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October 23, 1929 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-23

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Michigan's In





=rnrnniiriirne nr BFIAI IITfllDAi lN iu('OfBadger Tew n Tlf riri n inior




rntuur.L tnU urRE
Expansion of Present Facilities
Needed Because of Great
Popular Rise
Michigan's Intramural depart-
ment, having always in mind the
time when every man graduated
from the university will be profic-
ient in at least one sport and ac-
quainted with others, have found
that the response to their program
on tht part of the students has
already necessitated an expansion
in facilities.
Last week all of the lockers in-
stalled in the Intramural building
were occupied and it was found
necessary to order two - hundred
more lockers which will be placed
on the second deck Hof the main
locker room.


P pularity is Showvn.
Hundreds of students are taking
advantage of the opportunities for
physical g development which the
new building has to offer. At pres-

.: s.

ent more than 500 men students
and a large number of faculty
members are using the building
Within the next week it is ex-E
pected that considerably more men
will be attracted to the building
due to the beginning of the free
instruction which will be given in
several sports. The sports in which
instruction will be given or is al-
ready being given will include fenc-
ing, boxing, wrestling, swimming,
and soccer football.'
Equipment is Furnished.
The Intramural department of-
ficials are especially anxious that
the men students in the university
understand that all of the instruc-
tion given under their auspices is
absolutely free. In nearly all of.
the sports the major portion of the
equipment is also being furnished
by the Intramural department.
The instructors willtall be varsity
coaches or their assistants thereby
affording the students the best,
coaching in all of the sports thatI
the university is able to offer and,
will insure the players that theyI
will be started along the system of
play used by the Varsities in all#
these sports.
At eight o'clock tonight a classj
will be started for men who do not,
know how to swim and those who
have already gained some know-
ledge of the sport. This class will 0

T A I A1-L DUILiIU Continued from Page 6 1 U I I ErItLU HU1IJ E Quarter-finals in the fraternity'will be played Thursday. Because
-__ _ _ _ at all times. Wab Grauaner, Wau- seedball tournament have been of the good showing they have
hsau boy who was inserted at quar-reached. Tomorrow's games, Kap- made in the opening rounds Beta
MacMahon at 8:00 p. m. every terback for Behr in the last quar- Junior Varsity Works Indoors as pa Delta Rho meets Phi Sigma Theta Pi is doped to win. They
MondayhWednesday, and Fridayi ter, surprised fans with excellent Courtwright Spends Session Kappa, Phi Lam BetKapTheta sP have a strong opposition on their
in the intramural swimming pool. genersp and Polishing Up way to the title, however.
For the students who have reach- It is expce that Oman and olsig Upj meets Alpha Kappa Lambda. The wyt h ilhwvr
Frore whel rdeeivehtheaspeeaal - ! first game is to be played at 4:15 The independent speedbaii sched-
they ae stage in swimming in which ogt omee t i C Glee Thistle With a pouring rain making out- o'clock and the last two are to be ule is being drawn up, and playing
for the varsity, the pool will be thwaite in practice this week. door practice impossible, the "B" played at 5:15. In the consolation will start next week. All teamsa
Iowa, rated by some pre-season team went through its paces in the games, Theta Xi meets Delta Kap- that wish to enter should call the
available and instruction given aft- .1 h
er 4:00 o'clock every afternoon. 'experts" as an easy foe, is now field house for the second day in pa Epsilon, Kappa Nu meets Beta intramural sports building.
enc4:ing classeserfore inners rdasjurecognized as just the opposite succession. Scrimmage being im- Sigma Psi, and Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity volleyball starts next
have already begun and over 20 since Burt Ingwerson's team held possibe ,on the hard floor of the meets Phi Kappa Sigma. The first week with 46 teams entered. Last
men have reported to Coach John- the champion Illinois eleven to a field house, the team polished up two games are to be played at 4:15 year's winner and runner-up are
stoet arn tehe fundamentals of 7-7 tie last Saturday. Glassgow several plays that failed to click and the last one is to be played at entered. They arc Phi Lambda
this sport. This class meets at 4 and Pape, in the backfield, can be properly in the Ohio State "B" team 5:15. In case of rain these games Kappa and Kappa Nu
o'clock every Monday and Wednes- counted upon to give the Badger game.
day in the auxiliary gymnasium of secondary defense a bad day, Using the lilinois "B" team gameI
the Intramural building. However, ccpc.cially if the Cardinals block as an incentive to harder work,
the class continues until 5:30 and and tackle as weakly as they did Coach Courtright pushed the men Style obsrvcrs cxprcss the
anyone who cannot be at the gym- against Notre Dame. to the utmost of their agility to h
nasium at 4 o'clock may report at Pete Westra, Hawkeye guard, perfect the plays they expect to ntat te growing
any time before 5 o'clock. The foils comes with the guarantee that says use against the Illini. Even pasulnariosc wi rhe
and masks are furnished by the In- he can open holes in the Badger though Ohio State was beaten, the masculine wardrobe wl reach K)
tramural department. line at will. play of the Wolverine Junior Var- unprecedented proportions tils
s-_~~-------~~~--- sity looked very ragged inspt coing season.
PURDUE BACKFIELD ACE SHIFTED Illinois, however, will present much
mor oposiionthan did the Buck-
Among the victories of the Illini
C meets the University of Mississippi "Bsquadis arvictory over the Wis-
Contnue .fom age6 metsthecons in Junior Varsity, the team
pearance at tne erm against De- here on November 9. The Missis- that beat Michigan on Ferry field,
Pauw Saturday appeared a bitun- sippi eleven, sturdy representati 6-0two weeks ago. This would in-:
certain the present week of drills of the Southern Conference, wl
epcrnte toealowe to dc rovide the Boilermakers wit their dicate that the Michigan team will Imported by
sepcprt lo hmt e o videhave tIfihtorteadetdadbyv
acclimated, and the biggestbprob- second intersectional battle of the y to f i harest an
1em will come in finding another year, and the contest is football as possible to take over Browning KngCo. and $3.50 a
halfback with the all-around abil- to develop into a colorful clash. footl a s ge to tae o
ity of the oither ball-carrying ex- The Mississippi eleven, popularly ne Sad gmfiel, wSince spats promise to be more important than ever
perts known in the south as Ole Miss, is b py o F .ield.
The loss of the power packed by coached by -Homer Hazel, former Everyone on the squad is in good this fall-which they deserve because they are both practical
Yunevich, who scored three of Pur- All-American from Rutgers, and in physical condition, and a snappy and smart-we have provided them in abundance of. course,
due's touchdowr~s against Michi- recent years has risen to be a power drill was the resuit yesterday. like most smart spats they come from a celebrate maker in
gan, will be keenly felt when the in the southern gridiron world. Plays that had been rather ragged England The are available in Grays d Ta
Boilermakers stack up against One of the best non-conference before were thoroughly' gone over .
Stagg's undefeated eleven. The Ma- crowds of the season is expected to under the direction of Coaches
roon mentor has moulded together be in the Ross-Ade stadium for the Courtright and Keen.
another one of his sturdy defen- clash, although plenty of good re- b owg
sive crews that is expected to pre- served seats are still available in R 'rua Rd ms
sent the toughest forward wall the the concrete stands. Reserved seat Russia's regular Red Army is
Boilermakers have bumped up tickets may be secured by address- now estimated to number 562,000 319 South Main
against all season, and in addition ing C. S. Doan, manager of ticket and there are also 12,000,000 Ter-
has a neat group of "Power" backs. sales, Purdue University. ritorials. - ----i-
Far from being confident over
the Midway invasion, Phelan is r.-- ..-
frankly worried for fear Chicago's
defense may prove the undoing of
his flashy running offense, especi-
ally with Yunevich out of the game.
While Jimmy Phelan's Boiler-
maker crew is more than amply
occupied. with thoughts of the. Chi-
cago and Wisconsin games sched-
uled for the next two Saturdays in
out-of-town engagements, -state_
Purdue fans are already looking for-I
ward to the next home appearanceA
f the Old Gold and Black when itI

