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January 24, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-24

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JONI O RSITyT With the examination interim the country, founa akened
.proving a welcome interval of rest Wolverine team for two wins by
Courtright To Make Few Changes the Varsity pucksters look back topheavy counts. The Minneapolis
puc kmen led by McFadyen picked
In Lineup; Kanitz To Start over a strenuous and disastrous up an 11-0 victory in the first game
Game At Center early season campaign. A lone win of the series and buried Michigan
in eight start appears as the only der 13-1 couie con
bright spot in the Wolverine early 13euninte second
BALSAMO IS IN LINEUP puck campaigning. test.
Opening the season against the Gophers Win Twice
.fast moving Ontario Aggies the en their first Western Confer-
PROBBLE INLowrastmenofeng dOntbrio ggispteo ecegame of the year the Wolves
Michigan "B" E Detroit wynen ffer stubb oppo showed their best form by holding
Balsamo .......LF......... Evans asition over the entire route and it the Gophers to a 4-0 victory. The
Downing...... RF...... . Schecter was only as a result of faulty goal score however did not shown the
Kanitz.......C...... Wengel rning th e ost accurate difference between the
Barley..........LG...... Wachter Princeton, presenting the most two teams. Over a major portion
Lovell,........RG..... Kaufman powerful team seen on the local of the game, the Michigan for-
Ice in years, smothered Michiganwadlnhdterubrite
Victorious in six out of seven under a 11-1 count. The Wolver- ward line had the rubber in the
gamhes, Michigan's "B" team will ines offered a stubborn defense Minnesota scoring zone but were
enter the contest with Detroit City during the first half of the fray stellar pernde ofBillings,
college tonight a favorite over the but after a few misplays at the t Gopher gae. Inthens
Munie quintet. The game will be goal the Maize and Blue evidently nd of the serie the Gopher n-
played at Detroit. Coach Court- lost heart and the Tigers buriedgotiate6erin.t Miohe dd
right will use the same lineup the Wolves under an avalanche of notiappea toh win.Michiganadid
against the Tartars that he started close in shots. tas the first game and the Gophers
at Ypsilanti last week with the x- .Ontario Is Victor looked considerably superior to the
ception of Dougal, who has been A second Canadian team proved Lowry-coached outfit.
replaced by Balsamo: winner over the locals when the With the varsity pucksters en-
As a result of his playing recent- University of Ontario downed gaged in academic struggles the
ly, Kanitz has displaced Dougal at Michigan by the score of 4-1. Thel limelight at the Coliseum is being
center, with Balsamo being inserted Wolves picked up their lone vic- centered on the activities of the
to fill Kanitz's berth at forward. tory by downing Michigan State Intramural competitors. Intra-
Downing's speed has gained him 9-1 in the fourth test of the year. mural hockey is going over success-
the other forward post, while Bar- The Spartans were unable to show fully according to the midget Wol-
ley and Lovell, two dependable i much against a determined Wol- verine hockey mentor, Eddie Lowry,
guards, will be assigned the task of verine offense and at no time were who expects to develop consider-
holding the Detroit scorers in in the running. able varsity material from the'
check. Marquette University's pucksters, ranks of the Intramural competi-
Ten To Make Trip I rated as the best in this section of tors.
Ten men will make the trip to ! -- -
Detroit with Coach Courtright.In 1 COACH MANN WILL SEEK TO WIN
addition to the five who have been; . L
named to start, Slagle, Dougal, CONFERENCE WATER POLO TITLE
Weinstein, Cushing, and Lytle will
be in reserve.
The junior varsity has compiled In quest of further aquatic the Varsity tank squad. Bob Walk-
an impressive record to date, six laurels, Coach Matt Mann will er, sprint star, is the most likely
victories offsetting a lone defeat make a determined effort to annex prospect at center forward, as he
at the hands of Ypsilanti by a the Big Ten water polo title this combines speed with ability Mc-
27-18 score. Toledo and Mt. Pleas- season. The Wolverines have some Donald, Walaitis, and Aut are
ant have each been defeated twice, good material available, including making bids for the other two for-
while Calvin college of Grand Cseveral veterans, so they should ward berths.
Rapids also dropped a game to the prove a real threat to the other Coach Mann is well supplied
Wolverines. The other win was teams, with defense men, three backs, all
scored over Ypsi, avenging the for- Heretofore water polo has been veterans of two years experience.
mer loss. rather neglected, Coach Mann being available. Captain Spindle
Although three ,veterans are in- preferring to concentrate most of Hubbell, and Watson will probably
eluded in the City college lineup, his attention on competitive compose the second line of defense
the team has failed to display any swimming. This season, however, although one of them may be
consistent form this season. Ypsi- Michigan will make a real bid for shifted to forward.
lanti and Mt. Pleasant have each the championship, with practice Graduation of Clarence Horn
downed the Tartars by wide mar- sessions scheduled four times a has left a vacancy at the goal 1
gins, while Toledo split even with week. Swimming will also get its ,tender's post. Mertz and Warner
the Detroit five in two games. usual share of time, as the Wolver- are trying out for this position,
Tartars Lack Center ines are out to capture their third with Spindle a possibility.
Lack of a capable center has straight Big Ten title. Reserve material is rather plen-
hindered Coach Holmes' team, as l The water polo team as usual tiful, so there is expected to be
Bob Gunn, last year's star,, has will be recruited from the ranks of (Continued on Page Seven)j
graduated to the professional ranks.-
Wengel, a five-foot seven-inch
pivot man, has been badly handi-
capped by lack of height.
Captain Evans and Schecter are -
experienced forwards, but have not
shown to good advantage this
season. The Tartar players have
experienced difficulty in finding
the basket, missing many shots in
every game. Kaufman is a veteran
guard, while Wachter is playing his
first as a regular.
Tonight's tilt will be the last for
the "B" team until the new semest-
er is well under way. The next
practice session is scheduled for
Tuesday afternoon. During exami-
nations only intermittent drills will
be held.

