Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)
VOL. XL. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 No. 28 '
University Lecture: Mr. F. A. Bland, Lecturer in Public Adminis-
tration, Economics and History at the University of Sydney, Australia,
wil speak on "The Australian Constitution" in 1025 Angell Hall, Tues-
dy, November 5, at 4:15 p. m. The pcblic is invited.
Frank E. Robbins
University Lecture: Mr. George Young, diplomatist and author
will speak on "Freedom and Commi d of the Seas" in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, Thursday, Novemibnr 7, at 4:15 p. m. The public is
Frank E. Robbins
Organ Recital Omitted: Cn account of the concert of the De-
troit symphony Orchcstra in lilil Auditorium this evening, the regular
Wednesday afternoon or4;an recital by Panmer Christian will be omit-
ted today.
Charles A. Sink
Dis ipInary Acioin : Decause of- irregularitics in voting during the
Junior literary ele- tions. R1. L. Sloss. '.1, and Jack Levy, '31, have been
placed on political irob uion. They cannot vote or hold office during
the remainder of the current year.
Advisory Committee of the Student Council
Sorting and Tabul-aing Stalion: The university has established
a Sorting and Tab ulatin; Station in Room 212 Angell Hall. It is in
charge of Mr, Alan Meacharr, who will be on duty from 8-12 and 1:30-
5 except on Saturday afternoon. All departments are cordially invited
to make use of these el-ctrk-al and mechanical sorting, tabulating and
ac:coun ting machines o: carrying o 1, Matistical investigations. Mr.
Meacham will give information and iost uction in their use to member:.
of the faculty who dc-ire to avail themselves of the facilities afforded.
Shirley W. Smith
All-Campus Forum: President Alexander G. Ruthven will be the
introductory speaker of the Fal Series of the All-Campus Forum. He
will speak Thursday, October 1, at 4 p. m. in Room D of Alumni Me-
morial Hall on the subject, "When Is a Man Educated?" This should
be of interest to the entire faculty and student body.
Fenelon Boesche, Chairman
Almost every day many of theI
students at Michigan pass along
the diagonal walk without notic-
ing the little grey-stone building.
known as the R. O. T. C. Drill
A majority of the students have
no conception of what goes on in
this- building, for the Military De-,
partment, and its function as a;
part of the University is probably
the least known about of any of;
the departments. Nevertheless, it'
plays an important part in the,
school life of many engineering
Michigan ranked first of all thel
universities in the couitry during
the war in the size of its Student's
Army Training Corps. However,
with the signing of the armistice.
the unit was quickly demobilized.
Michigan is one of the few uni-
versities in the country today in
which military training is not com-
pulsory. The unit is comprised
chiefly of engineering students,
since the courses offered are par-i
ticularly interesting to men who
are being trained in the technical
branches of industry.
The Signal Corps is perhaps the
best known of the branches at
Michigan, largely through the in-
fluence of the radio station main-
tained through the combined ef-
forts of the Signal Corps unit, and
the electrical engineering depart-
ment. Similarly, the Ordnance De-
partment offers courses that are
invaluable to the student interested
in mechanical metallurgical, and TO LECTURE HERE
chemical engineering.
Military training at Michigan Political Science Department
Technic Head Leaves!11111
for Purdue Convention
- a a a - sl
has not, as yet, reached the point
where the government feels that
the expense of a cavalry unit is
justified, as has been the case at
some school. However, Michigan
has its famous Signal Corps radio;
station that kept in communication
with, the Hobbs Greenland expe-I
dition, and carried on a weekly
schedule with Byrd at the south
pole. Also a rifle team consisting
of both m'en and women is main-
tained, and recently the Military,
department has taken over the
training of the band.
( By Associated Pre.,s)
PARIS, France, Oct. 29.-- Edou-
ard Daladier, who has been at-I
tempting to form a cabinet forl
three days, announced after a mid-
night conference with friends of
the Radical Socalist party that he,
would inform President Doumergue,
at 9 a. in. that he declined to con-
tinue his efforts. Last evening he
told the President that he would
consider the matter until 10 a. in.
today before deciding.{
Sorting and Tabulatinz Station: Any one having tabulating cards
on file in the Sorting and Tabulating Station, Room 212 Angell Hall, is
requested to get in touch with me, as all cards not claimed before No-
vember '12 will be destroyed.
