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October 15, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-15

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VOL. XL, No. 15





Gargoyle Contains New Surprise Features;

on Tren

A NOOCS Gargoyle Contains New Surprise Features ;
Makes Initial Appearance On Campus Today
And what a surprise! cussed by one of the editors, and
With new typography, new artists, records are recommended and con-
and an entirely new idea of make- demned. No book reviews will ap-
up, the "Surprise" number of the pear this month, but a special
Gargoyle makes its appearance on book review section will appear ini
campus today with big and little succeeding issues.
surprises for all its readers. "Chokes and Gargles," a column
E EA m ed to the front with a surprise very auspiciously, and is worth
eoveditohfraltpageh a srseerof u porum yoteracllegswoens
in the announcement that the Gar- reading, it is said.
Er to Lecture goyle will print humor this year. Among the contributions are
id of Modern That this is true is ably carried out ones entitled, "Five Ways to Get a
in the succeeding pages, for the Book (Silas Marner) Out of the
can Drama Press building was severely shaken Library," a surprise bit from the
yesterday afternoon and this morn- pen of Zane Gray and another from
TO SPEAK FIRST ing by advance views of the sea- Photoplay, and other surprise fea-
sns first issue. tures.
Last year's readers will recognize The number is the combined ef-
ce in Seating i the Campus Talk feature, which is fort of the regular staff plus sev-
ed Season to be run on a new basis. It will be! eral contributors, and the surprise
. a chatty sort of column and open motif is carried out in almost every
?ications I to any who wish to contribute arti- instance.!



T N G T IN FIRSI 1T:f.'j "iy"

Appear as First NI
Soloist in Concerts

Preference in seating for the
1929-30 Oratorical association lec-
ture sei-les will be given to all sea-
son applications mailed on or be-
fore October 16, according to an
announcement made yesterday by
Henry Moser of the speech depart-
ment who is business manager of
the association.
This year eight prominent men
comprise one of the most interest-
ing and instructive Oratorical as-!
sociation schedules thatrhas ever
come to Ann Arbor. Every speak-
er has been chosen by the asso-'
ciation as being the best in nis line
and the topics selected represent a
wide variety of interests.
Talk On Crime First
First on the schedule is William
Sheperd, a star writer for Collier's
magazine, who will speak on crime
and prohibition, October 23. Ever
since 1924 Mr. Sheperd has been in-
vestigating the prohibition situa-
tion for Collier's and is an author-
ity on the subject. His lecture will
not be a sermon; it will be a start-
ling but accurate picture of the
situation as it exists today. After
five years of careful investigation
the conclusion he reaches is that1
"Crime is Paying Too Well.",
Following Sheperd, LIouis K. Ans-
pacher, America's distinguished
dramatist and orator will appear
November 14 to discuss' the modern
theatre under the title, "The Trend.
(Continued on Page Two)
Greatest Dirigible
MakesTrial Flight
.(By Asociated Pes)f
CARDINGTON, Eng., Oct. 14 -
Taking advantage of perfect flying
weather, the much criticised Brit-
ish dirigible R-101 swept away
from her mooring mast and made
a 300 mile flight over southeastern
She cruised over London giving.
Londoners a chance to see the lar-
gest airship in the world, which
cost England $5,000,000 to build.
Major G. H. Scott, British aero-
nautic expert, who commanded the1
R-101, said that the flight had beent
very satisfactory. "The whole hand-
ling of this big airship proved
much easier than we had hoped
for," he said. "The noise of the en-
gines was very slight in the pas-
senger cars. It was very comforta-
ble indeed. We passed over Buck-;
ingham Palace, Westminster, then
over the city and then straight
back home. The ship handled very
well and answered her controls
with the greatest ease. We went
easy at first and worked up to
something over 50 miles an hour.
We will have the speed trials later.
"The airship made an average
speed of 55 miles an hour, covering
the three hundred miles in 5 hours
and 34 minutes. Experts are disa-
greed about the speed of which sheJ
is capable. Most of them say that'
the best she can do is less than 85
miles an hour, which she was de-
signed to do."
Plans Not Formulated
For Inaugural Program
Plans for an inauguration of
President Alexander Grant Ruth-
von are as yet very nebulous, it
was learned from an official source
yesterday. Dr. Ruthven is known
to have expressed the desire that
there be no inauguration ceremonyj
of any sort, and it seems probable
that his wishes will be respected.E
The rooming committee of the
Union is co.mpiling a list of}
rooms available for football

week-ends. Due to the tre-
mendous demand for such ac-
nnm nratinr lanl .rr a rn 1

cLies. ne type at the head of this Coupons will be redeemable at a
column avers that articles must be special booth in University hall, as
in good taste and are subject to the well as with the salesmen on the
editor's blue pencil. campus, the business staff has an-
The past season in Music is dis- j nounced.

