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January 20, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-20

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I College professors are themselves that an increase of funds accrues
liili iG(Utresponsible for their own low sal- to all American universities at the
aries, states a report of a com- rate of 15 or more per cent every
mittee of Yale professors on "In- year. Then the report concludes:
4ayor's Committee, With Aid Of comes and Living Costs of a Uni- "This rate of increase of in-
Journalism Students, Finds jversity Faculty" just published by come-producing is sufficient, if de-
No Technical Obstacles the Yale University Press. voted to raising the salary scale
The habit of college officials of instead of enlarging the faculty.
DECRIES SUPERSTITIONS increasing the number of teachers to place university teachers within
as soon as new funds become avail- a few wears on a level economically
Following a survey of Ann Arbor's able prevents any considerable 1 with other professions. But unless


PLANS SPECIAL DISPLAY unemployment situation by the so- raise in the average salary, accord- this
PSP I DSY_,i %"ciology department of the Univer- ing to the committee, and adding can
o tlo tsity, including both faculty and that this also causes a deteriora- effec
Of Autographed Letters e students, which disclosed that 68 tion in the gaulity of the teach- in t
AndDocumentstsper cent of the winter employmenting profession. j ing
And-";u"entswas in the building trade, Mayor No amount of increase in uni-
Orla B. Taylor, '8, of Detroit, Edward Staebler appointed a co- versity endowment or income can Stc
will present to the University Mon- mittee of four to investigate the raise the salary scale if the num-
day ast :30troo the Unersty n-possiblity of winter building. ber of instructors increases at an
main library his rather unique gift The committee found many su- equal rate, the report reads. Con-
m a complete set of autographed perstitions among home builders tinuing, it says that the average A
lett ado umtetsetof athgrEphdthat construction work could not be salary is essentially a quotient, ob- jcens
perorNapole onI and his marshals, carried on during the winter tained by dividing the money avail- auth
as well as the autographs of sev- months, and turned over the secur- able for the salary budget by the Patc
eral of the generals and members ing of publicity for their findings number of teachers. dent
to the journalism department of Despite the fact that same en- been
speech will be made by President the University. This department largement of university facilities self-
Clarence Cook Little, which will be compiled the following survey: has been necessary in recent years ,depe
followed by a public unveiling th is Winter building is of advantage to meet the increases of students, whe
thelecod bylooruhcnreido ngr. because it is an economy in dis- the committee reports that the size to s
the second floor corridor. guise. The expense of heat and ef-
In order to display this collection eeTe etens of hea and snow i etcanton
fective protection of the men ano ftestdn od nAercnt-
of autographs properly Taylor had materials will not exceed the rental Ileges is now sufficiently stab- tio
a special case made which is in value of the advance time of con- ilize d to permit stabilization of the and
many respects very novel. This Casepht. i of te ac herso. T de ntso- a he
is made of metal and is surrounded se Other gains listed by them in- Thero
by an oaken cabinet finished to eluded: choice of labor; reduced declared far higher than in the sch
match the wood in the library. It turn over; seasonal discounts; bet- universities of Europe and higher par
contains about sixty slides or shat- ter service; saving in taxes and in ! even than at Oxford and Cam- dem
low drawers in which the auto- ::...*financing; and reduction of pres- bridge where the tutorial system fuse
graphs are placed under glass soI sure in the rush season with its at- of teaching prevails. It
that they can be drawn out and in-yte if cties have!Ycuntsote tredsuBrkof eat
sected at any time. Mostofthe - ak tendah!Yeadn carelesness. A otofthetesurepnrtesft
slides sare horizontal, but where itj AlltechnrcalsifficgltiesghaveYnleadndothtrmugvegsitp.sbreporns-helh
has been npectessay to howm" botit tmybeen found to be overcome by mod- of the United States Bureau of den
hs de on e par vertica sldes Uprlf:Arwpit oHrhsae-ihhscus'i,:r.Upe:gh et: scientific building. Seasonal Education and of the Rockefellerng deyy
"h.;ae eenued Alrl pof tu,.s.:,::.,;;dw theesldnd t, sactivity, it is claimed, has long been Foundation are quoted to show ent
,or.onrolerberins.:ar.ha ...-. ..o '.~.. . .... v .*'M u sdue to custom. Mechanical devices
ntakoleon to laenthes e naut now make it possible to build
beentake to lac thee auo-' Packed benches at every session geet the principles in the tial at Atlanta Ga of Geoge (Junie) !houses in the wintertime at a coti
grphs o that all by on perlison--mnhsi re o nuete
ay beisecate atyone iesU Harsh, former college youth, charged with killing Willard Smith, drug store manager, during a holdup. not above 5 per cent of that in the i
The case is surmounted by a I Alienists for the defense are attempting to establish the insanity of Harsh. A ertien me b e
unique bronze picture frame. In, Upper left: Arrow points to Harsh seated with his counsel in court. Upper dight: Mrs Mary Belle!' demor is be made byeth
ths pacedthre.fSmith, widow of the slain druggist, snapped at the trial. Below: Jury filing out of the courthouseduringcoi stee laborer s au epd ya-
N apoleon , theace tersonedeingbart erlunche ncrecess
the ente onebein a te lucheo recss.lowered wage scale for winter'
copy of the well known painting by-r-pssondswor, tomi te ,
Paul Delaroche, known as the MUSEUM WORKERS AsgTI Ed IN ErNLARing ING rT D Y hING momnkts oude tor in rerthem
Snuff Box portrait. At the left ris . Gkndna Amrican iesurey f t LIses of ha avtien uiien two. taworker. I
a copy of the picture of Napoleon f h COLLECTIONS OF REPTILES, AMPHIBIANS, AND FISHES !re they buideiny ctrade po ent hwor
