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October 24, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-24

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T ±y.- DAx. -- C R 2 10

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
Association.- _ 1
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use forerepublication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwisecredited
in this paper and the local news published '
Entered at the posto. ..ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan,eas second class matter. Specialrate,
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

Telephone 4925

Editor.....................George C. Tilley
City Editor...... ......... Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor...George E. Simons
Sports Editor ........Edward B. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor ............Marjorie Follmer
Teegraph EditorC......... Geore Stauter
Music and Drama ........ William J. Gorman
Literary Editor. .......Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor....-Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank E. Cooper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman

rankest folly if not out-and-out I
The Rev. Dr. Clarence True Wil-
son, national secretary of the
Board of Temperance, Prohibition,
and Public Morals of the Methodist
Episcopal church, has long been
one of the prime reasons for the
existence of H. L. Mencken's
"Americana." Many times has this
Deacon ,of the Drys raised hisl
"down-with-all-sin" voice in the1
lobbies of the nation's capitol with
the result only of augmenting the
world's humor.
Monday, however, he spoke be-
fore the equally fanatic Women's
Christian Temperance union in
New York and transcended even
the realm of the humorous. As-i
summing the role of a modern'
handwriter on the wall, he chal-
lenged the American mind to meet
the "moral crisis" to which the an-
ti-prohibitionists are leading the
He said he would inaugurate a
total-abstinence pledge - signing
campaign, observe special days of
prayer and preaching for those
who drink, and see that no one
sleeps, forgets, or stays indifferent
wherever a twentieth - century
prophet is sent to represent mili-
tant methodists on the firing line
of the world's moral battlefield.
Big words, Mr. Wilson. No doubt
the W. C. T. U. clapped vigorously,
and a host of bartenders through-
out the country set up another for
thirsty Americans-sending them
that much farther straight down
the road to Hell.
And thus in the mouth of the
big bass drum of the methodist-
prohibition band do the Puritanical
words of our Pilgrim forefathers
return to smite us - the Pilgrim
fathers who started the country off
on the strict Puritanic creed-and
on smuggling and rum trading.

Charles A. Askren
Helen Bare
Louise Behymer
Thomas M. Cooley
W. H. Cranej
Ledru E. .Davis
Helen Domnine
Margaret Eckels +
Katherine Ferrin
Carl Forsythe
Sheldon C. Fullerton
Ruth Geddes
Ginevra Ginn
J. Edmund Glavin
D. B. Hempstead, Jr.I
James C. Hendley
ichard T. Hurley
s ean 11kLevy
Russel E. McCracken
Lester M. May

William Page
Giustav R. Reich
John D. Reindel
Jeannie Roberts
Joe Russell
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William P. Salzarulo
George Stauter
Cadwel ISwanson
Jane Thayer
Margaret Thompson
Richard L. Tobin
Beth Valentine
harold O. Warren
Charles S. White
G. Lionel Willens
Lionel G. Willens
J: E. Willoughby
Barbara Wright
Vivian Zimit

(California papers please copy)
Baby freshmen, shivering with
cold and wonder at this weather,
needn't look for any relief. This is
normal Ann Arbor weather from
October to May. Ordinarily, the
zero weather does not begin until
the first week in November.
* * *
Last October it rained so
much that they were thinking
of making water polo a varsity
sport instead of footbal. The
stadium couldn't have been
used for much else. Four years
ago it rained three weeks stead-
ily before the Minnesota game
and then thedtemperature
dropped to 20 degrees below
zero the night before the game.
They changed it to hockey. !
You read in your high school ge-
ography courses that the heaviest
rainfall occurred in the tropics.
That's just Ann Arbor chamber of
commerce propaganda.
* * * -
Two Iowa football players
have vehemently denied before
a committee representing the
Western Conference that they
were professionals. "No, com-
missioner, all we got was hon-
est wages twenty-five dol-
lars a week for winding an
eight-day clock."
* * *'
"Crime," says William G. Shep-
herd, writer for Collier's and speak-
er on the Oratorical association
this year, "is paying too well." Yes,
isn't it? Let's get Congress to clap
an income tax on the profits of all
In Germany they are switch-
ing engines by means of radio.
There is a receiving set in the
cab of each locomotive. All the
same, we'd hate to try it. Think
how it would feel to see the
fast express bearing down on
you and then tune in in des-
peration and receive "And now,
kiddies, I wish you one and all
a very pleasant god night" for
* *
Things ARE Bad for a Ros Editor
And 21 years ago today The
Daily carried a front page editorial
protesting that the day chosen for
class elections fell on the Saturday
before the national election, a day
when many University students
would be going home to cast their
votes in the real election, instead
of voting for class officers.
And yet they talk about the
good old days!
Days weren't so good for Michi-
gan when that was the crookedest
'thing an editor could find to criti-
cize in class elections.
Things must have been bad for
the Rolls editor. He couldn't print
his weekly crack about scattered
votes-scattered between the polls
and the place where votes are.
EF. E. C.

