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October 24, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-24

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S m r nt - - * a a a- - a


Mei nbers of Each Organization
Entered Ban Together
To Form Team



Women archers will meet in an
all-campus tournament during the
second week in November providing
weather conditions are suitable. At
the present time, there are 15 or-
ganizations entered. Three mem-
bers from each organization or
group constitute a team, so as to
insure that this will be an all-cam-
pus affair. Practice is from 3 to 5
o'clock every Monday and Wednes-
day at Palmer Field or the indoor
range. However, women may sign
up for bows at any other time.
Women are especially urged to
come out for archery this week so
that the best marksmen may be
determined for the Play Day meet.
Play Day will be Friday and Satur-
day of next week at Palmer field.
Battle Creek, Michigan State Nor-
mal College, and Michigan State
College will compete in tennis, field
hockey, golf and archery. As there
will be only three women from each
institution entering the archery
contest, it is especially important
that Michigan be well represented,
and it is emphasized that all wom-
en who are interested in archery
come for try-outs and practice this
week. Each woman must have four
practices of 30 minutes each to
participate in the tournament.
In the classes in archery, there is
a more enthusiasticresponse than
ever before. The four classes have
been divided into two groups, the
"Robiri Hoods" and the "William
Tells," and keen interest is being
displayed. It is hoped that at the
end of the season, the women from
each group having the highest score
will be permitted to enter the in-
terclass meet.
Wyvern, honorary junior society,
held an initial service at 8 o'clock
last night in the Cave of the
League. The initiates were: Mar-
garet Morin, Alice and Elizabeth
Sunderland, Kathleen Clifford,
Mary Louis Behymer, Marion
Bimmy, Hermine Soukup, and Eliz-
abeth Wood.
All the old members of Wyvern
and Miss Grace Richards attended
the meeting.
Washington society demands that
every prominent woman have at
least a dozen dinner and evening
gowns for the winter social fune-
tons. At this time of year when
each train brings new arrivals from
all over the United States and
Europe to spend the season, it is
quite the thing for a woman to
spend an entire day in an exclu-
sive shop purchasing her wardrobe.

