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January 16, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-16

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Published every morning except Monday n
during the University year by the Board ina
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
A tsoriation.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news 1
dispatches credited to it or not otherwisef
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.t
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-t
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,Q
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.t
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. Y
Telephone 49251
Editor......... ....Nelson J. Smith
City Editor............ ...Stewart Hooker
News Editor------------Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor.............. W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.............. Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor.............George Stauter
Music and Drama............... R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar
Night Editors

oseph E. Howell
onald 1. Kline
Lawrence R. Klein

Charles S. Monroe
Pierce Rosenberg
George E. Simons
C. Tilley

Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexander Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwith IHenry Merry
Louise Behyner Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A.eRussell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank F. Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Dominic Robert L. Sloss
MargaretFeckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson
Robert j. Feldmian Jane Thayer
Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes ' Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advrtiing....... .. ...... Alex K. Scherer
Advertising.............. .A. James Jordan
Advertising................Carl W. Hammer
Service..................lerbert E. Varnum
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts...............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications............. .. Ray M. Hofelich

solved, the Secretary Kellogg c
should permit Briand to add his 1
name to the peace pact. These are i
all too-often uninteresting, even to r
the debaters and the coaches.
The women have chosen a sub- t
ject that should appeal especially t
to the Michigan campus, on which t
fraternities are notably strong. It I t
Is a subject that has appeared i
more than once in real life; for s
instance, in the announcement ofc
the liquor investigation last Fallf
when rumors were rife that cer-r
tain administration officials hadc
threatened the life of local frater- f
nities if they failed to support the
investigation. At other times,1
fraternity abolition has popped outY
in unexpected quarters, and the
entire subject has probably been
as well discussed as any other in
student sessions.
For obvious reasons, the Michi-1
gan team will take the negative, at1
home. The debate may not be as
well debated as those of the men,
and the audience may have far
better arguments than those ad-
vanced on both sides, but the wom-
en must be congratulated for hav-
ing chosen a live subject. Debating'
might receive far more popular
support on campus, were more in-
teresting subjects to be chosen. The
University has an unrivalled staff
of coaches and fine material for
teams; the lack of interest seems
to come from the subject matter.
The Bill of Rights of the United
States constitution recognizes the
freedom of speech. This right has
long been recognized as one of the
basic principles of American liber-
ty, and hitherto, has not been
seriously challenged. However, the
recent case of the New York State
Censorship board's attempt to de-
lete the talkie version of a motion
picture, after passing the silent I
version, has brought forward the
most serious challenge of the right
of free speech that has come before
the courts almost since the Fathers
added the Bill of Rights to the
The board has the right to cen-
sor the silent version of motion I
pictures, since that is permitted by
statute. But for it to attempt to
censor talkies seem to violate an
inherent right recognized by the
Constitution far more than has
been attempted in many years.
The talkies are but mechanical
speech, and the speeches of human
beings and citizens transmitted by
a sound device. In securing an in-
junction against the censorship,[
the producers have recognized the
right to eliminate obscene and ob-
jectional material, but for the
board to go beyond this, seems to
smell of Bureaucracy. The Bill of
Rights guarantees the right of free
speech: that is apparent at a mo-
mentary glance. How the statutary
board can go beyond its authority
and abridge a constitutional right,
is beyond the realm of logical
thinking. It would appear that in
this case, the Board can do nothing
but retire gracefully and allow the
talkies to proceed. Complete cen-
sorship of the talkies cannot fail
to bring about domination by rabid
fanatics, governed by ill-reasoning.
The talkies would not succeed if
they violated the bounds of com-
mon decency, for the public would
prevent them from so doing. Here
is an excellent chance for the blue
law tendency, which has given the
nation many unwanted things, to
receive a black eye and a definite
stop in its ironing process.

