.TUE$6DAY , 3"TO1ER 45-1929
T H, E -VI LC, H
FAMOOS JOURNLISISiologicalStation: I Premier Ramsey MacDonald Honors War Dead;
r AIs Finest In World Places Wreath on Tomb ofUnknown Soldier
SPRSS Advantages of New Plant O otlined
By Prof. George R. LaRue, ' -.r
N IN HR Director of Camp
Waterman Announces
Publication Of Books
Contains Information on Real
''It Screen Reflections I
Claus, Driscoll, Patterson Will
Speak Before University
Press Club
Club Organized and Fostered
by Journalism Department
of University
Convening for its eleventh an-
nual session the University Press
Club of Michigan will meet for a
three-day period, November 7, 8,
and 9, at Ann Arbor. This club, or-
ganized and fostered by the Jour-
nalism department of the Univer-
sity, is made'up of the publishers'
and editors of the newspapers of
the state. Louis A. Weil of the Port
Huron Times Herald has been the
president of the organization for
the past year. First vice-president
is Norman Hill of the Detroit Times.
Vice-president representing the
smaller dailies is Harry Whiteley of
the Dowagiac Daily .. ews. Thomas'
Conlin, of the Capital Falls Dia-I
mond Drill, is vice-president forl
the weeklies, and Professor John L.
Brumm, head of the journalism de-
partment, is the secretary and
Included in the speakers for this
year's meetings are: Henry Clause,
editor of the Boston Evening
Transcript; Charles B. Driscoll, of
the McNaught Syndicate of Newi
York City; Grove Patterson, editor
of the Toledo Blade; Prof. E. D.
Sunderland, of the law faculty;
George H. E. Smith, executive sec-
retary of the League of Nations,
who will speak on "Shifting Propo-
ganda," and George F. Milton, ed,.
tor of the Chattanooga News,,
Chattanooka, Tennessee, who will
talk on "Making News of Interest."
Preparations are being made, not
only for the business meeting, butI
also for the entertainment of the
visiting journalists Among other
j With the completion of an ex-
tensive rebuilding campaign at the
biological station in Cheboygan
County, the University will have theI
foremost fresh water biological
camp in the world, according to
Prof. George R. LaRue, director of
the station. The finished camp will
accommodate 175 students, and it
is hoped to increase the research
output as well as to interest more
investigators in other universities.
The original station was located.
adjoining Camp Davis, maintained
by the engineering department, on
Lake Douglas. With the removal
of the engineers to Wyoming last
year, the biology department took,
over the buildings vacated by them
with the general plan in mind to
make use of everything possible inj
., . i.?:;qtr;
Estate Leases for Many What to See and Hear
F Years in Detroit I WUERTH: Warner Oland in a
Prof. H. M. Waterman of the Sax Rohmer mystery "The Mys-
school of business of administra- terious Dr. Fu Manchu."
tion announced the bMICHIGAN: An Hour Stage
tio anoncd hepublication of Revue and "Why Leave Home"
the latest book of the Michigan (last an).
Businej Studies series, entitled: (last day).
Long Term Leases In Detroit. The MAJESTIC: "Inocents of
book was comtpiled after one year's, Paris" starring Maurice Cheval-
study by Ernest M. Fisher, profes- ier (last day).
sor of real estate, and Marvin L. Clever, These Chinese!
Niehuss, research assistant. Among The tale of a cunning Oriental
the interesting leases uncovered by wreaking Ievenge on a series of
the authors was one which granted foreign generals and their families
land to the Regents of the Univer- as created in the imgainative mind
sity from the Association for the of Sax Rohmer, loses some of its
Promotion of Female Education in effectiveness on the talking screen,
Detroit, and another one from the but does maintain considerable in-
Regents to the Grayrtone Ball- terest as a unique melodrama.
room property, wlich, though exe- Chief of the picture's merits are
cuted and recorded, will not take1 an excellent cast, striking photog-
effect until 1952. The university raphy, and realistic background, in
roperty in Detroit is desirable 'addition to an odd, well construct-
since the land is tax free.
! Th boks ublshe bythe Bus- ed plot, wherein Scotland Yard's
Neil Hamilton and Jean Arthur are
likewise well-suited to their roles.
If you like mystery, you should en-
joy this picture.
A Good Show
There seems to be little dispute
over the fact that the current show
at the Michigan is one of the best
as regards stage attractions that
that youthful house has ever pre-
sented. Close to a dozen acts par-
ticipate in a fast, funny, and furi-
ous unit revue which elicited round
after round of applause from an
enthusiastic Sunday audience.
Dennis Chabot is a laughable, ver-
satile master of ceremonies. It
wouldn't be a bad idea to make him
a permanent feature on East Lib-
erty street, compensating for some
of the weaker moments into which
other visiting vaudevillians do
lapse. The film feature "Why Leave
Hnp is in k pin xith atn
the two camps "J*. .nesess Administration Research b inspector matches with ote saneeping w e th tone
Detailed plans call for the mov- eau are sold to business men. This this craty Chinese scientist turnedo the stage bill. Better catch this
ing of 99 buildings, the construc- book contains lists of leases of all murderer. And, oddly enough, our show before it leaves tonight.
