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January 24, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-24

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"Y" R,9PAY,., ANVARV , 24, 1929.


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J4~A1~Y 24, 19~9 JMGE FIV1~
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Money Will Be Used For Special
Gift To Be Placed In
Ann Arbor Room
The annual card party which is
given by the American Association
of University Women each year for
the League building will be held
Thursday, Feb. 14, according to an
announcement from the office of
the Alumnae council.
Last year 25 homes were opened,
and it is anticipated that that num-
berWill be used again, Anyone
wishing to play bridge is invited
to call either Mrs. Hugh Keeler,
21286, or the Alumnae Council of-
fice, University exchange 242, where
reservations will be taken.
Prior. to this time the money
raised~ from the card party has
g4ne into the general League fund,
! but this year the money will be
used for a special gift to be placed
in the Alumnae Room of the League
building; which will be known as
the Ann Arbor room.
It is hoped that there will be a
larger number playing this year
than ever before in order to do
something of a very special nature
in a gift for this room. This is
following the precedent established,
by other groups who are making
special dedication gifts to the
League building this year. A list
of the hostesses for the occasion
will be published later.

"Preventive medicine has en- of public health, Yale University, [[B I1DEBf [ Mary Austin is perhaps the most and too impersonal in her view'
larged the function of the nurse and perhaps the foremost author-,,versatile of the recent women Mrs. Austin has forfeited popularity
immeasureably," declared Miss ity on health in the United States, novelists. She is, besides a writer with other women, and from h'er
Shirley C. Titus, director of nurs- has declared that at present there Grace Darling, '30, Florence of some note, a scholar, publicist, advances they remain aloof, en- In the 1927 edition of "American
ing of the University Hospital. are only 12,000 public health Clement, '30Ed, Dorothy Weed, and citizen. Things of the greatest gaged in their occupations, which Men of Science" 687 women are
"There has been a growing rec- nurses available in this country '29 Ed, Chosen For Team cultural value demand her contrib- no doubt, Mary Austin holds rather listed, most of them college w -
ognition of the importance of pre- and a corps of 60,000 such nurses -- utions, and it is because of the di- trivial men, although 26 never received a
ventive medicine for the past two are needed tQ provide an adequate SGCIETY NOW H1OLDS CUP versity of her life that Mrs. Austin She was the exponent of that college degree. Women's coleges in
or three decades and as the idea number for our entire population.!I has become known as the woman now widely applied phrase, "the the East seemed to have provided
of the prevention of disease Miss Titus went on to say with Final tryouts for the Athena writer who "prefers the fullness of humanization of knowledge" which the popular background for sci-
through the education of the regard to the wide opportunities upperclass debating teams took life to the unbrokenness of a single is an example of her disinterested entific study, for Smith, Vassar,
masses along health lines has nursing presents to the young wo- place Tuesday night at the regu- achievement." scientist's attitude. Mrs. Austin isMount Holyoke, Wellesley, and
swept over the country, the nurse men entering its ranks, that what- lar business meeting which was Often having an intense knowl- probably the only woman in Amer-|Bryn Mawr graduated a fourth of
has found herself slowly assuming ever the temperament of the nurse held in the Athena room. The edge of her subject has been a ica, according to Grant Overton (the total list.
a new role, namely, that of a she can find her niche in nursing, three women who were chosen to handicap. Although Mary Austin in his book, "The Women Who The most logical reason why so
health educator as well as an as nursing falls into four main di- participate in the upperclass de- is a great authority on the Amer- Make Our Novels," who is persona Imany successful women graduate
agent for the care of disease. This visions, namely, bedside nursing, bate for the second semester are ican Indian she could not write a grata to the members of the from women's colleges would ap-
new role of the nurse has increas- institutional work, public health Grace Darling, '30, Florence Cle- popular book on this subject, since American Association for the Ad- pear to be that both social and
I ed her social importance and nursing, and the nursing special- ment, '30Ed, and Dorothy Weed, for a historical novel a more vancement of Science. economic conditions have been
worth and has opened many new ties, such as X-ray work, anesthe- '29Ed "sponge-like and superficial mind To Mrs. Austin the novel is more favorable than in co-educa-
fields of work to her. It is esti- sia, and so forth. The team was selected by Ollie is needed." merely a means of expressing those tional universites. In the former,
mated that there are now 28 fields "It is, of course, necessary," con- Backus, '29, Varsity debater. Doris When Mrs. Austin tries to sup- phases of human life which she young women usually had the
of work open to the graduate tinued Miss Titus, "to secure more I M. Hicks, '31L, and Lois Webb, '28 press her own individuality and has come in contact, just as drama means for graduate work and
