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Coach Kipke Feels That Lack off
Confidence Defeated Wolves
in Illinois Game.
Lack of confidence in their own
ability defeated the Wolverines last
Saturday when they fell before Il-
linois 14-0, was the opinion expres-
sed. by Coach Harry Kipke yester-
day. Defensively the Michigan!
team played as well as any Maizej
and .,Blue squad has against the
Illini; but offensive power seemed
totally lacking, continued the Wol-
verine mentor.
Daring execution of plays when
yards meant chances to score and Yale's 140
the offensive punch which marks iron flash
a great team seemed unknown to through the
the Wolves, and for the next two chine for t
weeks Kipke plans to try to inject Saturday, ec
these important elements into his eArdys
squad. With the team in some- ble, Army's
thing of a rut, which started at Pur-
due, Kipke's main problem will be
to bolster up their waning self es-:
teem. PH ARM
Starting yesterday aftefnoon on
his campaign to beat Harvard 'Kip'
sent the men who did not play in i
the Illinois game through a long
se rmmage session against a piek-
SidelWne Chatter
By Edward Warner, Sports Editor.
To Bob Zuppke and his coaching to Bill Hewitt who made a
cd group of freshmen and gave his While Min
Vars4y a partial lay-off except for Ripon Satur
libmberingup exercises and a game of taking advar
,pass football at one end of the field.
Kipke will employ the services of petition to a
another line coach, Harvey Emory, downs and f
Princeton, '24, to help Jack Blott downs to bo
with the forward wall. the Big Ten
Emory played tackle on the Tiger back far ah
team and was known as one of the val, Captaini
best tackles in the east during is second wit
his career and although last nightG
was the first time he has turned Glenn har
out in uniform to help Kipke he Rnsh in
took an active part in showing the Itheirgmed
line how to stop the yearling drives.I games
Emory knows the Harvard style of having 20 p
play and will be able to help com- Following i
bat against it. !standing incl
The Varsity reserves were able ed:
to gain against their opponents al-'
most at will except in the overhead Pharmer, Mir
department, where the yearlings Glassgow, Iov
had success in intercepting theirH
passes. Holland and Priest stood HreoP
out as ball carriers in this scrim- Bergherm, N'
mage, each tearing off several long Sansen, Iowa
gains. The first year men, too, Pape, Iowa .
seemed more spirited than they Yunevich, Pu
have before this year with the re-;
sult that the play was fast and hard Welch, Purd
even though the Varsity men held Pritchard, N'
a decided avantage. Gembis, Mich
assistants must go some of the great catch from between two Michigan's cross-country team is running machine with every- part
credit for the Illinois victory over Illini players. Hewitt stumbled to meet M. S. C. next Saturday at in its place.
Michigan at Champaign last Sat- after the catch and then tart- East Lansing. The showing made Brings Maize and Blue's
urday. The little strategian has ed on again, but Timm caught last week against the Detroit Y. M. Lone Touchdown. The most notable weakness of the
molded together a fast, smart team him from behind on the 15- C. A. indicates that the Farrell Wolverines was the poor tackling
that can block and run intlerfer- yard line. coached team will make a goo TEAM ON of the secondary defense, especial-
to aecen e. * heco c edma ego dW EA K D E E N E y urngthe first half. Tim e after
___fgtaantheepowerful adlSpartns, __durin_
sented a polished eleven that atog hr shrl hn Exetfoabrlinflsdu-tmthMcignpyrbthn
showed its superiority over a Wol- Failure of the Wolverines to pro- for them to win. Statehas a its Except for a brilliant flash dur- tme e ch ayes both i
verine team which was inferior in fec Trukowski was responsible good runners from I st year, be- ing the first seven plays in the sec- the line and behind it, merely
everydepartment.or Michigan's intercepted pass and sides the addition of several new- ond half, the Michigan "B" team bumped the Illinois ball carrier,
the resulting second Illinois touch- comers. They are headed by Laur- looked like anything but an up and providing of course that the Wol-
Gaga"Mills5-ad dash to w n e i ed f en Brown, who is one of the best coming football eleven in the game I verine managed to get in the way
a" Mills' 65rddash teyr threw a long one intended for cross-country runners in the west. against Illinois Saturday on Ferry at all.
a score behind perfect hterfer- !Hewitt, but he was hurried on the
ence was the feature of the attempt and Walker came in fast There is still much room for im- Field. If.the Illini had played a It is quite likely that Coach
game. Mills started towards the to intercept it. The Indians im- provement n the running, but they more intelligent or deadly earnest Courtwright will be looking for a
east sideline, then suddenly re- mediately formed their interfer- are being brought along slowly -andvf type of ball, the result would have safety man who can tackle in case
versed his field, leaving most ence and Walker proceeded to should be in top form for the tri- undoubtedly been even more dis- another opponent should break
Albie Booth of- the Michigan players- behind Michigan's 12-yard line without angular meet with Illinois and Ohio mal for those who -are looking to- loose in the same manner Useman
pound sophomore grid- him. The few -Wolverines left molestation before finally being State the morng of the Harvard wards the Junior Varsity to fur- did early in the Illinois encounter.
