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October 17, 1929 - Image 1

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VOL. XL, No. 16




Army-Navy Tilt fl.If QgrAVQHoover Prepares IMTIIRF P flhIPPlans Complete
UNIVERSITY SENATE! Maybe Renewed 'ID . SPEAKSLtor Western TripDE LTij U_ UPforPe MeetingU
*rrtil nniunrhmfl_ nrrnnr nru rn aTrn: - nriunuin nnirrir !I TI

n i nu nLrnTniU

(By Associated Press) sociated Pres.)
ASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 16- ASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 16.-
Hopesfor the resumption of the UUELUAInIES anticipation of a trip into the UI L
annual Army-Navy football classic Middle West next week when he
were revived somewhat today after1; will visit Detroit, President Hoover I
Chairman Britten of the House na- is busy preparing three speeches
vaE committee urged President Lhe will make on the first visit toI
Hoover to insist that athletic re- that section of the country since
-aiosbewenWest Point and he took office. ,
l btePattias;hthkfx.Annapolis be restored and a game Prime Minister Terms Leaving Washington Sunday Leaders of Coalition
House Parties, Sphinx ;z;FCiteM nse em
played this year. «S .illold afternoon, Mr: Hoover will go di- Ready to Vote on
Both Brought up Britten suggested that Secretary Himself "StillOld l talAi oaG V04oteaa ; "
* DisCussion Goode and Adams call the super- W(orking Man." speak at the celebration of "Light's Proposition.
1 in cussion.intendents of the Academies to- IGolden Jubilee," at which Thomas
gether with an impartial authority A Edison and Henry Ford also will SITUATION COMPLICATES
ALLOW FTBALL DANCES on football regulations to adopt a LAB8( APPEAL APPROVED make addresses. The celebration
set of rules on eligibility of play- -- probably will take place in the
ers, the center of the controversy StDearborn laboratory. ops
Sphinx Reinstated but for more than two years. Premier Party Man in Tuesday morning, Mr. Hoover Nominations for
Public Initiation To avoid a game this year in the England but Not will speak at 10:30 in Eden Park in Farm Board.
home territory of either institution Cincinnati dedicating a monument
is Barred. Britten suggested that a neutral lo- that will make the completion of
cation be used, preferably Soldiers' the lock system on the Ohio river. By D. Harold Oliver,
Two questions formed the chief'Field in Chicago. He named De- 1 Asocited Pre) This speech will be under the A. P. Staff Writer
basis of discussion at yesterday's cember 6 as a post-season date TORONTO, Can., Oct. 16.-Ram- auspices of the Ohio River Devel- WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 16.-
meeting of the Senate Committee which both teams have open, and say MacDonald today was intro- opment association. Leaving Cin- The tariff situation became more
in charge of student affairs, it is said every facility would be offered duced as the Prime Minsiter of cinnati aboard a river boat, the complicated than ever today with
announced. The two topics were at Chicago for the teams and stu- Great Britain to 1,500 cheering President will travel to Louisville expressions of confidence by Dem-
concerned with the question of dent bodies. delegates to the convention of the where on Wednesday night he will ocrats and Western Republicans
whether fraternities would be per- Britten said tajje iresideut, who American Federation of Labor, but speak from the boat at 9:30 o'clock. that they had enough votes to in-
mitted to hold parties on Saturday recently expreyed the hope that he told them "I am still the work- 1sert the Exhort Debenture plan ii
nights after football gamse, and the teams would resume their year- man I was born. the Hawley-Smoot bill.
whether Sphinx, honorary junior ly tilt, showed keen interest in the l "The workmen is distinguished Leaders of the same coalition
society of the literary college, suggestion. He predicted the game by his mentality and the point of which placed the same debenture
should be reinstated. would be played this year at Chi- I view he has," he said in the first in the farm relief measure over the