R ig h ts of Students Student

Mass Meeting

With Permits
Permission to drive an automo-
bile does not, except in special
cases, involve the privilege of
carrying other University students
in an automobile, it was announced
yesterday by Walter B. Rea, assist-
ant to the dean of students in
charge of automobile administra-
Students who have been granted
special permission to use an auto-
mobile for limited purposes are not,
allowed to give rides to other stu-
dents, as an accommodation to the
latter, Mr. Rea said. About the.
only case in which an automobile-!

to Be Held for -
Judge William Day, 'OOL, an ar-
dent backer of the Michigan ath-
letic teams, will be in Ann Arbor
Friday evening to endow the Uni-
versity students with some of the
"real" Michigan spirit. The occa-
sion will be the pep-meeting at 7
o'clock in Hill auditorium on the
the eve of the Ohio State contest.
Ohio is traditionally a bitterI
rival of the Wolverines, and as
Judge Day knows well of Michigan
traditions, especially those dealing
with football, and comes here from
Ohio, it is certain that his message
will be all-inspiring.
New kindling was thrown on the
fire of the Michigan spirit, Satur-
day when Purdue downed the Wol-

Various Classes Will 1Famous Opera Singer
Vote For Officers I Will Render Varied I
This Week Program
U Three Class Elections Daughter Will Act as
Will Be Held Accompanist ini
Tomorrow Songs,_Arias.
Campus activity this week is cen- As the opening soloist;< ::>n::th:>
tering itself aboutclass elections. series of Choral Union concerts
Several of the upper classes in the Madame Louise Homer, Americai
various Colleges of the University operatic and concert singer, will Madame Louise Homer
will do their annual balloting un- appear tonight in Hiss Auditorium. Who will sing tonight in Hill
der the official guidance of the A unique feature of the program Auditorium in the first concert of
Student council, while less formal- j will be the appearance of her this season's Choral Union series.
ly, they will be devoted to "poli- I daughter, Miss Katherine Homer as She will sing several arias and
ticking" in caucuses and cam- her personal accompanist. She will songs, as well as a few operatic
paigns. appear at the piano for all of the numbers.
The peak of interest will concern songs and arias.
the Senior literary and engineering The program which will be heard
elections, and the junior engineer- tonight is as follows:
ing vote, the latter because this "Dem Unendlichen" .....Schubert
year it includes the chairmanship ; "If Thou Thy Heart Will Give
of the "J-Hop" committee, one ofI Me" "..............ah
the biggest "political plums" the "Maedchn Sina Wie er Wind"
campus has to offer. I.................Loewe
Three Elections Today "Caei.e"...............Stauss
Today there are three elections "LeseLarmes," from "Werther"
scheduled. All are of a secondaryM _se-
nature and are of little interest "L'Esclave"..............LaFavrs Closed Parties
outside the respective classes. "Adieu, Forests," from Jeanne
These are the sophomore engineer- d'Arc"......Tschaikowsky, , Given by Houses
ing vote, to be held at 10 o'clock . AfterhGamey
this morning in room 348 of the a, Intermission A fter Games
thinmoring ingoom the "nior Dearest"...........Sidney Homer-
Engineering building, the senior "Sheep and Lambs". . Sidney Homer Though lack of a quorum pre-
Medical, set for 4:30 o'clock this "How's My Boy"....Sidney Homer vented a formal resolution on the
afternoon in the amphitheatre, on ( Zgueledr,......Bam
the second floor of the University ZigeunerliederI.........Brahms matter, the representatives of the
hospital, and the senior Architect "Lieber Gott, du Weisst"Interfraternity council present at
election, to be held at 4 o'clock in Hahgethurmte Rima fluth" ntratntycuilpentt
te lecturn, oome the Ar'chitc-n "Roslein Drei in der Reihe" the meeting scheduled for yester-
thural ecbuilding "Kommt dir manchmal in den day afternoon at the Union, after
Tomorrow will be a big day in a discussion showing a difference
elections. The senior Literary class! Morning Hymn".......Henschel of opinion, expressed the united
will ballot at 4 o'clock in the aft- "Wild Bells".............. Gounodnh
ernoon at the Natural Science au- Several numbers which Madame view in a straw vote thatrthe
ditorium, and the junior engineer- Homer will sing were written by given by fraternities
