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October 13, 1929 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-13

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. _ ---



r A ri T-7 S, T. I I ",


nUR UnTnAM RAINY WEATHER HINDERS1 strated when all 16 men who ARKANSAS-The Univer'sity of
MICIG UlANUBOWS APT HARRIERS' TIME TRIALS started the run finished the race. Arkansas will produce something
Yesterday's time trial though it new in mascots when it parades a
Hdynyfailed to furnish the Michigan genuine Razorback pig across the
IN YEAR'S FIST ESERN CONERNCEGh EterHampered aby Semud kand rainy;
Coach Steve lL'sar mentor with an accurate estimate field between the halves of the
_----riers engaged in the second prac_ of the ability of his charges pro- Arkansas-Texas game today. The
(Continued from Page Six) Michigan took time out. tice run of the year. Owing to the vided the cross country team val- porker was caught in the wilder-
of bounds when it rebounded out A forward pass Harmeson to sloppy condition of the course able experience for the coming ness around Fayetteville.
armesof ailyd to . W Welch, was good for 45 yards. Yun-i Coach Farrell instructed his season. Michigan State Normal
kicked out of bounds on his own ovitch made a yard before Trus- I charges not to exert themselves. will be the first o p p o n e n t DETROIT-Gordon Fraser, vet- See the Classified
30 ardlin. Tusowsi ws h rtkowski brought him down. Welch
in ya mi beTruskodsk lay kwsku wog yard o a ck play. Six men crossed the finish line the harriers will have to overcome eran of the Detroit Cougars' hock- Section
in a mixup, but resumed play. mdtabreast with a time of 20 minutes this fall. The meet will be held at ey team has been sold to Les Ca-
Truskowski made nine yards Harmeson made a short forward and 15 seconds for the three and Ypsilanti on Wednesday and the nadiens of Montreal, according to
thogh etsd fPru' i ass to White Which was good for and I 1A
throW h left side of Putdue's line. fouryards White made a nice one-half mile jog. The excellent entire squad will enter the compe- Jack Adams, manager of the De- WANT ADS PAY
Welch hurt his right leg in the' catch. Yunovitch failed by inches! condition of the squad was demon- tition. troit team. -
pile up and was given first aid. to make three yards on the fourth!
The Prdue trainer worked fran- down, and it was Michigan's ball
tically to get the star back on his on its own 30 yard lie.
feet and succeeded. Dahem made Hudson made two yards and
it first down and 10 on the next Wheeler made two. Sleight block-
for Michigan. Hudson went, ed Simrall's punt and recovered
through the Purdue left line for the ball on Michigan's 5 yard line.
four yards and Gembis plungedHarmeson failed to gain. On a
over for a touchdown on a Criss- Haiet
crss-triple pass Caraway took the ball°
cross play. to within two yards of the goal.,
Gembis made good on the kiint.Yunovitch carried the ball another
for another pointg yard. Yunovitch went over on the
The score: Michigan 16; Purdue next play. -r.1-'