as Emperor, by Lefevre. On the oOre than per cent f the year :
right is a copy of the Charlet per- (Continued fromi Page One) phasis, however, is laid upon the'r.A I. Ortnburger, formerly a h rsn ie h aoe
asaet thinks that nine months work can,.:
trintof Napoleon a s the Soldier, poisonous reptilesa e also taken material from Michigan and Northi connected with the local Museum, tide him over the rest of the year.
the'"bproay picture." care of by the division. America, with theuirltimate aimotiis in charge of this work. Co- If the laborer were assured year-ag
In the same frame are forty pie At present Dr. Ruthven is re- discovering, as completely as ossi- operation was also extended to- roun wo the commity figues,
tures of the various marshals,gen- vising the Genus Anois, while bre, knowledge concerningthe rep- North Dakota in helpingtothakeawaes ourkal e orditm5eent'
Diretlyundr te pctur of in he earfutre i isexpctesur.vTedofishenfishesakingt atmerUnagestyuldhbehlo e d eraen
erals, and members of the cabinet.Mrs. Gaige is working on a study resentative American fishes, te and cause no loss to the worker If
These, have been carefully selected of South American frogs. The Mu- A number of expditionsconduct- It is estimated that the localty w'e olgctrct s
ran byphotHogdradphi pnnocessav seum possessesng le numeroed by the fishes divisions to the fiph collection is augmented eachtheytwer eon rming0er cyn hi
been brought to uniform size. Ac- South American species of both Pacific coast netted a great deal of Yeai by some 100000 specimens aual a searng iK dak Film is
cordngaon TLibraria Bisp gthenpsetacletn etr-ree olce yteDprmn iprac fhbisi ligt crae. pec mcat f r e y e
toTyoibry .GrganBishothern 'reptiles and amphibians; and it is materials from the North Pacific which vil make it one of the lar- The committeeundertaking the recognized as stand-
gs probably no other collection of the division's desire to augment region, which is forming the basis Tgest collections in the world as far investigation has been helped by ard throughout the
photographs of a similar nature in tlh collection as much as possi- for an adequate collection of fishes as number of speciments is con- members of the publicity classes in world.
the World. fhde. from that section of North Amer- cerned. the ouran ement
Directly under the picture of In the near future itfis expected ica. The division is making a number University who have undertaken
Napoleon is a silver medal, one of that research work with live speci- In connection with the State De-of experiments with live fishes in the interviewing of many of the.
those struck in 1902 to commemo- mens will be undertaken. The Mu- partment of Conservation the theqahaicaes ilnItw'bldgot
ratey the Hundredth anniversary of seum building offers admirable fishes division' is givengallgtd is speciiallyntownstbil in cotratianYP ts
the founding of the Bank of France facilities for this type of work. At specimens of Michigan fish which phasis is also being laid on the ashould be seasonal inactivity ina imthe ili
by Napoleon. This medal was given present a collection of live tur- are collected by the Department importance of hybrids in buildinghethat trade. No technical riculties
to Taylor by M. Georges Robineau,tues is being prepared for this during the course of its survey of up species and in fish culture work. have been encountered in their in-
governor of the bank. A'picture o s, work. Michigan streams. All the typesarThesuseum possesses one of the vestigation, the main difficulties At college many chances f
both sides of the medal is display- One of the most ambitious divi- of fish in the state are being care- largest collections of hybid in coming from the reckoning in ofBesrofgtigaodpcue
ed in one of the slides.a i e sions included in the zoology group fully recorded and in the coursethe world.
enesrtil anhopd nuthat y t i is 0the Museum, is the fishes unit, of a fe years the division will -odakrCilm-hds-cerad
rn pnlceding hed uatorahis t which is under the direction of Dr. bring out a handbook of all Michi- Cmn
dispay heywil bevieed y aCarl L. Hubbs as curator. Posses- gan fishes and their habitats.thtaenasunc ofg
isa nume of thi e stdents.ewd in sing one of the most complete fish The fishes unit is also engaged in thaadaaeaanya ncA oa
larg thnbersity thtdent. TPyerprt f ic an
has they will act as an inspiration laboratories in the country, the di- a survey of the fishes which occul Kodak Film in the familiar
to the stud of this most important vision is advancing by leaps and in the streams of Wisconsin.Th e in yomrasize.
rdin tds Ly e - bounds in its work of collection, field work for this survey was doneet rie
cially in view of its great influence classification, and research. over a period of five years by Mi
on'political and industrial affairs Included in the enormous cl- C. W. Greene, a graduate student.
since that date. Since autograph I lections, which are so numerous The Wisconsin geological and na-
collections of this type are becom- that the work of complete classi- tural history survey supported the,7itntveSainr
ing increasing difficult to make, it fication wiltkGeraerpeaok.Tersl fti uvyC.me in and make a selection of our large stock of ; rn is o B y
is a cause of sincere congratulation! sentative types of fish from all will be included in a two volume'
to the University that Mr. Taylor parts of Michigan, the North Pa- work. Personal and Seal Stationery Ann Arbor,
has deposited this set in the library cific region, the Atlantic coast, The fishes staff is also co-opera t- 1111 South Univesity t/> Block from Campus
if his alma mater,' Bishop eon- :Europe, and Asia. Especial em- ing in a survey of Oklahoma fishes.i
luded. _______________________________
Of Snow By-Products Being accustomed to home-cooking you 'nue"lmne .C adnI 4o o et '! , , V
of the Buildings and Grounds de-C LR''
partment. "We've tried everythingI+
we can think of and still we1C LR'
haven't found any use for thef\
snow that is shoveled from the .
Campus walks." and let 1 s erve yoU a