nurse; the supply of nurses being than the mere basic course in Ed Varsity debater and president- do the conventional thing she is and scientific articles are also were less likely to marry than
in no way adequate to meet the nursing when entering many of elect, who will coach the debating almost certain to do it badly, per- means. While Mary Austin has I those at co-educational schools.
ever-increasing demand." these fields. The five-year com- team haps because she could never do been called a great woman, the It is curious that of the few in
Miss Titus went on to say that bined curriculum in letters and The silver cup presented by Ruth a thing that really had no mark, fact is that she is a great person the group who have married, more
nursing is one of the very few nursing (such as we offer here at Huston-Whipple, first president of however small, of her genius. who happens to be a woman. than half have husbands who are
fields of work open to women to- the University) or post-gradu- Athena, to promote interest in de- Upon graduation from Black- The material for this review has also in "American Men of Science.
day where the supply falls far ate work is absolutely a pre-requi- bating activities, was secured as burn university Mrs. Austin settled been taken from Mr. Overton's Evidently scientific women do not
short of meeting the demand and site for entrance to these more the permanent possession of on the eastern slopes of the Sier- book, which has been loaned to the tend to marry, for only 72 of the
that the field of nursing, therefore, highly specialized fields of nurs- Athena last year, when the society ras and the edge of the Mojave women's page through the court- 687 are married. They devote
is distinctly unique in the wide ing." won the cup for the third conse- Desert. The desert life produced i esy of the Graham book stores. themselves to their careers, which,
opportunities it presents to the Miss Titus believes that there is cutive year. The arrangements an impression on her that has Irecords show, are mostly in the
young women of the country. no better preparation for home- was that the cup should be pre- never been erased and has been Rouh-hogeneral field of biological science.
Dyr. C. E. A. Winslow, professor making or motherhood than a sented to the society winning two responsible for her greatest novel, I og-ouse tactics in frater-
knowledge of nursing. Even though out of the three.Portia-Athena de- "The Land of Little Rain." nity initiation were condemned byN t
Bohthe young woman might not desire bates during the year, and should As a public figure Mrs. Austin has the Interfraternity Conference
Teacers to become a professional nurse, belong permanently to the society spent many years of her life at- held in New York recently.
WillfSing Age-uici she concluded, an understanding holding it for three years in sue- tempting to gain the enfranchise- The bowling alleys at the Wo-
of health and the prevention ofcession ment of women, and she was theimSn'iaArhhes e srtuemd-ngM
al Folk Sn.nIn riaeio nual tor is poin she Ts .meeting was the last one first to promote community the- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. mpensdAthletihebuimdingrwixlmb-
____ men. In relation to this point she of the first semester. Second se- aters. The first activity, except for Students who organized a secret nations. The hours will be from
stressed the desirabilitymester tryouts for membership a polite acknowledgment of official atheistic society recently which in- 4 to 6 o'clock every day.
"When a Bohemian is born, he University women to have a more will be held the first Tuesday of recognization, was ignored by her eludes 15 members, are reported to
comes into the world with a fiddle inclusive background in hygiene the second semester. Anyone who sex. be preparing to ask the dean of Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
in his hand" is a national Czecho- subjects relating to health. is interested in forensic or literary Being too abstract, too tolerant, students for recognition. $2.50 the half year-It's worth it.
Slovakian proverb that illustrates activities is invited to try out at
the centuries-old inheritance of REPORT MADE ON this time. EDITORIAL URGES
the members of the Prague Teach- HW
ers'Chrswoaesnighr HOOSCUS WEEK OF SMILING; II
t i h T m us ric" Of this land --E Thronr sPay Tribute -1V n P A4 A

EXPERTS DISCUSS omes down from the ninth cen-
DIET OF INVALIDS tury when songs were chanted in
monasteries, and preserved for
"Just toast and broth" used to be 'succeeding generations on stiff
then accepted diet for those who parchment; then century after
were convalescing from illness. Now century the same songs and music
science has found that the con- werelearned and sung from the
valscet ned s idea vriey i 1cradle to old age; and even now in
valescent need as wide a variety in the twentieth century, there are
their ,diet as the well, but it must still wandering minstrels through
be much more carefully chosen.stll Ceri-g min.r
What to, serve and why are ex- all Czecho-Slovakia.
plalned by Dr. E. C. MeCollum and One of the folk-stories that is
Nina Simmonds, noted experts of taught with the music to the
Johns Hopkins university in the I youngsters tells how during the
February issue of McCall's maga- fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
z n when the religious storms that
"Oje must not lose sight of the were convulsing Europe carried into
fact that there are limitations to Bohemia a dissenting elementI
what the mind can accomplish over called the Hussites, arose in theI
the body. Smiling will not balance Catholic Church. They claimed
the diet; and wrong eating alone greater freedom of conscience. The