D IAD0QITV DIIQ (Special T Thle Daly) I I IQDAfl


EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 23.-First L.i LuFrrun 1A A
signs of spring are to be found at
ReuasSrmaeWt uiiPatten gymnasium here where-
Regulars Scrimmage With Junior Northwester nivrsit aebal Elimination Bouts To Determine
Varsity And Has But Little team hstr ed indar ratile Entrants In 115 and 135
Trouble In Winning Coach astartedin to practice. Pound Classes
____Coac Paul Stewart, the Purple's,___
$ Inew diamond mentor, has a squad
SEEK RESERVE MATE AtL jlof pitchers -and catchers working WARREN TO MEET KURRLE
out at the present time and ex-
Drill on offense continued to pects to issue a call for the other A revised Wolverine lineup may
occupy the major part of the Var- candidates soon. Iface the Michigan State wrestlers
sity basketball practice sessions, a Among the pitchers now workingwhntewoeascshtor
scrimmage with the "B" team fea-I out under the eye of the coach are n the two teams clashtomor-
turing yesterday afternoon's short five who show promise of develop- row night in Yost field house, ac-
workout. Coach Veenker again ing into first rate performers by cording to Coach Clifford H. Keen.
placed special emphasis on the de- the time the opening game rolls The Michigan representatives in
velopment of a short past attack around. These are Heideman, the lighter weights, in which dis-
and tried out both Kanitz and aMcAleece, and Woil who have had apointing results were secured in
Barley with the regular five previous experience on the team the Chicago and West Virginia
VarsityR o gp nhI and Plasket and Fife, two sopho- meets, will not be determined until
The Varsity quintet again had :mores. Woil is the only left hand- after a series of elimination bouts,
little trouble with the red jerseyed er in this group. while the lineup in the heavier di-
Reserves, rolling up 28 points toTheCacrsLtd visions may be juggled.
their opponents five during a short Three Catchers Listednorde C
scrimmage, with Orwig, Truskow- Three catchers stand out above In order to have Capta War-
ski, and Chapman doing most of !#the backstop candidates now en- star, in the 165 pound tilt, Coach
the scoring on short shots follow- 1 deavoring to win a place on the keen will have to break up the
ing breaks under the basket. The team. They are Shorty Rojan, Hels K51, 165, an1 oureular
Wolverine passing attack also I Vandenberg and Bill Carey. The lineup, w1,ich has not lost a match
functioned to perfection during the Jack Dempsey 'latter was regular catcher last in the two meets held so far this
early part of the game, with Rose Who has taken the place of the year while Vandenberg worked a year.
taking the ball down the floor to late Tex Rickard as promoter of number of games two years ago. Kelly To Wrestle
work it under the backboard with a TtRo n rokeaketogK ys
short accurate tosses of all kinds. the Sharkey-Stribbling bout at Rojan bran nkle o the I Kelly, who has won both his 145-
Seek Reserves Miami in February. While the r ls s pound matches to date, is the only
Coach Veenker,eseeking to guardMannasa Mauler is well known as and was out for the season, certainty to retain his position.
Coac Veeker seeingto gardMannsa Mule is ellknow as Coach Stewart plans to. call out CpanWrewohsbe
against the lack of reserve ma- a fighter within the squared cir- ini and otfildt cadidatCaptain Warren, who has been
terial that has been the Wolver- cle this will be his first effort as a on ied and outfield candidates taking care of the 55 poued as-
ine's greatest weakness so far this promoter. so nodrt e ieo h signment, will go out of his weight
ycsrnetet weakness sn fary himaterial available for these posi- to meet Kurrle. During last season
into the lineup against a reserve y tions. During the brief fall work- the Wolverine leader competed in
qinte ompod ofalsamo, Northwestern Team out he had the following candi- the 155, 15,and 175 pound classes,
' une opsd o asmSlagle, Dougal, Lovell, and Hanrah. " dates with which to work: Capt. and is rated equally with his
The Varsity ofesdmrlzd To, Play Nvotre Dame Izard, third base; Howard Prang,hevropnnt
