'arsters Rbtaihs Lead VARSIT "Y EN,,TERS LONG '
_ mog Eastern Scorers P~F.10D OF PRACTICING
Two more,. oaceiccown, scoredE
against H arvard last Saturday (Coritinued from Page G, Cal. 1)
FUR BOJL[RMAK[RS ~brought AJ' Marsters' point totalpasn hhivoesvel
past the century mark in the Est- patrikgfdrmllwhio n vlesvra
Although Disappointed atUpset e niiulsoig race. His tended fr s appaurenoerTly ein
by Iwa, adges fipie 102 tallies areams double,, the passers, were carrying the major
by Ioa, Badgrs He.ttlo i eretcmeioshare of the cirill and were given
to Down urdue. Ralph Hewitt, Columbia -backfield mnt ntutosa otems
ace wh ha ru u. 5 PontSthu Iefficient way of getting the ball'
BAD~FR TACKLING' POOR far. The lead that the Dartmouth away.
-~ I star established this early in the
(Svecial to The D~aily) the season gives him an, unusual 1 The line continued working on
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 29.-Slitter-opruiythagpnere- charging and blocking with special
ly disappointed but with spirit un- ord before the football year is fin- emphasis laid on quick, fast charg-
broken, the' University of Wis on- isbed; ing. The line and part of the back-
sin football team began on., Mon- Matesisofrnad field were taken to the freshmen
the tie work of preparation forthretotefiltatf squad and given ,a, stiff workoutj
hh rs ftefedta tsesA ~ e14.omne game of the year nlklththwilbovrke ettack~ling the yearling backs. As yet1
against Purdue Saturday. alnelyptae lbut suhvead rta -ltthe tackling is not up to pat'.
The Bdger' 14-0 defeat by ;tically as lar e *asafi aeben I asrmmgih adfeebema
I .w and Purdbe's smashing 26-01reduced and. such a thing' is not ,eleven.,later in the. practice. the
victory over "Chicago make the limpossible though lighy impmob.. same weakness in tackling was cvi-
Wisconsin coaches task this week a le atti tg o h esn dent when. the first. year men oftLen
seem something lik~e a forlorn' b eit's position in .second place ,isshktemlvsosermon
rhope. That, however, i. nottheir bylo.iasa eur sMrtr Varsity tackler.
view nor that of the squad. WtwihAlbie Booth, Yale's senaitional '
consin showed enough improve- quarterback, only two points be-I filR lllllu i f
:Went against Iowa to. keeu the hind in, third place. Booth's re- 1Lf iitf~1P
flame of hope bu ning9 and this nlarkable performance of scoripjgC IUIW11UI I U I 9
week will see the *most intensive (121 points against the Army last
drive of the year to overcome thej Saturday has boosted his total to LR I
faualts which. cost Wisconsin last 52.LiJU
Saturdayss.ame wthethe Tawk-DATE
1audysgm wt h ak Closely following Booth ys is David--___
eyesz of Lehigh with 50 -ak .I 5ei~ to The Daily)I
pascn Makes Touchdown. 'However, despite Davidowitz's scor- IOACTQt29-Anoe
Iowa's first touchdown, when ing proclivities Lehigh came out IOACTct29-noe
Sansenl broke through center and at the small end of the result o n date, first on a Hawkeye scheduleC
drove, and side-stepped anidSaturday. by losing to Penin 10-7. for some years, is the gift of thej
straight-armed his way, eighteeni Point .after .touchdowns honors are football schedule makers to the Uni-
yars to 'Wisconsin's goal line, may still retained by Ellert the Syracuse
be charged to the same weakness: end who has booted the ball over versity of Iowa team nextSatur-
which gave Notre Dame at leastJ the bar 14 .times this year. Marsters day.
two of its touchdowns the week be- ;holds~ second place with 12 pointsI Ohio State, Illinois and Wisconsin
fore-viz., poor tackling and poor' and Booth comes third with 10.'
jufgment by the secondary de- ________ -an off Saturday-then Minnesota
fense. Their second score came as: Purdue,, and Michigan'. That after-
the result of an ancient trick pray, I [CTXT N, 2t~Cf noon of competitve inactivity is theI
which like many old plays, is still!I DEf~l'~LINE GOSS~IP sole factor that makes at all toier-
-and always will be-dangero us.. a_________ able such a schedule.'
Better teams than this ya' CniudFmPg ,Cl4 ic o.2i h afwymr
yers (otne rmPg ,Cl) SneNv stehl-a akBadger eleven have been fooled byj have won only titre Big den in the serious preparations to repel
it-a fake drop kick. Nelsoni was I contests, defeating, Chicago Minst',naiotedywl
sent in, apparently to try for a later in the 192 7 Season, and ntbeset nilepsim.Fo
field .goal, when the Hawks had five beating Illinois and Iowa last Oc.2toNv8-lenpaie}
yards to gain on fourth down, near; year. Oct.28ntnv.w8-liee racwth
the end of the game, the ball be- I__dy -ntig-iliteeewt
ing n te sxtee yad lne, f te fcts f te Crnege pobethe Hawkeyes' labor of lea ruing
ingon he ixeenyar lie. ? I t*fats f te Crngieproe Minnesota method's and new ones
Wisconsin improved. regarding Michigan were true, of their own.