I d to the first questionago,wherethe famous 21-21 tie address after his arrival from the protest of President Hoover, only
Senate committee made no in 1926 was fought by the service United States yesterday. "In Great to have it eliminated after the
te lations or prohibitions, such institutions before more than 100,- Britain I am a party man. Here S House went on record overwhelm-
regulatinorcrin uhs000 persons. today, my friends, I do not repre- fngly against it, said they were
have been in force during the past;ray o pvt oh°poosto
two years, when official legislation Secretaries Coode and Adams sent a party, I repr.esent a whole1ready for a vote on the proposition
was enacted concerning the hold- have discussed bringing Major nation. I have across the Atlantic now and claimed it would pass with
g of parties in fraternity or sor- General W. F. Smith, superinten- as he who for themomentisnSeat Are On Cale at a comfortable majority.
ority houses after football game dent at West Point, and Rear Ad- charged to represent the opinoNorris to fer Plan
trit houses aftererfootball gfmthe StsOfcet OferPa
Sphinx Was Reinstated. miral S. S. Robinson, superinten- tu Cthe personality of the Speech Offices, Senator Norris, Republican, Ne-
dent at Annapolis, together in the HouseoflComons.
This year, "football" parties maydnDelinprsTgr Angell Hall. braska, author of the new deben-
be given by organizations, unded hope that an agreement would be Delivers Two Addresses. ture plan under which certificates
reached. However, they have taken In his convention address, Mr.t
the regular rules of the office o the stand that they will not force MacDonald said an appeal to labor Although preference in seating amounting to half the tariff on
the dean of students applying t the team to a was the proper form in seeking for the Oratorical association le- i farm commodities would be issued
dances held on Friday or Saturday - pay.world peace, and in a second ad- ture series was given all applica- to the farm board by the Treasur
nights or on a night precedg a dress during the day before the tions received up until yesterday, and used to help the farmer get a
Men's Canadian club, he said that Henry Moser of the speech depart- better price for the crop. The ex-
In failing to make any rules con- while he was 'not ashamed of being ment, business manager of the as- ports, proposed to offer the plan
cerninig "football" parties, the Sen- !a Britisher and a Scotchman, he sociation, states that a few choice after the Senate completes action
ate Committee adopted the view felt there is a broader nationhood season tickets remain for those on the administrative section of the
that although such parties will be- to which we all belong. who apply at the association head-'bill.
allowed, the organization choosing The addresses were prominent on quarters in Angell hall. It will be No progress was made ,. the bill
to hold the party will be held to the Prime Minister's program for necessarily a case of first come, today, the Senate laying it aside
strict responsibilitbfl conduitos tthe day, during .which he was first served, heAdded. temporarily toconsider the normi-
the party. lrunscabty, te coniz icalled to receive an honorary de- Prices range from $2.50 to $3.50 nation of the Federal farm boaro
arise at such a party, the orgaiza- nity R n Ma gree from the University of Tor- for seasoii tickets, which include members. Rates are not expected
robtionf the rst of he t onto and to attend a reception by eight lectures covering the period to be reached until next week.
to probation for the rest of te Send Trial Case to the Ontario government before he between Oct. 23 and April 3. This; Robinson Optimistic.
school year. !adhsduhe°Ihe n hi
Supreme Court. and his daughter, Ishbel, and their means, Moser said, that each lec- Senator Robinson, of Arkansas,
TCommittee Disapproves.d 'ficiaaty nleave on aspcial ture will cost the season ticket pur- the Democratic leader, said not
The Senate committee disap- W"AP.-; 1.,1 ~i train at midnight for Ottawa. Atchsrbt3to4ces.Timrehaadywulbene-