Shubert-Detroit: Messrs. Shubert
present the new Romberg musical
comedy "Nina Rosa."
Wilson: The latest George Co-
han opus about underworld codes
of friendship "Sign X. Y. Z."
Cass: George Sidney in "Kibit-
Lafayette: Thomas Mitchell's
farce adaptation of Floyd Dell's{
novel about an unmarried father,j
called "Little Accident."
Detroit Civic: John Leicester's
comedy of American home life "The
Olympia: "The Miracle."
* * I.
The news of the arrival in De-
troit next rweek of the Stratford-
upon-Avon Festival Company
ought to be exhilarating to those
I theatre-goers in Ann Arbor who
suffered at the cruel treatment
given William Shakespeare recently
at the Whitney. This company has
been well organized for years. It
doesn't rest quite so much upon the
bard's reputation as those com-
panies who hold that Shakespeare
however smeared will always be re-
cognized as England's fairest. It
aims to satisfy a more discriminat-
ing audience than one of school
children whose dear teachers do so
want them to get a glimpse of
Shakespeare on the stage. In other
words, it is almost unique in Amer-
The company had a very success-
ful tour of America last year and
is repeating this year. Critics ev-
erywhere acclaimed the singularly
lucid and interesting manner of
Mr. W. Bridges Adams' direction.
I Naturally, none of their produc-
tions is as glamorous, as spectacu-
lar, or as important as the George
Tyler-Gordon Craig "Macbeth" of
last year. This is just an honest
repertory company, scholarly con-
scientious enough to spare their
audiences any such abominations
as Ann Arbor had to glimpse a
few weeks ago.
In their short stay in Detroit the
company is squeezing in eight
plays, which is in itself an accom-
I plishment. Their offelntg Monday
night is "Much Ado About Nothing"
the same production that they gave
last year in England at the great
birthday festival. Tuesday night
they are giving "King Richard II,"
probably less often performed than
s any of the tragedies. For the ben-
efit of those interested the sched-
ule is:
Monday: Much Ado About Noth-
Tuesday: King Richard II.
Wed. Matinee: Merry Wives of
Thursday: Romeo and Juliet
Friday: Hamlet
Sat. Matinee: Julius Caesar
Saturday evening: Midsummer
Night's Dream
* * *


0i 0



Music And Drama


Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.......s.. r.. Hollister Mab .y
Advertisint........... Kasper H. Halverson
Advertising.................Sherwood Upton
Service ................George Spater
Circulation................... Vernor Davis
Accounts.. .....Jack Rose
PublicationsA................George Hamilton


Raymond Campbell
J ames E. Cartwright
obert Crawford
Harry B. Culver
Thomas M Davis
Norman Eliezer
Donald Ewing
James Hoffer
Norris Johnson
rlharles Kline
Marvin Kobacker
Laura Codling
Bernice Glaser
Hlortense Gooding
Anna' Goldberg

Lawrence Lucey
tThomas Muir
George Patterson
Charles Sanford
Lee Slayton
Robert Sutton
Roger" C. Thorne
Josepb Van Riper
Robert Williamsoin
William R. Worhoys
Alice McCully
Sylvia Miller
Ifelen E. Musselwhite
Eleanor Walkinshaw
D~orothea Waterman

Night Editor-Walter Wilds.
Dr. Frederick Rand Rogers, New
York educator, recently told 5,000
of his Utah colleagues that grades,
as applied to the American educa-
tional system, are little more than
a substitute for the dunce cap and
the whip. Said he, "Colleges wor-
ship marks, and an A.B. degree
merely indicates that the student
has agreed with his professors dur-
ing his four years at school."
Dr. Rogers was right, but hardly
strong enough. To a certain ex-
tent the higher marks do go to the
man who best imitates his teacher,
but they have in addition the in-
finitely more vicious quality of be-
coming in themselves the end of,
education. As our educational sys-
tem is constituted at present, the
student works not to learn but to
get a passing mark, and there is a
world of difference between the
Worse still, a large and varried
enough collection of passing marks
equals one bachelor of arts degree,
and the recipient thereof walks out
of his alma mater an "educated"
man in the eyes of the world.. In
not a few instances he has difficul-
ty ; spelling English, has never
heard of Lavoisier or Beaumont
and Fletcher, and vaguely connects
Darwin with apes. These, of course
are not set criteria whereby to
judge the educated man, but they
are indicative of a serious fault in
our educational system- a fault
which may briefly be summed up:
shallowness and splotchiness.
Time and again it has been prov-
ed that in one strenuous, all-night
review the essential facts of a
course can be well enough commit-
ted to memory for transcription
into a bluebook the following day.
The customary passing grade is re-
ceived, and everything thus sud-
denly forgotten in the student's
haste to learn the essential facts of
the next course. One salient fact
is usually remembered: the shining