radical alteration of Ameri-
university policy is put into
t, a progressive deterioration
he quality of university teach-
is indicated as inevitable."
ident Government
Smites Its Founder
case where liberty led to li-
e, in the eyes of the school
orities at least, comes from
ham, England, where the stu-
s of the schools there, having
granted a large measure of
government, asserted their in-
ndance and went on strike
n the school authorities tried
end them to schools outside the
n because of crowded condi-
s in the local schools.
he students banded together
paraded down the streets of
town bearing, "Patcham
ols for Patcham pupils." They
aded to their own school and
anded admission but were re-
d by the headmaster.
was a difficult position for the
dmaster because it was he him-
who had organized the stu-
t government in the school be-
ing that the students should e
usted its internal affairs.
Use it for best re-
suts in your college
picture making.
[ust Be Good
or pictures come but once.
when the chance comes.
am definite attributes
god pictuire. Insist on
yellow box. It's here
e Photo Co.

"Our chemists have struggled
with this problem for quite some
time and for the life of them all
they can get is dirty water."
The wagonloads of snow that the.
B. and G. Boys collect from the I
campus is carted to the Huron
river and there mixed with the al-
ready swolen waters.

Delicious Salads and Sandwiches
Serving Sunday 5 to 10 P.M.
1 01 2 South University



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