ing class will stage its election at her husband, Sidney Homer, an on Saturday nights after home
9 o'clock in the morning at room American composer. Madame Hom- football games should be strictly
48 Engineering building. erhas been heard in Ann Abdr'on closed affairs.
Council to Appear Together several occasions, both in recital The view finally adopted by
The council, which is conducting and as star of the miscellaneous those present took the form of a
all class elections, will turn out in programs at several May Festivals. resolution passed by the council
full membership for the Literary - I last year. The motion at that time
vote, because of the size of the Aviators Will Resume was resolved, that all fraternity
class, and the bitter rivalry al- dances on Saturday nights after
ways present at this affair. The Flight From Moscow football games should be strictly
other elections will be supervised closed, that the chaperones should
by individual councilmen. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 14-Amer- be members of the faculty or par-
Candidates seeking offices at any ican mechanics, loaned by the Boe- ents of one of the active members
of the elections must present slips ing Airplane company, worked over of the chapter, and that the pres-
showing their eligibility. In the Lit- the Russian plane "Land of The ident of the house must turn in to
erary college, special meanswill Soviets," today, converting it from the office of the Dean of Students!
be taken to prevent all but qualified a sea to a land ship for its next 'a report signed by himself and the
members of the respective classes 'hop to California on its Moscow-I chaperones regarding the condi-
from balloting. New York flight. The flyers were tions at the dance.
uncertain when their plane would Representatives from 24 frater-
Dilemna Encountered be 'ready, but hoped to take off nities were present at the meeting. I
By Maine Postmasters for Oakland or San Francisco by That number is 14 less than two-'
Thursday morning. The mechan- thirds of the total membership of
(By Associated Press) fics, however, predicted it would 57 which is necessary to do busi-
PORTLAND, Me., Oct. i4.-It is take them to Saturday to get th ness.
lawful in this state to mail fish by plane into shape for the flight Despite the fact that the view ex-
parcel post, but the postmasters arc aidbsanorganizatispressed could not be formally
at a loss to explain how. Aided by Russian organizations, adopted as a resolution, it will be
A state statute provides that a the four Russian airmen who submitted to the Senate Committee
person can send 10 pounds of fish brought their plane from Water- on Student Affairs whcih is ex-
if the fish are open to view. ! fall, Alaska, to a perfect landing pected to meet tomorrow after-
As it appears impracticable to on Lake Washington at dusk yes- noon.
mail them open to view, W. Irving terday after a ten-hour battle with The senate committee which has
Glover, third assistant postmaster- fog and headwinds, were resting general jurisdiction of all frater-
general, has instructed postmasters today. Beset by blinding weather, nity parties has in recent years en-
not to accept fish caught in Maine's the flyers were forced to skim the tirely prohibited the fraternity
inland waters for shipment through surface of the water, following party for Saturday nights after
the mails. many of the contours of the Van- football games, though merely for
_ouver Island coastline, and - the specific year in which the ac-
sa canlengh-tion was taken.
Bad Luck Pursues ening a norml 550 mile flight to IThus far this year, no adminis-
Miami-Bound Youth more than a thousand miles. trative action has been taken. Ex-
isting regulations regarding fra-
(BvAssociated Press) I Tillotson Announces ternity dances limit the time of
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 14.-Herman dances merely to Friday and Sat-
Welch, 19, of Detroit, nursed a More Ohio Game Seats urday nights or the night preced-
broken hand today and said he ing a University holiday.
was convinced that the road from (By Associated Press) _
his home to Miami Fla., via, the box All seats not yet sold in the stu- . .r
car route is strewn with unhappi- dent allotment for the Ohio StateSpeclTrain Carres
ness and misfortune. football game Saturday will be MacDonald to Canada