Alan Meacham
The Michigan School of Reulion announces that Professor Shirley
Jackson Case, of the University of Chicago, will lecture in the Natural
Science Auditorium, on Thursday ard Friday, October 31 and November
1, at 8 o'clock p. m. His subject on Thursday evening will be "The Idea:
Jesus," and on Friday evc.irg, "The Real Jesus."j
Louis A. Hopkins'
Faculty Women's Club: Those interested in a series of five dances
for' faculty and alumni may inquire of Mrs. J. C. Brier, phone 8547.
Those interested in forming a group for instruction in dancing are in-
vited to telephone Mrs. A. F. Shull, 7905.
A Beginner's Class in Social Dancing for University men and
women, is being organied for Tuesday and Thursday evening, 7:30
to 8:30 p. -m., at the Women's Athletic Building. There will be indi-
vidual instruction for those who desire it. Orchestra music. Six les-
sons for $3.00. Students may sign up in Office 15, Barbour Gym, or
front desk at the Women's Athletic Building. The first class meets
Thursday, Oct. 31.
Ethel McCormick'
University Lecture at 4:15 p. m., Natural Science Auditorium, Mr.
Ernest Rhys: "Celtic Folk Tale and French Romance".
Exhibition from the National Society of Mural Painters, Architec-
tural Building daily from nine to five.
English 31, Sections 15 and 19: The make-up examination in these
sections will be held in room 2213 A. H. at 3:00"p. m.
Oratorical Board meets in roem 3209 A. H. at 7:;30 p. m.
Forestry Club meets in Roi 2039, N. S. Building at 7:30 p. m.
After the regular meeting motion pictures of Camp Roth will be
shown. All forestry students invited.
Orchesis will meet Wednesday, October 30, from 7 to 7:30. The
Character Dance class will meet from 7:30 to 8 of the same evening.
Quadrangle 'meets at 8:00 p. m. 718 Onondaga is the new meet-
ing place. Members not receiving notice of this meeting by mail will
please notify the clerk, 19 Angell Hall or University telephone 557.
E. C. Prophet, Clerk
Web and Flange: Fall Initiation Banquet at 6:15, at the Union.
Initiates to Web and Flange are to report to the Chief Engineer
and his deputies at the Engineering Arch at 3:00 p. in.
Choral Union Ushers report at Hill Auditorium by 7:30 p. m. for
Detroit Symphony Orchestra Concert.
Opera Orchestra will rehearse at 10:30 p. in., in the ballroom of th(
Michigan Union.
'Varsity Band: Regular rehearsal tonight at 7:15 at Morris Hall.
Bring marching folios.
Student Council will meet Thursday at 7:30 p. m. All councilmen arc
expected to be at Natural Science Auditorium at 3:'15 p. in. to assist
in running off the Sophomore Election. '
English 233 will meet at 7:00 p. in. Thursday evening, instead ofl
'he time planned.
Physics 38: Books will not be used in the Problem Examination on
Friday, but the necessary formulae will be furnished. This applies to
the one o'clock section only.
Engineering Council will meet at 7:30, Thursday, October 31, in
room 304 Michigan Union.
Freshman Engineers: Class elections will be held on November 6j
in room 348 West Engineering Bldg., at eleven o'clock, at regular Fresh-I
man Assembly.
Junior Engineers will meet Thursday at 11 a. m. in room 343 W.
Geological Journal Club will meet in Room 3056 N. S. at 8 o'clock
Thursday evening, October 31. R. C. Hussey will speak on "The Canyon'
City Embayment." L. B. Kellum will talk on "The Geology of Northeast
Coahuila, Mexico".
University;; Club Night: The first Club Night occurs Friday, No-1
veMber 1, at 8:00 P.. M. The program will begin about 8:20. Members
should make a special effort to bring guests who may be interested in
Club membership.
Announces Two Speeches-
for Novemaer.
Two lectures have been an-
pounced by the political science!
department for the week begin-'
I ning November 3. On Tuesday, No-
vember 5, in room 1025 Angell Hall,
at 4:15 p. m., Mr. F. A: Brand, a'
member of the faculty of the Uni-
versity of Sydney, Australia, will
speak on, "The Constitution of the
Australian Commonwealth." Mr.
Brand has served in the Australian
Civil Service, and at present holds
the position of lecturer on Admin-
istrative Law at the University of
Sydney. Mr. Brand is spending
this year in the United States, and
will be in Ann Arbor for a week
While here, he will deliver one pub-
lic address and will take part in
various class room lectures in the
political science department.
