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October 06, 1928 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-06

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Second Practice Run
Scheduled For Cross
Country Squad Today
The Wolverine c r o s s-country
squad will trot through their sec-
ond practice run at 11 o'clock this
morning. This run will be for three
miles as the distance is being
lengthened half a mile each week.'
Coach Steve Farrell expressed
himself as being well pleased with?
the showing that his men have
made both in the practices during
the week and in the practice run
last Saturday.
The cross-country team will par-
ticipate in two 'meets this fall, a
football game, and a triangle meet
with Illinois and Ohio on Novem-
dual meet with Wisconsin on Oct.
26, the morning of the Wisconsin
ber 10.
Illinois is taking cross-country
seriously this year and Coach Gill's
squad of veterans is running three
to five miles daily. Weather at
Champaign has been ideal for
Captain Abbott and his teammates,
Stine, Seldon, White and Ponzer.

urid Bits


Both divisions of the Varsity
squad went through light workouts
yesterday afternoon in preparation
for the opening games on the 19282
schedule with Ohio Wesleyan and
Mt. Union college this afternoon.
While the Varsity went
through quite a lengtby re-
hearsal of plays and kicking
and passing practice, Coaches
Courtright and Brown sent
their charges through a short
signal drill, dismissing them at
4:30 in order for the men to
catch the 6:35 train for Tole-
Complete new uniforms were is-
sued before the practice to every
man on both squads, and the can-
didates were allowed to 'break in
the new outfits in the light work-
out that followed.
Mt. Union will probably be
represented by the same line-
up that faced Allegheny Col-
lege in the opener.. The line
consisted of Ball, left end;
Dunn, left tackle; Boyle, left
guard; Lindamood,. center;
Shumaker, right guard; H.
Sweet, right tackle; and K.
Sweet, right end.
The Ohio aggregation's backfield
combination will be composed en-
tirely of veteran performers with
Meredith at quarter, Glenright and
Emerson at the halfback posts, and
Captain Bixler at fullback.
Coach Ray Courtright will use
Carter at left end; Bergman at left
tackle; Sullo, left guard; Sher-
wood, center; :Bauer, right guard;
Williams, right tackle; Smith,
right end; Whittle, quarter; Mc-
Bride and Geistort, halves, and
Hughes, fullback as his starting

The officials announced for
the game at Alliance are Pa-
sine, referee; Hazelwood, um-
pire; McCullough, field judge;
and Scheule, head linesman.
The Reserve gridmen held their
signal practice on South Ferry field,
but the Varsity retired to the new
stadium in order to run through
their plays in secret.
Gembis, Squier, and Brown
went through a placekicking
drill, while the corps of punt-
ters, Bator, Wheeler, Holmes,
Rich, Simrall and Draveling all
took a turn at kicking the oval
with and against the wind.
From all appearances the new
stadum is in first class shape for
the season's opener. In contrast
to last year, when heavy rains left
puddles of water along the side-
lines, the sod appears to be perfect-
ly firm.
Coach Wieman assembled
the entire squad at one end of
the field and spent some time
in going over the mode of at-
tack .employed by the Battling
Bishops last year.
Bruce Hulbert, 230 pound line-
man, who has been working with
the Reserve eleven until today, ap-
peared with the Ferry field delega-
tion in the new stadium this after-
Coach George Gauthier has
selected "Red" Glancy, veteran
fullback, to serve as captain of
the Ohio Wesleyan team for
this afternoon's contest. .The
Bishops are giving the two cap-
tain ides a trial this season.

Shannon Tops Field
In Qualifying Round
Of Golf Tournament
Match play rounds in the fall
tournament for the University of
Michigan golfers will start Mon-
day, Prof. T. C. Trueblood, varsity
golf coach, announced following
the conclusion of the qualifying
Shannon won low medal honors
over the field of forty who enter-
ed the qualifying round with a
score of 153 for the 36 holes playedt
at the Washtenaw Country club.
Inasmuch as Captain Bergelin,
Ahlstrom and Ward were not forc-
ed to qualify the original field was
pared down to thirteen as a result
of yesterday's play. The pairings
Bergelin vs. Livingston;1
Reed vs. Wenzel;
Cohen vs. Hall;;
Whyte vs. Ahlstrom;
Ward vs. Lewis;
Hobart vs. Calhoun;
Hicks vs. Pruyn;
Lenfesty vs. Shannon.
Prospects for a strong first year
golf team seem promising with
four of the qualifiers, Pruyn, Len.-
festy, Hicks and Calhoun number-
ed among the freshman class. It
has been announced that the first
two rounds will go 18 holes while
the semi-final and final round
matches will be determined by 36
hole encounters.
Monday and Tuesday will be de-
voted to first round play while sec-
ond round matches will be played
off Wednesday and Thursday. The
semi-final and final round encoun-
ters will get underway over the
next week-end.
Starting Monday both teams will
hold secret practices every after-
noon in preparation for the Ind-
iana and the M. S. N. C. games.
The public will not be admitted to
these sessions.

Wisconsi -Notre Dame, Indiana-
Oklahoma Games to Feature
Saturday's Games
As all Conference teams swing
into action today, eight of them in
their first games of the 1928 sea-
son, the Wisconsin-Notre Dane
and Indiana-Oklahoma tilts will
hold the center of the stage in the
absence of any contests which will
affect the Big Ten standings.
With prospects for a successful
season brighter than they have
been in the past five years, Coach
Thistlewaite's Badgers are set to
gain their first victory over the
invading Irish. The Cardinals'
veteran line, headed by Captain
Wagner and Binish, who were
rated as two of the best tackles in
the Conference last year and with
revamped backfield men in the
guard positions, has been showing
great defensive power in practice
Indiana Meets Sooner
Coach Rockne, on the other
hand, has the selection of a full-
back to worry him, as with Leahy
and Savoldi on the injured list,
150-pound Dinny Shay appears the
only man available.
Indiana has a second tough
assignment today in defending the
Big Ten prestige against the Okla-
homa eleven at Bloomington. The
Sooners, who, conquered Chicago
at the Midway last year, will bring
an experienced 180-pound line and
a clever running and passing
backfield against the Hoosiers.
Coach Pat Page, Indiana mentor,
is faced with the problem of select-
ing his starting lineup, as Ran-
dolph, veteran center, is the only
sure starter.
(Continued on Page 7)

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