- Purdue kicked off this time and Caraway failed to makea lae
he oine,
Hudson was downed on the 35 yard kick for the extra point, making
line, the score Purdue 18, Michigan 16.
Dahlem made two yards, the bat- Caraway kicked for Purdue and
tering against the Purdue left side the ball was put in play on the 20
of the line being continued. Pur- yard line when the ball went over
due took time out. Hudson made the goal line. Michigan threw a
three yards. On a fake kick, Gem- forward pass which was grounded.
bis made a first down. White intercepted a pass thrown
Hudson and Dahlem made eight by Simrall and it was Purdue's ball
yards between them and Hudson on Michigan's 30 yard line.
made it first down before being Harmeson wormed t h r o u g hi
run out of bounds on the Purdue Michigan's right side, threw off
41 yard line. three tacklers and dashed to with-
Dahlem was thrown for a five in one yard of Michigan's line.
yard loss by Sleight. Dahlem drop- Yunovitch carried it over on the
ped an attempted forward pass. next play.
Yunovitch intercepted a forward Score: Purdue 24; Michigan 16,
pass and it was Purdue's ball on Caraway again missed the try for
its own 40 yard line. point after touchdown.
Yunovitch made a sieve of thepi Cafte kocdown.
middle of the Michigan line and Caraway kicked of for Purdue
made 18 yards before being down- and Poe, Michigan left guard, was
ed. Harmeson made six yards 'downed with the ball on his 35
through Michigan's left side. Yun- yard line. Sleight threw Wheeler.
ovitch made it first down, through for a 10 yard loss. Simrall made
the same place. Harmeson leaped seven yards through Purdue's right
over the pile-up for two yards. t guard and tackle. Purdue began
Welch made twomore yards as sending in substitutes. Simrall sent
the period ended. a long pass to Priest, who replaced!
Score: Michigan 16, Purdue 6. Wheeler, but the newcomer barely!
Fouh Prd . touched the ball. Simrall booted
On the Furth Perdthe begin- igh in the air and it was Purdue's
ning of the last period Yunovitch Harmeson broke through again,
ran 27 yards'through his own left tossing ofn tackles right, and left
tackle for aetouchdown. Yunovitch t he'was2run out of bounds on
fumbled the ball on the play forIbuhewsrnotfbudsn
the point after touchdown, and at- Caraway swung around Michi-
tempted to run around, but was araway swg d aonth touch-
tackled. gan's le en or anoter
Score: Michigan 16; Purdue 12. The Michigan defense appeared
Michigan kicked off. Purdue was to have completely given way be-'
downed on the 27 yard line. Four fore Purdue's attack.
Michigan players piled on Caraway ifSore Purdue 0; attack.16
anchre him f ror afive yar los Score: Purdue 30; Michigan 16
.an thew imfora fveyar los. The attempt for point after
Harmeson made two yards. Yun- touchdown failed.
ovitch made nine yards before Sim- i___________
rall brought him down.
Wheeler replaced Dahlem, Welch TYPEWRITING
kicked and Van Bibber downed and
Simrall in his tracks on the Mich- ;IIMEOGRAPIIING
igan 40 yard line. ( A specialty for
Truskowski failed to gain. twenty years.
Wheeler fumbled the next play and Prompt service.. Experienced op-
Michigan was thrown for a loss. erators.. Moderate rates.
The visitors kicked and the ball o D MORRILL
went into play on the Purdue 24 34 . tD . Ph ne 615
yard line. 314 South State St. Phone 6615


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7 - 7







(Cut This Out And Keep In A Convenient Place)

Ann Arbor Savings ..
Farmers and Mechanics..

707 North University
Nickels Arcade

Dewey Smith ................. 1110 South University
DiMattia Beauty Salon .... .340 South State'
Michigan Beauty Shop ........ Michigan Theater Bldg.
Raggedy Ann Beauty Shop.. . 1110 South University
Romona Beauty Shop........625 E. Liberty
Stoddard Hair Shop......... 707 North University
Mayer and Schairer .......... 112 South Main
O. D. Morrill. . ... ....... .314 South State
Print and Book Shop..... ..521 E. Jefferson
S. and S. Supply ........ 305 Maynard
Slaters Inc. . . .. 320 & 334 S. State, 549 E U.
Student Supply .............1111 South University
George Wahr's ..............316 South State

Carl Bey ...16 Nickels Arcade
Burr Patterson & Auld 603 Church
Hallers ... . ... .. . 235 South State
Schlander and Seyfried . 304 South Main
White Swan .. .... Press Bldg., Maynard St.
Moe Laundry .......... .204 North Main
Trojan Laundry . . .........615 E. Liberty
Varsity Laundry ............300 South Fifth
Browning, King Co......... 319 South Main
Conlin and Wetherbee.......118 E. Washington
Tom Corbett................116 E. Liberty'
Del Prete ........ .......... 213 E. Liberty
Factory Hat Store...........617 Packard
Fiegel's . ......332 SouthMain
Greenwood & Kilgore ........ 324 South State
Marquardt, Tailor ...........608 E. Liberty
Masten and& Chase ...........211 South Main
Saffell and Bush ..............604 E. Liberty
Thompson's .......... .1107 South University
Tinker & Co. ...... 342 South State
Van Boven Inc ............326 South State
Wadhams & Co...........109 E. Washington
Wagner 'Co. ..:............. 303 South State
Wild & Co................311 South State
Dawn Donuts ...216 E. Washington
Forest Ave Market..........530 Forest'

Betsy Ross .............. .
Sweetland . . . . . . . .
Preketes Sugar Bowl..