who snaked his way between Mills and the goal downed by Truskowski.;game nish a degree of backbone for next Widman played a fairly good game
powerful Army ma- were quickly blocked out by a IThe improvement of the new men year's first string eleven. as a ball carrier, but is one of the
pr ful A a horde of Illini, five men accom- I of the squad was very encoutraging From their own 25-yard line tke weakest tacklers on the squad and
hree touchdowns last anying him across -the final I .Al Steinke played a fine and coupled with the showing of Michigan team went down the field quite- incompetent of stopping a
lipsing thegmighty Ca- stripe. -game at right guard in the the veterans should make a good1 for a touchdown on seven line runner aloie.
l-amWolverine line before he was team later on in the season. Right i plays and a pass all of which click- The Michigan ends were pretty
Agl-american. removedclate i the last quar- now the squad is an unknown ed as they are theoretically sup- nearly helpless against the massed
Again Michigan lacked scoring I-ter. "Doc" rMorrison in his in quantity for conference competi- posed to-click. It was the one ex- interference of the Illini and had to
Spunch, but unlike the Ohio State tial appearance at left tackle to.apedrn h ae-fteWl ecnett pl smn ft
B Ggame, the Wolverines did not even also gv odacuto tion. ample during the game of the Wol-i be content to spill as many of te
come close to a score. Except on himself. The rejuvenated ful- verines functioning as a smooth Intertenances as possible.
Truskowski's long pass to Hewitt, back may make a dependable
EheneTOstapSoaB wa Ext l- forward with a little experience
'nrnthe nearest appoc wsteI11
asf deois' 40-yard line. None of Michi- at his new-=post.
gan's four first downs were made I
-in consecutive order.
nesota-wa defeanJim Simrall's average on punts TSH0L
inesota was defeating ;was the lowest the blond Wolve- I____
day, Art Pharmer, was It was rather pitiful the way ine back has turned in thisseason.(e
tage of the easy com- the Wolverine backs attempted Simmy" only averaged 31 1-2'
ccumulate three touch- to gain ground. Dah:em, les- yards on his kicks, but the Wol MADISON, Wis., Oct. 29-A can-
our points after touch- ton ,and Gembis made brave verine line was not holding on didate for center is .outstanding1
ost his grand total in efforts to advance-the ball, but punt formation and an adverse among the sixty candidates for the
scoring race to 42 their interference was entirel;; wind also hindered sorte of his ef- j University of Wisconsin freshman
ng the Gopher half inadequate or the - Wolverine forts. The Wolverine forwards basketball team. He is more up--
ead of his nearest ri- forwards failed to open any ap- were especially weak defensively standing, perhaps, than outstand-
Glasgow of Iowa, who preciable holes. A ball carrier during the first half when one of ing, for he towers above the rest
th 28 points. is practically helpless without Simral 's kicks was}partially of the squad to a height of six foot
the cooperation of some of his blocked. 8 iche
'meson of Purdue and teammates. Tis el a
erm of Northwestern This elongated youth is a lad
a tie for third after Had "Frosty" Peters been in the Squash Tn named Surquist from Indiana and
last Saturday, each Illinois lineup, the home team while he has played little basket
oinits to his credit. would likely have had a six or none ' Completion ball, he is absorbing the funda-
s the Big Ten scoring point lead at half time. Mills Ner gErentals of the Meanwell systems
uding all games play- - missed four place kicks from the from the frosh coaches, George Drugs Cosmetics
40-yard line or closer, and Peters With the exception of the squash showing steady improvement in s Fountain Servic Toasted Sandwiches
g td fg pa tp would probably have put several tournament, all Freshman Week handling himself. Every time Doc
nn. ....2 5 2 6 42 1 of these between the uprights with championship meets have been Meanwell looks at Surquist, he
his magic toe. However it was completed. The squash tourna- s esbroady-for is ts animate
va .....4 4 0 4 28 IPeters' substitute who made the ment is nearing completion, theisti-ingbeanlnot inhster S O
.r: . 3 4Jnt 2 2 d hird period romp for the In- only match remaining to be played than the famous "Stretch"eMurphy G A STONE DRUG STORE
S 4 0 2 being the final match with Turner of Purdue? Doc has not a single 1217 Prospect St.
.440I0meeting Pagal.sifotra nghspentv-
3 3 0 4 22 Michigan's only bid for a Group 79, sponsored by M. sity can ddateinonhis presentva-ARL S. MORTON, PROP
rdu2 R score, with the exception of Washke of the Education Schoolsthecader.freshman squad,-
irdue 3 3 0 0 18; Gembis' brave place kick effort won the baseball championship, de- The Badger freshman squad,i
ue .....3 3 0 0 18 from the 50-yard line, came on feating the freshman engineers in which started with 200 candidates, - Your Neighborhood Druggist
thw'n .2 3 0 0 18 the last play of the first half. a rather loosely played game, the has gradually been cut to sixty
.igan . .4 2 1 3 18 Truskowski -heaved a long pass score being 7-3. men.--
the o
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