proves of such parties, but will per- WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 16.-(Ottawa, Mr. MacDonald will dis- srT.is more than a day would be neces-
mit them on the condition above The Supreme Court may soon Ottsawath Mrmi Macnaldwill ing year's program is made up of such sary to pass on the debenture plan
mentioned, asked to decide whether the buyer cuss with Premier Mackenzie King well-known men as E. H. Sothern. Personally, he said, he would be
J. A. Bursley, dean of the stu- of liquor is equally liable with the moves considered by the Prime William Beebe, Louis K. Anspacher. willing to call for a vote an hour
dent4, is to send letters to the pres- seller to prosecution. Minister and President Hoover. William Sheperd, Lorado Taft. after it was brought up.
idents to all fraternities and soror- The test case has been asked by Delegates Cheer Wildly. Pidelahr ice, Carveth Wells, and Senator Borah, 01 Idaho, a
ities, explaining the official opin- the District Attorney at Philadel- ter, President William Green of the ,liam H leader of the Republican indepen-
ion of dances held on Saturday phia as a result of a ruling by the William Sheperd, feature writer ent group, said a poll had been
nights after football games. Circuit Court of Appeals there that pathies were with Mr. MacDonald's of Collier's Weekly, will open the started on the debenture and so
The petition that Sphinx be re- the buyer is immune from arrest. efforts to "mobilize the agencies of ;eries next Wednesday night at Hill far it indicated sufficient strength
instated was presented by the 10 Charles Evans Hughes, Jr., selititor peace." auditorium. He will talk on crime to pass it. Republican regulars
members who were initiated in the general, after conferences with At- and prohibition. two phases of were non-commital.
spring of 1928, before the orgai-i torney General Mitchell is expected!JUDGE American life which he has been
2ation was suspended. to decide shortly whether the case investigating for Colliers since SOVIET ADVANCE
A condition of the reinstation will be carried to the highest tri-j TABLES TO CLUB 1924. "Crime Is Paying Too Well" ALARMS CHINESE
was that no public initiation will bunal. The decision of the depart-w
be held this fall. The society may, { ment of Justice was being awaited Philippine Chief Justice Writes-
c; o sad dcav RUTH VEN NAMES Russians Take Hwaoan Menace
however, later petition the office tonight with interest, in view of of Island
of the dean of students for permis- the widespread discussion recently JhHb
sion to hold a public initiation concerning the liability of liquor NEW SECRETARY Ian in March n Harbin.
next spring. purchasers. Two dry leaders took a Two large, solid mahogany tables,
spring.f tre wolyo Piipie(By ssociate(] Pes)
No other important matters hand in the developments today, manufactured wholly of Phippe Ruth Rouse, for more than 10 TOKIO, Japan, Oct. 16-Advices
were discussed at the meeting, it Senator Shepard, Democrat, lumber, are being given to the aRu Roser oe U tn J nOt. 6Aidvice
is reported, although a number of Texas, author of the 18th Amend- f Lawyers' club by E. Finiey Johnson, years recorder of the University' from Mukden tonight said that the
affairs were considered. ment, who recently proposed an 1194L, acting chief justice of the Su- Igraduate school, was installed yes-r Chinese military headquarters at
amendment to the Volstead Act to premne court of the Philippine is-; terd ay as secretary to Dr. Alexander Kirin were much alarmed by the
amenovidentortosectonofste urAt lanprmeccord to a letter received G. Ruthven, new president of the advance up the Sundari river by
NA TION TO HOLD provide for prosecution of the pur- lands, accordgUniversity. Soviet troops which occupied Link-
A M DIC S I N1chaser, said he would ask an in-" recently by Dean Henry M Bates of Uiest.Sve roswihocpe ik
ARMS DISCUSSION quir'y eAttoeGene tte LwSI sending t Esther Maafy, who has been iangshien on Sunday.
bythAtoneGnealtoth~Lw coo. n----------- TheRussians were reported to

