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October 13, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-13

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!! OOTO-R 13, 192 J

_ _-- Institute of Arts and Sciences onl "Four Years at the Courts of t~~~alAk e ra N R A E N O L E
Sultans of Java". All the about? will be given in the Natural Science ToVindica e Himslf!I FLOA ED i .L....'
Auditorium. r VnicteH mslf LO SE V CE TO ~ATY
(Fly suciat ed Pes.) :- ___
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members Organ Recital by Palmer Christian at Hill Auditorium, Wednes-[ WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-Seek- Tonwplt aebe de
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- day, October 1, at 4:15 P. M. ing "vindication," letB alTo hew peol othebndedFIFlying
p.oteprone fteFl ligitions at
dent until 3:30 p in. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) 'tdyaetrindtgnih"Sricstaanuceese-
hUnversity Loan Committee: Meets Monday, October 14, at 2:00 todayras d tecrmie toatgo onwiaytheServices,itwsanucdyte-frhe
Vol XL SUNDAY OCTOBER 13, 1929 No. 1 P. M. in Room 2, University Hall. All applicants for loans should call ceived $0,000 bribe from Edward da yLoadS lpei ent ha
-~~--'at the office of the Dean of Students for an appoinuent vith thie L. Doheny. California oil man, o h opn.Teicesde-ya a
NOTICESi Committee. while he was secretary of the in- wllmeasi the inceing intere stI icanca
University Lecture: Dr. Alexander Wetmore, Assistant Secretary t eo. which is being shown in~oth short, ies
of the United States National Museum. and a leading ornithologist ofI School of Education: Faculty luncheon at 12:15 P M.,Tuesdaiy Althogh his illness has alarmed' and long :distance pleasure flying: icns1
this country, will, lecture on "Birds of thde Hawaiian Bird Reserva- October 29, in private dining room of Michigan League Buiilding. ,his fanily and personal physician; has necessitated this move, Flo I ot, whi
tionr" at 4:15 P. M~, Thursday, November 14; in the Natural Science sI -- ad has been described as bron- ! said. flier, an
Auditorium. The lecture will be illustrated with lantern slides and;i Inerfraternity Council will meet at 4:30 ii clock Monday after- cial pneumonia by medical ex- The new fliers are J. C. Shults{ ing hour
inoving pictures. The public is cordially invited. noon in room 302 of the Union for the purpose of discussion and eleis - pers acting for Justice WilliamI and Erwin F. Skodopole, both of I Shults
F. E. Robbins 1lation on fraternity dances., Hi;t, he preferred to risk death in whom have had,wide experience
----- tj --- --the Ditrict of Columbia supremeI both in training students and in 4 months
wilEnglish 293 (Bibliography) will hold a preliminary meeting Tours- court rather than have a mistrial iflying all sorts of planes. I Maya c
Choral Union Concert Program: Louise Homer, Contralto, wllsing !day, October 1, at 1:00 in Room 2209 Angell hall. declared. Skodopole, who was in Lind- ! bergh a
the following program at the first Choral U~nion concert in Hill Audi-, Special Activities Classes in Women's Physical Edutin start Mon.-; Is condition was reportedf bergh's training class at Brooks !turned.
torium, Tuesday, October 15, at 8:15 sharp,. Piano accompaniments day , October 14. Instead of reporting to your regular class, report at -soawhat umproved" several and Kelly Fields in 1924, has been (a h
will be played by her daughter, Katharine Homer. Ithat period to the corrective room in Barbour Gymnasium, hours after Friday's session of the; a flying instructor for the Dast rth
Dem Ulnendlichen .. .. .. .. .. .. ...........................Schubert court_____ four years in Cincinnatti and Chi-'weet
fthutyhatwilt give t ................Bach;I Students of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering who may be in - - ---_____ _ _____ _______ -- __- America
Maedchen sind wie der Wind ..................... .........Loewe terested in, positions with the DuPont Company may make appoint- )Due to conflct with the Choral Union Concert, tryouts will be held atI for so
Caecciie ................................Strauss:'nnt oposltD.y.B Hleyad r .".,rneg, Drcor t', o'clock instead of 7:45 as previously announced. All old members1 trip fro
esLrero Vrh..............Massenet Laboratories of the comp any on Monday either at Room 20u Che n' -! ust be present.y Shults
L'Ecae................ane 'A....................... . ...La: is ry IBuiin, orsthroghneissgMBui nin the office of Professor Al-. Gargoyle Staff and Tryouts will meet Monday, October 13, at 4:301 Both
INTERMISS ION P.Mroussoldbpat3P_._oaligot I the mur
Dearet......................... ....... Sidney Homer The Chemical Engineering Seminar at 4 P. M. Monday, coe .M rot hudb pa .M o aln u.ILet
Sheep and lambs............................SdeHor 14, in room 3201 East Engineering Building will be addressed by DL' F. Vaftolerlbwl ntrhaseMna igtupheewl ascr
How's my boy9Sidney Homer B. Holmes and Dr. A. P. Tanbergof the DuPont Company, Wilning- be an important rehearsal Tuesday night, Oct. 15. frps
zigeunerlieder .......................................... Brahms ton, Delaware.
Lieber Gott, du Weisst Chi Usilcn will meet Tuesday,
Boch-gethurmte Rimaflu th Physics Colloquium: Professor S. A. Goudsmit wil speak on "Nu- 'October 15. at 210 S. Thayer, Apt. A T N I N S U
Roslein drei in der Reihe clar S.pi~ n ert 4:15 in om 1041 asnt Phyiso BuiledingITesday, O fto-2 at 8 P. M. A T N I N SU
Komat dir manichrnal in den Sinni?be15Alineetdaecralynvedoatn.Toe
Morning Hymn ... ,...................Hnee Children's Rhythm Classes will be acso e onm
Wild Bells .... ".................. .......Gounod 'Geelogical and Geographical Journal Club will meet in Room 2054 N.I organized Saturday, October 19, in homecokn shot
The public is respectfully requested to leave home in ample timeKS. at :00 P. M. Thursday October 17. Mr. S. P. Fergussoo, Meteorolo- , Barbour Gymnasium. Childrencokn
topgk ndt b i ter eas he hecocetbegins. A. Sink of the United States Weather Bureau, will give an illustrated leec- from 5 to 8 years at 10:00 A. M.,:
Lueon "Exploring the Atmosphere." All interested are cordially in- from 3 to 10 years at 11:00 A. M. AT
havenpse yteCL Ik
RulingooatWomen' Mothers wishing to register cil-'
Board of ikepresentatives and ratified by thre Board of Directors of the Acolytes meet Monday, October 14, at 7:30 P. M. in1 202 S. \V. I Special SundayaClicken'
League that all freshmen women may remnain out of their hiouses untl l essor Parker will read a paper on Religion. SeilSna 1cC1
o'lc nMonday nights... .._ ._......:...._ ___i C;r(andidates for Doctors Degree . -
Marareo'clsockrsmuon Precot Cub eetwatdinerTueda, Otobr 1, a 6:0 P M. t