Athletics Win Fourth
World Series
B i n g Miller Drives
Simmons in With
Winning Run
By A'an J. Gould, A. P. Sports
SHIBE PARK, Philadelphia, Pa.,
Oct. 14-The dreams of the old
master, Connie Mack, came true
this afternoon when his youthful
Athletics won the baseball cham-
pionship of the world with a finish
that packed all the thrills of a
story book climax, all the nerve
tingling excitement of a final act
of a melodrama.
The ninth inning of phantasy
became the ninth inning of reality
when the men of Mack, American
League champions, surged from be-
hind to score three runs and beat
the Chicago Cubs, champions of
the National League, 3 to 2, in the
fifth and deciding game of the
World Series.
Hoover Attends Game
With the President of the United
States and the first lady of the
land to applaud them, joining in
the applause of more than 30,000
fans, the Athletics for the second
straight game demonstrated their
unconquerable spirit by rallying to
win after the game seemed hope-
lessly lost.
With two out in the ninth inn-
ing, Bing Miller, veteran right
fielder for the Mackmen, drove the
decisive blow to the score boards,
a two bagger that brought Al Sim-
mons across with the winning run,
after, George (Mule) Haas, raw
boned center fielder, had tied the
count with a smashing home run
over the right field wall as Max
Bishop rested on first.
Deciding Factor in Victory
Miller's drive, with the count two
and two, foiled the last desperate
strategy of the Cubs and their big
right hander, Pat Malone, in pass-
ing Jimmy Foxx intentionally. It
goes down as the $50,000 blow de-
ciding the difference between the
winner and loser share of the
There didn't seem more than the
remotest chance for the Athletics
to win today after they had been
held to two hits for eight innings
by the fast balls of Pat Malone and
after Willy French, pinch hitting
for George Rube) Walberg in the
ninth, had struck out. The Cubs
had driven the hero of the first
game, Howard Ehmke, out of the
box in the fourth inning with a
'vicious attack with two out that
produced two runs that looked like'
a secure lead as Malone mowed.
down the Mackmen.
First Inning
CHICAGO-Dykes threw out Mc-
Millan. English beat out a hit to
Ehmke. Hornsby was retired, Foxx
unassisted. Englished died steal-
ing, Cochrane to Bishop. No runs.
one hit, no errors.
PHILADELPHIA-Bishop struck
out. Haas lifted to Stephenson.
English, made a nice play on Coch-
rane's grounder. No runs, no hits,
no errors.
Second Inning
CHICAGO-Wilson singled to left.
Cuyler forced Wilson, Ehmke to
Boley. Cuyler was trapped off first
and run, down, Cochran finally
making the putout. Stephenson
walked. Grimm grounded to Foxx.
No runs one hit, no errors.

driving student . has the Tight tQ .1 verines, so it is expected that the
carry another in his car is the sit- flames will leap high in the air,
uation of an Ann Arbor student when the student body meets Fri-
performing an errand for his day evening to put the campus into
family by transporting another sta- a keen fighting mood.
dent. In addition to the "pep-talk" of
If, for example, an Ann Arbor! Judge Day, the University band
student has invited a number of will be on hand to fill the air with
friends to his house for dinner with music of the "Victors" and "Var-
his parents, and if the parents sity." Stanton Todd, '30, dean of'
would otherwise drive the guests to the cheerleaders will also be there
their home, the resident student with several of his assistants. The
may carry the guests he has in- pep-meeting is sponsored by the
vited. This is considered a use of Student council and is being di-
the car for family purposes. rected by Counilman Stan Coch-
Students who have permits to ran, '30E.
drive to and from their place of;
outside employment should see Mr.
Rea for special permission to Dr. John H. Lette Dies
transport other students who work! at Home Here Sunday,
at the same establishment, it was -
announced. Dr. John H. Lette, former dean of
the school of applied science at
Competition in Novel the Carnegie Institute of Technol-
ogy, Pittsburgh, and a director of
ContestClosesToday thelibrary there, died Sunday at
his home, 1514 Granger avenue.
The final date for handing inj Professor Lette was born in De-1
manuscripts to the College Humor troit, November 6, 1868. He attend-r
and Doubleday, Doran prize cam- ed Colgate university and was
pus novel contest is scheduled for graduated from there in 1894. He
today. Announcements concerning received his master's degree from
this comptition were made last Harvard in 1895. The former insti-
spring; it is an effort on the part tution awarded him the degree of,
of the College Humor magazine to doctor of science in 1909 and in the
find a story of youth as seen same year he became a dean at!
through the eyes of its own gener- Carnegie Tech. He became director
ation. of the library in 1917 and held that
Judges will be the editors of the I position until last year, when he re-
book and magazine establishments I signed and came to Ann Arbor be-.
who are sponsoring the contest. A i cause of failing health.
reward of $3,000 is to be given for(
the best manuscript submitted. The Ohio S ead R
publishers will reserve the right to Squsumes
publish in book and serial form. H a r d Football Drill
But the winner will have in addi-
tion to the prize sum all royalties (By Associated Press)
accruing from the book publication. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 14-What
; promises to be a hard week of prac-
I ( finn f-,- f-L - 1