Nickels Arcade
212 South Main
109 South Maitt



This is the time of year your
blankets need the care you would
like to give them at home.
A trial will convinencenyou.
204 North Main Phone 3916
We call for and deliver C
215 E. Washington Phone 4310
TAILORING-Men's suits made
strictly to order, from select fab-
rics, by an experienced maker and
fitter. Kollauf, 115 South Main.
Over Walk Over Shoe Store.
NOTICE - Boat Club Restaurant
Whitmore Lake open all winter.
Dinner parties and dancing.
Phone 9175. F. M. Stofflet and
Lane Lee proprietors. C
609 E. William. Phone 5407.
FOR SALE-Drum set, like new.
Cost $75, sell for $25. Call at
815 South State. 61
A HOME of the first order, wonder-
ful setting, among large maple
trees, very desirable location,
south of campus. Brand new.
The nine rooms inclued a study,
nursery, recreation and large sun
room with fireplace. All appli-
ances for convenient and con-
forable operation of the home.
Steam heat, double garage' built-
in. Owner very anxious to sell.
Will sacrifice. Dial 7408, evening
FOR RENT-Front suite or two
singles. 120 North Ingalls. Phone
9377 afternoon and evenings. 56
FOR RENT-1 single room. No
other roomers. Quiet and warm.
1-2 block from campus. 723
Haven Ave. Tele. 8158. Callin
P. M. or evening. 561
FOR RENT-Single room, 2nd floor,
1341 Wilmot. Occupant leaving
college. Call Mrs. Lum. Phone
9568. 561
'WONDERFUL rooming house-
Up to date, hospital and college
location; partly furnished; "rea-
sonable rent. Call 6169. 56
FOR RENT-3 room furnished
apartment, 1/2 block off Packard,
near State, to upper class men or
man and wife. 812 Mary St. 561
FOR RENT-One suite for married
couple or for men students. 3.08
Thompson. Dial 6116. 124612
WANTED-Students to enjoy a real
meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. C
WANTED-Roommate for senior
girl in light housekeeping suite.
Continuous hot soft water. 922
South State. 561
For self-supporting students desir-
ing fascinating remunerative
work either temporary or perma-
nent, may I suggest that many
students of both sexes have earn-
ed scholarships and cash suffi-
cient to defray all college ex-
penses representing national
magazine publishers. If inter-
ested write or wire for details. M.
A. Steele, National Organizer, 5
Columbus Circle, New York, N. Y.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 3

Qs"s1././O" . ,/":!, r ./"/.e ". 1..I'J".r""11. d"' ... '"', 1. ". 1.0. .I °., d/./".I1. /. r " ",I"'./ °, ", %.0". , .il I" '


For Your Next Party
The Ambassador's


The of tILentOts

The Troubador's


Phone 9588

920 Lincoln Ave,

orses' n Soial. and
Relgious Thought and
S Group I (ForFreshmen) Miss Gammack-"The Sermon
G Ion the Mount"
Miss Gammack has recently left the staff of the Madison Avenue
Church in New York to join our staff at Harris Hall as Secretary for
Women Students. Miss Gaminack. who is a graduate from Smith College, I
has always been keenly interested in student life and is earger to make the
C acquaintance of Freshmen through her class. By exploring the section
of the Sermon on the Mount the grou-;> will try to "'_iscover something of
the thought and attitude of Jesus, and try to occ what meaning these teach-
C ings may have for us today.
Group II-Robert Angell-"The Problems of the
Modern Family"^
Dr. Angell is a graduate of the University of Michigan and is now
Assistant Professor in Sociology. His book, entitled "The Campus," pub-V
lished a year ago, was very well received and earned for him public rec-
ognition as an authority on student life and interests. During the past
year Dr. Angell was given srecial leave of absence in order to make a
-!-.,,. - - .r., - - - - - - --. «..7.«« t. ..1. T A «..1. ...._ . .~..r

American Dry Cleaners ..
American Rug Cleaning..
Goldman Cleaners ......
Greene Cleaners .... . .
Michigan Cleaners
Oswald Katz, Cleaner ....
Cornwell' Coal ........