Trhe brig'ht ~n~h't-nPeople, nt would begin wondering
E Meiji M~anager is Quide:.
Frank Matsamota, who irm a4 c
the Meiji team when it Bas in the3
United States last spring ac;ted ast
general 'manager, guide, and inter-
preter for the Wolverines, and be-
fore the trip was over every Michi-
gan mans became a stanch friend
of the Oriental's. His work did
bility of Oran NDanny) Pape, twice
this season called into question on
charfges of professionalism, was
definitely established last night by
the University of Iowa Board iii
Control of Athletics.
Pape, fleet Hawkeye halfback, aq-
cusecd last week of playing semi-
pro football with the Dubuque
yfor room and7 board. Call 2-1588.
PIANO TUNING - Phone 6776.! 456123
Vic or llm ndi e . T e S ein ;W ANTED--Students to enjoy a eal,
way concert artist tuner. Office; meal. Forest Inn, 538 Fkjiest. c1
at residene.} 1608 Jvtorton Ave. 340_
______ 24C'LOST
coat department. Student who
HOSPITLITYNJAPAFINALY__________ADVERISING has had some years of experienco
hOSITAITYFINLLYLOVRTIINGpreferred. Fair Store, 200 North
f(Continued From Page 6, Col. 6. ) 1S socatdPress) Main.
Michigan campus went far out of NTC
IOACTtheir way to be~ kind to theIOWA CITY Oct. 29.-The eligi- NTC WANTED-A student girl to world
much to make the trip enjoyableI sumed name, was permitted to play
for the Wolves. in the Wisconsin game.
C \
e '
it .
jt .
a '
R-ADIO SERVICE LOST---A brownwalt zian
Competent service men on all! Union card with name Alfred S.
makes of radios. Remsen, 711 Haven. Dial 8585. 2
STMSNRDSRIEDial 21408 521 East Liberty DOG LOST-Boston Bull, small
246cI brindle male, very little white on
-- ~face, "Deedee." Suitable rewAard.
MEN who really need money and Phone 8229. 23"1
can put in at least ten hours a' LOST-Black leather purse C dni-
week during afternoons will betaining over ten dollars, blue
interested in our offer which is fountain pen with name Esther
now netting Michigan students Anderson engraved and oth e'i
ten to thirty dollars weekly." It articles. Lost on campus Oct.ober
you are clean cut and able to 128. Finder Dial 21566.
give references, come Room 302, __
M ichigan Union Wednesday, 8:00 LOST-Brown suede pocket book. .1,
_______________________ Lost on State street Thursday
ATTETIO - ratrniiesand night. Treasured Articles. Re-
ATTNTON- ratrntis nd ward. Dial 3597. 12
Sororities - This is the time of __________
year your blankets need the care1 $25.00 REWARD for any lost key
you would like to give them at I can't replace. A Real key mnanu-
home. A trail will convince you. facturer. 440 South State. Phone
204 No. Main Phone 3816-______________
LOST--A Phi Kappa Tau badge
FOR ROOMS without Keys phone! with initials R. F. C. Reward:
9200 or see A. Real, key manu-I Call 6074. 612
fa~turer, 440 South State. C1
PIANO player and tenor sax player. I
Must be able to fake well. Phone Pi e
7451 after 8 p.mi. 2!
WANTED - Stenographer and 'J
Typest, first class, Saturdays. .~U
Apply Saturday 1825 Geddes Ave.~
23 Classifieds
WOMAN-Wants cooking in fra-I
ternity; 15 years experience. Mrs.
Stadlands, 205 N. Main, City. 2 ThenPy
XVANTED-Clothing- salesman for
full or part time. Experienced! Pay You W4ell
only need apply. Fair Store, 2001 J
North Main.
That the principles of football
apply to business. It is the offen-
Sive you rmust drive ahead .
from a Wisconsin standpoint, were
an improved defense and the abil-
ity.,of the cardinal squad j to gain
ground consistently from scrifn-I
mage, even if they, did not score.!
Their marches ,of 45 yards in thej
first period and 65 in the second
showed offensive possibilities not
hitherto revealed all season.
Work this week will be carried
on along the obviously indicated
lines-to improve the charge of;
the line, both offensive and de-
fensive, and to polish up the new,
offense, which functioned reason-1
ably well, considering that the at-
tack used by Wisconsin Saturday
had only been given to the team~
five days before. ,Most of the Bad-
gems came through the game in
fairly good condition and they
face the coming week's drive iii
better..Shape, physically and met t-
ally, than could reasonably have
been eXpected of an eleven which
has gone through three successive,
$adgers' Line 1olds:.