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
J ack orwich
Dix Humphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard ILarson
Hollister Mabley
1 .A.Newman
lack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

ome a part of the great body of o
aws governing the people of the
United States. As such, it must be
Surely it has not come to pass.
hat the action of a vital part of
he state government, while doing
that which in their opinion was
he proper execution of their duty g
n upholding the laws which they,
swear to uphold when they take t
office, must be scored for a decision p
for which there was no fair alter- :
native. Even with all the talk of'v
crime waves, it cannot be that
fairly upholding a constitutional i
law has become sufficient for de- 1
priving a commonwealth of its v
rights as a state. .
Bombarded by questions fromt
hosts of friends asking why he hasc
turned professional, giving up hisr
amateur standing in' order to play'
professional hockey, George Owen,_
one of Harvard's greatest all- c
round athletes, admits that thereI
is a financial consideration but de-
clares that he loves hockey. Most
important of all, however, Owen
has taken a definite and interest-
ing stand on the question of pro-
"Why this talk about profession-
alism, as if it were something to be1
looked down upon?" he asks.
"Isn't the line between amateur
and professional sport often a
pretty thin one-a line so finely
drawn that it is mighty hard to dis-
tinguish? It seems to me that the]
real test of amateurism is that of,
vocation, as against avocation. If
a man makes tennis, or any other]
sport his vocation, he comes pretty
close to professionalism."
In labelling much of amateur
sport .a "regular farce" and de-
claring that there is too much "of
making a business of it," Owen
places professionalism in a not un-
tenable light. For years past there
has been afnoticeably evident
movement afoot seeking to place,
an undesirable stigma upon the
word "professionalism" and to label
all men participating in athletic
contests for money as professionals.
While it is generally true that
amateur games in past years have
maintained a finer spirit of team
play and sportsmanship than have
similar contests by professionals,
today the only line between ama-
teur and professional teams is
ability. The best basketball, the
best baseball, and the best hockey
are played by professionals. Ten-
nis has been split in recent years
over the question of professional-
ism, and the number of amateur
golfers whose play is superior to
that of the golf professionals is in-
deed small.'
The time for a general readjust-
ment of values in the matter of
professionalism seems near at
hand. That college football and
amateur tennis are still outstand-
ing fields in their sports serves but
as an illustration of the point.
Members of college football teams
require as much practice and are
as carefully prepared as are pro-
fessional baseball players. Tennis
stars in order to retain their posi-
tion in the national rankings must
devote from six to eight months of
revery year to tournament play.
Such examples serve only to
show that Owen has analyzed the
situation accurately and that the
stigma about the "professional" is
after all more fancied than real.
Participation in professional ath-
letics is by no means a disgrace.
The only question is one of honor.
Professionalism posing as ama-
teurism cannot be justified, but
professionalism for its own stake
cannot reasonably be denounced.
'- a

The Supreme court of the United
States has ruled that all but a very
small diversion of water from Lake
Michigan is illegal and that such
must stop at once. This decision
will prevent the Chicago sanitary
district from using Great Lakes
water for sewage disposal purposes
in the drainage canal.
The decision is based on the right
of Congress to divert water for
navigation purposes, and the re-
sultant right to prevent Chicago
and the State of Illinois from dam-
aging navigable waters. This, then,
means that Chicago must soon
build a suitable disposal plant, the
Court having ruled that diversion
is to continue no longer than is ab-
solutely necessary.
The move has an important bear-
ing in Illinois politics, but is im-
portant mainly because it opens the
way for the contemplated St.
Lawrence waterways project. Can-
ada has repeatedly refused to join
this country in the project for the
season that its protests on the di-


i a

Music And Drama



"Overtones," by Alice Gerte -
erg, "The Dreamy Kid," by Eu-
;ene O'Neill, and "The Flatterimg S
Nord," by George Kelly, will be | h
;he three one act plays which Play MUSIC HOUSE
roduction will give on Thursday 10 S.Main St.
Lnd Saturday evenings of this.
week. i
The first play, "Overtones" is anI-
nteresting experiment in the ex-
pression of the thoughts of two RAMONA
women in contrast to what theyf
ay to each other. The additionaut
igure which stands behind each a p
wf the women, and speaks their Mrs. E. I1. Keeler, Facial Spe-
rue thoughts and feeling, gives cialist of New Fork, will be here
,he play a starkness and element next Thursday, Friday and Sat-
if the primal character which urday and will give to every lady
nakes the tense dramatic situa- a Facial free with a Marcel or
ion very powerful. Finger Wave and Shampoo-$1.
Eugene O'Neill's play deals with
colored characters. It is one of Make your appointments early.
his earlier works. The plot con- Phone 21478 625 E. Liberty
cerns itself with the murder of a
white man, and the negro mur-
derer's desire to see his grand- 'IiIIlIIIIIlilIii#111IIImlIIIIItIIt1I1lI11llIII'
mother. His attempt to do this,
and what ensues, makes the play D -N CI 1
:me of the better of O'Neill's short a
compositions. at the
The final one act play on the A
program is a farce in which the rlory
'flattering word" is simply to tell Every
a person he can act. The formula s-_
always obtains the desired re- W dnsay an
This group of plays makes a1 Saturday Nites
happy combination. The more
serious nature of the first two, is
offset by the last, to make the ~r Pl
program well rounded and enter- ark an
taiing. The plays themselves are
excellent for Play Production's
purpose,landing themselves to va- Everybody
rious experimentation as theyvdo. EWelcome
Too much credit cannot be given -
Mr. Valentine Windt for his work illilIIlIIIIIIIIIltIllillIlli111IIIIiii111 '
thus far in his productions, and!
for the wise foresight he has
shown in the selection of the vari-
Owing to the shortness of the Stocks
program, the time has been set
at 8:30 o'clock for the curtain. Private wires to all
*. L. A. Markets