Dinner to be Given Tuesday There are upward of 100 women funds to aid women who have been
That the normal waistline has offers another interesting excuse Night at Field House for Faculty men and graduate stu-for whom this adjustment is not ntad oe who
sreturned to favor is not a fact un- for covering the beltline. A slightly! mnItrse e gelroce aes frwoaehsedsmn sntmartculated for a year and who
reune o aori nta at n orcveig h bllie AsigtyWomen Interested dents get together once a mo nthj easily made, because they must; resent satisfactory scholastic re-
known to any of us. We are ready different cut has evolved a cape-' under the name of the Unitarian help support themselves. The bestpsy
to accept the dictates of Paris, but line effect which is cut in one with Jannet Michael, '3i, social chair- Layman's league to discuss prob- way of doing this Miss Richards ords.
we hope, at the same time, that we the sleeves. man of W. A .A., has announced lers of general interest Recently alvises is to take places and work Through the generosity of the
need not become absurd in doing that the date of the informal hock- Miss Grace Richards, Advisor to for room and board. This takes care Women's Clubs, and one peronal
so. The slenderizing lines of the new- ey spread has been changed from Women, discussed with them the of $400 out of an $800 budget. The oen s Ce o A srs has
Ele tricksfor overoing te oft-I est dresses are straight in effect Thursday, October 24, as previously "Adjustment Problems of Univer- greatest problem of these womene
tle tricks for overcommgt oct- only, for the majority are cut on announced in the "M" books, to the sity Women. who are living in faculty homes for a small amount in reserve to meet
by high istlines.eJacke have the bias. Clever combining of oddly following Tuesday, October 29. The Social adjustments, she said be- the most part, is one of isolation ;mergencies. This is administered
foundgha ftlioneJacktheItrhaepiClercomatriniloducesdinner is to be given for those par- gin with housing. The University from University groups. Beta Kap- as gifts, not loans.
found a new function this winter shaped pieces of material producesI taking in the games and all others bulletin advises that all women; pa Rho is the club they have or-
as the concealers of belted waists, the desired straight line. who are in terested. oh s bein res ta apromen pa R o gtel tey he or- Foreign groups present problems
They fall below the belt-line, and) h r neetd must be in residence in approved ganized for good times. The women;
alblow eaflatt-rinrontiew nSports clothes have made a no-! Directly after !hockey ipractice, how - - before they can register. of this group have achieved a real- in adjustment. The World Fellow-
talo only a flattering front v ticeable exit. The return to favor about 5:30 o'clock, everyone will To ilet this need, there are six distinction in their scholarship ship Committee, Cosmopolitan club,
Another way of overcoming the of fancy afternoon dresses elimi- come to the lounge of the iFeld dorn> tories, 23 sororities, and 74 record. Since they are not a house Barbour Scholarship Committee,
disastrous results of the high nates the need for numerous sports House where each one will help houses approved as to physical club their name does not appear dA
wistlins esult fhedrssinhjaestnembes, foandueromajortsofherself to the buffet dinner. En- equpment house heads, and or- n the scholarship chart, but by ad the Office of Advisor all help
waistline is to belt he d ss ensembleateialshare majorityusedI tertainment has been provided for ganized under the Self-Governing the same method of caluculation, the 35 Oriental women who are
fall loose Still another method noo in the creation of intricately- directly after the dinner. The i Association. their record for 1928-29 was 82.26, now in residence.
much used by Paris designers is cut shopping and traveling dresses. charge will be 50 cents. Few Dormitory Rooms. whereas the highest for the organ- Self-government is the greatest
the blouse, which falls softly overIThe tweed suit-dress is extremely Freshmen have the greatest ized sorority was 81.79. demand which social adjustment.
the waistline and detracts from its I popular. ARTHUR CROSS SPEAKS problem in this adjustment. Since. Finances Are Problem. makes. Women students make and
harshness. Long skirts being the rule, the TO DEBATING SOCIETIES there are only 387 places available: The third great adjustment is enforce their rules, and punish
The ever-popular bolero has lost most extreme lengths are employed in the dormitories, and there are a financial one. A fair budget for infringements of them. According
none of its hold upon fashion, and in evening gowns. More-than-ankle- Athena Society was the guest of 2,036 undergraduate women, there University women is $800. This to Miss Richards, this is the great-
; length gowns are always accom- Adelphia Tuesday night, when Dr. are over 1,000 women who must meets only the simplest and most est triumph of University women,
Glee Club Announces l panied by an extreme fullness of Arthur L. Cross, of the English his- find rooms elsewhere. Since sorori- essential needs. The Student Loan in that they have made their choice
skirt. So ignored in the decoletage tory department, spoke on English ties only place about 400 women, Fund of the University meets that and are sporting enough to meet
Special Recital ori this season that one designer cuts universities. 1.200 still have to be provided for. adjustment. There are adequate the consequences.
an evening gown only to the collar- Plans were made at the regular --- -- ----- - -
Michigan Broadcast] bone, both front and back, meeting of Athena for the mitia-
tion banquet, to be held November
5 at the Haunted Tavern, at which
The -Glee Club held their first UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON time the new members who. have
business meeting and practice at -Tradition was saved last Friday successfully completed three weeks
7:15 o'clock last Tuesday evening at the University of Washington of probation will be initiated.
in the large committee room of the through the medium of the radio.
League. Ruth Marshall, '31, the The Ephebic oath of allegiance Elizabeth Morrow, daughto': of:
business manager, announced that customarily administered by Prof. Ambassador Morrow, is returning OO0 wedb4
the club would give a recital on after him as he lay in his bed in to Mexico with her father whereo .n
the. Michigan Night program in Edmond S. Meany was repeated she will teach English to fifth
about two weeks. Two quartet the Seattle General Hospital by graders in Mexico City publicjI
groups were picked, one under several hundred students of the schools. Her plan is to establish a 1r
Marjorie McClung, '31, S.M., and class of 1933 assembled on the steps school of her own in Manhattan
the other for specialty numbers un- )f Meany Hill. for boys and girls.
der Elaine Frost, '30, Kathryn
Evans, '30, and Martha Cogshall,
'30. The new members of the Glee
club were reminded that three un-
excused absences would forfeit their -ll H aiSty les
membership. Freshman Glee club -aHir S y e
try-outs take place from 4:30 to
6:00 o'clock on Thursday and from \ -
4:00 to 6:00 o'clock on Friday in
Studio 216 of the School of Music. Decree Well Modeled and
The new members were intro-
duced to the Gleeclubin a social Beautifully Dressed
meeting held on October 15 in -th'e B atflyDrsse
Cave of the League, in which Miss
Lloyd traced the growth of the club b
for the last 25 years.
There will be a golf tournament
for freshman women Saturday EXTRA!
morning. Any freshman interested; r
will please call Katherine McMur- Our permanent wave special gives you a six
ray at 3193.\
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Ties in modern dress-




A graceful Peacock model

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-The Stroller for

Brown suede and kid, $12. The same model with a higher heel, in green
kid and suede, $12.

afternoon and campus wear, are of the smartest




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