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January 23, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-23

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rublished every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications. ,
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.......... ........Nelson J. Smith
City Editor ...............J.Stewart H ooker
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Edior......... ..... Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor.............George Stauter
Music and Drama........ . . .. R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.. .. .......Robert Silbar
Night Editors
R seph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe '
onald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein C.erge E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexander Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwith HIenry Merry
Louise Behymer Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowit
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
rank iF. Cooper Toward Simon
Iielen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels uth Steadan
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwel Swanson -
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Bet h Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
DavidB.IHemnpstead Jr. Walter Wildsolgmth
Richard Jung CeogeUWolmih
Charles R. Kaufman, edard L. earner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey CeadWli
Telephone 21214
Assistant ManagerRAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising .................Aex K. Scherer
Advertising........ ......... A. James Jordan
Advertising..-..............Carlt . Hammer
Service ..................II erhert 1:. \arn ur
Circulation.. ...............George S. Bradley
Accounts............... Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications,.:..............Ray M,11ofelich
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
Jeanette Dale LillianrKoinsky
Vernr Davis Bernard Lro
Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley
Sally Faster 1. A. Newman
Anna Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson CarlP. Schernm
George Hamilton George Spater
Jack I orwich Sherwood Upton
1[Dix Humphrey Marie Wellstead- -
No longer will the sterling
musicians who lend their music to
the ensemble of the Varsity band
and other campus musical organi-
zations fear that they shall have
to forgo the pleasure of playing
with their fellows in the University,
for among the actions which the
Regents took in that famous last
meeting was to combine the School
of Music with the University cf
This move will undoubtedly
cause the majority of students on
campus and most outsiders to rub
their eyes in astonishment, for the
general belief is that the music
school is a part of the University
proper instead of being a separate
unit. On the other hand, the two
have been separate. Faculty men in
the University have acted on the

board of directors of the School of
Music, and students in the latter
have taken a part in the musical
organizations of the regular Uni-
versity, even while f rbidden to
partake in the athletics, publica-
tions, and other recognized campus
activity work.

.. _


Editorial Comment



Massachusetts Institute of
Technology "Tech"



. A college in the United States
is a business enterprise, it usually
has a plentiful supply of funds,
administered solely by a board of
trustees chosen for their business
experience and prestige; whereas
a European college is ruled by its
faculty-by those who know what
is essential, for the purpose of edu-
cation and research; not for pros-
perity and renown. The situation
is obvious, are we the better for it?
When a European college estab-
lishes a laboratory, it first finds a
man capable of. its supervision;
then it secures the space, and the
rest follows without further trouble.
When an American institution
establishes a laboratory, it erects
a new building, and purchases the
apparatus; then any available fac-
ulty member may be chosen direc-
tor, whether he is capable or not;
the building is the primary requisite,
the machinery the other. Ar not
the M. I. T. buildings and labora-
tories nationally famous? And do
we not hear solely of foreign pro-
fessors and research geniuses, with
mention -of their workshops solely
as of their own creation?
One the average, approximately
10 per cent of any faculty are
worthy of their title. Europe gives
heed to that 10 per cent sponsor-
ing them, and furthering their ef-
forts giving not a tinker's dam for
the other ninety. American
methods are directly opposite; here
the ninety are helped, encouraged,
and forced on the students-it is
essential to the American social
system of education. We matriculate
en masse principally for that assis-
tance which the fact of graduation
will lend to future success, and
secondary for the knowledge. A
European student studies with a
certain professor, depending on
where the professor happens to be
teaching, entirely for the superior
training that man can provide. We
of the United States. and of M. I. T.
graduate from an institution; we
take . the formulated knowledge
along with- the rest of the flock,
with little regard as to who may
administer the dose. And we have
long been satisfied. Shall we con-
tinue so?
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words i possible. Anonymous comn-
muicationr will e disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should nt be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
"LittleSurrenders Post." How
synonymous is that glaring head-
line with the picture of a captain
battling off his mutinous crew,
fighting against forces overwhelm-
ing, until, with odds become im-
possible, he is forced to surrender
-to stupidity, to lust, and to
Certainly it is with great pride
that Michigan students should hail
themselves as members of that
crew which aided in President Lit-
tle's withdrawal. The first student
reaction voiced on the campus this
morning was, "Goody, goody. Now
maybe I can drive my car next
year." The second was uttered by
one of the now famous landladies,
"Oh, isn't that lucky?" And the
third by a professor in a depart-
mental school, "Well, that's that,
thank God." That "thank God"
being added in the now fashionable
Strange Interlude manner.
The only reason that I held up


Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford, promi-
nent Detroiters, were visitors in
Ann Arbor yesterday, the august
columns of The Daily tell us. To-
morrow the Washtenaw Tribune
will publish an extra on the rumor
that Ford intends to build a factory
* * *
Chicago citizens are raising
a huge cry over the fact that
the farmers dumped all their
milk on the road the other day
instead of bringing it into the
city. What are they making all
the fuss about? It's no use
crying over spilled milk.
* . ,
Deaths in Italy have exceeded
births by 424,000. -The statisticians
are after you, Mussolini. Others
have tried four assasinations and
failed, but figures don't lie.
* * *
Ten men are marooned on
the ice in two tugs off the city
of Grand Haven, Michigan.
There is no cause for alarm,
so far as we can see. People
are lucky to have a nice dry
boat to live in this weather.
s s
A dispatch from Jerusalem in-
forms us that archaeologists have
unearthed the tomb of "Mrs., Sol-
omon." Boy, what a cemetery that
must have been!
, , -
British Cabinet 'Sharpens Wits
To Curry Votes, a headline reads
in a metropolitan paper. Oh,
we see: a filing cabinet.
A surgeon from Chicago broke all
train records between there and
Rock Island, Illinois. We took that
run once and we know just how he
beat the train record. He got out
and ran.
* * *
A recount of votes in a little
town in southern Illinois dis-
placed the Republican candi-
date for sheriff in favor of the
Democratic choice. The influ-
ence of our Student Council
reaches even into southern Il-
* * *
John L. Murphy, a prisoner in
the Ohio State Petitentiary, has
gained quite a reputation as a short
story writer while in prison. Now
he is about to be paroled because
of that. This should be a big boom
for the rhetoric department.

Music And Drama - gs ie
Stlw ;gs. . "supplesJ
(o R
for all Musical Instruments
"It is geHeriliy known, of courseM S Have your thesis typed by an Expert Typist
It s enr lyknonofcor*MUSIC HOUSE
that the Prague Teachers' Chorus 1 S. Main St. Reasonable Rales
will pay its first visit to America 1111 South University " Block from Campus
this winter, making its first an-
pearance in Boston, Jan. 5, and its 1
New York debut Jan. 7, but what { W ant Ads Pay
of the source from which these ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION " -
singers have arisen? .
"What of the historic, emotional Prsents
and racial background from whichi D A N C I N G -d" E
have emerged this "vocal sym1 at the
phony, unique among the thou- Ar ory
sand and one other choral organi- Armor
zations of the world? The chron-=Eve 2
iles of Czecho-Slovakia, once the
kingdom ofBohemia, are not such Wednesday and L aCOC
common property as the histories_-
of larger nations. But history does Saturday Nite Noted Humorist
not always choose a big glaring.. -1= ' - ">": -
stage for her best .performances;
and many of her brightest and most Park P:n.-.ru
colorful moments were set on the --- - EBRUARY u
Czecho-Slovakian scene, in thisl -FA
land as heavy with legend as an- Everybody=-
embroidered peasant dress, as mel- Welcome rITICKETS AT SLATER'S
low with memories as an ancient { v "
tapestry, where blue lights burn;
on All-Saint Eve above buried__
treasure, and the Catholic and
Protestant creeds mingle with tales
of were-wolves, mountain demons We Cordally.Invite You to Come in to
and evil marsh-ghosts.
"In this cold and machine-driven I
Twentieth Century, there are still
wandering singers and players C R IPE ' U BA
through all Czecho-Slovakia; Rich-
ard Wagner mentioned seeing a
band of these minstrels sitting on
a village green, playing a Beetho-
ven septuor for their own pleasure.
"The music of this land comes Just Below Our Regular CampusDrug Store
down from the Ninth Century; 723 North C a
songs were chanted In monasteries University Ave.
and churches, and written on stiff
parchment. An ideal place to enjoy your
"During the Fourteenth and Fif- l
teenth Centuries, the religiouslesure momentsduring the next two weeks.
storms that were convulsing Eu-Au
rope carried into Bohemia. A dis-"A Varied Menu of Light Lunches and
senting element arose in the Cath- Regular Breakfasts, Luncheons,
olic Church, called the Hussites-
claiming greater freedom of con- andDinners
science, they refused to subscribe
to certain dogmas, and for years QUALITY SERVICE SATISFACTION
Bohemia (now Czecho-Slovakia)
i was torn with the conflict of the
adherents of the two beliefs.
"When the revolutionary wave
that followeduthe French upheaval ° l111i11111111lUlif 1ifl1 II 111111111 1 I1i
swept over Europe from 1790-1840,
a national resurrection, a sort of
renaissance, began; the native
language, kept alive by the folk-
songs, came back among the people,
and a new impetus given to music
reached its climax with the com 1flN( . TIh
poser Smetana, born 1824. LONG YEARS
"From a background like this, it -
is no wonder that such an ensem-
ble as the Prague Teachers' ChrousOK
has emerged. Founded twenty-five O AK N
years ago, it has fifty members, all
public schools, many of them situ-
ated in the' suburbs or in the out- n
lying country around Prague. To ....Wll not necessarily convnce yoL
get to rehearsals it is necessary to
depend on the somewhat capricious f the superiority of VARSITY
local train service, and often to
come through bitter and inclement SERVICE So we extend an invita-
weather; yet it is a matter of re- S Rowta
ord that no member has ever;
missed a rehearsal except in case of1 ion to you to come and visit our