Afflicted by
Hirst Cancels
Francis W. Hirst, ed
Economist," and form
in the London School
ics, has been forced t
licture which had bee
for 4:15 o'clock Thu
noon, October 17.
Agents for Dr. Hirs
terday that he has

P1 L ic or ie UOnoState gridiron

V Aterleaving Detroit three weeks
Lecture I Stadium field where the Buckeyes ago for Miamihe fell off a box car
hope to get into shape to beat and sprained his ankle. In Tennes-
Michigan at Ann Arbor, on Satur ndsrndhsake.ITn d
litor of "The a asee he lost $18, almost all he had.
erly lecturer Ahday. g hrn Early today, boarding a Jackson-
of Eono- -Although the first fourteen var- ville train here, he stepped on hisI
of Econom-I sity players were excused from n shoestring, ell against the
o cancel his any hard tasks today, other mem- trainsan broke hiselefgand. Ahe
n scheduled bers of the squad were sent through trainbyntbrokehisleftehand.tA
rsday after- a lengthy scrimmage drill by CoachI passerby took him to the hospital.
Sam Willaman. The Buckeye men- "
t wrote yes- i tor is still on the lookout for play- -fthT rN
been ill of ers to bolster his offensive. nilf e ata
ered a slight d Before they were excused for the
day, the first fifteen men on the -
varsity went through a light signal, -rz!
drill. Arden McConnell, half back,' ---~
urled-will be missing from the squad u"-
Struggle til Wednesday. McConnell's father
is ill at his home in Massilon and II
the Ohio star was called to his

placed on general sale at 8 o'clock
this morning in the Administration
building at Ferry field. Harry Til-'
lotson, business manager of the
athletic association, announced last
Students will be allowed to pur-
chase these ticketsaat the regular
price, and in as great a number as
they wish. The tickets will not be
sold to other than students in the
University, Tillotson said.
In order to accommodate those
Bien students who are not able to
register for their Union member-

I 1 1A , " A - ,- V asvar
rfvAssociated Pie.) I PHILADELPHIA - Simmons sin-
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., Oct. 14. gled to left. Hornsby grabbed Foxx'
-After an all-day ride on a special liner and doubled Simmons at first.
train from New York, Ramsay Mac- McMillan threw out Miller. , No
Donald, the British Premier, ar- runs, one hit, no errors.
rived here today for a stay of a day I Third Inning
before crossing into Canada tomor- CHICAGO--Cochrane took Tay-
row where conferences with Prime lor's high bounder in front of the
Minister Mackenzie King will be plate and tagged him out. Malone
held. doubled to right. Boley threw (ut
At Ottawa on 'Thursday, the two I McMillan, Malone going to third.
statesmen will have a long personal English flied to Miller. No runs,
conversation in Mr. King's country one hit, no errors.
place and in an address in the eve- PHILADELPHIA--English made a
ning, Mr. MacDonald is expected to nice catch of Dykes' pop fly. Boley
make an announcement of import- rolled to English. Ehmke flied to
ance relating to one phase of the Cuyler. No runs, no hits, no errors.
situation growing out of his con- Fourth Inning
ference with President Hoover. ' CHICAGO-Boley threw out
During his train ride, the British I UnniwWi ncn fonlp to rnnh.

pleurisy and

had sufff

Accusations H
in Senate
(B As A>ted Pi

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