It may be slim consolation to,
them-bu0t they know that they
can stop a power attack of more
than, average efficiency. Iowa
reached Wisconsin's ten yard .line
or thereabouts four times during
the game. The first time Wiscon-
sin held them and forced a try for
a field goal, which was hurried and
The second time the .Badgers
took the ball on downs. The third
time Iowa scored, on Sansen's
smash, which should have. been
stopped and wpuld have bean but
for 'the overanxiety of one player,
who throughout the game put up a
superb defensive fight.
what kind of a business institution1 Whetheir the Iowa line will rise to -~vrt's( tn
this .was at Ann. Arbor. Business football heights as against Illinois, 9dets. Sno.SrieCt
men expect to get more for their and turn back the grinding powreri - n oyaefeei n ro'
money than the football team has attack of such Minnesotans as anescopy ae friler . An.Aro.
sh w od t . M y et e" u sB o k a usi h r e, a db s aktdized" athletes are on the fencing; Kirk is the chief Haweye worry.ak tbul e
or hockey teams. The Gophers were relentless in theim
utter flattening of Northwestern i ip
Two Harvard. scouts, includ- the final quarter, and Iowa scouts,
ing Charlie Murray, for~mer {.declare, that they have yet to at-
Crimson captain, were in the tam te ultimate in their power. l e plIglfa , a l
press box at Champaign watch- A Minnesota football team never;Te D a l
Sing the W%1verine plays in an- before has played at Iowa City two?
tricption of the intersectional years in succession. It will be the!
battle of Nov. . The fact that intention of the Gophers to avenge
Harvard was trampled 4on by tee 7 to 0 defeat administered at i
Dartmouth and Al Marsters to the Hawkeye homecoming last year1Y
a .34-7 tune last week, indicates when Oan Pape raced 7 yards for______
that Coach Hlorween 's boys a touchdown in tale final period, IlillilililliiilliiIltlllillliliiililllllillili11111
may need to study the Michi- and Irving Nelson booted a drop--
gan plays. kick a moment later.=I
SDewey Smith's Barber Shop' U NS IG
Special Scalp Treatment for Dandruff ~.°
Ij and Unhealthy Hair fi
fvfrom -
Courteous Servce to Ladies and Children
4)O)<. To0®U (ere is) aUn () il(wSHIRTS!
:;i.Here is of event for those men who wear the
a 1, 1, inerkind o shirts-shirts that usualy cost nncli
6. ' o r a n yA. REAL'S SERV'ICE CAR ifal 1 more. We are offering white broadcloths, white
lost K I ney' Isth same low, rate as is collar ataced and neck band styles.
Repace brought to my Repair '' t
Iel~ .$hop.. Open 7 A. M. to 9 -.95 to..'
P. M. jJ~) ~ U
For .any article ,worth reaairing that I can't repair and mnake as strong P J M S
or stronger than new.
Frerepair for any item that I can't name it ccusation. Teepjmsaefrmnwows olo
Iwant the retiair work that others turn down. One trial will win their best-even when retiring. Thevey attatvepten m otnsadfade4
your everlasting confidence. .-
Keys, manufactured from the first one to the last. Reduced rates /-,yp
in quantities. Gzet 'my prices for Faculties, Fraternite n ooiis L.UJt /)Y~=
Keys for your auto, your apartment, homes,. stores, offices, trunks,
mail boxes, suitcases, hand bags, vanity cases, desks drawers, lockers pad- °
locks, etc.o
*AMaster Mechanic I NECK WEAR!-
440 Suth tate hone9200The newest thing in neckwear is here in large -
quantities. Thlese for-in-hands are made of
lustrous silk. cravating in attractive and distinc-
- five small natterns and plain shades.
hen you burn .. $2t0h
midnight oil, provide for the
extra tax on bod6andbrain.
Shredded Wheat - for the late GLOES!-I
" next ° There are nig skin gloves, buck skin glove, ~
supper a nd n x mornings 1 suede gloves, fur and wool lined gloves, and-
b rak~s -su plis he exraf fncy wool gloves in snp and gauntlet wrist
vigr yu ned5. $200 to $6.00
Shgr _/,nedde uzzz
, i v =1 r % ;; d- * dL I
$PA75 and6 35VALE
We are selling out a group of
$2.75 and $3.00 shirts, not be-
cause they are old stock, but be-
cause we are overstocked. They
are mostly fine imported English
Broadcloth in stripes, solid colors
and plain whites. Be sure to come
in and, see them.
always fair
weat her.
IF 1OUR wardrobe includes
a real Fish Brand Slicker it's
fair weather for you, rain or
shine. However hard it storms
you can go about a5 usual,
snug and dry. Trips to the
drug store, to the movies, and
--oh, yes--to classes, can be
mnad-. in comfort.
Genuine Fish Brand Slick-
ers, either in the long, roomy
"Varsity" model, or the smart
new "Topper"--can be bought
at good stores everywhere.
You don't have to pay _a bit
more for a Fish Brand Slicker,
i'rhe F,,aiay Day Pal." A. - .
'Tower Company, Boston, Mass.
Tail"ored Suits
"Ready-Mad *9, Prices
don't judge by appearance
A; Marquardt suit looks expein-
sive, but that's because it is tail or-
ed to 'measure. The fact is, Mar-
quardt will make you a suit to11yuinvdalmsreeiso
as little as you would pay for one
ready made.
in A-A. A A ---m- A A-.A'A- A A-15#116, JL 9