[e was in charge of opera-
;the Chicago Flying club
eyears and during the past
held the same position in
)ti. He is an expert me-
nd holds both a mechanic's;
Lnd that of a transport pi-
.ch is the highest type of
d has more than 2,000 tl,-
r's to his credit.
ahas for the past e igh Et
flown payrolls over. the
ountry, from which Lind-
Gnd his party recently re-
The payrolls were destined
oil fields at Tampico, and
ransported by the Pan-
n airways, for whom Shults
ae time made the regular
7m Yucatan to Vera Cruz.
also is a transport pilot.
men will be on hand at
nicipal airport today to help
Fro handle the usual Sun-
iwd who flock to the field
,enger flights.
atmosphere and
ld visit
Ninner G6 6c



,MraeuhPeietPrsotCumesaine usaOcoe 5et :0P xaiations Octoe r 17, 18,and
r ' f auntOt 20 .M oomr 400018,jnder
Choral Union Ushers: The following men kindly report to Mr. K'en- t the Michigan League. Speaker, Dr. A. W. Lescohi~r, Gene- al Man-tyi :0w.M Ra 00 nvr
ager of Parke Davis and Company. Subject, "Phavmnac y as a Pro-stHg col l niiul
neth Lundquist at Hill Auditorium. Monday, October 14, between 4:.0 fssion"osiyHgScolAlinvdus
_________planning to take these examina-
and 0:30 P. M., for assignment: - bnsarasedtonoifyPrfeso
0. II. Bridge Edgar E. Mapes, Jir. Men's Educational Club meets Monday, October 14, at 7",M il Ciforeooaskdto notfe Poeso
H. H. Brueckner HwofW Mso oonr 304 Michigan Union. Cifr oda ne
John C. CrisseY Carly . Moor__________________
Russell DeJong Cr .Meyer Art Club: Men and women students interested or actively cnagcd
ha~rry W. Gjelsteen J. Wallace Neighbor in art and interested in organizing an Art Club are invited to mneet -
E3enard graham H avnPladat the Women's League Building Tuesday evening, Oct obr 15, at
Charles HJudson H-enry Rottschafer 1: 15. For information regarding room inquire at the('desk.f
Leo Knoll Paul Russell 1f l
Jack Luther Claude in t; e 'The ;students' Journalist Club will meet Thurscfiky eveningt,, Otobf'm1
---- - -- 'sia 17, at 7:30, in the Editorial Room of the West Medcal Bilding WA

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p)fFice in Ithe Press Building for your senior pictures. Do it this week.
office open f } on 1 to 5 every afternoon.

Senior Engineering Class Dues will be collected Monday, October
14, from 1 to 3 o'clock in West Engineering Building.



EVENTS TODAY !. Portia, -literary society for women, will. hold second tryouts for
l xlfibiti+n of Paintings by Edward WV. Redffleld: 1:30 P. M. to 5:00I previous candidates and also first tryouts for new candidates on Tules-
P. , in West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. d cay, October 15, in the Portia clubroom, fourth floor of Angell. 1=all-
Student Volunsteer Groupi meets in Committee Room in Lane Hall
at 9:30 A. M. ___MER ILL, LYNCH & CO.
Scalp and Blade will meet at 2:30 P. M. in Michigan Union. Members
New ;York Stack Exchange
Tryouts for 'Varsity Band at 2 P. M. at Morr'is Hall. Chicago Stock Exchange
COMING EVENTS Cleveland Stock Exchange
University Lectures will be given as follows: October 17, at 4:15 P Detroit Stock Exchange
nMiMr.,FoncisRepartns ondmWr Debt"Oturi oer 19, olof at 10:00ew A. M., Mrke
nmics Mr.FRaaWtirnstaFormer Lect"Oturi ondonScholofEco-New:ork urb arke
Professor Leon Asher, Director of the Physiological Institute at Bernie, Accounts Carried on Conservative Margin
Switzerland, on "Specific Diuretics,,,; November 1, at 4:15 P. M., Mr. 20 Fis Na'BnkPoe49
T°assilo Adam, Curator of Oriental Art in the Museum of the Brooklyn


.yK,""_ n~ +e,.<s , c ,. .ta r' , t r '" . .,ti" _. aa(.t.iy.



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r7lrT- 0

See what Allex
has to say ;n


. I - --- I B x -H MIRLOO 193 1 1 m m



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