On Thursday, November 7, at
4:15 p. m. in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre, Mr. George Young, a
noted British diplomat, will lecture
on, "The Freedom and Command
Sof theSeas." Mr. Young was fo
a long; time a member of the Brit-
ish Diplomatic corps. He has spent'
considerable time 'in' Washington,
'and is recognized as an authority
on questions concerning the Near
Eat. Mr. Young is the editor of a
great work on Ottoman Law, and
is the joint editor with Commander
Kenworthy on a British book, en-
titled "Freedom of ti-e Seas."
Mr. Young delivered the Lowell}
lectures in Boston this year, and 1
was 'one of the lecaurers at the
Williamstown Institute of Politics
last summer. In speaking of Mr.
Young, who is a member of the La-
bor Party in England. Prof. Jesse
S. Reeves of the political science
department says, "He iF a diplomat,
literary man, and student of in-
ternal affairs. In view of the ap-
proaching naval conference, it is
timely to have the views of a mem-
ber of the Labor party on this im-
nortant subject presented to an
American audience."
Goal Post Legitimate
Spoils ofGrid Victory
(By Associated Press)
HANOVER, N. H., Oct. 29.-It
has been officially decided that the
loser's goalposts are legitimate
spoils of football war. Harry Hen-
eage,- supervisor of Dartmouth'
athletics, offered to pay for the
Harvard goal carried away by
Dartmouth's rooters but the reply
was that they had been charged to
profit and loss.
Russell Dunn, 30E, associate edi-
tor of the Technic, will leave to- IN vv THIAL MUVIL
morrow for Purdue where he will
attend a meeting of representatives Business Research Bureau to Give
of college engineering publications. Films About Manufacturing
Twenty-one colleges will be rep- and Distribution.
resented and Dunn expects to__
gather information which will be of SERIES TO BEGIN IN WEEK
use to the staff of the Technic, stu-
dent publication of the engineering
school.;, Prof. M. H-. Waterman, ass-n
EdwarR. Ndirector of the business researc i
Edward R. Nell, 30E editor of the bureau, announced yesterday that
Technic, planned to attend the under the auspices of the sschool of
meeting, but an attack of scarlet business administration a series o
fever will keep him confined to the eight or ten movies would be given
health service. this year in the Natural Scmencw
auditorium. The first of the serie
will be shown November 5th, thc
second, November 26th.
The purpose of the business ad-
ministration school is showini
these movies is to give business and
pre-business students an insighi
into manufacturing and distribu-
d International Langage tion processes which they wouk
Need forgug not be able to gain tnrough the
Stressed by Professor in limited number of trips which are
Lecture Yesterday. taken through nearby factories.
fThe first of the series on Novem:
"Esperanto has passed the stage ber 5th will consist of two movies
f grammatical plaything or experi- entitled "Speeding Up Shipment:
ment, and now stands recognized in Delivery of Perishable Freight'
-is a substantial language bidding and "From Trees to Tribunes."iiu
fair to replace English as an inter- next of the series. on Novembe:
Aational language" Professor Clar- i 26th will feature three films: an
nce L. Meader stated yesterday in animated description of the fed-
i lecture on "Esperanto, the Inter- eral reserve system; the deveTop-
national Language." ment of power from the earl
In explaining Esperanto as the uses of steam to the great powei
simplest and most practical lan- plants of today; and a trip up the
guage extant, Prof. Meader stressed Hudson river from New York tc
the present need for such a world Albany in the cab of the Twen
language. Difficulties now encoun- tieth Century limited train.
tered by radio stations seeking na- PITTSBURGH PaPublic schoo
tional hook-ups, and diplomats at claSsroo'wor is to-b ics
international conferences, would classroom work is to be radiocast
easily, be surmounted by such a via. KDKA every Tuesday after-
language, he said. noon next month in an experiment
Large diagrams explaining Es- to determine whether radio can be-
peranan grammer were shown, and
Prof. Meader gave a complete out- come a useful adjunct to teaching
line of the languague's grammati-
cal structure. Esperanto, he explain-
ed, can be compared to a five-
pointed star. At each of the five I D
asters is a different letter which J LAI
represents the endings for every
stem of every part of speech.
The pendulum of the little foot
idea has finally swung back in
China to the opposite extreme. Now
Chinese women decorate their feet1at
with canoe-like affairs nine inches
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Comedy Club will meet at 2
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