...215 E. Washington
. . . . 1032 Greene
.214 South State
..516 E. Liberty
.......523 E. Liberty
..814 South State
. Huron and Fourth

University Music House ...
Choral Union Concerts.
A. S. Lynden ....
Brooks-Newton ..
Mullison's Stables. ......
Huston Bros. Billiards.
Saunders Canoe Livery.

Armory ...................
G rangers .................
Michigan Union
Michigan League . . . ........
Goodyear Co............
Ruack & Co..
Montgomery Ward & Co.

Calkins-Fletcher-------------324 & 818 S. State, 1101 S. U.
Crippens Store No.3..,.....North University at Thayer
Eberbach & Sons .......... 200 East Liberty
Edsill Drug Co. .... . ...... 208 South Main
Swift Drug ...............340 South State
Arborphone Sales---------521 E. Liberty
Ernst Bros..................210 South Fourth
Detroit Edison..............Main at William
stimpson Radio.............521 E. Liberty
Brown-Cress & Co ... Main at Huron
Merrill Lynch & Co..........First National Bank Bldg.
Flowerday & Son .609 E. William
E. L. Greenbaum.448 Spring St.;
Chas. Wuerth & Co. . . 113-115 E. Washington
Killins Gravel Co. .3 Kresge Bldg.

.223 E. Ann
,E. Huron near State
South State
. North University
.124 South Main
.Main at Liberty
South Fourth near Liberty

Maynard at William
Hill Auditorium
302 Ypsi Ann Bldg.
Liberty at Fourth
326 F. Ann
307 South State
Foot of Cedar


Clarks Tea Room.
Freeman's Dining Room .
Forest Inn....
George's Restaurant .
'rap Room...........
Lane Hall Tavern.
Palace ................
Parrot ................
R. and S. Lunch........

.11101 South University
.809 E. Washington
.....538 Forest
..611 E. William
....Michigan Unin
.State at Washington
601 E. Liberty
.338 South State
.....605 Church

t A


Hamilton Business College.....State at William
Mack Tutoring Agency. . . .--310 South State

A. T. Cooch & Son...... .

1109 South University

Alexander Inc. ...... . ...324 South State
Campus Bootery.. .........304 South State
Kinney Shoe Co...........117 South Main
L. and B. Shoe Store ......... 620 E. Liberty1
J. Murphy Boot Shop.........9 Nickel's Arcade
George Moe ....... ........ North University, 902 State
Collins Shop ..... . ..........600 E. Liberty
Fashion Shop ...............201 E. Liberty
Goodyear Co. ................124 South Main
Kress Stores ................115 E. Liberty
Kline Stores..... ........Main, near Liberty
Mack & Co . ... Main and Liberty
McKinsey Hat Shop........,. 227 South State
E. F. Mills Co.......... ...118 South Main
Rubley Shop ....... ..8 Nickel's Arcade
Vogue Shop ............. . ..221 South Main

LOST-Black leather notebook con-
taining name. Frank E. Cooper.
Phone 21217. 61
$50 REWARD-For the recovery of
bow-knot pin set with diamonds
and% crystals. Phone 6517. 612
WILL the person who exchanged
slickers at Congregational church
kindly call 3608. 6
LOST-A small brown purse. on
either North University or State
street. Return to 506 E. Catherine
or call 22246. 6
FOUND-A handsome young police
dog in eastern part of town.
Wears collar but no tag. Phone
3723. 561
FOUND-Ladies' glove, size 6, near
Michigan Theater. Call 8609. 6

Art and Gift Shop.

218 South State

These merrhntq hgsthe il f11 irar11 t rf .d. , XTrTL.TI"-A Th N A TT X7

1t 31l

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