Strings .. Supplies
. .Repairs . *
for all Musical Instruments




- -------------------------------
f Narrow Hips, Bustle Drapes, Cape Lines
important for the social event of the year,
A very charming evening
frock is this white taffeta
in bouffant style with skirt
of tulle. A bow and long
_ hanging ends being posed
at the back to give a slight
bustle effect. A short
c front embroidered in flesh
and green flower motif,
making this an outstand-
inig gown.,-
Others in figured taffeta,
satins, georgette and lace.
$14.75 to $69
Everything for the J-Hop
Cocktail Jackets and Sequins
Evening Wraps of metal cloth and velvet,
Reversible design, at $89.75.
Others of velvet with chinchilla fur trimming.
Evening Wear-Second Floor



Service Fellowships
Retailing is an attractive field for college graduates.
Experience in department stores is linked with instruction.
Master of Science in Retailing degree granted upon comple-
tion of one year of graduate work.
Illustrated booklet on request. For further information write
Dr. Norris A. Brisco, Dean, New York University School of Retail-
ing, Washington Square East, New York City.

This afternoon at 4:15 o'clock,
in Hill Auditorium, Mr.a Clarence
Dickinson, America's foremost'
transcriber of European melodies
for use on the organ, and also one
of our well known composers in
his own right, will give an organ
recital which promises to be one
of the musical treats of the sea-
Mr. Dickinson is probably best!
known for his adaptations of
t VrU'ifl ld r l diU c Vwhirr I


Conservative margin accounts
Telephone 22541
Brown-Cress & Co.,
Investment Securities
7th Floor First Nat'l
Bank Bldg.


Each year when Sigma Delta Chi
issues invitations to its Gridiron
Banquet, the more sensitive and
more dignified members of the
faculty hunt up their scrapbaskets.
Thus is one of the chief functions
of the Grid Banquet defeated.
True, the banquet probably had
its original conception as a glori-
fied stag dinner, but it has since
gathered about itself an odor of
respectability. Those faculty men
who attend no longer sneak up
back alleys like students driving
illegal cars. The banquet has
gained the sanction of popular ap-
proval and can offer its guests,
chained for the better part of the
year by the burdens of professiorial
prestige, a chance to sharpen their
wits without shame before an ap-

preciative audience of students.