No event of major importance to
the University at large, no social-
event, athletic contest, or pep meet-
ing passes without the presence of
the Varsity band to enliven the af-
fair. Beginning the year as an,
organization of but fifty-five pieces,
the band has now increased its
membership to the imposing size
of ninety playing and four non-
playing men.
The credit for forming these men
into one of the best aggregations of,
its kind in the country goes to
Captain H. B. Turner, of the de-
partment of military science and
tactics. He has drilled the band,
taught the men military precision
and novel formations, and has in-
stilled a degree of esprit de corps
which has never before been ap-
The comparison of this year's
organization with that of last year
shows there has been a tremend-
ous improvement in every phase of
its work. The music is better, the
drilling shows increased snap, and
letter formation have never been
attempted until this season. Ohio
State, with a band of more than
one hundred pieces which drills
every day, was not superior to thei
Michigan organization last Satur-
Both to "Uncle Bob" Campbell
Captain Turner, and the ninety-
odd men who compose the Michi-
gan band, great credit should go.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
namies of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expresing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

Only Seven More Shopping Days In Our Ann v ,,,.aly Monte




To the editor:
The student body is to be con-
gratulated on its support in the'
game Saturday. Over the long run
Michigan has won so many games
and lost so few, that critics delight
in pointing out what poor sports we
are when we do lose. Such talk
as this literally was blown to pieces
by the volley after volley of Michi-
gan cheers sent out at the Ohio
stand in the stadium. Keep it up.
Those cheers are going to win for
Several years ago the Student
council and Harry Tillotson setl
aside a block of the best seats for I
the loudest barkers in school. Suc-
cessive councils and cheer leaders
have organized these barkers, ad-
ded a touch of color, and made of
the whole thing a living symbol of,
M'jich igan sniv-f Soh jisnmir np-

* * *I
In Canada, women have won
the right to sit as spectators in
the senate. Now watch the
good looking senators get elec-
* * *
It is understood that the entire
student council was on hand for
the junior elections yesterday.
What chance is there for an honest
election? Or has the precedent set
by Messrs. Kern, Gilmartin, and
Sanderson been set aside?
The Museum officials seem
to be pretty much up in the air
in regard to the matter of a
proper diet for their badger. If
that badger is finicky about
his (or hers-we really don't
know) food, they ought to take
it to almost any Ann Arbor
eating place for discipline.
In Scotland they are planning an
air liner that will travel 120 miles
an hour. Think of what would hap-'
pen if one of the passengers drop-
ped a dime out of the window at
a height of 10,000 feet.
We understand that insanity will
be the plea of the person who is
to be arraigned before the council
for handing in a false name at the
Junior polls. This will be an easy
case to prove. Any one taking that
much interest in the elections must'
either have lost his mind at the
time or else have shown previous
signs of imbecility.

George Sidney is going to con-
tinue merrily for another week at
the Cass Theatre with his play "Ki-
bitzer." Sidney has the financially
advantageous position in the the-
atrical scale of values of an impor-
tant second-rate actor. Since the
retirement. of David Warfield and
the untimely death of Barney Ber-
nard, Mr. Sidney is accepted as the
foremost actor to fill some of the!
minor character parts they made
famous. He has done many things
on his own hook, too, of course.
"Welcome Stranger," the play
which ran five solid years, was one
of them, and then his screen ap-
pearances in, the "Potash and
Perlmutter" series and the "Cohensi
and Kellys" made him as familiar
a figure as Jiggs of the cartoons.
The activities of Actor's Equity has1
kept him off both the screen and
the stage for the past few years,
and "Kibitzer" marks his first ap-
The play by Jo Swerling and Ed-
ward Robinson presents him in a
typical and attractive role. Sidney,
is a kibitzer, the modern name for
a buttinsky in a card - game - the
fifth player in a four-handed game,
the card-room equivalent of a
back-seat driver. The term ap-
plys a little more broadly to any-
one who insists on giving unsought
advice or criticism. As the proprie-
tor of a small cigar store, Mr. Sid-
ney appears as the perfect kibitzer,'
the super-kibitzer, who has the
latest dope on pinochle, prize-fight-
ing, politics, and the stockmarket,

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I* * * *

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