at fhrst, soon gaine~dits oldnsooh-~lastdyear's short stop, andrJoe, tParker and Thrush, two juniors,
ness and with Barley and Kanitz 'tAc E' ress) Swartz, sophomore short stop; both of whom can also make the
alternating at the running guard CHICAGO, Jan. 23.-Although ,Joe Madizon, last season's second 155 or 165 pound weight, will fight
post, the regular five penetrated Western conference basketball en- ! baseman and Francis Waniata, a it out for the vacancy left by War-
the Junior Varsity defense time tered its end of semester doldrums ; sophomore; Don Schuett, a sopho- ren's shift to the heavier class.
after time on short breaks. Kanitz after Monday night's games, more is the leading aspirant for while Sigerfoos, another sopho-
also caged a couple of tip in shots Northwestern will keep the court the first base job at present, more, is expected to get the call in
near the basket. game alive by meeting its tradi- Outfielders Scarce 175 pound class, in which he won
jtional non-conference rival, Notre Need of outfield candidates is his bout in the West Virginia meet.
YDame, at Patten gym Saturday. urgent this season since only wHager, and either Parker or Thrush
Y e TeOnly one conference game is of last year's fly chasers are back. .
Numbers in 1929 scheduled for the remainder of this They are John Jacobs and Ed Hewitt Is Certainty
week, Chicago playing at Ohio Welch. In the lower weights Bob Hewitt,
Baseball Season State Saturday. I Coach Stewart is at the present Big Ten champion and Olympic
Sixty-one hundred seats, the time working out a schedule for finalist in the 125 pound class, is
(By Associated Press) capacity for the Northwestern- the southern training trip which the only man sure of his position.
.2Notre Dame fracas have been sold. will carry the team into Texas for McGilliard, who wrestled in the 115
numbers shall the New York "Matinee basketball" will be an eight game schedule. pound division against West Vir-
ginia, will have to defeat both Ru-
Yankees be known this summer. given a trial at Columbus Satur- bin and Spicer who are recovering
Setting a major league precedent, day when Chicago plays Ohio A E T MARRY from injuries received early in the
the Yankees have decided to have State. season, in order to retain his birth.
12-inch numerals sewed on the If afternoon games prove popu- ,t(By Associated Press) At present the 135 pound class is
backs of their players' shirts so lar, other schools may follow the CHICAGO, Jan. 23. - Charles a toss up between Hien, Kalos, and
that each may be readily identified Ohio example, Western conference "Gabby" Harnett, catcher for the Woodward. Kalos, who was kept
by fans in the stands. officials believe. Chicago Cubs, and Miss Martha out of the last meet by an injured
Marshall of Chicago are to be mar- hand, won the all-campus meet in
ried January 28. this class.


. . . . . . ., . a.


' 4

Carrigan Has Hopes
Of Building Up Sox
(By Associated Press)
BOSTON, Jan. 23-Bill Garrigan
is going to do a lot of building
with the Boston Red Sox.
He has been building! for two
years and he believes it will take
at least two more before he can
get a combination of young ball
players, with a castoff here and
there, that will make any kind of'
an impression in the American
He has 37 players on his roster
and only 13 of them were with the
club last season. He has 13 pitch-1
ers, six catchers, 10 infielders and 1
eight outfielders.
He has no idea who is going to
play in his infield and doesn't ex-!
pect to until the squad has been
worked out at Bradenton, Fla., for
a couple of weeks.'
Phil Todt, the best fielding first
baseman in the league last sea-
son, seems to be the only infielder '
sure of holding his job, but Roth-
hock will be on hand to succeed;
him if hefails to hit better than he
did last season. Bill Regan, who
has held down second for the past
two seasons, must out-fight Jerry 1
Standaert, late of Brooklyn, and
Grant Gillis.
WASHINGTON-The last official
dinner of the Coolidges was given;
in honor of Speaker and Mrs. Lon;-'

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It's not the Hole but
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