The little tin gods and the big
tin gods of education come down DROPPED!
from their learned pedestals to the The Chicago Tribune made a
intellectual level of their pupils. clever suggestion the other day
Faculty and students laugh genu- when an editorial intimated that
inely together, and sense a com- there would be little if any obj ec-
munity of spirit less artificial than tion offered to a move to drop
that inspired by a mere common Michigan out of the Union. This
search for knowledge. Unques- outburst was evidently caused by
tionably this opens the way to a the decision of the State Supreme
closer.bcontact between faculty and court of Michigan which upheld1
students-always to be desired and the "fourth offense" law in connec-
cherished. tion with the possession of liquor.
But some faculty men, teaching, The possession of liquor has been
lecturing, and quizzing year in and designated a felony by a statute of
year out, seem to turn into slot- the state of Michigan, and the
machines dispensing erudition. It "habitual criminal" act under
is these robots, following a rut, which several persons have been
whose hidden humanity could be convicted to serve the remaining
discovered by the Grid banquet- years of their lives in penitentiary
the warmth of whose characters for the possession of liquor is not
could be applied to building stu- related to the first of the two acts
dent character in addition to fill- any more closely than any other
ing student craniums with facts. two statutes of the commonwealth.
It should, therefore, be remem-
bered by those who choose to- com-
THE WOMEN HAVE THE FLOOR ment on the subject, that a change
In practically the only inter- in the status of the offense of pos-
collegiate competition in which session of liquor would eliminate
Michigan women may engage, the the conditions.
women's debating teams of Indiana There are many people in the
and the local universities will meet state of Michigan who are as much
tonight in Hill auditorium, to dissatisfied with the combined re-i
thrash out the proposition: Re- sults of these two laws as are the
solved, that social fraternities and members of the Tribune editorial
sororities should be abolished at staff. In fact, prohibition, as such,
state universities. has never been unanimously
Not only for the reason that agreed upon by the people of the
women's debates often become State of Michigan or of any other
more informal than men's, but also state as a sure cure for the alleged
for the reason that the subject is evils existing as a result of moral
one of especial interest to the Mich- laxity. Prohibition is popular in
igan campus, the argumentation Michigan only with the same gen-
tonight should prove interesting. eral classes of people as those who
The women are to be congratulated support it throughout the country.
unon choosing a subject which is Nevertheless, a law which brings I

I Deauai MC meo aes will 1c -
might otherwise have been lost. J!?2IUV12IlUP
He has arranged them for use in 111111 111111111110f Iihfll
church, in connection with his -
work as music director of t he
Brick Presbyterian church, Neew -
As a composer of anthemns, and
works for the organ, Mr. Dickin-
son has also achieved prominence
This afternoon, he will be heard I =
playing two of his works. The first,
from his Storm King Symphony, ra
"Allegro Maestoso," is a descriptiveyh o rma
symphony for which the composer
gained the inspiration by the moodsW
of the mountain which stands
above the Hudson River. The al- -
legro movement which he will play
I reflects the aspects of the heights.
The other number from his own Demands
works is "Memories."
His program this afternoon '
covers a large range of musical (Correctness
literature. Among the numbers is
the magnificent "Evocation in the
Sistine Chapel" by Lizet, in which
is told through music, the story of
Mozart's writing down by memory
the famous "Miserere" which was
so jealously guarded by the Catho
lic church.
Bach is represented by his "Cath-
edral Prelude the Fugue," and It is a decided pleasure to experience the feeling of -
"Anna Magdalena's March," which ein correCtly dressed Smart
Bach wrote for his wife. ben orety rse on every occasion. -mrtI
With the exception of Mr. Dick- tailoring is the first requisite, yet laundering is of vital
ion'y own comosintiothi r import. Comfort and ease can only be obtained with
from MacDowell, his charming °-shirts and collars which are spotlessly clean and fault-
number, "The Humming Bird." p
Other selections on the programeSsly ironed. The painstakig methods which are so
are: "Chorale" Andriossen; "Giles characteristic of Varsity Service insure the superiority -
Farnaby's Dream" Giles Farnaby; -
"Rondo, from concerto for Flute ,of laundry work.
Stops," Rinck; "The Ox Cart
1 Moussorgsky; "Old Dutch Lullaby" w
from a traditional Dutch song;
and "Norwegian Rhapsody," Sind- w le
*xng- Phone 42019
i n
The recent contest in play writ-
ing has a greater significance, and
larger possibilities than students in
general have realized. The oppor- ,-
tunity for students to see their - -
plays produced, and to work out
their own ideas about them with
the director and the cast is cer-
tainly an unusual one, while on the
other hand, the chance for stu-
dents to see student plays posses
sing freshness and excellent pro1
duction will undoubtably arouse UN Y CO
in time, a new interest in drama. ..
The chance to create, rather
than imitate, should prove an in-
spiration to students, and even to
those not actively engaged in j. Corner Liberty andFifth


went unanswered.


court decision has cleared this last
barrier, for Canada may now be
assured that the reason for the ob-
jection is removed.
Michigan officialdom and mostI
of the people of the state will hail
the opinion of the Supreme court.
For too long, Chicago and Illinois
have been iniuring Great Lakes


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