With official plans completed,
the University student body is to-
day awaiting the Ohio State game
pep-meeting, Friday evening in
Hill auditorium, when it will be
decided if the campus morale has
r fully recovered from its setback of U
last Saturday, and is in prime
fighting condition for the confer-
t ence grid game on the following Cheer
day. The turnout of a few thou-; WI
sand students in a keen spirited !
mood will definitely settle the V
rIf any of the students are a bit
dubious about returning to the BEE"BE
Michigan fighting spirit, they be
! quickly put back in form by theVnd
oratory of Judge William L. Day
'OL, a former pigskin trotter and Ch
a strong backer of the Maize and'
Blue teams, who will be the main
speaker of the occasion.


leader's Mach
ns Election by
Vide Margin.



enberg, G
apman, Ele
to Office.


OeAmid the high pitched excite-
Other plans made by Councilmen ment perennially attendant major
Stan Cochran, '30E, in charge of class elections, Stanton Todd, '30,
the pep-meeting, call for yells led 'vast helaer'etra e
by Santo Tid '30 'varityvarsity cheerleader, yesterday locd
by Stanton Todd, '30, 'varsity his ticket to victory in the senior
cheerleader, and his corps o' as- literary election, defeating Willard
sistants, and songs accompanied by Lowry, '30, in a contest for the
the Michigan "fighting" band. presidency of the class. Todd won
Fred Asbeck, '29, former president by a margin of 30 votes, polling
of the Student council, who re- 2y votesgto ow 3.
j cently returned from the baseball 2 Tesweepin rs e o T.
team tour of the Orient, will pre- The sweeping success of Todd's
side at the meeting. machine, its four nominees all tak-
"Bob" Bennett, '16, erstwhile ing positions, was one headlight in
'varsity cheerleader, and Robert the day's election activity. The
Benchley's selection as All-Ameri- other peak of interest was the elec-
can leader, will do some special ion of Francis Beebe, '31E, as
cheerleading Friday evening and chairman of the J-Hop committee
I also Saturday at the game. Stu- by the junior engineering class.
dents who will sit in the cheering Beebe won by six votes over Wil-
section at the Ohio game are asked'ham Ross.
to report early for the pep-meeting, Other officers for the senior lit-
to begin at 7 o'clock, and sit in a erary class weie: Dora Vanden-
group, so they may become accus- j burg, vice - president; Dorothy
tomed to yelling in unison. Griffith, secretary, and Robert
Chapman, treasurer. They were
victors over Elaine Frost, Janet
Cochran, and Lawrence Walkley,
WNTrespectively. The margin of victory
in each class was practically the


Economics Professor,
Back from Research
in London.
Prof. L. L. Watkins, of the Eco-
nomics department, has returned to
the University after a year abroad
on a social science research fel-
lowship. He spent most of the year
in London studying the London'
money market and its relations
with New York.
He states that his research work
was of particular interest because

same for the women and for the
men, showing the uniform effec-
tiveness of the political machines.
Jack Deihl Elected.
The junior engineering vote re-
sulted in Jack Deihl's being named
president by on countover George
Johnson. The vote was 57 to 56.
In a heated contest for J-Hop com-
mittee positions, George Weyle and
The senior engineering class
will elect its officers at 10:00
o'clock this morning in room 348,
West Engineering Building. All
engineers classed as seniors by
the secretary's office will be eli-
gible to vote and to run for of-
The senior business adminis-
tration class will vote at 2 o'clock
this afternoon in Tappan Hall.
The freshman medical class

it involved meeting and taiking will hold it election at 4:30
with many bankers whose work o'clock in the histology lecture
centered on and around Lombard room on the first floor of the
and Threadneedle streets. Lom- new medical building.
bard, which corresponds most near-
ly like our Wall street, typifies the Richard Furniss won committee-
romantic history which lies back of ships, defeating Henry Gilmartin
the Englishing banking system. and William Bird. The vote was
The year proved to be an espec- Weyle, 47; Furniss, 46; and Bird,
ially interesting one from the 44; Gilmartin, 40.
banking point of view, since Eng- E The class officers chosen were
land has been passing through a Robert Thompson, vice-president;
critical period. The banking sit- Robert W. Scoville, secretary; and
uation lurked in the background of William H. Fouch, treasurer. The
the reparation conference in Paris; I voting at this election was carried
' the policy of the Bank of England on amid the considerable clamor
played an important part in the of the highly organized factions.
'recent general election of that Much Campaigning.
nmint*.VThere was i.p of, much