serious illness. None of these sing-
ers receives pay for his services; ant and see for yourself what
from this fact, one can easily meas-
ure their devotion to music. d= e r n =
"The Chorus will present com-
positions of modern native compos- -
ers, and also traditional folk-songs edk
and ancient chorales. Their most
unique offering is perhaps a com- can aCCOmplish.
position entitled "Zborov" by Me-
dek. It is a complete vocal sym-
phony which takes about forty-five
minutes to perform, and the chorus
sings entirely from memory, with- -I
out the score. The theme of1: oe~~t
"Zborov" is a modern epic, as nOne 4
described by Leonard Parsons: 'One
I of the strangest enterprises of the
'war was the assembling in Russia
of the Czecho-Slovak army..
Side by side with the Russians they
fought against the Central Powers;
they continued when the Russian -
armies were in dissolution. After-
ward the Seventy Thousand set
out . . . intending to resume the
war- in France. Through the chaos
of Siberia they struggled on in
scattered groups or in considerable-3
bodies. Summer followed winter
winter followed summer-still they
waged the battle against man and N D
climate. Their great march hasop-
often been compared with Xeno-
phon's "Anabasis" . . . it is a tale
of perils, heroism, marvellous dor Lib t nd Fifth
ventures. .3 .r n a

Just As We Predicted
A Lot Of Factional


This last fall saw grave doubts my head this morning was because
as to whether or not the School of your editorial, "Michigan Turns
of Music students, then playing as Its Back on a Genius." That, to-
members of the band, and making gether with a few other students
up the better share of it, both in who have chosen to remain tight-
numbers and musical ability,-could lipped because there seems to be
keep on playing legitimately. In little use in saying anything after
the middle of a disastrous season the thing has been done, is the
in which the band furnished a only ray of hope for Michigan's
large factor in Michigan pride, future. But what a beautiful ex-
the band almost was shot to pieces, ample of "the majority rules" on
but was saved by intervention. this campus this morning! I hope,
In joining the University, the in the future, this same majority
School of Music will retain its may be proud to be referred to as
present organization, but will take the catcall for doll-faced morons
the same status as any other school and loud-cheering nonenties. Cer-
or college. This will stop opposi- tainly the dream for a truly great
tion to the Music school members university has been shattered,
taking part in the musical organi- pushed aside by the Western desire
zations on campus, and will also for play and its reluctance to
allow the School of Music to lower change and experiment.
its tuition to a degree uno ttainable In spite of the coarseness of the
before. Michigan has long needed whole proceedings, President Little
a closer bond with its musical men- is to be admired for his action and
tors and organizations, and while i the gentlemanly way he has con-
,,it has sponsored the school as a - ducted himself through the glare
worthy cause, it has been unable of wide-eyed publicity. Never has
to give . credit for music school he forgotten that he is above every-
courses. The music school, on the thing that is being said and done,


To say that the engineers
are incensed is very poor dic-
tion-we are simply reeking
with derision for the sour cracks
in Friday's Rolls. The ability
displayed in hurling that aque-
ous mixture of calcereous and
argillaceous materials known as
mud was, indeed, typical of that
profession known as lawyers.
No doubt they do feel a trifle
take back, not to say.hurt, that
an engineer has stepped out
and taken, by popular consent,
the highest position in the
lawyers' world. Imagine their
embarrassment! However, they
may get an opportunity to give
vent to some of- their wrath at
their Crease Dance next spring
-with the help of the Ann Ar-
bor police force and any other
armed faction whose services
they can obtain. May the
lawyers enjoy their cup of tea
as they sit back and view
through bloodshot eyes the
golden fleece which will soon
adorn their walls.
E. R. N., '30E.
* * *
A Kentucky Heiress refused to
marry a man the other day because
he had been educated only in an
art school. Gosh, just because you
are educated in an art school is
no reason to call it a sketchy edu-
* * *
A New York University pro-
fessor is reported to have made
out his examination questions
while riding to class on the
subway. Sort of a test tube, we
* * *
Whatever you think of the fight
between Colonel Stewart and the
Rockefellers over the control of
the Standard- Oil company of In-
diana, you can say "banana oil."


ideas. And I am ashamed of0
Michigan because I will have to rub!

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