tion of three large ones, the en- property south of Grand Boule- detective does not capture him sin- New Reels
largement of sanitary and water ard between Cass avenue and gle handed. which gives "The Mys-
systems, the grading of streets, and wi Brush street, and is of great assis- terious Dr. Fu Manchu" a distinc- One criticism of both the Michi-
the installation of electricity. La- tance to real estate men and at- tion in itself. gan and Wuerth's programs is the
Rue reports that within another: ;torneys. The series of episodes during double news reel, one silent and one
week all of the buildings will have which two generations'of a military talleing, to which the audience is
been moved, the new dining room, family are mysteriously slain lead subject. One could be replaced by
biological and zoological laborator- MOON FAILS TO APPEAR up to an effective climax, although entertaiing short talking features,
ies completed, and the streets im-w b FOR WAITING WATCHERS one feels that the dramatic sus- hich help balance the usual pic-
proved. During Premier MacDonald's placed a wreath there. The above pense could have been heightened Ne regre instructing, educ
Last summer 90 students from 22 visit in Washington, he made a trip photograph shows him paying the Due to cloudy conditions both nsiderably by abler direction, tional, interesting, and all that but
states were in attendance. Of se eraeof the sc nes lac ing cla it
these, to the tomb of the Unknown Sol- respect of the British government Friday and Saturday evenings pub- and definiteness. In addition, the a judicious selection of views would
60 were graduates. Besides the dier in Arlington cemetery and to the American war dead. lic observations from the Angell i din, wich should be be much better than news flashes,
from other universities visited the unusually clear in a mystery film ated
camp at various periods to carry IWill hindered. However all tickets for where the cast speaks with an Eng-inated.
on research. The advantages of Says R. W. Cowden Faculty Directorhath ndtons perm ittved aoutapanc lish and Chinese accent, lapsed in B. . A.
such a station over ordinary sum- SCy coditons pe a cnpac- several spots, although it was good
men school are important In - ~-- ity crowd would have been ievit- the whole.L.DGaeyoDnisTx.
mer school are important. In n Speaking to a reporter yesterday I inni thertanbeowhTwoEale.L.DGafyoDensTx,
suhaloainthr sseclusion Spneaking tho an eort s yseray' zinc is larger than, before. Two Iable. Warner Oland does splendid work L..GfeyfDnnsTe
such a location there is nconcerning the plans for this year's contests in writing are definitely Prof. Ralph H. Curtiss announced as Dr. Fu, closely rivaled by 0. P. has spent nine years building a
from outside activities so that no!Inlanden, Professor R. W. Cowden, plne yte ru o otiat the next public demonstration;Hgia nlihatr lt
plans of the school conflict with a faculty director of the staff de- planned by the group for poetry w be f mlstSatn Heggie, an English actor, who is two-story business structure. He ex-
student's schedule, and there is an soared that the magazine of this ale rt stories. The subscription would be four eeks from last Sati cast as the Scotland Yard man. pects to finish it by 1931.
association between professor and season will be a great advance over ssales will start the last of this uy,hen the moon wagain
sesnwl eagetavneoet!be in the first quarter. This will-__ __-
student which could not be main- previous issues. week and the price for five issues nr urr
tamed on the university m running throughout the school year be on the 9th of November. All those
Itai sdin tereuigtnyhcampus. There is an exceptionally fine is $100. desiring tickets are advised to ap-
"There istanrxceptionallyotne tha$1.00
Itass interes to d oy at one staff at the work, he said, "and yt ply as soon as possible, due to factDy"1
class continues all day A four hour ithataonlygatlimitedpnumber(of'.~* II U
course meets all day twice a week. is planning to incorporate many h ry t n r
The man od unig ewennew features into the publication. 'TRYOUTS FOR ADELPHI guests can be handled in an eve-
The main road running between 1seil tetinwllb ivnt ing.
the camipus and the lake was Especial attention will be given to w I L L SPEAK TONIGHT' -nmg. ______________
thedcapus te byke wa- the art work in the magazine weWI LS K O GESTABLISHED 1843
named State Street by the en-{ will encourage the printing of all.
gineers and so retained by the good woodcuts and etchings that Applicants for membership in the
biologists, are presented at the group meet- Adelphi House of Representatives
things a block of seats have been
reserved for the Harvard-Michigan
ings." will deliver tryout speeches in theI
DIRECTOR OF DIETETICS Interesting among the new ad- second open meeting of the House
Tables A e Turned AS EXECUTIVE ditions is the inclusion of a per- at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Adel-
___Ae u eRN Efected book review section. Al- phi room, on the fourth floor o/
On Chicken Hawk though the publication is interested Angell hall. All men on the campus
The second appointment con- in publishing valuable criticisms, it are eligible for membership, and
(ByAssociatedPsernin astaff member of the Uni-d portion al those interested in forensics are
(yAsatdPress) vriywsanone audyIlled e eteaet ratv rpnino niedt tedaymeigo
ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., Oct. 14- by officials of the American Dietic espace o eative writing, te o ttend ay ing f!
A. atue damawasencte hee) ssoiaton meber ofwhih vs- "It is seldom that a really good the society. Those applying for
A nature drama was enacted here association, members of which vis- critic can be found from amnong membership are required to deliver
Sunday, in three parts: ited Ann Arbor Thursday after con- ti can be for fromder ag: mie mri e treuired to dly
Part 1-Starving chicken hawk cluding a session in Detroit. the students," Mr. Crowder said, a five minute tryout speech on any
sights snall furry animal on bank I"but when exception is found we topic-
of stream swoops Miss Lenna F. Cooper, food di- will be glad to publish critical es- Next week, Professor Arthur L.
Part 2-Wasn't a squirrel-was rector of the University, was re- says in greater numbers. I do not Cross of the history department
weasel. Hawk attempts to escape. named to an executive board posi- believe in allotting a certain will address the House.
Part 3-Tussle follows and strug- tion by action of the association, amount of space each time to crit-
gling pair drop 50 feet down bank the statement says Miss Cooper icism because we have so little of The state of Iowa owns 796 cows
where weasel has sumptuous meal. already has served a year in the it, and if this were the case the which last year produced 7,918,123
Curtain. official capacity to which she has writing would become very thin." pounds of milk at a net profit of
been reassigned. The staff for this year's maga- $145,679.
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