The advantages of "honors
courses" are discussed in a report
} the Wharton School Commit-'
Stee on Scholastic Incentives, print-
ed in the Pennsylvanian, the news-
paper of Pennsylvania University
These honor courses are being1
introduced into American schools
and colleges. According to thej
report, they are due in part to
Rhodes scholars, who returned
from England enthusiastic about'
the English system of graduating
with honors. The committee sug-!
gests that many students now go1
out for extra-curricualr activities
because of the scope it gives them
for full use of their abilities.
These courses' attempt to solve
the problem of the exceptional)1
student_ The committee finds that I

T b - "W rA "grinning week" is advocated
To Welfare Worker by the Pennsylvania, daily news-
At Funeral Services paper of the University of Penn-'
sylvania, in an editorial. Fourteen
particular weeks like Health week
At the funeral services held Sun- and Save a Life Week, are named
day in New York City for Sophie by the paper.
Irene Loeb, writer and social wel- The editorial speculates as to the
fare worker, more than a thousand causes of the glumness and gloom
people paid tribute to the dead!with which students go to their
woman's accomplishments. classes.. It asks if his cares are to l
The principal speakers at the numerous or his breakfast not
services were Mayor James J. Walk- right? The editorial concludes
er, Lieut. Gov. Herbert H. Lehman.I that students take life too serious-
and Rabbi Stephen Wise, all of ly, and a "Smile Week," every year,
whom have been associated with in which grins of undergraduate
Miss Loeb in her humanitarian un- students were stretched to their
dertakings, which were particularly widest, would do all good.
in the field of child welfare and
mothers' aid. In his address the
MaHor said,"Her's was a life of .

Special Showing
Exquisite silhouette created for The
Formal Occasion.
Glowing colors approved by Fashion
are here.
Gowns infinitely varied Taffetas,
Chiffons, Satins, Mories and Georg-

- i I


accessories including



jewelry. and
and Georgette

the largey
H andker-

may stand in the way of the con- Catholics took refuge i crusad universities have "standardized de- i service to the home, the city, and chiefs.
valescent's recovery. i and in thegs vices of academic control" because I the state; and all who knew her
The patient who is undes were created in both armies. The of the large number of students I will feel a sense of personal loss at
weight as a result of long illness who attend them. The unusual her passing. for all Musical Instruments
needs to eat more than his daily goes that n the day of the student finds himself forced to Miss Loeb was born in Russia fTheCollins Shoppe
requirement for energy and pro- battle, the Hussites advanced sing- move in grooves, cut by less cap- half a century ago, and though L P
teins, so that repair of tissues and ing, and the overwhelming sound a and ordinary students, and her life was deeply rooted in the - -0***
soleterrorizedathesCathosicsdthatetheyfe wawdeeply LibertyiattMay
recovery of lost weight may be so terrorized the Catholics that they often wastes his time and loses his Jewish home, she recognized no erty at May
brought about. Yet great care must broke and fled. (ambition.barriers of race or faith. MUSIC HOUSE
be taken not to over-tax the diges- The Prague Teachers' Chorus 110 S. Main St.Distmcte But Not
tive powers. which was founder twenty-five Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, j Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
"In the past, it too often hap- years ago, is composed of 50 mem- $2.50 the half year-It's worth it. ($2.50 the half year-It's worth it.
pened that persons, in the early bers, all of whom are school teach- - =
stages cf recovery from a wasting ers doing active work in public 'itliiiiIililiWXiiiillIllIIlIlIil IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111J}lIII IlItltIIllI~lIIIIlI icttIllilIIIlIliilIIllllllIlIIIIIlllllIIIIIl -
illness, were brought into a state schools. Many of them are located
of incipient scurvey by being kept in suburbs or in the outlying coun-m
exclusively to cooked foods. Vitamin try around Prague, a conditiont M isses
C, the antiscorbutic substance, is which necessitates dependence on Junior V'
rapidly destroyed by ordinary poor train service, or whatever of-
cooking processes. fers itself in inclement weather. In
spite of this difficulty in attending £ JH O H o
A Commuters' School, open to all rehearsals, it is a matter of record
who ride on the Pacific Electric that no member has ever been ab-
Railway, offered courses to sub- sent except in cases of severe ill-'=
ordinates for study while traveling I ness, which, coupled with the factjr=
to and from work, through the ef-'that they receive no pay for their =,-
forts of several educational insti- services, easily measures their devo-
Ilill11t1t11ll llllllillilt|11111111111111111111FlillllilIlllillliltllillllllII 1111111111t111 ! f t
tution arudLo nels=io omui.'
= __Informal dinner dresses for the fir
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