-es) decide whether the government j tables which have been used in his secretarytoY bU JI. r iuthven uin coutry
may not now prosecute buyers un- office for twenty-five years, Chief term as dean of administration has have captured Hwaohan in the vi-~! "The controversy over recent campa
LONDON, Eng., Oct. 16.-The I de the present naw ys Justice Johnson states, "I am send- been made assistant to the presi- cinity of Fugdin and to be threat- nglish banking policies," said electi
S gov e ig e- ooneca escapete proposi- ig them as a little token in re- dent in charge of the budget. ening Ilan Sansing), an important Professor Watkins, "entered into made
ceived official replies accepting its ion," he said, "that the buyer ofi membrance of the many kind- Pearl Finkbeiner, secretary to Dr. ono h a oHrbn hstegnrleecintj akdIwr
invitation in every instance to a { intoxicating liquor is equally guilty nesses which the University hasI Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the would indicate the Red troops have ;dge.Teuepomn Iutwe
five-power naval conference here with the seller, if the liquor traffic done for me." president, has been named clerical penetrated Manchuria for 100 miles tion existing during the past Ca
in January and also expressions of is-oe considereda crime e s i e r I assistant. She will assist with the or more, advancing along the rive years has been serious, and this large
willingness to participate in pro- From F. Scott McBride, national the tablestis found not suited to the budget 'and continue as secretary valley. General Chang Tso Hfiang, I condition has been traced by some I Scien
posed preliminary discussions of othe ntion h to Dr. Robbins. governor of Manchuria, called an men of authority to the restrictive loting
the problems of limitation. superintendent of the Anti-Saloon Lawyers' club, it be placed in the . . urgent military conference to for- credit policy of the bankers. It being
The prtemobothteIm alianandLagueLeague, came a statement asserting Union. Dr. Robbms will remamn undermueditppolityroptthnnker-ting
that itwas anopen qestionthe new administration as assistant mulateeplansestonrepelnthewhinvaders
Trench replies were published t that it was an open queoi-n Chief Justice Johnson, who ha tr A Harbin message confirmed the will be interestingthe Labo not h The
night. Italy expressed a desire to whethen the Sheperd proposal been in the judiciary of the Philip- t t pasn sai, dseriousness of the situation and re- chae." p tde
colloborate in any step calculated would "be a hindrance rather than ines for a period of 29 years, was iss Rouse has been connected i ported heavy fightg between L will make." Studer
a help" inprohibition enforc eneritthe first American judge appointed years. During most of this time the Soviets and endanwei AIR TOUR PLANES vlast n
Ito that judiciary. In organizing 'erda~
on the subject was too well known to be harmful." the first American courtsinrgn she was associated int the da the latter town. LAND AT WICHITA porta
to require restatement. Repealed in one or two Sates, and different provinces, he was obliged school as secretary to the dean and It also was reported that Soviet orthers
The French was regarded as even said that since a sale is rarely made to make the furniture for the as recorder aircraft had been bombing Haiho, Associated Press) few w
more cordial The French govern- in the presence of a third party. ectuipment of the court buildings Miss Mahaffy came to the Ui- across the Amur river from Blag- WICHITA, Kan., Oct. 16.-Twen- medic
ment "congatulates itself," that "the conviction of the seller must He has helped to write material for versity in 1925 as secretary to Paul ovestchensky, since Sunday. ty-three airplanes of the 1929 Airess
the Washington conversation has almost invariably depend on the more than 150 volumes of the Su.. Buckley, then assistant secretaryI Tour reached this southwest con- s
taken such a favorable turn and testimony of the buyer." oreme court reports. of the University, while Miss Fink- Dean Bates to Visit trol pointtonight after bucking their
declared itself "happy to accept "When I arrived in the Philip-- beiner has been on the UnHeity head winds from St. Louis and
the invitation." Day of Harvard Game Dine islands," he writes, "there 'payroll since 1923. HutchinsInaugural Springfield, Mo.di
The text of the Japanese accept- ( fr any provinces in which there; Dr. Robbins has been assistant One mishap marred the 220-mile # Soyj
hnce had also been received but - Set for HomecOming to the resident since 1921. Henry M. Bates, dean of the Law lap from Springfield. D. Morgan
anothd been deublcaeut no attorneys at law. It became presi___school, has been selected as the of- Hackman reported to the airport
hadnoben _ad p-- s Homecoming day this fall will be necessary, for the United States ficial representative of the the late today that he had cracked up
Philinnine commission to adopt a /-1 .i h

igning at the senior Literary
n. The nominations were
with vigor, though there
nio speeches, yells, or "boos,"
the candidates were named.
paigning was carried on to a
extent outside the Natural
e auditorium where the bal-
was held, printed slates,
distributed by the two fac-
election counts, made by the
nt council, were officially ap-
d by the council at a meeting
ight. The two elections yes-
y were among the most im-
nt to be held this fall. The.
will be held within the next
veeks. Today the freshmen
ine students, the senior Busi-
Administration class, and the
engineer students will- hold
nets Begin Hunger
:rike at Tokio Camp
(By Associated Press)

Edmonson to Return
to Ann Arbor Today

the Saturday of the Harvard-Mich-
igan football game, Nov. 9, it was
decided last night by the Student
council. The annual fall games be-

law giving the judges of the trial Vur GatherN i
court power to appoint intelligent.
persons to defend poor people in !+ </

university to takepar r n e i n-in his Fairchild plane near Fre-y
auguration of President Robert M. donia, Kas. His ship was so badly TOKIO, Oct. 16-A Rengo News
Hutchins of the University of Chi- damaged that he could not con- agency dispatch from Harbin, a
cago, October 19. tiue. Hackman was uninjured. chunia, today said approximately
I - .. ~- -----" _ 2 00-192.000 nvict n i in l, hP.1r1 in the

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