken of, appeared; his tonai masses are purely cerebral
varied branches will be imperative and an amateur basis. aind are easily grasped. This type of reading stimulates analytical and
if we are to - keep step with the ! Then maybe the poor old alma 1 critical perception rather than mere passive acceptance. Gabrilowitsch
times. matsr can regain hor former glory made no effort to bundle Franck's symphony up into a thrilling mystic
The University has always been by getting out of the conference package with strings and paper of his own creation. It is an enviable
known as a leader in new fields.:It and playing her traditional foes. distinction in a conductor to be so intelligent and conscientious. He
was here that graduate work was What a schedule she has this year. allows us to form our own judgments of- the music rather than forcing
first systematically developed; this 'One game, that with Harvard, that !judgments on us or perverting those we already have.
was the first school in which wo- is worthwhile. Minnesota, Chica-
men were admitted equal ac- go, Harvard, Cornell, Pennsylvania "La Argentina"
ademic standing. with men; and are logical. There is some satis-
Michigan first sponsored a depart- faction in winning from them, butA REVIEW BY CHARLES MONROE.
ment of education. Now comes an how about the bulk of the confer- "It is the strangest thing," said the gentleman with me, "but here
opportunity in the form of a new ence teams? I say that it's a dis- -it is a half hour before starting time, and the house is sold out to see
but tried industry whose adoption grace to lose to them and no honor just a dancer. I never heard of such a thing before."
Into the curriculum as a vital to win. Michigan used to be big La Argentina, however, has the habit of filling any house in which
branch of learning would further enough to show a little indepen- she dances, but she deserves it. Such a perfect combination of those
insure the University's leadership dence. Notre Dame plays good ball, essentials which go to make up the great dancing artist has not been
in the field of modern higher edu- but there is no element of rivalry seen for years, and the public which is just coming to recognize the
cation involved. It takes more than two ; dance as an art comparable to that of music and the stage is able to
The facilities are here. Even teams to make a football game in- find any amount of satisfaction in this artists work.
now, many students, as well as teresting. It's the lack of any real La Argentina presented her present repertoire before the packed
members of -the faculty, are taking rivalry that makes the conference house in the Detroit Masonic Temple last Monday night, and repeated
private flying lessons at the air- schedules the bunk. And who ever her success of last season there and in other places. She has some new
3 O ND s
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