IANO TUNN -Phone 6776.
Victor Afnondingew. The Stein-
wav y (-oncert a "Irt ist, t uner. Offico
at ~ ~ rQ rsdn,£08Morton Ave.
! 2340
The best laundered clothes make
the neatest appearance. Collars
starched on request. Serivce in-
cludes repair work.

204 North Main 3916
We call and deliver. C
lining and repairing of the better
kind. Work done by EXPERT
TAILO[-S. T. 1. Lyons. Dial
5516. 345
But for :t real pressing job T. B.
Lyons,. Dial 5516.
Competent service men on all
makes of radios.
Dial 21408 521 East Liberty
FOR SALE-A blue chinchille coat
will sell at reasonable price;
practically new. Call 5870. 612
FOR SALE-Sixteen-foot Old-Town
Canoe and accessories. New can-
vas and paint. Dipley, Box 2,
Mich. Daily. 123
FOR SALE - Remington P6rtable
Typewriter,' little used, in excel-
lent condition. Room 260, Chem-
istry Building, 9 to 12 A.M. 123
FOR RENT-Single room. Grad-
uatc student or business girl.
Steam heat. Dial 8544. 422 East
Washington. 234
SAXOPHONIST wants work. Three
years orchestra experience. Call
5977. 23
WANTED-Students to enjoy a real
meal. Forest ]nn, 538 Forest. C
WANTED-A boy to work for room.
Apply City Y. W. C. A. Phone
22115. 123
Tutors. All Subjects. Special this
week: Aid in Physics & Evolution
(Zool. 31). 310 S. State St. Phone
7927. 123
r oll% p

See the Classified


fli te jvrarL



Cleans and Presses
Calls for and delivers
and charges only 75c
That's an unheard of price for a man's suit, Cleaned as
White Swan does it. Our Filter.Vac system, just installed, re-
distills and refines the cleaning fluid, so that nothing but clean,
crystal-clear fluid touches your garments. No odor-ever!
Moreover, White Swan is home-owned and operated. Ann
Arbor folks work here. We send nothing out of town to be
cleaned. You can visit us anytime and see how we do your
work-you leave nothing to chance in dealing with White Swan.
Our other prices are proportionately low. And remember
this: That no matter how low White Swan prices may be,
White Swan quality never varies. Our work is the best we can
do, first, last and always!

LOST--Black Belgian
female; 3 months

Police Dog;
old. Phone

LOST-Brindle Boston Bull Male
Terrier. Very small. Please re-
port to 845 E. University. Dial
6297. 123
LOST-Gray Galyak Fur Scarf lined
with black satin; rather large tri-
angular shaped. Was dropped on
- street near Stadium or Ferry
Field after Ohio State game Sat-
urday afternoon. Reward. Com-
municate with H. J. Allington,
Saginaw, Michigan. 123
Have You a House?

Dial 21816

Use Classified Advertising
Office: Press Bldg. on Maynard
Phone 2-1214


, -




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